`$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, Numero, value = numeric(0) error [duplicate] - r

I have a numeric column ("value") in a dataframe ("df"), and I would like to generate a new column ("valueBin") based on "value." I have the following conditional code to define df$valueBin:
df$valueBin[which(df$value<=250)] <- "<=250"
df$valueBin[which(df$value>250 & df$value<=500)] <- "250-500"
df$valueBin[which(df$value>500 & df$value<=1000)] <- "500-1,000"
df$valueBin[which(df$value>1000 & df$value<=2000)] <- "1,000 - 2,000"
df$valueBin[which(df$value>2000)] <- ">2,000"
I'm getting the following error:
"Error in $<-.data.frame(*tmp*, "valueBin", value = c(NA, NA, NA, :
replacement has 6530 rows, data has 6532"
Every element of df$value should fit into one of my which() statements. There are no missing values in df$value. Although even if I run just the first conditional statement (<=250), I get the exact same error, with "...replacement has 6530 rows..." although there are way fewer than 6530 records with value<=250, and value is never NA.
This SO link notes a similar error when using aggregate() was a bug, but it recommends installing the version of R I have. Plus the bug report says its fixed.
R aggregate error: "replacement has <foo> rows, data has <bar>"
This SO link seems more related to my issue, and the issue here was an issue with his/her conditional logic that caused fewer elements of the replacement array to be generated. I guess that must be my issue as well, and figured at first I must have a "<=" instead of an "<" or vice versa, but after checking I'm pretty sure they're all correct to cover every value of "value" without overlaps.
R error in '[<-.data.frame'... replacement has # items, need #

The answer by #akrun certainly does the trick. For future googlers who want to understand why, here is an explanation...
The new variable needs to be created first.
The variable "valueBin" needs to be already in the df in order for the conditional assignment to work. Essentially, the syntax of the code is correct. Just add one line in front of the code chuck to create this name --
df$newVariableName <- NA
Then you continue with whatever conditional assignment rules you have, like
df$newVariableName[which(df$oldVariableName<=250)] <- "<=250"
I blame whoever wrote that package's error message... The debugging was made especially confusing by that error message. It is irrelevant information that you have two arrays in the df with different lengths. No. Simply create the new column first. For more details, consult this post https://www.r-bloggers.com/translating-weird-r-errors/

You could use cut
df$valueBin <- cut(df$value, c(-Inf, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, Inf),
labels=c('<=250', '250-500', '500-1,000', '1,000-2,000', '>2,000'))
df <- data.frame(value= sample(0:2500, 100, replace=TRUE))

TL;DR ...and late to the party, but that short explanation might help future googlers..
In general that error message means that the replacement doesn't fit into the corresponding column of the dataframe.
A minimal example:
df <- data.frame(a = 1:2); df$a <- 1:3
throws the error
Error in $<-.data.frame(*tmp*, a, value = 1:3) : replacement
has 3 rows, data has 2
which is clear, because the vector a of df has 2 entries (rows) whilst the vector we try to replace has 3 entries (rows).


Puzzling error in svyby of survey package

I am using "svyby" function from survey R package, and get an error I don't know how to deal with.
At first, I used variable cntry as a grouping, next, I used essround as grouping, and it all worked smoothly. But when I use their combination ~cntry+essround it returns an error.
I am puzzled how it can work separately for each grouping but doesn't work for combined grouping.
This is somehow related to omitted data, as when I drop all the empty cells (i.e. using na.omit(dat) instead of dat for defining survey design) it starts working. But I don't want to drop all the missings. I thought na.rm argument of svymean should deal with it. Note that variables cntry and essround do not contain any missing values.
s.w <- svydesign(ids = ~1, data = dat, weights = dat[,weight])
svyby(~ Security, by=~ essround, s.w, svymean, na.rm=T) # Works
svyby(~ Security, by=~ cntry, s.w, svymean, na.rm=T) # Also works
svyby(~ Security, by=~ essround+cntry, s.w, svymean, na.rm=T) # Gives an error
Error in tapply(1:NROW(x), list(factor(strata)), function(index) { :
arguments must have same length
So my question is - how to make it work?
Sorry, I misread the documentation. The problem is solved by adding na.rm.all = TRUE to the svyby function.
Forgive me for the late answer, but I was just looking for solution for a similar problem and solved it for myself just now. Check to see if you have any empty cells in your cross-tabulation of essround, cntry, and Security (using table()). If you do, try transforming the grouping variables into ordered factors with ordered() and explicitly naming your levels with the levels argument of the function, before you run the svyby(). Ordered factors will show frequency of 0 in a cross tabulation, while regular factors will drop empty cells.
I don't know exactly why, but here's how I resolved the same issue. It seems to have something to do with the way svyby deals with NA data - even if you specify na.rm=T. I made subsets of my data frame and found that it does happen if the subset is smaller than the certain threshold (it was 500 in my case, but the exact value is to be determined) AND contains NA - works well for other subsets like bigger than 10,000 with NA or smaller than 500 without NA. In your case, there should be a subset of essround==x & cntry==y which is small and where Security = NA. So, clean the data not to have NA BEFORE you do svyby (could be removal, estimate, or separate grouping - it's up to you) and then try once again. It worked for me.

R: errors in cor() and corrplot()

Another stumbling block. I have a large set of data (called "brightly") with about ~180k rows and 165 columns. I am trying to create a correlation matrix of these columns in R.
Several problems have arisen, none of which I can resolve with the suggestions proposed on this site and others.
First, how I created the data set: I saved it as a CSV file from Excel. My understanding is that CSV should remove any formatting, such that anything that is a number should be read as a number by R. I loaded it with
brightly = read.csv("brightly.csv", header=TRUE)
But I kept getting "'x' must be numeric" error messages every time I ran cor(brightly), so I replaced all the NAs with 0s. (This may be altering my data, but I think it will be all right--anything that's "NA" is effectively 0, either for the continuous or dummy variables.)
Now I am no longer getting the error message about text. But any time I run cor()--either on all of the variables simultaneously or combinations of the variables--I get "Warning message:
In cor(brightly$PPV, brightly, use = "complete") :
the standard deviation is zero"
I am also having some of the correlations of that one variable with others show up as "NA." I have ensured that no cell in the data is "NA," so I do not know why I am getting "NA" values for the correlations.
I also tried both of the following to make REALLY sure I wasn't including any NA values:
cor(brightly$PPV, brightly, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
But I still get warnings about the SD being zero, and I still get the NAs.
Any insights as to why this might be happening?
Finally, when I try to do corrplot to show the results of the correlations, I do the following:
brightly2 <- cor(brightly)
Warning message:
In cor(brightly) : the standard deviation is zero
corrplot(brightly2, method = "number")
Error in if (min(corr) < -1 - .Machine$double.eps || max(corr) > 1 + .Machine$double.eps) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
And instead of making my nice color-coded correlation matrix, I get this. I have yet to find an explanation of what that means.
Any help would be HUGELY appreciated! Thanks very much!!
Please check if you replaced your NAs with 0 or '0' as one is character and other is int. Or you can even try using as.numeric(column_name) function to convert your char 0s with int 0. Also this error occurs if your dataset has factors, because those are not int values corrplot throws this error.
It would be helpful of you put sample of your data in the question using
That would be helpful for you to check the datatypes of columns.
Let me know if I am wrong.

Error with knnImputer from the DMwR Package: invalid 'times' argument

I'm trying to run knnImputer from the DMwR package on a genomic dataset. The dataset has two columns - one for location on a chromosome (numeric, an integer) and one for methylation values (also numeric, double), with many of the methylation values are missing. The idea is that distance should be based on location in the chromosome. I also have several other features, but chose to not include those). When I run the following line however, I get an error.
reg.knn <- knnImputation(as.matrix(testp), k=2, meth="median")
#Error in rep(1, ncol(dist)) : nvalid 'times' argument
Any thoughts on what could be causing this?
If this doesn't work, does anyone know of anything other good KNN Imputers in R packages? I've been trying several but each returns some kind of error.
I got a similar error today:
Error in rep(1, ncol(dist)) : invalid 'times' argument
I could not find a solution online but with some trail and error , I think the issue is with no. of columns in data frame
Try passing at least '3' columns and do KNNimputation
I created a dummy column which gives ROW count of the observation (as third column).
It worked for me !
Examples for your reference:
Example 1 -
temp <- data.frame(X = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), Y = c(T, T, F, F,F,F,NA,NA,T,T))
temp7<-NULL temp7 <-knnImputation(temp,scale=T,k=3, meth='median', distData = NULL)
Error in rep(1, ncol(dist)) : invalid 'times' argument
Example 2 -
temp <- data.frame(X = 1:10, Y = c(T, T, F, F,F,F,NA,T,T,T), Z = c(NA,NA,7,8,9,5,11,9,9,4))
temp7<-NULL temp7 <-knnImputation(temp,scale=T,k=3, meth='median', distData = NULL)
Here number of columns passed is 3. Did NOT get any error!
Today, I encountered the same error. My df was much larger than 3 columns, so this seems to be not the (only?) problem.
I found that rows with too much NAs caused the problem (in my case, more than 95% of a given row was NA). Filtering out this row solved the problem.
Take home message: do not only filter for NAs over the columns (which I did), but also check the rows (it's of course impossible to impute by kNN if you cannot define what exactly is a nearest neighbor).
Would be nice if the package would provide a readable error message!
When I read into the code, I located the problem, if the column is smaller than 3, then in the process it where down-grade to something which is not a dataframe and thus the operation based on dataframe structure all fails, I think the author should handle this case.
And yes, the last answer also find it by trial, different road, same answer

