flyway version number change issue - flyway

We have an application we inherited thats on version 500+, we are not sure why its such a high version, but so be it. We have been using Flyway for a few years on it now, and have multiple releases. Sample would be it started as 500.10.4, and we are now on 500.10.20, so 16 releases containing various flyway scripts on a lot of them, but not all.
Anyway, its been determined that for simplification we are to re-version the application to 6.0.0 in the next release. Is there an easy way to let flyway know of this change, so that if we stand up another instance when it runs through the scripts it would run the 500's first, then go back to the 6's?
Currently our flyway script files are named as such:
V500.10.20_2022.05.12.0000.1__xxxx.sql and so on. So in theory our next would be
I know that flyway would see version 6 as lower than 500 and ignore it. We currently have flyway out of order set to false. Is there any other options to solve this other then to set out-of-order processing to true?

In our situation we do not have any flyway scripts pre version 500. So what we are going to attempt to do is have a manual script run that will update all the data in our xxx_db_version table to be version 5.00.xxxx instead of 500.xxxx. This way when we move to 6.0, all of the scripts would be seen as next in the sequence appropriately. While the versions in this table will then not match previous actual versions of the application this table is not used for the purposes of the actual displayed version of the system or anything, and once we move to version 6, the 500 vs 5 won't really matter. and the order/sequence will still be maintained.
If this does not work, I will post a follow up.


When/how to update Firebase web SDK version number?

When you initialize Firebase hosting, it includes a comment in the header of the index.html file that is generated:
<!-- update the version number as needed -->
<script defer src="/__/firebase/7.5.2/firebase-app.js"></script>
My question has to do with "as needed;" I looked at the docs, and didn't see an explanation.
Probably this means it is supposed to be obvious -- but when you're a beginner, most things aren't!
So, to make my question more concrete:
When might updating the version make a Firebase web app break?
Relatedly, if an app is working, and one does not update for a long
time (many versions/years), does the app remain functioning? Or will it break if not kept current?
Does "as needed" imply "as needed [for access to new features]"?
Finally, is it implied that these changes should be implemented
manually -- by regularly looking up what the latest Firebase version
is, and typing a new version number in index.html -- or is there some
kind of automatic "stay current" workflow/tooling/convention that is
I realize that there are a number of sub-questions above, but they are all intended to be clarifications of "update as needed," so I think they belong in the same place.
I hope any answers will help other beginners understand the larger issue of when it is appropriate to update the services an app depends upon! Thanks.
Firebase follows what is known as semantic versioning (SemVer) rules.
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
That means that the API is guaranteed to stay compatible within minor version (7.x) in your case, but breaking changes may be made in major version (8.0). This means that minor versions (7.x) are used to fix problems, and sometimes add minor features that don't break existing behavior.
With that knowledge, let's see if we can answer your questions:
When might updating the version make a Firebase web app break?
Updating within the same major version (7.x, e.g. 7.5.2 -> 7.5.3, or 7.5.2 -> 7.6.0) should not break your app. There are some exceptions, such as when your code depends on buggy behavior that was fixed, or when there is a mistake in the release. The latter will typically be fixed by the Firebase team as soon as possible, while you'll typically want to roll back to the previous version and update your code in the former case.
Relatedly, if an app is working, and one does not update for a long time (many versions/years), does the app remain functioning? Or will it break if not kept current?
Once a version is published, it remains unmodified. So your app will stay working the way it did when you made it.
Does "as needed" imply "as needed [for access to new features]"?
Two main reasons for upgrading:
To get access to new features.
This is the most obvious reason to upgrade, as it allows you to add new functionality from Firebase to your app. Most often this
To get access to bug fixes.
Bugs may be discovered in the library version you use, and some of those bugs may be security holes. In that case, not updating to a more recent version means that you'll have a known security vulnerability in your app. Key to realize here is the known part: most hackers search for apps with known vulnerabilities, instead of trying to find new vulnerabilities.
Finally, is it implied that these changes should be implemented manually -- by regularly looking up what the latest Firebase version is, and typing a new version number in index.html -- or is there some kind of automatic "stay current" workflow/tooling/convention that is implied?
If you use a tool to build/pack your website, that typically has a way to automatically pull in new versions.
Many developers configure such a tool to automatically pull in new patches (7.5.x) upon every build, while some even pull in new minor release (7.x.x). But there's also a school of thought that prefers to hard-code the exact version number and only upgrade manually by regularly checking.
Either way, it's required to make a new build to upgrade, even in this case. That's a Good Thing™️, as the last thing you want is that your app breaks in production when Firebase accidentally releases a new version with a bug (a rare occurrence, but it has happened). By only including a new version in your build process, you reduce this risk, especially if you run automated tests of your app's functionality as part of the build.
There's no right or wrong answer here, as either can work just fine. It's really up to your own preference.

