Neural Networks in RStudio - r

I am trying to predict the variable price range which has 4 levels (0,1,2,3) with the neural network.
But the table with the results just have 2 lines, instead of 4.
I don't know why the table is not 4x4.
The idx only has ones and fours. And the pred only has 0 and 3.
Sometimes the table has 3 lines, but never 4. And most of the times has only 2.
Please help.
#Read file of dataToModelset
dataread <- read.xlsx("datasetDeleteOutliers.xlsx",1)
dataread <-datasetDeleteOutliers
dataread <-datasetCorrelation
dataread <-datasetMedian
dataread <-datasetNearestNeighbor
data <- data.frame(dataread)
# Search for binary variables
is_binary <- function(x) length(unique(x)) == 2
sapply(data, is_binary)
summary(data)#para ver o resumo das carateristicas dos dados
#data normalization
#z_score_function <- function(y) {(y - mean(y, na.rm=TRUE))/(sd(y,na.rm=TRUE))}
#normed <- apply(data,2, z_score_function)
#dataNormed <- data.frame(normed)
#normalization <- function(y) {
#return ((y - min(y)) / (max(y) - min(y)))
# Min-Max Normalization
#data$ram <- (data$ram - min(data$ram)) / (max(data$ram) - min(data$ram))
#data$px_height <- (data$px_height - min(data$px_height)) / (max(data$px_height) - min(data$px_height))
#data$px_width <- (data$px_width - min(data$px_width)) / (max(data$px_width) - min(data$px_width))
#data$battery_power <- (data$battery_power - min(data$battery_power)) / (max(data$battery_power) - min(data$battery_power))
# Declare to R which variables are numeric and which are categorical/nominal to R
cols_to_factors <- c('blue','dual_sim','four_g','three_g','touch_screen','wifi')
dataToModel <- data.frame(lapply(data[,cols_to_factors],as.factor))
dataToModel <- cbind(data[,!colnames(data)%in%cols_to_factors],dataToModel)
## Reordering the columns
dataToModel <- dataToModel[,c(1,16,2,17,3,18,4:14,19,20,21,15)]
## Variable to coerce to integer
dataToModel$n_cores <- as.integer(dataToModel$n_cores)
#MOdel Neural Networks
# Make training and validation data
train <- sample(nrow(dataToModel), nrow(dataToModel)*0.7)
test <- seq(nrow(dataToModel))[-train]
train_N <- dataToModel[train,]
test_N <- dataToModel[test,]
# Binarize the categorical output
train_N <- cbind(train_N, train_N$price_range == '0')
train_N <- cbind(train_N, train_N$price_range == '1')
train_N <- cbind(train_N, train_N$price_range == '2')
train_N <- cbind(train_N, train_N$price_range == '3')
names(train_N)[23:26] <- c('level_0', 'level_1', 'level_2','level_3')
# Fit model
nn <- neuralnet(
level_0 + level_1 + level_2+ level_3 ~ ram+px_height+px_width+battery_power,
data=train_N, hidden = 4,lifesign = "full")
comp <- compute(nn, test_N[,-22])
pred.weights <- comp$net.result
idx <- apply(pred.weights,1, which.max)
pred <- c('0','1','2','3')[idx]
table(pred, test_N$price_range)


Bootstrap t confidence interval for censored observations

I have wrote a simulation code for censored observations to find bootstrap-t confidence interval. However, I encountered some problem where my 'btAlpha' and 'btLambda' cannot compute the correct answer hence I cannot go to the next step which is to calculate the total error probabilities.
