Stratified Cox Model, Unusual Output For Stratified Factor Variable - r

I'm estimating a Cox PH model in R with time-varying stratification on a few of the variables. I'm using the following code to create the dataset and run the estimation
sepsis_working_fac_strat7 <- survSplit(Surv(LOS, facility) ~ ., data = sepsis_working, cut = 7, episode = "tgroup", id = "id")
cox_facility2 <- coxph(Surv(tstart, LOS, facility) ~ Age_10 + Gender + Insurance + LowInc + AbxBeforeCulture+ MorningDC+ AttendingAffilGrp+
CentralLine:strata(tgroup)+ Consults+ CountIVAbx:strata(tgroup)+ DischargeUnit+ FSSAdmit+ OralAbxBeforeDC+
OrderedToDischarge+ TimeToAbx+ TimeToBC+ UrineCulture+ Vasopressor+ Ventilator+
Behavioral_Dx + BradenGroup+ CCI+ Diabetes_Dx+ Dialysis+ PVD_Dx+ SUD_Dx, data = sepsis_working_fac_strat7, cluster = PersPersObjId)
In the output, there are four rows for the covariate "CentralLine" where there should only be two:
I have run the same estimation for other event types in the data and have not encountered this problem for CentralLine, which is a factor variable with two levels, where the base level is set to "No". Normally I see two rows for the strata, one for above and below the cut point. In the data, there are 184 events with a fairly even distribution between CentralLine == "Yes" and CentralLine == "No".
I'd like to know what is causing this output to appear as it does.
EDIT: This may be the issue: Why coxph() results some of the coefficient as NA when using survSplit() in R?


Calculate indirect effect of 1-1-1 (within-person, multilevel) mediation analyses

I have data from an Experience Sampling Study, which consists of 8140 observations nested in 106 participants. I want to test if there is a mediation, in which I also want to compare the predictors (X1= socialInteraction_tech, X2= socialInteraction_ftf, M = MPEE_int, Y= wellbeing). X1, X2, and M are person-mean centred in order to obtain the within-person effects. To account for the autocorrelation I have fit a model with an ARMA(2,1) structure. We control for time with the variable "obs".
This is the final model including all variables of interest:
fit_mainH1xmy <- lme(fixed = wellbeing ~ 1 + obs # Controls
+ MPEE_int_centred + socialInteraction_tech_centred + socialInteraction_ftf_centred,
random = ~ 1 + obs | ID, correlation = corARMA(form = ~ obs | ID, p = 2, q = 1),
data = file, method = "ML", na.action=na.exclude)
The mediation is partial, as my predictor X still significantly predicts Y after adding M.
However, I can't find a way to calculate c'(cprime), the indirect effect.
I have found the mlma package, but it looks weird and requires me to do transformations to my data.
I have tried melting the data in a long format and using lmer() to fit the model (following, but lmer() does not let me take into account the moving average (MA-part of the ARMA(2,1) structure).
Does anyone know how I could now obtain the indirect effect?

Panel regression in R with variable coefficients

We have tried to do two (similar) panel regressions in R.
1) One with time and individual fixed effects (the usual intercept dummies) using plm(). However, we are only interested mostly interested in a "slope coefficient" or beta for each individual and not one for all of the individuals:
Regression 1
Where alpha_i is the individual fixed effect, gamme_t is the time fixed effect. The sum of X is the variable X and three lags:
Sum X variable
We have already included the lagged X variables as new columns in our dataset so in our specification in the code we simply treat them as four different variables:
This is an attempt at using plm() and include our own dummy variables for each individual Beta
plm(income ~ (factor(firmid)-1)*(expense_rate + lag1 + lag2 + lag3), data = data1,
effect = c("time"), model = c("within"), index = c("name", "date"))
The lag1, lag,2, lag2 are the lagged variables of expense rate.
Data1 is in the form of a data frame.
“(factor(firmid)-1)” is an attempt at introducing dummies to get Betas for each individual instead of one for all individuals.
2) The second (and simpler) regression is:
Regression 2
This is an example of our attempt at using pvcm
pvcm1 <- pvcm(income ~ expense_rate + lag1 + lag2 + lag3, data = data1,
effect = "individual", model = "within")
Our question is what specific code and or packages/functions which would be suitable for these regressions. We have tried pvcm to no avail, running into errors such as:
“Error in table(index[1], index[2], useNA = "ifany") :
attempt to make a table with >= 2^31 elements”
“Error: cannot allocate vector of size 599.7 Gb”
. Furthermore, pvcm() does not seem to be able to cope with both individua and time fixed effects as in 1).

