CSS Selector: Clicking on child element based upon value of other child element - css

Here is the code snippet:
I am trying to click on Building Div based upon the title attribute value of class card-details__title.

U need javascript for this.
Add the following code just before the </body> tag.
<!-- get elements from DOM -->
var titleDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('card-details__title')[0];
var detailDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('card-details__action')[0];
<!-- get title from tag -->
var titleTxt = titleDiv.getAttribute("title");
if (titleTxt==='add your condition text here'){
<!-- click the div if title matches the one you need -->

Thanks #Charitra, I need this piece of code for automation and I tweak around and end up having a following code which go through all the listed owners and found the intended one and then click on its building link.
<!-- get the total number of elements from DOM -->
var totalOwners = document.querySelector('app-landlords-list > div > div').childElementCount;
var j=0;
for (var i = 0; i < totalOwners; i++) {
<!-- get elements from DOM -->
var titleDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('card-details__title')[i];
var detailDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('card-details__action')[j];
<!-- get title from tag -->
var titleTxt = titleDiv.getAttribute("title");
if (titleTxt=='Condition text')
<!-- click the div if title matches the one you need -->


Load divi slider slides randomly with some some slides weighted to display more frequently

I'm using the below script to load a fullwidth Divi slider randomly - so the same slide doesn't always load first. Now I wonder if anyone can suggest an edit.
I would like to prevent some slides from loading first, and/or to just weight some slides so they display more frequently than others. Any ideas?
<script type="text/javascript">
var item = document.querySelector('.et_pb_slider .et_pb_slides');
for (var i = item.children.length; i >= 0; i--) {
item.appendChild(item.children[Math.random() * i | 0]);

How to flow a working clock into text?

I am trying to place a live clock into a body of text. I need it to flow as if it were just part of the text, but still be live to the local device. Playing around in Adobe Muse I have been able to get a clock into the text, but it segregates itself to its own line rather than flowing like part of the paragraph.
Following is the code Muse produced. I assume I need to make a change to either actAsInlineDiv normal_text, or actAsDiv excludeFromNormalFlow, or both, but how?
<p id="u3202-10"><span class="Character-Style">You look at the clock on this device and it reads </span><span class="Character-Style"><span class="actAsInlineDiv normal_text" id="u13390"><!-- content --><span class="actAsDiv excludeFromNormalFlow" id="u13388"><!-- custom html --><html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function startTime()
var today=new Date();
var h=today.getHours();
var m=today.getMinutes();
// add a zero in front of numbers<10
function checkTime(i)
if (i<10)
i="0" + i;
return i;
<body onload="startTime()">
<div id="txt"></div>
</span></span></span><span class="Character-Style">As a result you believe that this is the time. As it happens this is the time but unknown to you your device's clock has stopped functioning and is stuck. Does your true belief that this is the time count as knowledge?</span></p>
I don't know about Muse, but if all you want is a clock of the current time running inline with some text you could do this:
window.onload = displayTime;
function displayTime() {
var element = document.getElementById("clock");
var now = new Date();
var options = {hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'};
element.innerHTML = now.toLocaleTimeString(navigator.language, options);
setTimeout(displayTime, 1000);
The current time is <span id="clock"></span> and it's inline with text.
I added these two lines to remove the seconds from display as you requested in your comment.
var options = {hour: '2-digit', minute:'2-digit'};
element.innerHTML = now.toLocaleTimeString(navigator.language, options);

Scroll an iframe without having to mouse over it

I have an iframe that I use to display the main content of my webpage; however, I would like to make the IFRAME scroll regardless of where the mouse is pointing. I do not want my visitors to be confused by not being able to scroll unless their mouse is over the iframe. Is this possible? To scroll the iframe with the mouse hovering anywhere over the body?
I won't link any code, because the only relevant code I have is the < iframe>< /iframe> tag.
(the body itself is not scrollable with scrollbars hidden)
Alright. I put together a rather quick and dirty solution for this which includes the following steps:
Add an "id" to your <iframe> element. (In my example I used id="myFrame")
Attach the jQuery Mousewheel plugin to the header of your html page along with the latest jQuery.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://raw.github.com/brandonaaron/jquery-mousewheel/master/jquery.mousewheel.js"></script>
Finally add the following javascript code at the end of the html body or after the iframe itself.
<script type="text/javascript">
var scrolloffset = 30; // amount of scrolling per mousewheel step
var myFrame = $('#myFrame'); // the iframe ID
var frameScrollPosition = 0;
// reset stored offset so that it matches with iframe's
frameScrollPosition = myFrame.contents().scrollTop();
var frameHeight = myFrame.contents().height() - myFrame.height();
if(delta > 0){
var newPosition = frameScrollPosition - scrolloffset;
} else {
var newPosition = frameScrollPosition + scrolloffset;
if(newPosition < 0){
newPosition = 0;
if(newPosition >= frameHeight){
newPosition = frameHeight;
frameScrollPosition = newPosition;
Make sure you download the plugin and not call it from github like me. It was just for testing and proof of concept.