This is my code :
n <- 100
N <- 1000
alpha <- 1
lambda <- 0.5
alphaHat <- NULL
lambdaHat <- NULL
cp <- NULL
btAlpha <- matrix (NA, nrow=N, ncol=2)
btLambda <- matrix (NA, nrow=N, ncol=2)
for (i in 1:1000) {
u <- runif(n)
c1 <- rexp(n, 0.1)
t1 <- -(log(1 - u^(1/alpha))/lambda)
t <- pmin(t1, c1)
ci <- 1*(t1 < c1) #censored data
cp[i] <- length(ci[ci == 0])/n #censoring proportion
estBoot < -function(data, j) {
dat <- data [j, ]
data0 <- dat[which(dat$ci == 0), ] # right censored data
data1 <- dat[which(dat$ci == 1), ] # uncensored data
LLF <- function(para) {
alpha <- para[1]
lambda <- para[2]
a <- sum(log(alpha*lambda*(1 - exp(-lambda*data1$t1))^(alpha - 1)*
b <- sum(log(1 - (1 - exp(-lambda*data0$t1)^(alpha))))
l <- a + b
mle <- maxLik(LLF, start=c(alpha=1, lambda=0.5))
alphaHat <- mle$estimate[1]
lambdaHat <- mle$estimate[2]
observedDi <- solve(-mle$hessian)
return(c(alphaHat, lambdaHat, observedDi[1, 1], observedDi[2, 2]))
bt <- boot(dat, estBoot, R=1000)
bootAlphaHat <- bt$t[, 1] #t is from bootstrap
bootAlphaHat0 <- bt$t0[1] #t0 is from original set
seAlphaHat <- sqrt(bt$t[, 2])
seAlphaHat0 <- sqrt(bt$t0[2]) #same as 'original' in bt
zAlpha <- (bootAlphaHat - bootAlphaHat0)/seAlphaHat
kAlpha <- zAlpha[order(zAlpha)]
ciAlpha <- c(kAlpha[25], kAlpha[975])
btAlpha[i, ] <- rev(bootAlphaHat0 - ciAlpha*seAlphaHat0)
bootLambdaHat <- bt$t[, 2]
bootLambdaHat0 <- bt$t0[2]
seLambdaHat <- sqrt(bt$t[, 4])
seLambdaHat0 <- sqrt(bt$t0[4])
zLambda <- (bootLambdaHat - bootLambdaHat0)/seLambdaHat
kLambda <- zLambda[order(zLambda)]
ciLambda <- c(kLambda[25], kLambda[975])
btLambda[i, ] <- rev(bootLambdaHat0 - ciLambda*seLambdaHat0)
leftAlpha <- sum(btAlpha[, 1] > alpha)/N
rightAlpha <- sum(btAlpha[, 2] < alpha)/N
totalEAlpha <- leftAlpha + rightAlpha
leftLambda <- sum(btLambda[, 1] > lambda)/N
rightLambda <- sum(btLambda[, 2] < lambda)/N
totalELambda <- leftLambda + rightLambda
sealphaHat <- sqrt(0.05*(1 - 0.05)/N)
antiAlpha <- totalEAlpha > (0.05 + 2.58*sealphaHat)
conAlpha <- totalEAlpha < (0.05 - 2.58*sealphaHat )
asymAlpha <- (max(leftAlpha, rightAlpha)/min(leftAlpha, rightAlpha)) > 1.5
antiLambda <- totalELambda > (0.05 + 2.58 *sealphaHat)
conLambda <- totalELambda < (0.05 - 2.58 *sealphaHat)
asymLambda <- (max(leftLambda, rightLambda)/min(leftLambda, rightLambda)) > 1.5
anti <- antiAlpha + antiLambda
con <- conAlpha + conLambda
asym <- asymAlpha + asymLambda
My 'btAlpha[i,]' and 'btLambda[i,]' is two matrix data frame and only computed NA values hence I cannot calculate the next step which is total error probabilities etc. It should be simulated 1000 values through specified formula but I didnt get the desired output. I have tried to run this without using loops and same problems encountered. Do you guys have any idea? I could really use and truly appreciate your help.

Error in x[ind, ] - centerI : non-conformable arrays

I have a time series data set. I would like to cluster it using different clustering techniques. Then, I would like to evaluate each method. I tried an R code from clusterSim package. However, I got an error"
Error in x[ind, ] - centerI : non-conformable arrays. I have no idea why I got this error.
