Custom Injections in Neovim Treesitter with Tagged Template Literals - abstract-syntax-tree

I'm trying to write a custom injection for Neovim's Treesitter that will highlight tagged template literals as SQL code.
The code in question looks like this:
import sql from "postgres"
const query = sql` SELECT * FROM my_table`
I'd like to tell Treesitter to parse this tagged template literal as SQL code. This is possible using Treesitter's custom injections; in fact the library uses this same technique to inject syntax for GraphQL tagged template literals, which I believe happens in this file here.
I've written a configuration file at ~/.config/nvim/after/queries/ecma/injections.scm that's quite similar to the GraphQL query, and although Treesitter is recognizing the file, the injection isn't working at all. Does anyone have a solution to this? Ideally, Treesitter would see the sql tagged template literal and interpret the body of the function with the SQL parser.

to make tree sitter use injections in your after/ folder, your injections.scm file should contain ; extends as first line.
Took me many hours to figure it out, it's now documented right here

Similar to what #brotify-force said, but my own SQL injection for Python was not working until I realized what the issue was.
; extends
left: (identifier) #_id (#match? #_id "sql")
right: (string) #sql
My original query used #id, but it seems like if you have any captures not starting with an underscore besides the language capture, the Neovim Treesitter machinery gets confused.

I've been trying to do something similar but for template strings that just happen to contain SQL. I was inspired by a VSCode plugin that syntax highlights any template string that has a comment like /*sql*/ in front of it. Here's what I came up with.
; extends
(comment) #_comment-text
(#match? #_comment-text "sql")
(template_string) #ql
I do wish there was a proper sql module for tree-sitter, and it looks like one is in the works, but the ql module will do for now.


Is values passed to WooCommerce update_meta_data method fully sanitizing?

I'm writing a WordPress plugin in which there is an input form for users with which they can add notes. I'm using WooCommerce update_meta_data method to save notes in database.
Considering this code:
$note = isset($_POST['order_note']) ? sanitize_text_field($_POST['order_note']) : '';
$order->update_meta_data('_order_note', wp_json_encode($note));
I know that update_post_meta sanitizes data (SQL Injection) before inserting it into database but how about update_meta_data ?
Is above code safe to use for inserting data in database?
As far as I can see on the woo's update_meta_dataSource Code, there is not any sanitizing function getting called.
On the other hand, if you take a look at the wordpress update_metadataDocs, there are two sanitizing functions getting called:
sanitize_keySource Code
sanitize_metaSource Code
So to answer your question, yes I would use a sanitizing function too before I update the meta data using update_meta_data.
In order to do that, sanitize_text_field would usually get the job done fine, but if you want to be sure that you're using the right sanitizing function, then use sanitize_metaDocs instead. That's what wordpress itself is using. Security-wise, I, personally, never had any problems using sanitize_text_field nor did I see anybody else having any problems with it. The snippet you provided us with, looks safe to me.

Is there a way or a plugin to configure SQL Dialects as DQL in PhpStorm?

In PhpStorm, I can change global, project or directories settings with existing SQL Dialects, but is there a way to configure SQL Dialects as Symfony/DQL in PhpStorm or a way to detect that App:Panel is a valid entity, not a table? (App:Panel table name is te_panel)
I read this answer which explains that we have to add a Java plugin, because it's currently not possible to add a new SQL Dialect on PhpStorm.
As example, this is an error that PhpStorm is throwing:
The : between App and Panel is not understood. It cannot understand the table name provided (because I provide the name of the Symfony entity).
DQL is not supported. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
You may try and treat App:Panel as placeholder (similar to how it was described in that linked question). But I have no ideas if it will help (have not really worked with Symfony/DQL so cannot test it myself).
What I may suggest though -- threat the whole query as plain text. Yes, no syntax highlighting and stuff but will not show errors either.
How? One way by placing special comment just before the string, e.g.
->query(/** #lang text */'SELECT ...');
Or by disabling Language Injection rule for SQL altogether.
Alternatively try what has been suggested in this comment -- custom SQL detection syntax(?):

Oracle eText rtf template and Extended Function

I am working on Oracle 11g NACHA eText rtf template and i am facing problems while creating this template as per Bank needs. I need help while using substring extended function in column Originating DFI Identification.
My function is like this: substr(BankAccountNumber,1,8)
But when, I test the template using template viewer i got following erorr:
[112616_130010213][][PROCEDURE] Log Level is changed to PROCEDURE
[112616_130011163][][ERROR] expression: is invalid
Time: 4.706 sec.
FO Formatting failed.
End of Process.
Anyone here can help me with this please ?
The syntax looks correct, try making it uppercase. Check to see if that tag contains any data, and that the datatype is Alpha in the etext template.