How to handle merging of branches that are not in a sequence in combination with Flyway

I just encountered the following situtation:
The test-server is currently running Flyway, with version 1 (V1). The test-server is automatically updated (including Flyway scripts) whenever anything is pushed on the develop branch.
A developer decides to start working on a new feature on branch feature/123. This developer creates a database script (Flyway compatible) called V2__cool_feature.sql. In the meantime, another developer also starts working on a feature branch called feature/456. This developer is also in need of an update script, and names it V3__another_cool_feature.sql, because the developer knows that V2 is already used on another branch. This feature/456 branch is finished and is merged, and so the current scripts on the develop branch are V1 & V3. This works well and the V3 script is executed, leaving Flyway its schema_version on version 3.
The other feature branch feature/123 is also merged, which means that the develop branch contains the scripts V1, V2 & V3.
Now this is were I'm having trouble with Flyway:
The build, including Flyway, is executed and it leaves the following message:
[INFO] Database: jdbc:mysql:// (MySQL 5.5)
[INFO] Successfully validated 2 migrations (execution time 00:00.019s)
[INFO] Current version of schema `my_schema`: 3
[INFO] Schema `my_schema` is up to date. No migration necessary.
What I want to happen is that the V2 script is executed, and I'm not sure how to do so.
I hope I explained my problem well, if not, please leave a comment.
Ugh, I'm not a smart guy. Putting a bit more effort into my Googling skills lands me upon the Flyway documentation, describing exactly my problem:
Allows migrations to be run "out of order".
If you already have versions 1 and 3 applied, and now a version 2 is found, it will be applied too instead of being ignored. (Even the same versioning as in my question is used >.< )

How switch R architectures dynamically in RStudio

In RStudio there's a Tools menu which allows you to select an installed version/architecture of R under Global Options.
That's great, but my issue with that is that, as the name implies, it is a Global option, so once you select a different architecture (or version number) you then have to restart RStudio and it applies to all of your RStudio instances and projects.
This is a problem for me because:
I have some scripts within a given project that strictly require 32-bit R due to the fact that they're interfacing with 32-bit databases, such as Hortonworks' Hadoop
I have other scripts within the same project which strictly require 64-bit R, due to (a) availability of certain packages and (b) memory limits being prohibitively small in 32-bit R on my OS
which we can call "Issue #1" and it's also a problem because I have certain projects which require a specific architecture, though all the scripts within the project use the same architecture (which should theoretically be an easier to solve problem that we can call "Issue #2").
If we can solve Issue #1 then Issue #2 is solved as well. If we can solve Issue #2 I'll still be better off, even if Issue #1 is unsolved.
I'm basically asking if anyone has a hack, work-around, or better workflow to address this need for frequently switching architectures and/or needing to run different architectures in different R/RStudio sessions simultaneously for different projects on a regular basis.
I know that this functionality would probably represent a feature request for RStudio and if this question is not appropriate for StackOverflow for that reason then let me know and I'll delete it. I just figured that a lot of other people probably have this issue, so maybe someone has found a work-around/hack?
There's no simple way to do this, but there are some workarounds. One you might consider is launching the correct bit-flavor of R from the current bit-flavor of R via system2 invoking Rscript.exe, e.g. (untested code):
source32 <- function(file) {
system2("C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-3.1.0\\bin\\i386\\Rscript.exe", normalizePath(file))
# Run a 64 bit script
# Run a 32 bit script
Of course that doesn't really give you a 32 bit interactive session so much as the ability to run code as 32 bit.
One other tip: If you hold down CTRL while launching RStudio, you can pick the R flavor and bitness to launch on startup. This will save you some time if you're switching a lot.