Stepwise regression in r with mixed models: numbers of rows changing [duplicate]

I want to run a stepwise regression in R to choose the best fit model, my code is attached here:
full.modelfixed <- glm(died_ed ~ age_1 + gender + race + insurance + injury + ais + blunt_pen +
comorbid + iss +min_dist + pop_dens_new + age_mdn + male_pct +
pop_wht_pct + pop_blk_pct + unemp_pct + pov_100x_npct +
urban_pct, data = trauma, family = binomial (link = 'logit'), na.action = na.exclude)
reduced.modelfixed <- stepAIC(full.modelfixed, direction = "backward")
There is a error message said
Error in stepAIC(full.modelfixed, direction = "backward") :
number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?
Almost every variable in the data has some missing values, so I cannot delete all missing values (data = na.omit(data))
Any idea on how to fix this?
This should probably be in a stats forum (stats.stackexchange) but briefly there are a number of considerations.
The main one is that when comparing two models they need to be fitted on the same dataset (i.e you need to be able to nest the models within each other).
For examples
glm1 <- glm(Dependent~indep1+indep2+indep3, family = binomial, data = data)
glm2 <- glm(Dependent~indep2+indep2, family = binomial, data = data)
Now imagine that we are missing values of indep3 but not indep1 or indep2.
When we run glm1 we are running it on a smaller dataset - the dataset for which we have the dependent variable and all three independent ones (i.e we exclude any rows where indep3 values are missing).
When we run glm2 the rows missing a value for indep3 are included because those rows do contain dependent, indep1 and indep2 which are the models in the variable.
We can no longer directly compare models as they are fitted on different datasets.
I think broadly you can either
1) Limit to data which is complete
2) If appropriate consider multiple imputation
Hope that helps.
You can use the MICE package to do imputation, then working with the dataset will not give you errors

Error when trying to run fixed effects logistic regression

not sure where can I get help, since this exact post was considered off-topic on StackExchange.
I want to run some regressions based on a balanced panel with electoral data from Brazil focusing on 2 time periods. I want to understand if after a change in legislation that prohibited firm donations to candidates, those individuals that depended most on these resources had a lower probability of getting elected.
I have already ran a regression like this on R:
model_continuous <- plm(percentage_of_votes ~ time +
treatment + time*treatment, data = dataset, model = 'fd')
On this model I have used a continuous variable (% of votes) as my dependent variable. My treatment units or those that in time = 0 had no campaign contributions coming from corporations.
Now I want to change my dependent variable so that it is a binary variable indicating if the candidate was elected on that year. All of my units were elected on time = 0. How can I estimate a logit or probit model using fixed effects? I have tried using the pglm package in R.
model_binary <- pglm(dummy_elected ~ time + treatment + time*treatment,
data = dataset,
effects = 'twoways',
model = 'within',
family = 'binomial',
start = NULL)
However, I got this error:
Error in maxRoutine(fn = logLik, grad = grad, hess = hess, start = start, :
argument "start" is missing, with no default
Why is that happening? What is wrong with my model? Is it conceptually correct?
I want the second regression to be as similar as possible to the first one.
I have read that clogit function from the survival package could do the job, but I dont know how to do it.
this is what a sample dataset could look like:
dataset <- data.frame(individual = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5),
time = c(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1),
treatment = c(0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0),
corporate = c(0,0,0.1,0,0,0,0.5,0,0,0))
Based on the comments, I believe the logistic regression reduces to treatment and dummy_elected. Accordingly I have fabricated the following dataset:
dataset <- data.frame("treatment" = c(rep(1,1000),rep(0,1000)),
"dummy_elected" = c(rep(1, 700), rep(0, 300), rep(1, 500), rep(0, 500)))
I then ran the GLM model:
model_binary <- glm(dummy_elected ~ treatment, family = binomial(), data = dataset)
Note that the treatment coefficient is significant and the coefficients are given. The resulting probabilities are thus
Probability(dummy_elected) = 1 => 1 / (1 + Exp(-(1.37674342264577E-16 + 0.847297860386033 * :treatment)))
Probability(dummy_elected) = 0 => 1 - 1 / (1 + Exp(-(1.37674342264577E-16 + 0.847297860386033 * :treatment)))
Note that these probabilities are consistent with the frequencies I generated the data.
So for each row, take the max probability across the two equations above and that's the value for dummy_elected.

Running a GLM with Poisson distribution with combined columns In R

Is it possible to run a GLM with a poisson distribution with a variable that has combined columns in R?
I am looking at the effects of different species, the cage density and the day that eggs are laid on how many eggs were laid and how many hatched, so I have linked the hatched and unhatched columns. My data are count data. The code works ok with family = binomial but I want to test if poisson is a better model.
My code is as follows:
density <- as.factor(Density)
day <- as.factor(Day)
Y <- cbind (Hatched, Unhatched)
model.pois <- glm(Y ~ Species + density + day, data = EggV, family = poisson)
But once I run the code it give me an error:
Error in x[good, , drop = FALSE] : (subscript) logical subscript too long
If I run the same code with only the variables "Hatched" or "Unhatched" it works but this is not sufficient for my data analysis.
