I got an error when create telegram application - telegram

On my Telegram site, after filling in the fields, when I click on the submit button, I encounter this problem:
Does anyone know what the solution is?

You can't create new application with public vpns


Google Play Games Stops Working Properly after adding Firebase Unity

Before adding firebase plugin i used to get the email selection dialog for google play games authenticate and on success i could get the email by using
string email = ((PlayGamesLocalUser) Social.localUser).Email;
But after i have added firebase the dialog doesn't come although it goes in success block after authentication i can only get user id .
Using Play Games Plugin
I need to get user email and make the dialog to show also as before.
Any help ? Thanks
This might be caused because of some issue with conflicting plugins. You should try to resolve this by using Play Services Resolver for Unity - it is available under the Assets menu.

how to check if a user started a bot in telegram or not?

I'm developing a bot in telegram , here is my problem:
I have some posts in my channel which some inline_keyboards are attached to them. when a user press the button , next events happen in a bot and some messages show to a user. if user has been started the bot before , there is no problem , if not I have error. how should I check the user is member of my bot or not to handle this problem???
try to use sendMessage() API and send a message to user. After that telegram will response a status tell you whether success or not.
if started bot receive receive is ok,
if not started bot receive is nothing.
like that, good luck.
There is no way to check if bot can talk to user or not without send message.
You can use url with https://t.me/Bot?start=some_data format, and you will receive /start some_data, please try this link yourself.
The problem with this approach is that if a lot of users do the same, telegram starts to throttle your callbacks :( ... it would be so much easier if you could just read that information somewhere...

How to update an ASP.NET page? Like in a Forum or a Chat?

I have a created a Forum and I want the page to update if another user responds to a question, much like a chat page where it updates in real-time. How or what method should be done for the page to refresh (I used ListView for the replies and bind it using objectdatasource)?
ASP.NET SignalR libray could be you're looking for.
Check this link for more information and examples.
You need to use SignalR, it will help you to send messages from the backend to the browser when another user posted a message.
You should also use SignalR groups to group users by a forum topic in order to send to those users that exist in a specific group
Read more about SignalR here

How Stackoverflow jump to the exact location of the comment or reply?

I am developing a forum site for my company's internal use.
I am developing it using asp.net.
So when a user started a thread other users can reply to it. So then I show a notification on the top to thread owner by using signalR.
So in Stackoverflow when I click on a notification if it is a reply then SO directly go to that thread. ( This is doable. I am generating hyperlinks in the notification messages and its already working. ) But how then SO jump to the exact location of the comment or a reply and then highlight it? If there are pagination in the page how this is possible?
You can assign "#" to threads/posts and add them into the link. eg: reply #1200 at thread "HELP" the link will be yourdomain.com/forum/Help#1200.

Facebook Development asp.net

I have a problem that I need to send a message to some of my friends on facebook and it is wasting time to send message individually to each one
also I want to be able to send a post that including Image and text to some facebook groups for marketing purpose to my facebook page
So I think that I can find a program that can help me do that or even some code example that can do that, or may be I will need to make my own program, but I never deal with facebook platform before
so please if any one can help I will be thankful
Thanks in Advance
This is straightforward with Windows PowerShell and http://facebookpsmodule.codeplex.com. For example
Get-Friends | Show-FBMessageDialog -Link http://www.example.com
displays a dialog to send a message to all your friends (or you can add a filter to the command). I have used this to send a message to over a thousand people. This is not completely automated (Facebook API restriction), it will show one dialog for each 50 recipients.