Flyway-1.7: workaround for dealing with branching? (Flyway issue 138)

Flyway is a very nice tool to automate database updates (also called migrations). However, as of version 1.7 it relies on a completely linear sequence of migrations. This assumption is immediately void if you have a production system for which you have to deliver fixes while you are already developing new stuff. The FAQ argues correctly that this is a non-issue for the production system itself, but if you have development and/or QA-systems that already on the development branch, you need to run migrations from the fixes for the production version out of band.
A solution that would allow this is pending with Issue 138, but is not done yet. Since this is pretty much a deadly problem: are there any clever workarounds if I want to use it right now?
The approach I recommend (and which becomes almost essential in a Continuous Delivery/deployment) environment is using Feature Toggles and release from HEAD, instead of using Feature or Release branches. This is then combined with backward compatible migrations to complete alleviate this problem.
If for some reason that isn't an option for you, you don't have to wait very much longer.
Flyway 1.8 (which will include the fix for 138) will be out soon.
The problem is obsolete since Flyway version 2.0: if you set the outOfOrder flag then flyway will also execute migrations with earlier version numbers that have not been applied yet. You need however to make sure that such out of band migrations can be applied in any order to the later migrations, or you will run into serious trouble.
With Flyway-1.7 you could make the following workaround. If you have a development and a production branch, you could have separate instances of flyway including separate metadata tables (say, SCHEMA_HISTORY and SCHEMA_HISTORY_DEV) for the production and the development branch. On the production server there is only the SCHEMA_HISTORY and you work as usual; for the development server you have both, and each time you run flyway you first run it on the production branch sqls with the SCHEMA_HISTORY and then on the development branch sqls with the SCHEMA_HISTORY_DEV.
When you switch branches you have to merge the SCHEMA_HISTORY_DEV into SCHEMA_HISTORY. (You need to exclude the initial revision and reset the CURRENT_VERSION on SCHEMA_HISTORY.) And when flyway-1.8 comes out, you do this merge and throw SCHEMA_HISTORY_DEV away.

What artifacts to save for a nightly build?

Assume that I set up an automatic nightly build. What artifacts of the build should I save?
For example:
Input source code
output binaries
Also, how long should I save them, and where?
Do your answers change if I do Continuous Integration?
You shouldn't save anything for the sake of saving it. you should save it because you need it (i.e., QA uses nightly builds to test). At which point, "how long to save it" becomes however long QA wants them.
i wouldn't "save" source code so much as tag/label it. I don't know what source control you're using, but tagging is trivial (performance & disk space) for any quality source control system. Once your build is tagged, unless you need binaries, there really isn't any benefit to just having them around because you can simply re-compile when necessary from source.
Most CI tools let you tag on each successful build. This can become problematic for some systems as you can easily have 100+ tags a day. For such cases I recommend still running a nightly build and only tagging that.
Here are some artifacts/information that I'm used to keep at each build:
The tag name of the snapshot you are building (tag and do a clean checkout before you build)
The build scripts themselfs or their version number (if you treat them as a separate project with its own version control)
The output of the build script: logs and final product
A snapshot of your environment:
compiler version
build tool version
libraries and dll/libs versions
database version (client & server)
ide version
script interpreter version
OS version
source control version (client and server)
versions of other tools used in the process and everything else that might influence the content of your build products. I usually do this with a script that queries all this information and logs it to a text file that should be stored with the other build artifacts.
Ask yourself this question: "if something destroys entirely my build/development environment what information would I need to create a new one so I can redo my build #6547 and end up with the exact same result I got the first time?"
Your answer is what you should keep at each build and it will be a subset or superset of the things I already mentioned.
You can store everything in your SCM (I'd recommend a separate repository), but in this case your question on how long you should keep the items looses sense. Or you should store it to zipped folders or burn a cd/dvd with the build result and artifacts. Whatever you choose, have a backup copy.
You should store them as long as you might need them. How long, will depend on your development team pace and your release cycle.
And no, I don't think it changes if you do continous integration.
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but don't forget to version control the nightly build setup itself. When the project structure changes, you may have to change the build process, which will break older builds from that point on.
In addition to the binaries as everyone else has mentioned I would recomend setting up a symbol server and a source server and making sure you get the correct information out and into those. It will aid in debugging tremendously.
We save the binaries, stripped and unstripped (so we have the exactly same binary, once with and once without debug symbols). Further we build everything twice, once with debug output enabled and once without (again, stripped and unstripped, so every build result in 4 binaries). The build is stored to a directory according to SVN revision number. That way we can always retain the source from the SVN repository by simply checking out this very revision (that way the source is archived as well).
A surprising one I learned about recently: If you're in an environment that might be audited you'll want to save all the output of your build, the script output, the compiler output, etc.
That's the only way you can verify your compiler settings, build steps, etc.
Also, how long to save them for, and where to save them?
Save them until you know that build won't be going to production, iow as long as you have the compiled bits around.
One logical place to save them is your SCM system. Another option is to use a tool that will automatically save them for you, like AnthillPro and its ilk.
We're doing something close to "embedded" development here, and I can tell you what we save:
the SVN revision number and timestamp, as well as the machine it was built on and by whom (also burned into the build binaries)
a full build log, showing whether it was a full/incremental build, any interesting (STDERR) output the data baking tools produced, a list of files compiled and any compiler warnings (this compresses very well, being text)
the actual binaries (for anywhere from 1-8 build configurations)
files produced as a side effect of linking: a linker command file, address map, and a sort of "manifest" file indicating what was burned into the final binaries (CRC and size for each), as well as the debugging database (.pdb equivalent)
We also mail out the result of running some tools over the "side-effect" files to interested users. We don't actually archive these since we can reproduce them later, but these reports include:
total and delta of filesystem size, broken down by file type and/or directory
total and delta of code section sizes (.text, .data, .rodata, .bss, .sinit, etc)
When we have unit tests or functional tests (e.g. smoke tests) running, those results show up in the build log.
We've not thrown out anything yet -- given, our target builds usually end up at ~16 or 32 MiB per configuration, and they're fairly compressible.
We do keep uncompressed copies of the binaries around for 1 week for ease of access; after that we keep only the lightly compressed version. About once a month we have a script that extracts each .zip that the build process produces and 7-zips a whole month of build outputs together (which takes advantage of only having small differences per build).
An average day might have a dozen or two builds per project... The buildserver wakes up about every 5 minutes to check for relevant differences and builds. A full .7z on a large very active project for one month might be 7-10GiB, but it's certainly affordable.
For the most part, we've been able to diagnose everything this way. Occasionally there's a hiccup on the buildsystem and a file isn't actually a the revision it's supposed to be when a build happens, but there's usually enough evidence of this in the logs. Sometimes we have to dig out a tool that understands the debugging database format and feed it a few addresses to diagnose a crash (we have automatic stackdumps built into the product). But usually all the information needed is there.
We haven't had to crack the .7z archives yet, to mention. But we have the info there, and I have some interesting ideas on how to mine bits of useful data from it.
Save what can't be reproduced easily. I work on FPGAs where only the FPGA team have the tools and some cores (libraries) of the design are licensed to compile on only one machine. So we save the output bitstreams. But try to check them over one another rather than with a date/time/version stamp.
Save as in check in to source code control or just on disk? Save nothing to source code control. All derived files should be visible in the file system and available to developers. Don't checkin binaries, code generated from XML files, message digests etc. A separate packaging step will make these end products available. As you have the change number you can always reproduce the build if necessary assuming of course everything you need to do a build is completely in the tree and is available to all builds by syncing.
I would save your built binaries for exactly as long as they have a chance to go into production or be used by some other team (like a QA group). Once something has left production, what you do with it can vary a lot. For a lot of teams, they'll keep just their most recent prior build around (for rollback) and otherwise discard their builds.
Others have regulatory requirements to keep anything that went into production around for as long as seven years (banks). If you are a product company, I'd keep around any binary a customer might have installed in case a tech support guy wants to install the same version.
