Gremlin: Shortest logistical route between A and B while respecting schedules + other constraints - gremlin

I'm new to Gremlin and working through Kelvin Lawrence's awesome eBook on the topic in order to solve a specific use-case.
Due to the sheer amount to learn, I'm asking this question to get recommendations on how I might approach the challenge so that, as I read the eBook, I'll better know the sections to which to pay extra attention.
I intend to use AWS Neptune in the pursuit of solving this, so I tagged that topic as well.
Respecting departure/arrival times of legs + other constraints, can the shortest path (the real-world, logistical meaning
of "path") between origin and destination be "queried" (i.e., can I
use the Gremlin console with a single statement)? Or is the
use-case of such complexity that I will effectively need to write a
program to accomplish it?
Use-Case / Detail
I hope to answer the question:
Starting at ORIGIN on DAY, can I get to DESTINATION while
respecting [CONDITIONS]?
The good news is that I only need a true/false response (so limit(1)?) and a lack of a result (e.g., []) suffices for "no".
What are the conditions?
Flight schedules need to be respected. Instead of simple flight routes (i.e., a connection exists between BOSton and DALlas), I have actual flight schedules (i.e., on Wednesday, 9 Nov 2022 at 08:40, flight XYZ will depart BOSton and then arrive DALlas at 13:15) ... consequently, if/when there are connections, I need to respect arrival and departure times + some sort of buffer (i.e., a path for which a Traveler would arrive at 13:05 and depart on another leg at 13:06 isn't actually a valid path);
Aggregate travel time / cost limits. The answer to the question needs to be "No" if a path's aggregate travel time or aggregate cost exceeds specified limits. (Here, I believe I'll need to use sack() to track the cost - financial and time - of each leg and bail out of the repeat() until loop when either is hit?)
I apologize b/c I know this isn't a good StackOverflow question, since it's not technically specific -- my hope is that, at least, some specific technical recommendations might result.
The use-case seems like the varsity / pro version of the flight routes example presented in the eBook, which is perfect for someone brand-new to Gremlin ... 😅

There are a number of ways you might model this. One way I have seen used effectively is to essentially have two graphs. This first just knows about routes. You use that one to find ways to get from A to Z in x-hops. Then using the second graph, which tracks actual flights, using the results from the first search you look for flights within the time constraints you need to impose. So there is really the data modeling question and then the query writing part. Obviously the data model should enable the queries to be as efficient as possible.
There are a couple of useful blog posts related to your question. They mention Neo4j but are really quite generic and mainly focus on the data modeling aspects of your question.
I would focus on the data model, and once you have that, focus on the Gremlin queries. Amazon Neptune also now supports openCypher as an alternative property graph query language.
If you already have a data model worked out and can share a sample, I'm happy to update the answer with an example query or two.


Does weaviate support dot product similarity when using the python sdk

I have saved vectors in Weaviate that I want to query using dot product.
I'm using the python sdk and I just don't see anyway of specifying this.
Does anyone know if this is possible/not possible?
Hi and thanks for your question.
The simple answer as of writing this is "not yet, but soon", but I think I need to elaborate a bit to explain more.
Distance Functions
Generally, distance functions in Weaviate are entirely pluggable. Anything that can produce a score can be plugged in. For example, see this folder. In fact, you will even see a file named dot_product.go in there. This is because internally for calculating the cosine sim, Weaviate will normalize all vectors on read and then just calculate the dot product.
So, if Weaviate can calculate the dot product why can't you select this option? This is because of a past decision to introduce the certainty field in the API. This field is used to return scores and to limit results by score. The original idea behind the certainty was that we would want a single metric that can produce a number between 0 and 1 to indicate the distance. With cosine sim that's simple, as this is already in the range of -1, 1, so it's very easy to transform it into a certainty. With an unbounded score such as dot product, this isn't so easy.
Path forward
Here is a discussion on this topic. Feel free to participate in this discussion. The current favorite option is to deprecate certainty and expose the raw values as either score or distance.
Any quickfixes?
We could easily enable new distance scores, such as dot product before the above mentioned API issue is solved. Possibly as an experimental feature using a feature flag. However, you would not be able to see the resulting scores/distances in the APIs.
I expect the above mentioned issue to be resolved in a couple of weeks as of writing this (April 28, 2022).