Here is my code:
rate.change <- diff(log(interest.rates), 1)
md <- diss(rate.change, "AR.MAH")$p_value
res <- array(0, c(max_nc-min_nc+1, 2))
res[,1] <- min_nc:max_nc
clusters <- NULL
for (nc in min_nc:max_nc)
hc <- hclust(md, method="average")
cl2 <- cutree(hc, k=nc)
res[nc-min_nc+1, 2] <- DB <- index.DB(rate.change, cl2, md,centrotypes="medoids")$DB
clusters <- rbind(clusters, cl2)
}rate.change <- diff(log(interest.rates),1)
The original code is as follows:
# Example 3
md <- dist(data_ratio, method="euclidean")
# nc - number_of_clusters
res <- array(0, c(max_nc-min_nc+1, 2))
res[,1] <- min_nc:max_nc
clusters <- NULL
for (nc in min_nc:max_nc)
hc <- hclust(md, method="complete")
cl2 <- cutree(hc, k=nc)
res[nc-min_nc+1, 2] <- DB <- index.DB(data_ratio, cl2, centrotypes="centroids")$DB
clusters <- rbind(clusters, cl2)

Speeding up linear model fitting on complete pairwise observations in large sparse matrix in R

I have a numeric data.frame df with 134946 rows x 1938 columns.
99.82% of the data are NA.
For each pair of (distinct) columns "P1" and "P2", I need to find which rows have non-NA values for both and then do some operations on those rows (linear model).
I wrote a script that does this, but it seems quite slow.
This post seems to discuss a related task, but I can't immediately see if or how it can be adapted to my case.
Borrowing the example from that post:
nr = 1000;
nc = 900;
dat = matrix(runif(nr*nc), nrow=nr)
rownames(dat) = paste(1:nr)
colnames(dat) = paste("time", 1:nc)
dat[sample(nr*nc, nr*nc*0.9)] = NA
df <-
df_ps <- names(df)
N_ps <- length(df_ps)
My script is:
tic = proc.time()
out <-,sapply(1:(N_ps-1), function(i) {
if (i/10 == floor(i/10)) {
cat("\ni = ",i,"\n")
toc = proc.time();
},sapply((i+1):N_ps, function(j) {
w <- which(complete.cases(df[,i],df[,j]))
N <- length(w)
if (N >= 5) {
xw <- df[w,i]
yw <- df[w,j]
if ((diff(range(xw)) != 0) & (diff(range(yw)) != 0)) {
s <- summary(lm(yw~xw))
o <- c(i,j,N,s$adj.r.squared,s$coefficients[2],s$coefficients[4],s$coefficients[8],s$coefficients[1],s$coefficients[3],s$coefficients[7])} else {
o <- c(i,j,N,rep(NA,7))
} else {o <- NULL}
toc = proc.time();
This takes about 10 minutes on my machine.
You can imagine what happens when I need to handle a much larger (although more sparse) data matrix. I never managed to finish the calculation.
Question: do you think this could be done more efficiently?
The thing is I don't know which operations take more time (subsetting of df, in which case I would remove duplications of that? appending matrix data, in which case I would create a flat vector and then convert it to matrix at the end? ...).
EDIT following up from minem's post
As shown by minem, the speed of this calculation strongly depended on the way linear regression parameters were calculated. Therefore changing that part was the single most important thing to do.
My own further trials showed that: 1) it was essential to use sapply in combination with, rather than any flat vector, to store the data (I am still not sure why - I might make a separate post about this); 2) on the original matrix I am working on, much more sparse and with a much larger nrows/ncolumns ratio than the one in this example, using the information on the x vector available at the start of each i iteration to reduce the y vector at the start of each j iteration increased the speed by several orders of magnitude, even compared with minem's original script, which was already much better than mine above.
I suppose the advantage comes from filtering out many rows a priori, thus avoiding costly xna & yna operations on very long vectors.