How to use the esc key to close lightbox page overlay

I have a question about a lightbox see my jsFiddle.
Clicking on one of the images opens a bigger version of the painting as a page overlay.
How to use the ESC key to close this page overlay?
And how to use the arrow keys to move to the next image?
What kind of jQuery plugin / javascript would I need to make this happen?
<ul class="lb-album">
<a href="#Fly-My-Pretties-Walled-Garden">
<img src="http://sandipa.com.au/images/works-for-sale/thumbs/Fly-my-Pretties-Walled-Garden-sm.jpg" alt="Fly My Pretties: Walled Garden">
<span>Fly My Pretties</span> </a>
<div class="lb-overlay" id="Fly-My-Pretties-Walled-Garden">
x Close
<img src="http://sandipa.com.au/images/2010-2011/1000px-wide/Fly-my-Pretties-Walled-Garden.jpg" alt="Fly My Pretties: Walled Garden">
<h3>Fly My Pretties: Walled Garden<span>mixed media on canvas</span></h3>
<p>72 x 137 cm</p>
<a href="#Central-Highlands-Circle-of-Gold">
<img src="http://sandipa.com.au/images/works-for-sale/thumbs/Central-Highlands-Circle-of-Gold-sm.jpg" alt="Central Highlands: Circle of Gold">
<span>Circle of Gold</span> </a>
<div class="lb-overlay" id="Central-Highlands-Circle-of-Gold">
x Close
<img src="http://sandipa.com.au/images/works-for-sale/Central-Highlands-Circle-of-Gold.jpg" alt="Central Highlands: Circle of Gold">
<h3>Central Highlands: Circle of Gold<span>mixed media on canvas</span></h3>
<p>51 x 108 cm</p>
A full implementation of Pure Javascript Lightbox or Image Popup Modal is available in one my Answers at https://stackoverflow.com/a/67169851/8210884.
This Answer mentioned in the link above allows handling both the issues of Hiding Lightbox with ESC key as well as navigating through images in Lightbox using Left and Right arrow key.
Here are the Pieces of code from that Answer which will help us achieve these Two issues.
Hiding the Lightbox with ESC key :
if(event.keyCode==27){ // If ESC key is pressed
if(document.getElementById("lightbox-container").classList.contains("showcontainer")){ // LIGHTBOX ON
Navigating through all the images on a Webpage in Lightbox with Left and Right Arrow key :
else if(event.keyCode==37) { // Left arrow key
if(document.getElementById("lightbox-container").classList.contains("showcontainer")){ // LIGHTBOX ON
// first get the URL of image displayed in the LIGHT BOX
var currimgsrc = document.getElementById("lightbox-cont-img").getAttribute("src");
// now match the sequence number in the array
var serialofarray = 0;
if(currimgsrc == allimgurlarray[k][2]){
serialofarray = allimgurlarray[k][0];
// with LEFT arrow, we are supposed to reduce the sequence and then use its ATTR SRC to LIGHT BOX
serialofarray = allimgurlarray.length - 1;
else {
serialofarray = serialofarray - 1;
console.log("Left Arrow : "+serialofarray);
document.getElementById("lightbox-cont-img").setAttribute("src", allimgurlarray[serialofarray][2]);
else if(event.keyCode==39) { // Right Arrow Key
// first get the URL of image displayed in the LIGHT BOX
var currimgsrc = document.getElementById("lightbox-cont-img").getAttribute("src");
// now match the sequence number in the array
var serialofarray = 0;
if(currimgsrc == allimgurlarray[l][2]){
serialofarray = allimgurlarray[l][0];
// with RIGHT arrow, we are supposed to increase the sequence and then use its ATTR SRC to LIGHT BOX
serialofarray = 0;
else {
serialofarray = serialofarray + 1;
console.log("Right Arrow : "+serialofarray);
document.getElementById("lightbox-cont-img").setAttribute("src", allimgurlarray[serialofarray][2]);
These conditional cases related to Key Pressing events are tackled in document.onkeydown = function(event).
This piece of code below is very important for disabling the default behaviours of Key pressing events on IMG tags as well as stacking up all the images on a webpage in an Array to allow Navigation in Lightbox with Left and Right arrow key.
// Select all A tags with IMG child nodes
var atagswithimgtag = document.querySelectorAll("a[href]");
// then prevent the default behaviour of A tags by preventing of opening new page by HREF
// as well as collect all the HREF of A tags with images to enable RIGHT and LEFT arrow key
var allimgurlarray = [];
var childAIMGtag = atagswithimgtag[i].childNodes;
if (childAIMGtag[0].nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) // or if (el[i].nodeType != 3)
// this seems too be a A tag with IMG tag as Childnode
// first we need to prevent the default behaviour of opening the IMG in New Tab
atagswithimgtag[i].addEventListener("click", function(event){
// second is when we need to fill image URL aray with A HREF
var listofnodes = atagswithimgtag[i];
allimgurlarray[i] = [];
allimgurlarray[i][0] = i;
allimgurlarray[i][1] = " Image URL is ";//listofnodes.getAttributeNode("title").value;
allimgurlarray[i][2] = listofnodes.getAttributeNode("href").value;

