How to tell java application to connect to specific Axon server gPRC port? - axon

in our Spring Boot project we run Axon server in Docker on port gRPC 8125.
How to tell application which is configured by AxonAutoConfiguration to use Axon server port 8125, instead of default 8124? I couldn't find anything on the matter.
Thank you!

You can just specify a property in file located in your resources:


nifi and http on Linux

Does nifi use the http server on Linux or does it use it's own? I inherited a nifi server that has some nessus issues related to http. Http service is not running, only nifi. Tring to figure out how to resolve the issues.
NiFi executes within a JVM on a host operating system. The primary
components of NiFi on the JVM are as follows:
Web Server
The purpose of the web server is to host NiFi’s HTTP-based command and control API.
More info :

In R3 Corda I don't know to start the web server port?

In R3 Corda all the nodes are up and running fine.But I don't know to start the web server port?
It is recommended to run a separate web server to connect to a node, not the deprecated in-process webserver. Check out this post for some more information - Moving to Spring webserver from internal webserver.
You have to run spring boot server.
Unix/Mac OSX: ./gradlew runPartyXServer
Windows: gradlew.bat runPartyXServer

Mesos/Marathon scalling a web application

I'm reading up and doing basic mesos/marathon installation. If Im deploying a webapp as a marathon application, the instance(s) of my webapp could run in any mesos slave. Howe would I then configure my nginx upstream to point to correct host(s).
Should my webapp register its host in zookeeper and reconfigure nginx periodically ?.
Is there any examples how to do this.
Should my webapp register its host in zookeeper and reconfigure nginx periodically ?
You don't need zookeeper. All data required to configure nginx are available in Mesos or Marathon. You can periodically query Mesos/Marathon and generate Nginx configuration like Nixy does.
To minimize unavability time you can use Marathon SSE to get information about instances start/stop just like allegro/marathon-consul does.

Setup proxy configuration for ibm websphere server in console

My WebSphere ESB server runs behind corporate proxy server in our network.
When I try to access external web-service i get network exceptions (cannot access destination host).
Is there any way to set my proxy configuration in console, except server startup params?
-Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8800
Since WAS leverage JVM TCP/IP capabilities, the only way is what you found: configure the JVM through the VM Args.
Edit: Those particular options can be set as Additional Properties to the JVM
In WAS, options to the JVM are set in Application servers > server_name > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine.

How to set up a virtual host in WebLogic?

Is it possible to set a virtual host in WebLogic only ?
In my development machine, I have a WebLogic instance with two servers, listening to ports 7002 and 7003; the deployed application contains EJBs and MDBs.
I want to point a Java client outside of the container to a single url, which I know will be served by the cluster, instead of pointing the class to a direct server. This java client will talk to EJBs and JMS queues in the cluster.
Most of the Google searches with the terms weblogic and "virtual host" give me answers involving Apache. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but I understand that the apache server works with HTTP. The cluster being weblogic, the protocol for the ejb will be T3; if it were JBoss, the protocol would be jnp.
So here are the questions:
Is it possible to set a virtual host with WebLogic ?
If so, do I need Apache server to do the virtual host ?
Is this the solution to the wrong problem ? All I need is for the cluster to answer to a single URL. Is there any other solution than virutal hosts ? Is it simpler ?
Also, this is on a Windows machine.
All I need is for the cluster to answer to a single URL. Is there any other solution than virutal hosts ? Is it simpler ?
Yes, simply declare a "cluster URL" in your JNDI environment settings:
The Apache plugin, virtual hosts, etc are HTTP things and have nothing to do with EJB or JMS clients.
Yes you can set up a virtual host in ur weblogic server.
The first file we'll need to edit is the Apache httpd.conf
file. For example, mine is here:
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf\httpd.conf
o to the very bottom of your httpd.conf file in your text
editor. It means that Apache is required.
Yes Setting up a virtual host with apache will solve ur problem.