The modified script is the following:
nr = 1000;
nc = 900;
dat = matrix(runif(nr*nc), nrow = nr)
rownames(dat) = paste(1:nr)
colnames(dat) = paste("time", 1:nc)
dat[sample(nr*nc, nr*nc*0.90)] = NA
df <-
df_ps <- names(df)
N_ps <- length(df_ps)
tic = proc.time()
naIds <- lapply(df, function(x) !
dl <- as.list(df)
rl <- sapply(1:(N_ps - 1), function(i) {
if ((i-1)/10 == floor((i-1)/10)) {
cat("\ni = ",i,"\n")
toc = proc.time();
x <- dl[[i]]
xna <- which(naIds[[i]])
rl2 <- sapply((i + 1):N_ps, function(j) {
y <- dl[[j]][xna]
yna <- which(naIds[[j]][xna])
w <- xna[yna]
N <- length(w)
if (N >= 5) {
xw <- x[w]
yw <- y[yna]
if ((min(xw) != max(xw)) && (min(yw) != max(yw))) {
# extracts from lm/ functions
X <- cbind(1L, xw)
m <-, yw)
# calculate adj.r.squared
fitted <- yw - m$residuals
rss <- sum(m$residuals^2)
mss <- sum((fitted - mean(fitted))^2)
n <- length(m$residuals)
rdf <- n - m$rank
# rdf <- df.residual
r.squared <- mss/(mss + rss)
adj.r.squared <- 1 - (1 - r.squared) * ((n - 1L)/rdf)
# calculate se & pvals
p1 <- 1L:m$rank
Qr <- m$qr
R <- chol2inv(Qr[p1, p1, drop = FALSE])
resvar <- rss/rdf
se <- sqrt(diag(R) * resvar)
est <- m$coefficients[m$pivot[p1]]
tval <- est/se
pvals <- 2 * pt(abs(tval), rdf, lower.tail = FALSE)
res <- c(m$coefficients[2], se[2], pvals[2],
m$coefficients[1], se[1], pvals[1])
o <- c(i, j, N, adj.r.squared, res)
} else {
o <- c(i,j,N,rep(NA,7))
} else {o <- NULL}
}, simplify = F), rl2)
}, simplify = F)
out2 <-, rl)
toc = proc.time();
show(toc - tic)
E.g. try with nr=100000; nc=100.
I should probably mention that I tried using indices, i.e.:
naIds <- lapply(df, function(x) which(!
and then obviously generating w by intersection:
w <- intersect(xna,yna)
N <- length(w)
This however is slower than the above.
Larges bottleneck is lm function, because there are lot of checks & additional calculations, that you do not necessarily need. So I extracted only the needed parts.
I got this to run in +/- 18 seconds.
nr = 1000;
nc = 900;
dat = matrix(runif(nr*nc), nrow = nr)
rownames(dat) = paste(1:nr)
colnames(dat) = paste("time", 1:nc)
dat[sample(nr*nc, nr*nc*0.9)] = NA
df <-
df_ps <- names(df)
N_ps <- length(df_ps)
tic = proc.time()
naIds <- lapply(df, function(x) ! # outside loop
dl <- as.list(df) # sub-setting list elements is faster that columns
rl <- sapply(1:(N_ps - 1), function(i) {
x <- dl[[i]]
xna <- naIds[[i]] # relevant logical vector if not empty elements
rl2 <- sapply((i + 1):N_ps, function(j) {
y <- dl[[j]]
yna <- naIds[[j]]
w <- xna & yna
N <- sum(w)
if (N >= 5) {
xw <- x[w]
yw <- y[w]
if ((min(xw) != max(xw)) && (min(xw) != max(xw))) { # faster
# extracts from lm/ functions
X <- cbind(1L, xw)
m <-, yw)
# calculate adj.r.squared
fitted <- yw - m$residuals
rss <- sum(m$residuals^2)
mss <- sum((fitted - mean(fitted))^2)
n <- length(m$residuals)
rdf <- n - m$rank
# rdf <- df.residual
r.squared <- mss/(mss + rss)
adj.r.squared <- 1 - (1 - r.squared) * ((n - 1L)/rdf)
# calculate se & pvals
p1 <- 1L:m$rank
Qr <- m$qr
R <- chol2inv(Qr[p1, p1, drop = FALSE])
resvar <- rss/rdf
se <- sqrt(diag(R) * resvar)
est <- m$coefficients[m$pivot[p1]]
tval <- est/se
pvals <- 2 * pt(abs(tval), rdf, lower.tail = FALSE)
res <- c(m$coefficients[2], se[2], pvals[2],
m$coefficients[1], se[1], pvals[1])
o <- c(i, j, N, adj.r.squared, res)
} else {
o <- c(i,j,N,rep(NA,6))
} else {o <- NULL}
}, simplify = F), rl2)
}, simplify = F)
out2 <-, rl)
toc = proc.time();
show(toc - tic);
# user system elapsed
# 17.94 0.11 18.44

Make less sparsity when selecting features in text mining

I try to create a sentiment analysis of customer reviews using R .
