I have been wrestling with this for a while. I can't seem to get the job_queue.run_repeating to call back a function properly.
My goal is for the user to issue command in the form of /alert to begin running the send_alert function on a fixed interval. I am not sure where I am going wrong despite having looked at at several examples. I can get regular commands to execute just fine, but not JobQueue callbacks.
Currently my code below throws an error on the start_alerts callback, saying NameError: name 'job_queue' is not defined. When I add job_queue accordingly to the function call, such as start_alerts(update, context, job_queue) it no longer updates the "alerts started!" message to my Telegram chat, but it also doesn't throw an error.
from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, JobQueue
def start_alerts(update, context):
context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text="alerts started!")
job_queue.run_repeating(send_alert, interval=5.0, first=1.0)
def send_alert(update, context):
message="this is an alert to send"
context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text=message)
updater = Updater(token=token, use_context=True)
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
job_queue = updater.job_queue
dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('alert', start_alerts))
Within the start_alerts function, the variable job_queue is not defined. Use context.job_queue instead as explained in the JobQueue tutorial, the timerbot.py example and the documentation of CallbackContext.
I'd like to use a pub/sub StreamingPullFuture subscription with discordpy to receive instructions for removing users and sending updates to different servers.
Ideally, I would start this function when starting the discordpy server:
async def on_ready():
print(f'{bot.user} {bot.user.id}')
await pub_sub_function()
I looked at discord.ext.tasks but I don't think this use case fits since I'd like to handle irregularly spaced events dynamically.
I wrote this pub_sub_function() (based on the pub/sub python client docs) but it doesn't seem to be listening to pub/sub or return anything:
def pub_sub_function():
subscriber_client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient()
# existing subscription
subscription = subscriber_client.subscription_path(
'my-project-id', 'my-subscription')
def callback(message):
print(f"pubsub_message: {message}")
return message
future = subscriber_client.subscribe(subscription, callback)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
future.cancel() # Trigger the shutdown.
future.result() # Block until the shutdown is complete.
Has anyone done something like this? Is there a standard approach for sending data/messages from external services to a discordpy server and listening asynchronously?
Update: I got rid of pub_sub_function() and changed the code to this:
subscriber_client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient()
# existing subscription
subscription = subscriber_client.subscription_path('my-project-id', 'my-subscription')
def callback(message):
print(f"pubsub_message: {message}")
return message
async def on_ready():
print(f'{bot.user} {bot.user.id}')
await subscriber_client.subscribe(subscription, callback).result()
This works, sort of, but now the await subscriber_client.subscribe(subscription, callback).result() is blocking the discord bot, and returning this error:
WARNING discord.gateway Shard ID None heartbeat blocked for more than 10 seconds.
Loop thread traceback (most recent call last):
Ok, so this Github pr was very helpful.
In it, the user says that modifications are needed to make it work with asyncio because of Google's pseudo-future implementation:
Google implemented a custom, psuedo-future
need monkey patch for it to work with asyncio
But basically, to make the pub/sub future act like the concurrent.futures.Future, the discord.py implementation should be something like this:
async def pub_sub_function():
subscriber_client = pubsub_v1.SubscriberClient()
# existing subscription
subscription = subscriber_client.subscription_path('my-project-id', 'my-subscription')
def callback(message):
print(f"pubsub_message: {message}")
return message
future = subscriber_client.subscribe(subscription, callback)
# Fix the google pseduo future to behave like a concurrent Future:
future._asyncio_future_blocking = True
future.__class__._asyncio_future_blocking = True
real_pubsub_future = asyncio.wrap_future(future)
return real_pubsub_future
and then you need to await the function like this:
async def on_ready():
print(f'{bot.user} {bot.user.id}')
await pub_sub_function()
I want to respond when someone sends the /start comand and display a text with a like/dislike button in a group.
Here is my sample code:
from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup
from telegram.ext import (
import logging
FIRST, SECOND = range(2)
keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton('👍', callback_data='0'),
InlineKeyboardButton('👎', callback_data='2')]]
def start(update, context):
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard)
'Test Message\n',
return FIRST
def main():
updater = Updater(
'TOKEN', use_context=True)
dp = updater.dispatcher
conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[CommandHandler('start', start)],
FIRST: [CallbackQueryHandler(a, pattern='^'+str(0)+'$'),
CallbackQueryHandler(b, pattern='^'+str(2)+'$')]
fallbacks=[CommandHandler('start', start)]
if __name__ == "__main__":
The callbacks only work for the user who sent the /start command. Other users cannot click the button or there is no callback. if another user sends a /start command, both like/dislike buttons of both posts of the bot work for the two users.
Where is the mistake?
I want every user to be able to press the buttons and it triggers a callback. regardless of whether the user has ever sent the /start command
I am thankful for every help.
The issue here is that by default conversations are per user - please also see this faq entry for details.
For your use case, I doubt that a ConversationHandler gives you any benefit. I would just register the CommandHandler and the CallbackQueryHandler independently.
Disclaimer: I'm currently the maintainer of python-telegram-bot.
I'm using opencensus-python to track requests to my python fastapi application running in production, and exporting the information to Azure AppInsights using the opencensus exporters. I followed the Azure Monitor docs and was helped out by this issue post which puts all the necessary bits in a useful middleware class.
