Arduinocloud Begin without WiFiConnectionHandler Parameter - arduino

I searched in documentation and google a little but didn't see the "arduinocloud.begin" function call without the "WiFiConnectionHandler" parameter. I am handling wifi connections with the ESP8266WiFiMulti library and don't want to change it.
Is there a way to bypass the parameter of begin and other events connected to it?


Unused gRPC ServerContext

I am new to gRPC and trying to use it in my existing system. However, I get this unused parameter error while compiling it. error: unused parameter ‘context’[-Werror=unused-parameter]
Status MyFunc(ServerContext* context, const QueryRequest* request,
Probably the context parameter is used in some other cases. But, in simple hello world type of example it is not used. Is there a way to compile the protocol buffer without generating the ServerContext parameter ?
I know I can make the compiler ignore warning messages. But, just wondering if it can be done without affecting the way my system is being compiled right now.
I would like to know how the context is used ? It would be great if anybody can give pointers to how to use this context. I might find a use of it in my work.
The ServerContext is provided to, well, add context for every RPC you get. It'll allow you to tweak certain aspects of the RPC, such as deal with authentication, or add metadata to your response back to the client. You may or may not need that parameter, obviously, depending on your needs.
We didn't want to add an option for this specifically, because that'd complexify the code and tool for little benefit, so the code generator and the function signature force you to have that parameter at all times. Now this isn't really a big deal, because in C++, you can specifically ask your compiler to ignore a parameter in a specific instance, for example with the following:
Status SayHello(ServerContext* context, const HelloRequest* request,
HelloReply* reply) override {
(void) context; // ignore that variable without causing warnings
std::string prefix("Hello ");
reply->set_message(prefix + request->name());
return Status::OK;
And that's how I'd suggest you to take care of that warning in that specific instance, without causing your whole project to not have warnings enabled.

Spawn object with custom script with Unity Network

I have a PlayerPref that spawn more objects in OnStartLocalPlayer().
So in OnStartLocalPlayer() it call Command(assume that called on server) that instantiate GameObject and setup some values of its scripts. At the end it calls SpanWithClientAuthority()...
The thing is that on owner client and on server those script tweeks are correct, but on all other clients it lost all that settings(ex. gameobject ref etc). What do I do wrong?
Once more in nutshell: playerPref GO must have ref list of several other objects, and those objects must have ref to that playerPref GO. (making them part of playerPref GO is not a solution).
If I understand your problem correctly, you need the references to be set across all clients who have the same game object. [Command]'s are for client to server. What you need is a [ClientRpc]. Make the OnStartLocalPlayer() call a [ClientRpc] function, in that function (ex: RpcSetRefs()) set the references you need each client to have.

Force iron-router to get back an ready from waitOn

Currently it seems not to be possible to force a ready() state in the route. For example:
I have a waitOn on 2 subscribtions. One of them returns a Meteor.Error - now the route will be in the loading-state with no ending.
Is there a recommend way to tell iron-router "waitOn until subscribtion is ready OR subscribtion fails with an error" ?
To explain my special case:
The waitOn is for a route which is for searching. The search arguments are "what" and "where". In "where" I have a plan String Address and need to convert it to a geo coordinate. For this I use the googlemaps converter on the Serverside (because its Sync). When no address was found I need to get back a error a lá "This address must be wrong". For this I need the functionality to get back an error.
When I do it like David Weldon said I need to do this step in the waitOn method but the Client-Side googlemaps converter is not Sync - instead its async so this would not work.
General Recommendations
It's okay for your publishers to throw errors, but those conditions should only be hit if the client does the wrong thing. In other words, you are solving the wrong problem - you should only subscribe when you know the publisher will not throw an error. Let's look at an example:
Suppose your route needs to subscribe to newPosts and postsForSuperuser. Assume that the postsForSuperuser publisher will throw an error if the user isn't a superuser. It's now the client's job not to let that happen. The waiton definition could look like:
waitOn: function() {
var subs = [Meteor.subscribe('newPosts')];
if (Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.user(), ['superuser']))
return subs;
Because we are conditionally adding the postsForSuperuser subscription, we don't give the publisher the opportunity to throw an error.
Your specific use case
You case is a little more tricky, because mechanically the client is doing the correct thing but the user input may happen to be bad. In this case, I don't think throwing an error is appropriate. Here are some recommendations:
Avoid the problem by checking the address via a method call prior to changing the route.
If an address is found to be invalid, have the publish function immediately return this.ready(). This will prevent your route from failing, but you'll be left assuming that the reason you have no data is because of the address. If that's a valid assumption (i.e. it's the only possible reason for failure), then your router could deal with this by using a dataNotFound hook.
If you need to explicitly identify the cause of the error, have a close look at the 'counts' example from the docs. You can declare a client-only collection called addressErrors and then call this.added with a dynamically created document describing the cause of the error. The implementation of this is a little more tricky, and probably worthy of a separate question if you get stuck. I'd see if the first two make sense before attempting it.

jruby add RXTX serial listener

I need to read a message incoming every 500ms from the serial COMx or /dev/ttySx interfaces under jruby.
What I am trying to do is to translate this example to Ruby in order to retrigger the listener.
I am learning jRuby so I started to activate the serial port and then I am trying to add the listener in this way:
java_import('') { 'JSerialPort' }
puts #error_message="myerror #{$!}"
It seems to work.
Next is to add the listener which in the above example is described at this line
serialPort.addEventListener(new SerialReader(in));
This is described here where an addListener method is described.
I tried many ways to call the addListener methods, but I don't manage to call by jRuby such an inner method.
I tried sp::RXTXPort::addEventListener with no luck. Long research googling set me to stall (and some frustration).
Any help welcome.

Flex/Flash: capture 'trace' in code?

In Flash/Flex, is it possible to capture the result of 'trace' in code?
So, for example, if one part of the code calls trace("foo"), I'd like to automatically capture the string "foo" and pass it to some other function.
Edit: I'm not interested in trying to use trace instead of a proper logging framework… I want to write a plugin for FlexUnit, so when a test fails it can say something like: "Test blah failed. Here is the output: ... traced text ...".
Edit 2: I only want to capture the results of trace. Or, in other words, even though my code uses a proper logging framework, I want to handle gracefully code that's still using trace for logging.
As far as I know it's impossible to do it externally, google brings up no results. Have you considered creating a variable for the output and then adding that to the log, eg:
var outputtext = "text";
// log outputtext here
Disregard if it isn't feasible, but I can't think of any other way.
However you can do it internally, if it's just for development purposes:
If you want to write traces to a log, you can just use the Debug version of Flash Player and tell it to log traces.
I have a Debug.write method that sends the passed messages over a LocalConnection which I use that instead of trace. My requirement is to be able to capture the debug statements even when the SWF is running out of the authoring environment, but you can use this method to capture the trace messages.
As far as I understood you don't want to use logging, which is of course the right way to do it.
So, you can simply create a Static class with method trace, and call this method from anywhere in the application, that's how you will get all traces to one place, then could do what ever you want with the trace string before printing it to console.
Another way is to create bubbling trace event and dispatch it whenever you want to trace message, then add listener to STAGE for it and catch all events...
Hope its help
I would suggest looking through the source for the swiz framework. They use the flex internal logLogger app-wide and use best practices in a good majority of their code.