Here the R code :
train.index <- 1:50000
test.index <- 50001:nrow(Data_clean)
#clean up
# remove grammar/punctuation
Data_clean$Raison.Reco.clean <- tolower(gsub('[[:punct:]0-9]', '', Data_clean$Raison.Reco))
train <- Data_clean[train.index, ]
test <- Data_clean[test.index, ]
word.freq <- function(document.vector, sparsity = .999)
{ <- document.vector %>% tokens(ngrams = 1:3) %>% # generate tokens
dfm # generate dfm
freq.df <- colSums(
freq.df <- data.frame(word = names(freq.df), freq = freq.df)
rownames(freq.df) <- NULL
word.freq.pos <- word.freq(train$Raison.Reco.clean[train$Note.Reco == "10"])
word.freq.neg <- word.freq(train$Raison.Reco.clean[train$Note.Reco == "0"])
#merge les deux tables
freq.all <- merge(word.freq.pos, word.freq.neg, by ='word', all = T )
freq.all$freq.x[$freq.x)] <- 0
freq.all$freq.y[$freq.y)] <- 0
#calculer la difference
freq.all$diff <- abs(freq.all$freq.x - freq.all$freq.y)
head(freq.all[order(-freq.all$diff), ])
#smoothing term
alpha <- 30
freq.all$ndsi <- abs(freq.all$freq.x - freq.all$freq.y) / (freq.all$freq.x + freq.all$freq.y + 2*alpha)
head(freq.all[order(-freq.all$ndsi), ])
#number of feature in the matrix
num.features <- 500
#sort the values
freq.all <- freq.all[order(-freq.all$ndsi), ]
############################################## tf-idf ###################################################################################
#cast to a string
freq.all$word <- as.character(freq.all$word)
#construct the tf matrix
tf <- t(apply(t(train$Raison.Reco.clean), 2, function(x) str_count(x, freq.all$word[1:num.features])))
idf <- log(length(train.index)/colSums(sign(tf[train.index, ])))
idf[is.infinite(idf)] <- 0
tf.idf <-, 1, function(x) x * idf)))
colnames(tf.idf) <- freq.all$word[1:num.features]
##################################################################### Random forest #############################################
# train random forest classifier
ndsi.forest <- randomForest(tf.idf[train.index, ], as.factor(train$Note.Reco[train.index]), ntree = 100)
My question here is : is there anyway to elliminate the stop words or to make less sparse the tf-idf matrix?
Thank you in advance

Rolling regression over multiple columns

I have an issue finding the most efficient way to calculate a rolling linear regression over a xts object with multiple columns. I have searched and read several previously questions here on stackoverflow.