R: 'Missing Value where True/False needed'

So I know this has been asked before, but from what I've searched I can't really find an answer to my problem. I should also add I'm relatively new to R (and any type of coding at all) so when it comes to fixing problems in code I'm not too sure what I'm looking for.
My code is:
education_ge <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=2, nrow=1))
colnames(education_ge) <- c("Education","Genetic.Engineering")
for (i in 1:nrow(survey))
if (survey[i,12]=="Bachelors")
education_ge$Education <- survey[i,12]
To give more info, 'survey' is a data frame with 12 columns and 26 rows, and the 12th column, 'Education', is a factor which has levels such as 'Bachelors', 'Masters', 'Doctorate' etc.
This is the error as it appears in R:
for (i in 1:nrow(survey))
if (survey[i,12]=="Bachelors")
education_ge$Education <- survey[i,12]
Error in if (survey[i, 12] == "Bachelors") education_ge$Education <- survey[i, :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If you just want to ignore any records with missing values and get on with your analysis, try inserting this at the beginning:
survey <- survey[ complete.cases(survey), ]
It basically finds the indexes of all the rows where there are no NAs anywhere, and then subsets survey to have only those rows.
For more information on subsetting, try reading this chapter: http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Subsetting.html
The command:
sapply(survey,function (x) sum(is.na(x)))
will show you how many NAs you have in each column. That might help your data cleaning.
You can try this:
Let me know if this helps.

R warning message - invalid factor level, NA generated

I have the following block of code. I am a complete beginner in R (a few days old) so I am not sure how much of the code will I need to share to counter my problem. So here is all of it I have written.
mdata <- read.csv("outcome-of-care-measures.csv",colClasses = "character")
allstate <- unique(mdata$State)
allstate <- allstate[order(allstate)]
spldata <- split(mdata,mdata$State)
if (num=="best") num <- 1
ranklist <- data.frame("hospital" = character(),"state" = character())
for (i in seq_len(length(allstate))) {
if (outcome=="heart attack"){
pdata <- spldata[[i]]
pdata[,11] <- as.numeric(pdata[,11])
bestof <- pdata[!is.na(as.numeric(pdata[,11])),][]
inorder <- order(bestof[,11],bestof[,2])
if (num=="worst") num <- nrow(bestof)
hospital <- bestof[inorder[num],2]
state <- allstate[i]
ranklist <- rbind(ranklist,c(hospital,state))
allstate is a character vector of states.
outcome can have values similar to "heart attack"
num will be numeric or "best" or "worst"
I want to create a data frame ranklist which will have hospital names and the state names which follow a certain criterion.
However I keep getting the error
invalid factor level, NA generated
I know it has something to do with rbind but I cannot figure out what is it. I have tried googling about this, and also tried troubleshooting using other similar queries on this site too. I have checked any of my vectors I am trying to bind are not factors. I also tried forcing the coercion by setting the hospital and state as.character() during assignment, but didn't work.
I would be grateful for any help.
Thanks in advance!
Since this is apparently from a Coursera assignment I am not going to give you a solution but I am going to hint at it: Have a look at the help pages for read.csv and data.frame. Both have the argument stringsAsFactors. What is the default, true or false? Do you want to keep the default setting? Is colClasses = "character" in line 1 necessary? Use the str function to check what the classes of the columns in mdata and ranklist are. read.csv additionally has an na.strings argument. If you use it correctly, also the NAs introduced by coercion warning will disappear and line 16 won't be necessary.
Finally, don't grow a matrix or data frame inside a loop if you know the final size beforehand. Initialize it with the correct dimensions (here 52 x 2) and assign e.g. the i-th hospital to the i-th row and first column of the data frame. That way rbind is not necessary.
By the way you did not get an error but a warning. R didn't interrupt the loop it just let you know that some values have been coerced to NA. You can also simplify the seq_len statement by using seq_along instead.
