How to get the currently logged in User in EasyAdmin - symfony

How can I fetch the currently logged in User from anywhere within the Backend code? For example I have an EventSubscriber class and want to fetch it from there.
How can I do that w/o the help of i.e. AbstractController?

Symfony AbstractController is the core of most Controllers. Including EasyAdmin crud controller (XXXCrudController) extends AbstractController so you can access the same methods.
One of those is getUser() which return the current logged in user.
* Get a user from the Security Token Storage.
* #return UserInterface|null
* #throws \LogicException If SecurityBundle is not available
* #see TokenInterface::getUser()
protected function getUser()
if (!$this->container->has('security.token_storage')) {
throw new \LogicException('The SecurityBundle is not registered in your application. Try running "composer require symfony/security-bundle".');
if (null === $token = $this->container->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()) {
return null;
// #deprecated since 5.4, $user will always be a UserInterface instance
if (!\is_object($user = $token->getUser())) {
// e.g. anonymous authentication
return null;
return $user;
So when trying to get the logged used in a controller, just use this method.
If you want to get the same thing, but for example in a service, you can basically do the same as what the method actually does by using the service injection with TokenStorageInterface to access the TokenStorage service which can get the current user.
So in your event subscriber, add TokenStorageInterface in your constructor to use it to first get the token and then your user. You may have to add another check to see if there is an user logged in (by checking if there is a token for example)
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;
private $tokenStorage
public function __construct(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage)
$this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;
public function yourMethod()
//get token then user
$user = $tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser();


Retrieve current user in Symfony app while respecting LoD

I'm having some issues understanding how the Law of Demeter should be applied in some cases with Symfony's DI system.
I have some factory that requires to access current logged in user in the application. To do that I need to require #security.token_storage to inject it as a constructor argument.
But in my factory, to access the user I will need to do : $tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser(), and worst, if I want to access some property of my user, I will need to dive one level deeper.
How would you fix this issue according to the law of demeter ?
Here is a sample of my code :
class SomeFactory
* #var User
private $currentUser;
* #param TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage
public function __construct(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage)
$this->currentUser = $this->setCurrentUser($tokenStorage);
* #param TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage
protected function setCurrentUser(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage)
if ($tokenStorage->getToken()
&& $tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser()
&& in_array('ADMIN_ROLE', $tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser()->getRoles())
) {
$this->currentUser = $tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser();
I hope i am being clear.
Thank you very much :)
It seems that in DI factories the session has not been initialized, which makes the current user token unavailable, at this point.
What I did to make it work:
Register a new event listener for kernel.event:
class: App\EventListener\MyRequestListener
name: kernel.event_listener
event: kernel.request
method: onKernelRequest
In MyRequestListener I've added my service as dependency (which invokes the factory) and provides the service, with incomplete data. Also I require Security:
public function __construct(\Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Security $security, MyService $service)
$this->security = $security;
$this->service = $service;
Now, in MyRequestListener::onKernelRequest I can access the user's data and add/change the incomplete properties of my service.
public function onKernelRequest(): void
if ($user = $this->security->getUser()) {
$this->service->whatever = $user->whatever;
Because Symfony uses the same instance of MyService, those modification will be available in all further services.
But keep in mind, that your service, also needs to deal with the incomplete data, when no active user session is existing (e.g. because no user is logged in, or on CLI).

LexikJWT get user profile by token

Using LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle, FOSRest, FOSUser how do I get authenticated user profile by token. Is it possible?
So let's say user is already authenticated via LexikJWT and I have an api endpoint like /api/profile where I send the token and I expect to get specified user data.
I'm using for frontend ReactJS with Redux.
This is an example of how to get your user by a service when the user is already authenticated:
class UserService
/** #var TokenStorageInterface */
private $tokenStorage;
* #param TokenStorageInterface $storage
public function __construct(
TokenStorageInterface $storage,
$this->tokenStorage = $storage;
public function getCurrentUser()
$token = $this->tokenStorage->getToken();
if ($token instanceof TokenInterface) {
/** #var User $user */
$user = $token->getUser();
return $user;
} else {
return null;
And in your services.yml:
class: YourBundle\YourPackage\UserService
arguments: [ '#security.token_storage' ]
This will return your user - but be aware depending on the how user got set to the token during authentication this can be as well only your username as a string. But basically you get any content from your current $token->getUser().
i'm new but i can try...
you can use the annotation like
in your controller and something like$this->getUser()->getUsername(); to get the username.
$user = $this->get('doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager')
after that you serialize datas, create new Response and return it.