This question and answer comes close but not enough in my opinion as I want to calculate multiple regressions with the dependent variable unchanged in all the regressions. I have tried to reproduce an example with random data:
require(RcppArmadillo) # Load libraries
data <- matrix(sample(1:10000, 1500), 1500, 5, byrow = TRUE) # Random data
data[1000:1500, 2] <- NA # insert NAs to make it more similar to true data
data <- xts(data, = as.Date(1:1500, origin = "2000-01-01"))
NR <- nrow(data) # number of observations
NC <- ncol(data) # number of factors
obs <- 30 # required number of observations for rolling regression analysis
info.names <- c("res", "coef")
info <- array(NA, dim = c(NR, length(info.names), NC))
colnames(info) <- info.names
The array is created in order to store multiple variables (residuals, coefficients etc.) over time and per factor.
loop.begin.time <- Sys.time()
for (j in 2:NC) {
cat(paste("Processing residuals for factor:", j), "\n")
for (i in obs:NR) {
regression.temp <- fastLm(data[i:(i-(obs-1)), j] ~ data[i:(i-(obs-1)), 1])
residuals.temp <- regression.temp$residuals
info[i, "res", j] <- round(residuals.temp[1] / sd(residuals.temp), 4)
info[i, "coef", j] <- regression.temp$coefficients[2]
loop.end.time <- Sys.time()
print(loop.end.time - loop.begin.time) # prints the loop runtime
As the loop shows the idea is to run a 30 observations rolling regression with data[, 1] as the dependent variable (factor) every time against one of the other factors. I have to store the 30 residuals in a temporary object in order to standardize them as fastLm does not calculate standardized residuals.
The loop is extremely slow and becomes a cumbersome if the numbers of columns (factors) in the xts object increases to around 100 - 1,000 columns would take an eternity. I hope one has a more efficient code to create rolling regressions over a large data set.
It should be pretty quick if you go down to level of the math of the linear regression. If X is the independent variable and Y is the dependent variable. The coefficients are given by
Beta = inv(t(X) %*% X) %*% (t(X) %*% Y)
I'm a little confused about which variable you want to be the dependent and which one is the independent but hopefully solving a similar problem below will help you as well.
In the example below I take 1000 variables instead of the original 5 and do not introduce any NA's.
data <- matrix(sample(1:10000, 1500000, replace=T), 1500, 1000, byrow = TRUE) # Random data
data <- xts(data, = as.Date(1:1500, origin = "2000-01-01"))
NR <- nrow(data) # number of observations
NC <- ncol(data) # number of factors
obs <- 30 # required number of observations for rolling regression analysis
Now we can calculate the coefficients using Joshua's TTR package.
loop.begin.time <- Sys.time()
in.dep.var <- data[,1]
xx <- TTR::runSum(in.dep.var*in.dep.var, obs)
coeffs <-, lapply(data, function(z) {
xy <- TTR::runSum(z * in.dep.var, obs)
loop.end.time <- Sys.time()
print(loop.end.time - loop.begin.time) # prints the loop runtime
Time difference of 3.934461 secs
res.array = array(NA, dim=c(NC, NR, obs))
for(z in seq(obs)) {
res.array[,,z] = coredata(data - lag.xts(coeffs, z-1) * as.numeric(in.dep.var))
} <- apply(res.array, c(1,2), function(z) z / sd(z))
If I haven't made any errors in the indexing should give you the standardized residuals. Please feel free to fix this solution to correct any bugs.
Here is a much faster way to do it with the rollRegres package
# simulate data
data <- matrix(sample(1:10000, 1500), 1500, 5, byrow = TRUE) # Random data
# data[1000:1500, 2] <- NA # only focus on the parts that are computed
data <- xts(data, = as.Date(1:1500, origin = "2000-01-01"))
# setup for solution in OP
NR <- nrow(data)
NC <- ncol(data)
obs <- 30L
info.names <- c("res", "coef")
info <- array(NA, dim = c(NR, length(info.names), NC))
colnames(info) <- info.names
# solve with rollRegres
loop.begin.time <- Sys.time()
X <- cbind(1, drop(data[, 1]))
out <- lapply(2:NC, function(j){
fit <-
y = data[, j], x = X, width = obs, do_compute = c("sigmas"))
