Install an older version of a package on Atom Editor - atom-editor

How can I install older versions of a package on Atom Editor? In this case, I'm trying to install an older version of Remote-FTP, and there are older versions of the package here, but no way to specify which version to choose when you install it. Can you help?

From the Atom docs on Packages:
You can also install packages by using the apm install command:
apm install <package_name> to install the latest version.
apm install <package_name>#<package_version> to install a specific version.
For example apm install emmet#0.1.5 installs the 0.1.5 release of the Emmet package.


Unable to uninstall previous anaconda version after installing the latest version without installing previous version

I installed the latest version of Anaconda over the previous version because it malfunctioned (the anaconda navigator was not opening). However, even on repeated attempts, I am unable to uninstall of the previous version even on uninstalling it from the control panel. Please let me know what should i do to uninstall the previous anaconda version completely.
Read the docs:
Install the Anaconda-Clean package from Anaconda Prompt
conda install anaconda-clean
Remove all Anaconda-related files and directories
anaconda-clean --yes

Every time I try to install a new version of R, the older version is installed. What should I do?

I previously installed the 3.6.3 version of R on my ubuntu, now I remove that version and try to reinstall the R, But the previous version is installed again.
I try by this command:
sudo apt install r-base
How can I install the new version?
Thanks for any help

How to configure and build lzma on CentOS 6?

I am trying to configure and build lzma version 5.0.3 or higher on CentOS 6. I try install R version 3.5.2.
./configure --enable-R-shlib
But this error
Checking if lzma version >= 5.0.3... no
I installed lzma version 4.999.
There is no 5.x.x version package available for CentOS 6
They are having beta version at 4.9.9
Click to check
I suggest you to upgrade your CentOS 6 to CentOS 7
And then you will get support in OS to install latest distribution of this and other packages
sudo yum install xz
And also you can go to this link and download it manually and install it us
sudo rpm -i {package}
R 3.5.2 is available in EPEL repository.
Just install it from packages:
yum install epel-release
yum install R

Brew: uninstalling all version of a package

I am trying to uninstall qt.
I did brew uninstall qt, and it uninstalled the version 5.9.0, but it says that:
4.8.7_2, 5.8.0_1 2 are still installed
I want to delete them as well.
Is there a way to uninstall with brew all the versions of a package?
Thanks in advance!
OS: Mac El Capitan
brew uninstall --force qt
brew uninstall qt#4.8.7_2 qt#5.8.0_1
Both of these will probably warn that there are still dependencies, for example on my machine:
$ brew uninstall qt
Error: Refusing to uninstall /usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.14.0
because it is required by gnuplot, octave, poppler and pyqt, which are currently installed.
You can override this and force removal with:
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies qt
You don't use --force, but add these reverse dependencies to the list. For my example above:
brew uninstall qt#5.14.0 gnuplot octave poppler pyqt
You can then check with brew list if there are any other remnants you want to remove.

How to install git-flow 1.9.1 AVH in Ubuntu 14?

Currently, I'm able to install git-flow using
apt-get install git-flow
But, it's always installing version 1.6.0 AVH Edition.
Please help me install 1.9.0 AVH Edition.
I created a new PPA on Launchpad for git-flow AVH.
It has the latest gitflow version for Ubuntu Precise, Trusty, Wily, and Xenial. I used the original Xenial package for backporting.
