Should R package functions not include comments? - r

I'm in the process of creating a small R package containing a set of functions that should be useful in a specialized area of Biology. I currently have the package on GitHub, but want to submit it to CRAN soon. One thing I have noticed when digging around in other packages, is that the code often includes no comments at all (e.g. short comments describing what different parts of the code does), which makes it more difficult to understand. I'm not a programmer or expert in R, so I don't understand why comments are often not included, and Hadley Wickham's "R packages" book makes not mention of this.
Edit: I'm not referring to the object documentation, that one accesses with ?function(), but to comments that are interspersed within the function code, which a normal user wouldn't see, but that could be helpful for people trying to figure out exactly how a function works.
Is there a specific reason to not include comments within the functions of an R package? If so, should I remove all the comments from my code before submitting to CRAN?


Import one function in R package (without importFrom)

I'm writing an R package and I'd like to use one function from another package (plotKML). This external package has so many dependencies that I don't want my users to be required to download etc. If I use importFrom(plotKML, readGPX) in the NAMESPACE file it will load all of plotKML into the namespace and download all dependencies which I don't want.
So the question is: is it appropriate to copy the code for the one function I need (ensuring that all the dependencies in that one function are included)? If so what is appropriate for the attribution/documentation -- do I copy the documentation from the original?
There is a great discussion of this issue in this post and the answer by Brian Diggs is very helpful. But he ends with "For your example, you may be better off copying the code for memisc::describe into your package, although that approach has its own problems and caveats" so I'm left with some uncertainty about what the problems are and whether it's appropriate from a attribution perspective.
Questions about the appropriate attribution would probably be best resolved by contacting the package author directly. As noted in the comments above, that package appears to use GPL-3, which should mean that you can include the function in your package but your package must then also be GPL-3 licensed. (As always, probably no one here is a lawyer so that's on you to check...)
The primary downside to copying just the function you need is that then you are responsible for maintaining it. This probably also means maintaining it in a way that keeps it in sync with the original version from plotKML. Depending on the package, surrounding code and how often it is updated that could be fairly simple or it could be horrible.

Stealing methods and data from other R packages

I am currently developing an R package that make use of different datasets from other R packages. As a result, my package has a large number of dependencies, and the user is required to install various unrelated packages in order for my package to work.
I would prefer to copy these datasets to my own package and give proper credit in the documentation, but is there a problem with that?
And what about simple functions from other packages? For example, I need the Matern function from the fields package, and it seems much simpler to just copy that function to my own package instead of having a dependency on a whole package full of unrelated functionality.
Why not just ask the authors/maintainers of those packages for their permission or thoughts on the matter? They may know something that the rest of us don't about how the functions are implemented and how easy they are to copy.
Two different people asked me if they could include a function from my package in theirs, they explained why they wanted to and what they were doing and I agreed that having the user install my whole package for just the 1 function would be overkill and gave them my blessing (and the original source code) to include the functions in their packages (technically due to the license they did not need my permission). Now when I update either of the functions, I also send the updated source code to those 2 authors so that they can keep their copy up to date if they want to.

How to cross-reference an equation in an R help file/roxygen2

I'm in the process of documenting some of my functions for an R package I'm making.
I'm using roxygen markup, though that is largely irrelevant to my question.
I have put equations into my documentation using \deqn{...}. My question is:
Is there a way to cross-reference this equation later on?
For example, in my Rd file:
y = mx + b
Can I later do something like:
Referring to equation \ref{test}, ...
I've tried \eqref{test}, \ref{test} (which both get "unknown macro" and don't get linked ), and also \link{test} (which complains it can't find function test because it's really just for linking to other functions).
Otherwise I fear I may have to do something hacky and add in the -- (1) and Refer to equation (1) manually within the \deqn etc in the Rd file...
General answer appears to be "no". (awww...)
However, I can write a vignette and use "normal" latex/packages there. In any case, I've just noticed that the matrix equations I spent ages putting into my roxygen/Rd file look awful in the ?myFunction version of the help (they show up as just-about literal latex source). Which is a shame, because they look beautiful in the pdf version of the help.
#Iterator has pointed out the existence of conditional text, so I'll do ASCII maths in the .Rd files, but Latex maths in the pdf manual/vignette.
I'm compiling my comments above into an answer, for the benefit of others.
First, I do not actually know whether or not .Rd supports tagging of equations. However, the .Rd format is such a strict subset of LaTeX, and produces very primitive text output, that shoehorning extensive equations into its format could be a painful undertaking without much benefit to the user.
The alternative is to use package vignettes, or even externally hosted documentation (as is done by Hadley Wickham, for some of his packages). This will allow you to use PDFs or other documentation, to your heart's content. In this way, you can include screenshots, plots, all of the funkiest LaTeX extensions that only you have, and, most significantly, the AMS extensions that we all know and love.
Nonetheless, one can specify different rendering of a given section of documentation (in .Rd) based on the interface, such as text for the console, nice characters for HTML, etc., and conditional text supports that kind of format variation.
It's a good question. I don't know the answer regarding feasibility, but I had similar questions about documenting functions and equations together, and this investigation into what's feasible with .Rd files has convinced me to use PDF vignettes rather than .Rd files.

