GA4 - filter internal traffic - issue - google-analytics

I am the owner and admin of a ga4 property.
My goal is to exclude internal traffic from one or more IP addresses from reporting.
Into settings -> Stream I defined the internal traffic with internal value by inserting IP address.
After that in settings -> data settings -> data filter, I created a filter with value internal_traffic with parameter exclude. The problem is that it only works in test mode and not in active mode.
If I try to activate it, a small square appears in the center of the screen and it doesn't give me a chance to activate it. Do you have any idea how to fix it? Thanks

I was having this same issue and I found a workaround. Simply click on the arrow next to the filter to take you into the filter settings and click the activate from the list of radio buttons at the bottom of the screen. I tested my implementation and it is working as designed. I hope this helps


Cannot get ApplePay to work on Woocommerce and Square

I'm building a site for a client using WordPress and Woocommerce. They use Square are their payment provider. They want to offer Apple Pay. They tell me they have set up Apple Pay on their Square account (I don't have access to it). I have installed the Square for Woocommerce plugin successfully and it is working on everything but ApplePay. GooglePay comes up and can be used, but ApplePay remains unavailable (the button is in there, but set with display:none and when this CSS is changed to show the button it can be seen but the button still does nothing).
I read that ApplePay will only work on Safari on desktop, and I'm testing with Safari. It still does not work.
On the admin side of WordPress, an alert is shown at the top of the screen that says "Apple Pay is not available with Square - there was a problem with registering your store domain with Square/Apple Pay". It then tells me to look at the log files.
I read that some sort of verification file is required, but the client tells me there is nothing on their Square account to indicate that. They select a button apparently, and no files, merchant ID or anything else is mentioned anywhere.
The log files do not mention ApplyPay at all.
Can anyone please advise a next step? I'm at a loss.

Listeners return different results on different browsers even after clearing cache/cookies

I believe Google Tag Manager is fairly new and nothing much is going on yet. I went all around Google looking for a solution, but simply gave up after trying all possible solutions. I'm using a Wordpress blog platform, and have integrated Universal Analytics and Google Tag Manager. The settings for my listeners are as follows:
====Link Click Listener====
====Outbound Link Click Tagger====
====Outbound Link Rule====
I used console to test the dataLayer, and it retrieves gtm.load, gtm.js and gtm.dom, but regardless of whatever I click, I see on my Google Analytics that the events are undefined even though I provided the necessary parameter to name them. However, when I tried to do it on a different browser, it works, but not completely (instead of outbound link, it will record it under click), or the outbound works for a completely random client on the Internet, returning the tag "outbound-link" but with an undefined action.
Any ideas?
UPDATE I just noticed that there is a difference between a left-mouse-button click and a middle-mouse-button click. The middle one is not measured, whereas the left-mouse-button click is.
For starters there is an error in your rule. You want "{{element url}} does not contain" instead of just {{url}} (which would mean that the tag should not fire on your domain at all).

Prompt to approve use of computer location using Google Maps auto complete

I'm creating a registration form and using google maps API v3 to auto complete the address fields.
I've used this code
I'd like to prevent the "[the site's url] wants to use your computer's location..." browser prompt from appearing since i have no need for it. (the user will input their address which will be auto completed)
Is it possible to use location auto complete without trying to retrieve the computer's location?
If so, should I make changes to the geolocate() function mentioned in the code and if so how?
Delete the geolocate function if you have no need for it, and remove the onFocus="geolocate()" from the input box. Instead you really need to amend the fillInAddress function. Presumably you'd want to add an event listener for when the value in the first text box gets updated. You'd then need to use the Places service to look up addresses based on the users's input as they type (or perhaps you could just do it after they've clicked a submit button).
More like the other example in fact, at:

No data showing on Google Analytics due to Profile/Filter Configuration

I'm using the Google Analytics Flex API to record data from a Flex application.
As I understand it, Google Analytics has a 3-tier hierarchy: An Account can contain one or more Properties, each of which can contain one or more Profiles. A UA code is associated with a Property, and Filters can be used to record specific traffic to a specific Profile.
The application lives on 5 different server environments (development, staging, live, etc) and we need to separate the data from the different environments.
Note that the server environments do not live within the same domain name. For example, staging is at, but the live version is at But I want them all to share the same UA code, so we are tracking them as 5 different Profiles.
So I have one Property with multiple Profiles. I set up a Filter for each Profile saying "Include only traffic form the domains that are equal to" and the particular hostname for that server environment.
The "Default URL" for the Property is set to the hostname of the default Profile, which is the live environment.
We set up that configuration yesterday, and today there is no data in any of our Profiles. We had data the day before (before doing the reconfiguration). I am confident that the tracking code in the client app is sending the hits to GA, since I can see them in Chrome debug mode, and the client app wasn't changed between the day before yesterday and yesterday. The only thing that changed was the configuration of the Property and the Profiles.
So obviously I'm missing something about Property and Profile configuration. Some specific questions:
Am I understanding Filters correctly? Is it somehow applying the Filter to the entire Property? It seemed like the Filters were at the Profile level.
Does the "Default URL" for the Property have an effect on which hits are recorded? What exactly is it used for?
Is there some restriction on how the Profiles within a Property can be affiliated? For example, do they have to belong to the same domain name? I thought not, but maybe I'm wrong?
Any other suggestions?
Obviously, I can experiment with the configuration and see what happens. But I have to wait until the next day to see the effects of each change. Thanks for helping.
Am I understanding Filters correctly? Is it somehow applying the
Filter to the entire Property? It seemed like the Filters were at the
Profile level.
Yes Filters are always applied at the profile level.
Does the "Default URL" for the Property have an effect on which hits
are recorded? What exactly is it used for?
The "Default URL" has no effect on data collection or filtering at all. It's only used to create links from the page reports back to your site. So when you see the top page being /index.html and you click the little link beside it it will take you to "Default URL"/index.html . So you might break that specific feature if the url doesn't exist on you domain. But for the sake of reporting it's completely fine to use a different url.
Is there some restriction on how the Profiles within a Property can be
affiliated? For example, do they have to belong to the same domain
name? I thought not, but maybe I'm wrong?
No, the Profiles inside a Web Property don't need to share the same domain name. It's perfectly fine to have multiple profiles filtered by hostname and it's completely fine and normal to have a global profile with data from multiple hostnames. In that last case the data may be a little off unless you implement Cross Domain Tracking.
Any other suggestions?
It seems that you have a very good understanding of how things work in GA. One thing that you might have missed and #jk commented about is that you should always have an unfiltered profile on you Web Property to avoid losing data due to bad filters.
Another thing to notice is that in the past I had problems with the predefined domain filters. It seems they were being aplied to the wrong field inside Google Analytics. I think they were being applied to the "Visitor ISP Organization". For that reason I never use predefined filters. So if you are using predefined filters you might consider changing them to Custom Include fields, select the "Hostname" metric and enter the domain you want to filter as a RegExp. I believe this bug should be fixed by now, but you never know, I just lost confidence in the predefined filters on that day.
If you acidentaly used 2 include filters in a profile that filter on the hostname but with different values chances are they are canceling each other. So you might want to go into each profile and check if they only contain one include filter each.
Include only trafic from
Include only trafic from
This will result in a profile with no data.
Another thing to notice is that filters don't apply to retroactive data. So if you apply a filter today to a profile it will only filter data from now on. Data that has already been processed will be elft untouched. There's no way to change data that has been added to a profile, nor to add retroactive data to a new profile.
Other than that you are probably good.

Bookmarks in Flex

Is not it possible to add a flex url to bookmarks. If not,Please let me know if any alternatives are there. Thank you.
There is a concept in Flex called deep linking.
You can read all about it in the docs.
You basically just need one class: the BrowserManager.
This class allows you to:
control the navigation history of your browser
set window titles for different states of your application
set specific URL's in your browser's URL bar for different states of your application
listen for changes in the browser's URL bar, so the state of the application can be changed accordingly
So you can have URL's like
which can tell your application to display the right information.
Why is there a pound sign in the URL?
That's because we don't want to reload the entire application when the user changes the URL. So we stay on one page with the same app loaded; the part behind the pound signs is information that is being sent to the Flex app, which can change it's state according to this information.
You could look at:
