Biztalk 2013r2 - Checking for multiple return schemas - biztalk

I'm sending data to a REST service, but need to make sure I can handle response issues generated from the XML-RPC end of the service.
The problem is the return schema for a fault is completely different to the standardised response schema.
I've changed my response types to System.Xml.XmlDocument, but I'm hoping there's an easier way of me checking for a specific schema being returned (so that I can then suspend the instance to be investigated from the console end).
Can I return multiple schemas from one response, and if so - what's the best way to achieve this?

Yes, you can return multiple different schemas on the same response port.
What you can do is create an internal schema, and create maps from all the external schema that map to it, and have to on your Inbound Maps in your send port. Your could also set a field value, e.g. Succeeded to True or False, which you can either use for routing by promoting it and having subscriptions use the promoted property, or use it in an Orchestration (where distinguishing it would be enough).


Microservice to Microservice Architecure using gRPC : .NET Core

So I've this Microservice architecture where there is an ApiGateway, 2 microservices i.e., Configurations. API and API-1. The Configuration. API is mainly responsible to parse the JSON request and
access the DB and update Status tables, also to fetch required data, it even adds up more values to the JSON request and send it to the API-1. API-1 is responsible to just generate report based on the json passed.
Yes I can merge the configurations. API to the API-1 and make it a single service/container but the requirement is not to merge and create two different components i.e., 1 component purely based on
fetching the data, updating the status while the other just to generate the reports.
So here are some questions:
: Should I use gRPC for the configuration.API or is there a better way to achieve this.
Thank you.
RPC is a synchronous communication so you have to come up with strong reason to use it in service to service communication. it brings the fast and performant communication on the table but also coupling to the services. if you insist use rpc it is better to use MASSTRANSIT to implement the rpc in less coupled way. however in most cases the asynchronous event-base communication is recommended to avoid coupling (in that case look at CAP theory, SAGA, circuit breaker ).
since you said
but the requirement is not to merege and create two different
and that is your reason and also base on the fact
also to fetch requried data, it even adds up more values to the JSON
request and send it to the API-1
i think the second one makes scenes more. how ever i cant understand why you change the database position since you said the configuration service is responsible for that.
if your report service needs request huge data to generate report you have to think about the design. there is no more profile on you domain so there cannot be an absolute answer to this. but consider data reduce from insertion or request or some sort of pre-calculation if you could and also caching responses.

What is the proper way to pass the connection to the DB in a Servicestack message based design

I have problems deciding on how the OrmLiteConnectionFactory should be passed to the different classes. Should it be done by injecting the container into the constructors? It is a message based design if that matters.
Basically you'd just want to pass a "reference" to what connection you'd want your Service to be executed with.
ServiceStack's Multitenancy docs shows different approaches of specifying the DB connection to use per Request DTO message, including using a custom filter, or utilizing the built-in [ConnectionInfo] or [NamedConnection] attributes.
Or if you prefer you can resolve which DB connection you want to use with your Services logic by resolving it from a IDbConnectionFactory dependency.

Adding correlation id to automatically generated telemetry with App Insights

I'm very new to Application Insights, and I'm thinking of using it for a set of services I plan on implementing with webapi. I was able to get the basic telemetry up and running very easily (right-clicking on a project on VS, Add Application Insights), but then I hit a block. I plan to have a correlation id set in the request headers for calls to downstream services, and I would like to tag all the telemetry related to one outside call with the same correlation id.
So far I've found that there is a way to configure a TelemetryInitializer, but if I understood correctly, this is run before I get to access the request, meaning I can't check if there is a correlation id that I should attach.
So I guess there might be 2 ways to solve this: 1) if I can somehow actually get access to the request headers before the initializer, that would obviously solver the problem, or 2) somehow get a hold of the TelemetryClient instance that is used to report the automatically generated telemetry.
Perhaps the last resort would be to turn off all of the automatic stuff and do all of it manually, when I could of course control what properties are set on the TelemetryClient. But this would be quite a lot more work, so I'd prefer to find some other solution.
You were rights saying that you should use TelemetryInitializer. All TelemetryInitializers are called when Track method is called on any telemetry item. Autogenerated request telemetry is "tracked" on request OnEnd, you should have all your custom headers available for you at that time.
Please also have a look at OperationId - this is part of the standard context managed by App Inisghts and is used exactly for the purpose of correlating requests with downstream execution. This is created and passed automatically, including traces (if you use trackTrace).
Moreover, we have built-in support in our UX for easily seeing all telemetry for a particular operation - it can be found in "Search->Details-->Related Items-->All telemetry for this operation"

Is Biztalk 2010 Receive Shape Filter configurable

I am currently writing an orchestration that is directly bound to the message box, picks up messages and filters according to the filter expression in the receive shape inside said orchestration. The problem I'm having is this; I want to be able to change the filter in the BizTalk bindings, just like send filters are changed in the bindings. Really, I just don't want to have to recompile and re deploy every time My filter changes. Is there a way to do this? I'm thinking maybe modify the binding.xml file somehow, or possibly try a custom pipeline with configurable properties(as my last resort).
If it matters I typically use the BizTalk Deployment Framework for deployments.
No, it is not possible to modify a Receive Shape Filter at Runtime.
If the filter needs to be dynamic, then you will have to apply that logic upstream. The idea of using a custom Pipeline Component is a common solution.
One other approach to consider is leaving you Receive Shape Filter broad and testing each incoming message with the BRE. If it 'passes', continue processing, otherwise exit. BRE Policies/Rules can be updated at runtime.
For this sort of thing you will probably want to execute Business Rules in the Receive Pipeline that then sets a context property on the message that then determines the routing.
That way the filter in the Orchestration is lightweight and doesn't need to be changed.
See (Disclosure: This is written by a colleague of mine)

How to Call BizTalk Orchestration Dynamically

How can I call a BizTalk Orchestration dynamically knowing the Orchestration name?
The call Orchestration shapes need to know the name and parameters of Orchestrations at design time. I've tried using 'call' XLang keyword but it also required Orchestration name as Design Time like in expression shape, we can write as
call BizTalkApplication1.Orchestration1(param1,param2);
I'm looking for some way to specify calling orchestration name, coming from the incoming message or from SSO config store.
EDIT: I'musing BizTalk 2006 R1 (ESB Guidance is for R2 and I didn't get how it could solve my problem)
The way I've accomplished something similar in the past is by using direct binding ports in the orchestrations and letting the MsgBox do the dirty work for me. Basically, it goes something like this:
Make the callable orchestrations use a direct-bound port attached to your activating receive shape.
Set up a filter expression on your activating receive shape with a custom context-based property and set it equal to a value that uniquely identifies the orchestration (such as the orchestration name or whatever)
In the calling orchestration, create the message you'll want to use to fire the new orchestration. In that message, set your custom context property to the value that matches the filter used in the specific orchestration you want to fire.
Send the message through a direct-bound send port so that it gets sent to the MsgBox directly and the Pub/Sub mechanisms in BizTalk will take care of the rest.
One thing to watch out in step 4: To have this work correctly, you will need to create a new Correlation Set type that includes your custom context property, and then make sure that the direct-bound send port "follows" the correlation set on the send. Otherwise, the custom property will only be written (and not promoted) to the msg context and the routing will fail.
Hope this helps!
Look at ESB Guidance ( This package provides the functionality you are looking for