Google Friend Connect + CSS Style Switching

I have been playing around with CSS Style Switching on my blog www.whataboutki.com and have also added Google Friend Connect. I would now like to change the colours of the GFC widget when the user changes styles. This is the script for GFC... the div id="div-1229769625913" does that mean I can access that from my css files? If so how would I go about doing so?
<!-- Include the Google Friend Connect javascript library. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/friendconnect/script/friendconnect.js"></script>
<!-- Define the div tag where the gadget will be inserted. -->
<div id="div-1229769625913" style="width:260px;border:1px solid #cccccc;"></div>
<!-- Render the gadget into a div. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var skin = {};
skin['HEIGHT'] = '385';
skin['BORDER_COLOR'] = '#cccccc';
skin['ENDCAP_BG_COLOR'] = '#e0ecff';
skin['ENDCAP_TEXT_COLOR'] = '#333333';
skin['ENDCAP_LINK_COLOR'] = '#0000cc';
skin['ALTERNATE_BG_COLOR'] = '#ffffff';
skin['CONTENT_BG_COLOR'] = '#ffffff';
skin['CONTENT_LINK_COLOR'] = '#0000cc';
skin['CONTENT_TEXT_COLOR'] = '#333333';
skin['CONTENT_HEADLINE_COLOR'] = '#333333';
google.friendconnect.container.setParentUrl('/' /* location of rpc_relay.html and canvas.html */);
{ id: 'div-1229769625913',
site: '10794935298529647173'},
I'd experiment to see if div-1229769625913 changes between pages first. If it doesn't then you could restyle in your CSS files, otherwise you will have to change the colours for skin in your style-switcher (which I assume is JS).
The ID is generated by GFC. It populates the DIV with an iFrame hosting your gadget code on their *.gmodule.com servers
In theory you could access and modify their DOM after it's loaded to change their style
Try changing the values in the "skin" map for style
eg. skin['ALTERNATE_BG_COLOR'] = '#ffffff';
Good luck!
The div id stays the same between pages, however, it generates an iframe and the GFC gadget is displayed within that iframe. Your CSS stylesheets don't have any control over the styling of the contents of that iframe, so the only way to accomplish this would be with some javascript.
The simplest solution would be to rip out all of the values in that hash, and prior to rendering the gadget, substitute whatever values are appropriate based on the currently used stylesheet. That way you don't have to mess with the DOM of the iframe, which would be non-trivial and unreliably fragile, since Google doesn't expect you to do this.
So your code might look something like this:
<!-- Include the Google Friend Connect javascript library. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/friendconnect/script/friendconnect.js"></script>
<!-- Define the div tag where the gadget will be inserted. -->
<div id="div-1229769625913" style="width:260px"></div>
<!-- Render the gadget into a div. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function currentSkin() {
// Put some real code that detects what the
// right color scheme is here.
return 'VERY_BLUE';
var skins = {};
skins['VERY_BLUE'] = {};
skins['VERY_RED'] = {};
skins['VERY_BLUE']['HEIGHT'] = '385';
skins['VERY_BLUE']['BORDER_COLOR'] = '#0000ff';
skins['VERY_BLUE']['ENDCAP_BG_COLOR'] = '#0000ff';
skins['VERY_BLUE']['ENDCAP_TEXT_COLOR'] = '#0000ff';
skins['VERY_BLUE']['ENDCAP_LINK_COLOR'] = '#0000ff';
skins['VERY_BLUE']['ALTERNATE_BG_COLOR'] = '#0000ff';
skins['VERY_BLUE']['CONTENT_BG_COLOR'] = '#0000ff';
skins['VERY_BLUE']['CONTENT_LINK_COLOR'] = '#0000ff';
skins['VERY_BLUE']['CONTENT_TEXT_COLOR'] = '#0000ff';
skins['VERY_BLUE']['CONTENT_HEADLINE_COLOR'] = '#0000ff';
skins['VERY_RED']['HEIGHT'] = '385';
skins['VERY_RED']['BORDER_COLOR'] = '#ff0000';
skins['VERY_RED']['ENDCAP_BG_COLOR'] = '#ff0000';
skins['VERY_RED']['ENDCAP_TEXT_COLOR'] = '#ff0000';
skins['VERY_RED']['ENDCAP_LINK_COLOR'] = '#ff0000';
skins['VERY_RED']['ALTERNATE_BG_COLOR'] = '#ff0000';
skins['VERY_RED']['CONTENT_BG_COLOR'] = '#ff0000';
skins['VERY_RED']['CONTENT_LINK_COLOR'] = '#ff0000';
skins['VERY_RED']['CONTENT_TEXT_COLOR'] = '#ff0000';
skins['VERY_RED']['CONTENT_HEADLINE_COLOR'] = '#ff0000';
google.friendconnect.container.setParentUrl('/' /* location of rpc_relay.html and canvas.html */);
{ id: 'div-1229769625913',
site: '10794935298529647173'},