SQLite, text search FTS etc

I am doing some updates and repairs on some old D5 business stuff (freebie for friend) with SQLite3 so have to use Zeos 6.6
I would like to speed up a text search which currently uses two BLOB_TEXT Fields, "Class" and "Methods"
if not(cbSearchMatchCase.Checked) then
while not(dm.tbl.EOF) do
SearchData:=dm.tbl.FieldByName(fldClass).AsString+' '+
if not(cbSearchMatchCase.Checked) then
MatchFound:=AnsiPos(SearchText,SearchData) > 0;
Can anyone point me at some code for using the SQLite FTS extension or something quicker than the above?
I found this but can't get it to work for way too many reasons to define here. I am sure it works as Žarko Gajić stuff is always spot-on, but just not working this installation. :) ... g-project/
Just find this link here...
Does BLOB data types in SQLite supports FULL-text search?
That might explain why nothing seems to work, The BLOB_TEXT is being ignored? Yes? No?
Any snippets to speed this Text Search up?
Why not to create index on class / method? It can be expression index: or even complex one. I would start with lower case, and then re-filter if case sensitivity is needed.

Meteor how to save templates in mongo

I want to give my users the possibility to create document templates (contracts, emails, etc.)
The best option I figured out would be to store these document templates in mongo (maybe I'm wrong...)
I've been searching for a couple of hours now but I can't figure out how to render these document template with their data context.
Template stored in Mongo: "Dear {{firstname}}"
data context: {firstname: "Tom"}
On Tom's website, He should read: "Dear Tom"
How can I do this?
After some researches, I discovered a package called spacebars-compiler that brings the option to compile to the client:
meteor add spacebars-compiler
I then tried something like this:
Template.doctypesList.rendered = ->
content = "<div>" + + "</div>"
template = Spacebars.compile content
rendered = UI.dynamic(template,{name:"nicolas"})
UI.insert(rendered, $(this).closest(".widget-body"))
but it doesn't work.
the template gets compiled but then, I don't know how to interpret it with its data context and to send it back to the web page.
I'm getting closer thanks to Tom.
This is what I did:
Template.doctypesList.rendered = ->
content =
console.log content
templateName = "template_#{}"
Template.__define__(templateName, () -> content)
rendered = UI.renderWithData(eval("Template.#{templateName}"),{name:"nicolas"})
UI.insert(rendered, $("#content_" +
This works excepted the fact that the name is not injected into the template. UI.renderWithData renders the template but without the data context...
The thing your are missing is the call to (undocumented!) Template.__define__ which requires the template name (pick something unique and clever) as the first argument and the render function which you get from your space bars compiler. When it is done you can use {{> UI.dynamic}} as #Slava suggested.
There is also another way to do it, by using UI.Component API, but I guess it's pretty unstable at the moment, so maybe I will skip this, at least for now.
Use UI.dynamic:
It is fairly new and didn't make its way to docs for some reason.
There are few ways to achieve what you want, but I would do it like this:
You're probably already using underscore.js, if not Meteor has core package for it.
You could use underscore templates ( like this:
var templateString = 'Dear <%= firstname %>'
and later compile it using
_.template(templateString, {firstname: "Tom"})
to get Dear Tom.
Of course you can store templateString in MongoDB in the meantime.
You can set delimiters to whatever you want, <%= %> is just the default.
Compiled template is essentially htmljs notation Meteor uses (or so I suppose) and it uses Template.template_name.lookup to render correct data. Check in console if Template.template_name.lookup("data_helper")() returns the correct data.
I recently had to solve this exact (or similar) problem of compiling templates client side. You need to make sure the order of things is like this:
Compiled template is present on client
Template data is present (verify with Template.template_name.lookup("data_name")() )
Render the template on page now
To compile the template, as #apendua have suggested, use (this is how I use it and it works for me)
Template.__define__(name, eval(Spacebars.compile(
newHtml, {
isTemplate: true,
sourceName: 'Template "' + name + '"'
After this you need to make sure the data you want to render in template is available before you actually render the template on page. This is what I use for rendering template on page:
UI.DomRange.insert(UI.render(Template.template_name).dom, document.body);
Although my use case for rendering templates client side is somewhat different (my task was to live update the changed template overriding meteor's hot code push), but this worked best among different methods of rendering the template.
You can check my very early stage package which does this here:
I am fairly new to real-world programming so my code might be ugly, but may be it'll give you some pointers to solve your problem. (If you find me doing something stupid in there, or see something which is better done some other way, please feel free to drop a comment. That's the only way I get feedback for improvement as I am new and essentially code alone sitting in my dark corner).