Only to realize later on that requests that caused the app to crash, i.e. unhandled 5xx type errors, would never be tracked, since the call to execute the logic for the request fails before any tracing happens. The Azure Monitor docs only talk about tracking exceptions through the logs, but this is separate from the tracing of requests, unless I'm missing something. I certainly wouldn't want to lose out on failed requests, these are super important to track! I'm accustomed to using the "Failures" tab in app insights to monitor any failing requests.
I figured the way to track these requests is to explicitly handle any internal exceptions using try/catch and export the trace, manually setting the result code to 500. But I found it really odd that there seems to be no documentation of this, on opencensus or Azure.
The problem I have now is: this middleware function is expected to pass back a "response" object, which fastapi then uses as a callable object down the line (not sure why) - but in the case where I caught an exception in the underlying processing (i.e. at await call_next(request)) I don't have any response to return. I tried returning None but this just causes further exceptions down the line (None is not callable).
Here is my version of the middleware class - its very similar to the issue post I linked, but I'm try/catching over await call_next(request) rather than just letting it fail unhanded. Scroll down to the final 5 lines of code to see that.
import logging
from fastapi import Request
from opencensus.trace import (
from opencensus.ext.azure.trace_exporter import AzureExporter
from opencensus.trace import span as span_module
from opencensus.trace import tracer as tracer_module
from opencensus.trace import utils
from opencensus.trace.propagation import trace_context_http_header_format
from opencensus.ext.azure.log_exporter import AzureLogHandler
from starlette.types import ASGIApp
from src.settings import settings
module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AppInsightsMiddleware:
Middleware class to handle tracing of fastapi requests and exporting the data to AppInsights.
Most of the code here is copied from a github issue: https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-python/issues/1020
def __init__(
app: ASGIApp,
) -> None:
self.app = app
self.excludelist_paths = excludelist_paths
self.excludelist_hostnames = excludelist_hostnames
self.sampler = sampler or samplers.AlwaysOnSampler()
self.propagator = (
propagator or trace_context_http_header_format.TraceContextPropagator()
self.exporter = exporter or AzureExporter(
async def __call__(self, request: Request, call_next):
# Do not trace if the url is in the exclude list
if utils.disable_tracing_url(str(request.url), self.excludelist_paths):
return await call_next(request)
span_context = self.propagator.from_headers(request.headers)
tracer = tracer_module.Tracer(
except Exception:
module_logger.error("Failed to trace request", exc_info=True)
return await call_next(request)
span = tracer.start_span()
span.span_kind = span_module.SpanKind.SERVER
span.name = "[{}]{}".format(request.method, request.url)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_HOST, request.url.hostname)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_METHOD, request.method)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_PATH, request.url.path)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_URL, str(request.url))
"excludelist_hostnames", self.excludelist_hostnames
except Exception: # pragma: NO COVER
module_logger.error("Failed to trace request", exc_info=True)
response = await call_next(request)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_STATUS_CODE, response.status_code)
return response
# Explicitly handle any internal exception here, and set status code to 500
except Exception as exception:
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 500)
return None
I then register this middleware class in main.py like so:
app.middleware("http")(AppInsightsMiddleware(app, sampler=samplers.AlwaysOnSampler()))
Explicitly handle any exception that may occur in processing the API request. That allows you to finish tracing the request, setting the status code to 500. You can then re-throw the exception to ensure that the application raises the expected exception.
response = await call_next(request)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_STATUS_CODE, response.status_code)
return response
# Explicitly handle any internal exception here, and set status code to 500
except Exception as exception:
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 500)
raise exception
I am new to flask, recently learned about flask_security/flask_login/flask_user.
I wish that somehow I could use flask_login along with flask-JWT, for the REST API.
Basically, I'd like to have the features like remember-me, forgot-password etc, from the flask_login
Upon searching, I found that it couldn't be done on the same flask view.
Could somebody guide me, how to do it?
flask-login provides the request_loader callback exactly for this purpose, for authenticating requests in a custom way.
In my case, I added this to my create_app function:
def load_user_from_request(request):
auth_headers = request.headers.get('Authorization', '').split()
if len(auth_headers) != 2:
return None
token = auth_headers[1]
data = jwt.decode(token, current_app.config['SECRET_KEY'])
user = User.by_email(data['sub'])
if user:
return user
except jwt.ExpiredSignatureError:
return None
except (jwt.InvalidTokenError, Exception) as e:
return None
return None
Otherwise, I followed this tutorial, so the token is created like this (in the login function):
token = jwt.encode({
'sub': user.email,
'exp': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=30)},
This way you can just use #login_required from flask-login instead of defining a custom decorator to protect views.
I used PyJWT instead of Flask-JWT since it seems Flask-JWT is discontinued.
Unable to Validate a template using Heat-API client,when used below method
from heatclient.client import Client
heat = Client('1', endpoint=heat_url, token=auth_token)
Error mesage:
TypeError: validate() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
Here is the source code for heat client api:
def validate(self, **kwargs):
"""Validate a stack template."""
resp, body = self.client.json_request('POST', '/validate', data=kwargs)
return body
So, you should not put any argument in the validate() function and I would try run: heat.stacks.validate() and see what it gives you
source code
#If your template is an inner dict