# are you sure you want the residual of the first and not the last
# observation in each window?
idx <- 1:(nrow(data) - obs + 1L)
idx_tail <- idx + obs - 1L
resids <- c(rep(NA_real_, obs - 1L),
data[idx, j] - rowSums(fit$coefs[idx_tail, ] * X[idx, ]))
# the package uses the unbaised estimator so we have to time by this factor
# to get the same
sds <- fit$sigmas * sqrt((obs - 2L) / (obs - 1L))
unclass(cbind(coef = fit$coefs[, 2L], res = drop(round(resids / sds, 4))))
loop.end.time <- Sys.time()
print(loop.end.time - loop.begin.time)
#R Time difference of 0.03123808 secs
# solve with original method
loop.begin.time <- Sys.time()
for (j in 2:NC) {
cat(paste("Processing residuals for factor:", j), "\n")
for (i in obs:NR) {
regression.temp <- fastLm(data[i:(i-(obs-1)), j] ~ data[i:(i-(obs-1)), 1])
residuals.temp <- regression.temp$residuals
info[i, "res", j] <- round(residuals.temp[1] / sd(residuals.temp), 4)
info[i, "coef", j] <- regression.temp$coefficients[2]
#R Processing residuals for factor: 2
#R Processing residuals for factor: 3
#R Processing residuals for factor: 4
#R Processing residuals for factor: 5
loop.end.time <- Sys.time()
print(loop.end.time - loop.begin.time) # prints the loop runtime
#R Time difference of 7.554767 secs
# check that results are the same
all.equal(info[, "coef", 2L], out[[1]][, "coef"])
#R [1] TRUE
all.equal(info[, "res" , 2L], out[[1]][, "res"])
#R [1] TRUE
all.equal(info[, "coef", 3L], out[[2]][, "coef"])
#R [1] TRUE
all.equal(info[, "res" , 3L], out[[2]][, "res"])
#R [1] TRUE
all.equal(info[, "coef", 4L], out[[3]][, "coef"])
#R [1] TRUE
all.equal(info[, "res" , 4L], out[[3]][, "res"])
#R [1] TRUE
all.equal(info[, "coef", 5L], out[[4]][, "coef"])
#R [1] TRUE
all.equal(info[, "res" , 5L], out[[4]][, "res"])
#R [1] TRUE
Do notice this comment inside the above solution
# are you sure you want the residual of the first and not the last
# observation in each window?
Here is a comparison to Sameer's answer
data <- matrix(sample(1:10000, 1500000, replace=T), 1500, 1000, byrow = TRUE) # Random data
data <- xts(data, = as.Date(1:1500, origin = "2000-01-01"))
NR <- nrow(data) # number of observations
NC <- ncol(data) # number of factors
obs <- 30 # required number of observations for rolling regression analysis
loop.begin.time <- Sys.time()
X <- cbind(1, drop(data[, 1]))
out <- lapply(2:NC, function(j){
fit <-
y = data[, j], x = X, width = obs, do_compute = c("sigmas"))
# are you sure you want the residual of the first and not the last
# observation in each window?
idx <- 1:(nrow(data) - obs + 1L)
idx_tail <- idx + obs - 1L
resids <- c(rep(NA_real_, obs - 1L),
data[idx, j] - rowSums(fit$coefs[idx_tail, ] * X[idx, ]))
# the package uses the unbaised estimator so we have to time by this factor
# to get the same
sds <- fit$sigmas * sqrt((obs - 2L) / (obs - 1L))
unclass(cbind(coef = fit$coefs[, 2L], res = drop(round(resids / sds, 4))))
loop.end.time <- Sys.time()
print(loop.end.time - loop.begin.time)
#R Time difference of 0.9019711 secs
The time includes the time used to compute the standardized residuals.
