How to create a elementor template gallery with own templates - wordpress

I have been trying to figure out and searching everywhere to make a custom template gallery like happy adons or essential-addons or simialr plugin. They place an icon just beside the elementor folder icon and clicking on their icon they show their own template library right inside the elementor modal. How to do this feature? Thanks


How can we hide few options inside any module in Elementor editor?

I am using Elementor Pro. I want to hide a few options inside any module in the Elementor editor. For example Scrolling Effects, Background Overlay, etc. Please check the attached screenshot. enter image description here
I tried a few plugins and I am expecting to solve this through code or any other latest plugin

How to hide the templates in the Elementor "Add Section"

I am trying to hide the extra template sections in the add section part of the Elementor editor. I have tried to use CSS in the Elementor plugin and in the theme used and it didn't work, is there a better way to do this that would work?
Image of what I am trying to remove
Elementor Template Buttons

How do I add an article to WordPress by using the elementor plugin widgets?

please provide the steps to add an article using Elementor widgets.
Installed the elementor plugin
I see the elementor menu item
I am logged in as admin
I added a page and then clicked edit with elementor
I need to post an article
Just take for example the header block from the left side and drag and drop it onto your page. The headline now appears and can be edited there.
You can do the same with texts and other premade elements.

How to create a link to a lightbox gallery popup?

I'm trying to have a normal hyperlink opening up a lightbox like gallery
The only thing I've found so far are workarounds which involve coding, but then it's not at all user friendly for my customer.
Isn't any plugin out there which provides a lightbox gallery popup as link?
If you are using wordpress theme then you can using plugin in wordpress theme.
You can follow the plugin link for Lightbox Gallery Popup
If you would be using fancybox, then it would be as easy as adding data-fancybox attribute to the trigger elements (e.g., links). Example:

how to customize my logo and slider in wordpress

I am beginner in WordPress ,I had put all html code of my header in to my header.php file ,but I need logo and slider images changeable from admin site .how to customize my logo and slider ?
What theme are you using? Mostly you can change both of the things u mentioned under tab "apearence" and then select "header" or "theme options".
You might want to use the
hook to insert some custom CSS into the head of your page so you can show your logo instead.
You may refer to this PHP example, for a login page, on snip2code - How to customize the WordPress Login Logo
