Creation of your site - site2 failed because MariaDB is not properly configured to use the Barracuda storage engine - frappe

I am facing below mentioned issue when i am creating the new-site
Creation of your site - xxx failed because MariaDB is not properly
configured to use the Barracuda storage engine.
Please add the settings below to MariaDB's my.cnf, restart MariaDB then


JFrog Artifactory could not start artdb.db_properties' doesn't exist

I've installed JFrog Artifactory on linux platform, configured to use an external mysql server.
I could see tables being created how ever the artifactory service throws page 500 exception.
looking at the catalina.out states that
Caused by: Failed to load db properties from database
Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'artdb.db_properties' doesn't exist
need help guys!! how do i get it resolved..
Connect to another database:
create new db in mysql
Correct system.yaml
Restart artifactory

Does Artifactory support HA mode with the embedded Derby database?

It is not clear from the JFrog documentation, if the HA deployment of Artifactory can be made using the embedded Derby database or it must always be external DB?
Artifactory requires and external database when installed in HA mode. This requirement is specified in the HA installation and setup document as part of the requirements section.
The reason for such a requirement is that all cluster nodes are sharing the same database and this cannot be done with the embedded derby.

CakePHP v3 installation with SLQite, default web app can't find MySQL

I'm on a W7 32-bit platform. Following the installation instructions in, and using the builtin PHP server. The default web app reports:
Database driver Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql cannot be used due to a missing PHP extension or unmet dependency
At this early stage in my cake career, I do not know whether I can rebuild this default app, or how to. I have configured PHP to use PDO-sqlite not MySQL, and used it to write an app which successfully interrogates a SQLite database via PDO.
Fixed it. I was looking for the configuration file in the wrong place. The right place is <\my_app>\config\app.php, just change the driver name to that of the SQLite driver and it all works.

Migration of the wordpress from Azure to windows instance of AWS?

I'm currently hosting the wordpress using the Azure IIS mysql for my blog and would like to move to the Amazon web services (AWS) windows instance.
Does anyone know how to migrate properly I have read plenty of sites but it seems to be more focused on linux
Your Mysql is a cleardb instance. You must connect to it using MySQL Workbench and export data.
You can do the same with wordpress through wp-admin

How can I monitor a mariadb instance with newrelic?

How can I monitor a mariadb instance with the New Relic MySQL plugin?
I can monitor mysql 5.1. I can talk to the mariadb 5.5 db with the mysql cli. But when I try to talk to mariadb 5.5 with the newrelic mysql plugin, I get this:
[2014-01-14 16:27:43 -0800]
com.newrelic.metrics.publish.binding.Context | SEVERE | Unable to
obtain a new database connection: jdbc:mysql://db001:10017/
newrelic/PASSWORD_FILTERED, check your MySQL configuration settings.
Could not create connection to database server.
New Relic doesn't officially support MariaDB, but it may work. The New Relic plugin requires that it can connect via TCP. You can test this by trying to connect locally over TCP.
For mysql you would run something like: mysql -u newrelic -pPASSWORD -hHOST --protocol=TCP
The JDBC drivers that work with MySQL may not work the same way which could mean that this plugin will not work correctly with MariaDB.
I had a similar issue and thought it was a MariaDB issue. It turns out I had installed Java 1.5 (the default if you do yum install java). Once I switched to 1.6 it started working.