JanusGraph/Gremlin - Performance issue with repeat step applied to large data sets

I'm experiencing issues querying a large graph involving repeat steps that aim at making "hops" across vertices and edges. My intention is to infer indirect relationships between objects. Consider the following:
What I expect to come up with is that John is based in France. Simple enough, and this works great with a small data set.
The query that I use is the following, where I make no more than 2 hops:
This is working as expected, until I apply this to a graph made of about 1000 vertices and 3000 edges. Then, after a few minutes, I get various kinds of error (over the REST API) with no clear logic:
Error: Error encountered evaluating script
Error: 504 Gateway Time-out
Error: Java heap space
I suspect that I am doing something wrong in my query. For exemple, setting the number of "hops" to 1 (direct relationship) with .emit(loops().is(lt(1))), I would expect the results to be delivered swiftly since it would not go into the repeat loop. However, this triggers the same issue.
Many thanks for your help!
So it looks like you have a few things going on here. First let me take a shot at answering your question then let's look at why your traversal may be taking a long time to complete.
Based on your description of wanting to return John and France the following traversal should get your data:
.out('isIn').as('country').select('person', 'country')
That will select all countries that a person named 'John' lives in.
Now to understand why your traversal was taking a long time. First, you are using several steps which are very memory and resource intensive such as bothE and bothV. Each of these steps navigate the relationship in both directions. Since you know the direction of the edge you are trying to traverse is out in both cases it is much quicker and less resource intensive to just use an out edge as this will traverse the specified edge name (if supplied) and end you on the adjacent vertex. Additionally, the simplePath step is another resource (specifically memory) intensive step as it must track the path value for each traverser until it contains repeated objects at which time it is dropped. This combined with the extra traversers created by the usage of loops and bothE and bothV is likely the cause of the slow query. I suspect that the query above will perform significantly better.
If you would like to see exactly what your query is doing I would suggest taking a look at the explain and profile steps which provide detailed information on your queries performance.

Why does Hyperloglog work and which real-world problems?

I know how Hyperloglog works but I want to understand in which real-world situations it really applies i.e. makes sense to use Hyperloglog and why? If you've used it in solving any real-world problems, please share. What I am looking for is, given the Hyperloglog's standard error, in which real-world applications is it really used today and why does it work?
("Applications for cardinality estimation", too broad? I would like to add this simply as a comment but it won't fit).
I would suggest you turn to the numerous academic research of the subject; usually academic papers contain some information of "prior research on the subject" as well as "applications for which the subject has been used". You could start with traversing the references of interest as referenced by the following article:
HyperLogLog: the analysis of a near-optimal cardinality estimation algorithm, by P. Flageolet et al.
... This problem has received a great deal of attention over the past
two decades, finding an ever growing number of applications in
networking and traffic monitoring, such as the detection of worm
propagation, of network attacks (e.g., by Denial of Service), and of
link-based spam on the web [3]. For instance, a data stream over a
network consists of a sequence of packets, each packet having a
header, which contains a pair (source–destination) of addresses,
followed by a body of specific data; the number of distinct header
pairs (the cardinality of the multiset) in various time slices is an
important indication for detecting attacks and monitoring traffic, as
it records the number of distinct active flows. Indeed, worms and
viruses typically propagate by opening a large number of different
connections, and though they may well pass unnoticed amongst a huge
traffic, their activity becomes exposed once cardinalities are
measured (see the lucid exposition by Estan and Varghese in [11]).
Other applications of cardinality estimators include data mining of
massive data sets of sorts—natural language texts [4, 5], biological
data [17, 18], very large structured databases, or the internet graph,
where the authors of [22] report computational gains by a factor of
500+ attained by probabilistic cardinality estimators.
At my work, HyperLogLog is used to estimate the number of unique users or unique devices hitting different code paths in online services. For example, how many users are affected by each type of service error? How many users use each feature? There are MANY interesting questions HyperLogLog allows us to answer.
Stackoverflow might use hyperloglog to count the views of each question. Stackoverflow wants to make sure that one user can only contribute one view per item so every view is unique.
It could be implemented with set. every question would have a set that stores the usernames:
For each question creating a set would take up some space and consider how many questions have been asked on this platform. The total amount of space to keep track of every view per user would be huge. But hyperloglog uses about 12 kB of memory per key no matter how many usernames are added, even 10 million views.

What temporal patterns exist for neo4j or graph databases?

I'm looking for patterns (ideally with advantages/disadvantages) that can be used for databases concerning time.
One I can think of is to have a node representing a point in time or time period.
What others are there? What others have you used?
Not a good question for SO
This question is very open-ended, and SO is meant for questions with specific technical answers.
TL;DR: Graph patterns are infinite. Start from the problem, not the possibilities.
Graph patterns are case-specific, not data-type specific
There isn't a set of temporal graph patterns, and even if there was, each pattern would be unique for a specific use-case, and close to useless elsewhere. What you should be asking yourself:
What will my queries need to look like?
What kind of information am I representing?
What information is relevant?
Should it be more granular, or more general?
Time, Date, or Datetime? Microtime? BC?
Context really matters.
Modelling information flow in a datacenter's network? Probably only need seconds and microseconds in a property on the relevant data.
Modelling evolution on the tree of life? Probably don't need anything from Time or even Date, instead using a float and an int for exponential notation, or a single int representing thousands of years.
What is time?
Or at least, what is it to your data?
The three most common patterns I've seen (because they're the most flexible and easiest to work with in queries):
Just stick dates or datetimes wherever they're relevant.
(cause)-->(event {datetime})
(event)-->(datetime) and (datetime)-[:NEXT]->(datetime)-[:NEXT]->(datetime)
However, even with these patterns there are still many open-ended questions. Consider a case of tracking modifications to files...
Simply put create and modified dates on the File nodes?
Put dates on a relationship between the user and the file?
Just a datetime, or read/write and duration?
Event itself as a node with start, end, and duration, with relationships to the user and the file, and the change-set applied to the file?
Should that event have a relationships between it's chronological neighbors, or should that relationship be kept between the change-sets alone?

Is information a subset of data?

I apologize as I don't know whether this is more of a math question that belongs on mathoverflow or if it's a computer science question that belongs here.
That said, I believe I understand the fundamental difference between data, information, and knowledge. My understanding is that information carries both data and meaning. One thing that I'm not clear on is whether information is data. Is information considered a special kind of data, or is it something completely different?
The words data,information and knowlege are value-based concepts used to categorize, in a subjective fashion, the general "conciseness" and "usefulness" of a particular information set.
These words have no precise meaning because they are relative to the underlying purpose and methodology of information processing; In the field of information theory these have no meaning at all, because all three are the same thing: a collection of "information" (in the Information-theoric sense).
Yet they are useful, in context, to summarize the general nature of an information set as loosely explained below.
Information is obtained (or sometimes induced) from data, but it can be richer, as well a cleaner (whereby some values have been corrected) and "simpler" (whereby some irrelevant data has been removed). So in the set theory sense, Information is not a subset of Data, but a separate set [which typically intersects, somewhat, with the data but also can have elements of its own].
Knowledge (sometimes called insight) is yet another level up, it is based on information and too is not a [set theory] subset of information. Indeed Knowledge typically doesn't have direct reference to information elements, but rather tells a "meta story" about the information / data.
The unfounded idea that along the Data -> Information -> Knowledge chain, the higher levels are subsets of the lower ones, probably stems from the fact that there is [typically] a reduction of the volume of [IT sense] information. But qualitatively this info is different, hence no real [set theory] subset relationship.
Raw stock exchange data from Wall Street is ... Data
A "sea of data"! Someone has a hard time finding what he/she needs, directly, from this data. This data may need to be normalized. For example the price info may sometimes be expressed in a text string with 1/32th of a dollar precision, in other cases prices may come as a true binary integer with 1/8 of a dollar precision. Also the field which indicate, say, the buyer ID, or seller ID may include typos, and hence point to the wrong seller/buyer. etc.
A spreadsheet made from the above is ... Information
Various processes were applied to the data:
-cleaning / correcting various values
-cross referencing (for example looking up associated codes such as adding a column to display the actual name of the individual/company next to the Buyer ID column)
-merging when duplicate records pertaining to the same event (but say from different sources) are used to corroborate each other, but are also combined in one single record.
-aggregating: for example making the sum of all transaction value for a given stock (rather than showing all the individual transactions.
All this (and then some) turned the data into Information, i.e. a body of [IT sense] Information that is easily usable, where one can quickly find some "data", such as say the Opening and Closing rate for the IBM stock on June 8th 2009.
Note that while being more convenient to use, in part more exact/precise, and also boiled down, there is not real [IT sense] information in there which couldn't be located or computed from the original by relatively simple (if only painstaking) processes.
An financial analyst's report may contain ... knowledge
For example if the report indicate [bogus example] that whenever the price of Oil goes past a certain threshold, the value of gold start declining, but then quickly spikes again, around the time the price of coffee and tea stabilize. This particular insight constitute knowledge. This knowledge may have been hidden in the data alone, all along, but only became apparent when one applied some fancy statistically analysis, and/or required the help of a human expert to find or confirm such patterns.
By the way, in the Information Theory sense of the word Information, "data", "information" and "knowlegde" all contain [IT sense] information.
One could possibly get on the slippery slope of stating that "As we go up the chain the entropy decreases", but that is only loosely true because
entropy decrease is not directly or systematically tied to "usefulness for human"
(a typical example is that a zipped text file has less entropy yet is no fun reading)
there is effectively a loss of information (in addition to entropy loss)
(for example when data is aggregate the [IT sense] information about individual records get lost)
there is, particular in the case of Information -> Knowlege, a change in level of abstration
A final point (if I haven't confused everybody yet...) is the idea that the data->info->knowledge chain is effectively relative to the intended use/purpose of the [IT-sense] Information.
ewernli in a comment below provides the example of the spell checker, i.e. when the focus is on English orthography, the most insightful paper from a Wallstreet genius is merely a string of words, effectively "raw data", some of it in need of improvement (along the orthography purpose chain.
Similarly, a linguist using thousands of newspaper articles which typically (we can hope...) contain at least some insight/knowledge (in the general sense), may just consider these articles raw data, which will help him/her create automatically French-German lexicon (this will be information), and as he works on the project, he may discover a systematic semantic shift in the use of common words betwen the two languages, and hence gather insight into the distinct cultures.
Define information and data first, very carefully.
What is information and what is data is very dependent on context. An extreme example is a picture of you at a party which you email. For you it's information, but for the the ISP it's just data to be passed on.
Sometimes just adding the right context changes data to information.
So, to answer you question: No, information is not a subset of data. It could be at least the following.
A superset, when you add context
A subset, needle-in-a-haystack issue
A function of the data, e.g. in a digest
There are probably more situations.
This is how I see it...
Data is dirty and raw. You'll probably have too much of it.
... Jason ... 27 ... Denton ...
Information is the data you need, organised and meaningful.
Knowledge is why there are wikis, blogs: to keep track of insights and experiences. Note that these are human (and community) attributes. Except for maybe a weird science project, no computer is on Facebook telling people what it believes in.
information is an enhancement of data:
data is inert
information is actionable
note that information without data is merely an opinion ;-)
Information could be data if you had some way of representing the additional content that makes it information. A program that tries to 'understand' written text might transform the input text into a format that allows for more complex processing of the meaning of that text. This transformed format is a kind of data that represents information, when understood in the context of the overall processing system. From outside the system it appears as data, whereas inside the system it is the information that is being understood.