How to Get Current User inside Repository Symfony 2.7

All of my query in Entity Repository needs to be filtered by user.
Now I want to know how can I access the currently logged in user in Entity Repository directly.
What I did today is to get the currently logged in user in my controller, through the use of $this->getUser() and then pass it to Entity Repository and this is not efficient.
You need to inject security.token_storage service into another one to get the current user, but as of Repository classes belong to Doctrine project, not Symfony, it is not recommended to do this.. May be there is a way to achieve it by creating custom entityManager class as described here, but I don't think it would a good solution..
Instead of customizing an entityManager better create a service which calls repository classes' methods, inject desired services into it.. Let Repository classes do their job.
Implementation would be something like this:
class MyRepository extends EntityRepository
public function fetchSomeDataByUser(UserInterface $user)
// query
class MyService
private $tokenStorage;
public function _construct(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage)
$this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;
// other services
public function getSomeDataByUser()
$user = $this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUser();
return $this->entityManager->getRepository(MyREPOSITORY)->fetchSomeDataByUser($user);
public function someAction()
$dataByUser = $this->get(MYSERVICE)->getSomeDataByUser();
If you use JMSDiExtraBundle it can be done by adding setter injection:
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use JMS\DiExtraBundle\Annotation as DI;
class YourRepository extends EntityRepository
/** #var User current user entity */
protected $user;
* #DI\InjectParams({
* "token_storage" = #DI\Inject("security.token_storage")
* })
public function setSimplaManager(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage)
$token = $tokenStorage->getToken();
if (!is_object($user = $token->getUser())) {
// e.g. anonymous authentication
$this->user = $user;

Symfony2 Need to send password to API

how do i get the password eneterd via a costum user provider. I found this question:
Symfony Security / Custom User Provider : How to get the login password within the custom User Provider?
Which says i would have to overrise the loadUserByName method, and add the password as a parameter, the issue is that i cannot find the file he overrides:
Where is this file located?
I found the:
$user = $this->userProvider->loadUserByUsername($username);
call in the DOAAuthenticationProvider, and i see that the method takes:
protected function retrieveUser($username, UsernamePasswordToken $token)
as augments, i asume i need to pass the password there, and then pass it to loadUserByName, which calls my costum userprovider method.
Any help on how to achieve this is appreciated.
You can create an AuthenticationHandler on your bundle. and the on successful login fetch the password from the token.
in services.yml:
class: Wix\UserBundle\EventListener\AuthenticationHandler
arguments: ["#security.http_utils", {}]
- { name: 'monolog.logger', channel: 'security' }
And sample class:
class AuthenticationHandler extends DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
* This is called when an interactive authentication attempt succeeds. This
* is called by authentication listeners inheriting from
* AbstractAuthenticationListener.
* #param Request $request
* #param TokenInterface $token
* #return Response never null
public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token)
$response = new RedirectResponse('/');
return $response;

Symfony2 ACL access to multiple objects for multiple users

I'm busy with a Symfony2 application that needs some ACL permissions.
I'm a newbie with Symfony2, so not sure if i'm looking at this the right way.
I have multiple clients, each with multiple accounts.
I have a super admin (ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN) that have access to all clients and all accounts.
Then I have an admin role (ROLE_ADMIN), which will only be allowed access to a specific client and all accounts for that clients.
Then there is agents (ROLE_AGENT), which should only have permission to certain accounts for clients.
I saw on the symfony docs that to give a user access to a specific object, I can use the following code:
// creating the ACL
$aclProvider = $this->get('security.acl.provider');
$objectIdentity = ObjectIdentity::fromDomainObject($account);
$acl = $aclProvider->createAcl($objectIdentity);
// retrieving the security identity of the currently logged-in user
$securityContext = $this->get('security.context');
$user = $securityContext->getToken()->getUser();
$securityIdentity = UserSecurityIdentity::fromAccount($user);
// grant owner access
$acl->insertObjectAce($securityIdentity, MaskBuilder::MASK_OWNER);
So when creating a new account, I can give the current logged-in user access to the newly created account.
But how do I grant access to all the other users of the client access to the account?
I don't want to loop through all users and run the above code for every user.
So for example when viewing all clients, I need to know which clients the user has access to, or when viewing the accounts, I need to know which accounts the user has access to.
Also when adding a new user to a client, the user automatically need to have access to all the accounts for that client.
As a side note, I only need to know if the user has access to the account/client. If a user has access, then they are automatically allowed to view/edit/delete etc.
For this case I used a custom security service that verifies ManyToMany relations between entities. It`s not the ideal decision but keep in mind.
First we need to make listener that will be triggered at every controller action.
class SecurityListener
protected $appSecurity;
function __construct(AppSecurity $appSecurity)
$this->appSecurity = $appSecurity;
public function onKernelController(FilterControllerEvent $event)
$c = $event->getController();
* $controller passed can be either a class or a Closure. This is not usual in Symfony2 but it may happen.
* If it is a class, it comes in array format
if (!is_array($c)) {
$hasAccess = $this->appSecurity->hasAccessToContoller($c[0], $c[1], $event->getRequest());
if(!$hasAccess) {
throw new AccessDeniedHttpException('Access denied.');
In service we have access to request, controller instance and called action. So we can make a decision have user access or not.
class AppSecurity
protected $em;
protected $security;
/** #var $user User */
protected $user;
public function __construct(EntityManager $em, SecurityContext $security)
$this->em = $em;
$this->security = $security;
if($security->getToken() !== null && !$security->getToken() instanceof AnonymousToken) {
$this->user = $security->getToken()->getUser();
* #param $controller
* #param string $action
public function hasAccessToContoller($controller, $action, Request $request)
$attrs = $request->attributes->all();
$client = $attrs['client'];
/* db query to check link between logged user and request client */
If you are using very nasty annotations like ParamConverter you can easily extract ready to use entites from request.