Namespaces in R packages

How do people learn about giving an R package a namespace? I find the documention in "R Extensions" fine, but I don't really get what is happening when a variable is imported or exported - I need a dummy's guide to these directives.
How do you decide what is exported? Is it just everything that really shouldn't required the pkg:::var syntax? What about imports?
Do imports make it easier to ensure that your use of other package functions doesn't get confused when function names overlap?
Are there special considerations for S4 classes?
Packages that I'm familiar with that use namespaces such as sp and rgdal are quite complicated - are there simple examples that could make things clearer?
I have a start on an answer on the devtools wiki:
Few years later here....
I consolidated findings from Chambers, other StackOverflow posts, and lots of tinkering in R:
This is less about implementing NAMESPACE/IMPORTS/DEPENDS and more about the purpose of these structures. Answers some of your questions.
The clearest explanation I've read is in John Chambers' Software for Data Analysis: Programming with R, page 103. I don't know of any free online explanations that are better than what you've already found in the R Extensions manual.
You could also pick an easy, small package and follow it.
I semi-randomly looked at digest which is one of my smaller packages. I loads a (small) dynamic library and exports one symbol, the digest() function. Here is the content of the NAMESPACE file:
## package has dynamic library
## and one and only one core function
Have a look at the rest of the source files and maybe try to read Writing R Extensions alongside looking at the example, and do some experiments.

R code examples/best practices

I'm new to R and having a hard time piecing together information from various sources online related to what is considered a "good" practice with writing R code. I've read basic guides but I've been having a hard time finding information that is definitely up to date.
What are some examples of well written/documented S3 classes?
How about corresponding S4 classes?
What conventions do you use when commenting .R classes/functions? Do you put all of your comments in both .Rd files and .R files? Is synchronization of these files tiresome?
Whether to use S3, S4, or a package at all is mostly a style issue (as Dirk says), but I would suggest using one of those if you want to have a very well structured object (just as you would in any OOP language). For instance, all the time series classes have time series objects (I believe that they're all S3 with the exception of its) because it allows them to enforce certain behavior around the construction and usage of those objects. Similarly with the question about creating a package: it's a good idea to do this if you will be re-using your code frequently or if the code will be useful to someone else. It requires a little more effort, but the added organizational structure can easily make up for the cost.
Regarding S3 vs. S4 (discussed on R-Help here and here), the basic guideline is that S3 classes are more "quick and dirty" while S4 classes place more rigid control over objects and types. If you're working on Bioconductor, you typically will use S4 (see, for instance, "S4 classes and methods").
I would recommend reading some of the following:
"A (Not So) Short Introduction to S4" by Christophe Genolini
"Programmers' niche: A simple class, in S3 and S4" by Thomas Lumley
"Brobdingnag: a ''hello world'' package using S4 methods" by Robin K. S. Hankin
"Converting packages to S4" by Douglas Bates
"How S4 Methods Work" by John Chambers
For documentation, Hadley's suggestion is spot on: Roxygen will make life easier and puts the documentation right next to the code. That aside, you may still want to provide other comments in your code beyond what Roxygen or the man files require, in which case it's a good practice to comment your code for other developers. Those comments will not end up in your package; they will only be visible in the source code.
For 3. Use roxygen - it works like javadoc to take comments in your source files and build Rd files.
That's half a dozen or more questions bundled into one, which makes it difficult to answer.
So let's try from the inside out: First try to solve your RODBC wrapper problem. A code representation will suggest itself. I would start with simple functions, and then maybe build a package around it. That already gives you some encapsulation.
Much of the rest is style. Some prominent R codes swear by S4, while other swear about it. You can always read the packages of others as well as code in R itself. And you can always re-implement your RODBC wrapper in different ways and the compare your own approaches.
Edit: Reflecting you updated and much shortened question: Pick some packages from CRAN, in particular among those you use. I think you will quickly find some more or less interesting according to your style.
somewhat more style related than substance, but the Google R style guide is worth reading:
