I have a table in a Rmd file to print to pdf in which I need to add a dagger symbol into a column header. The basic test code is:
title: "Untitled"
author: "L. G. Hunsicker"
date: "4/29/2022"
output: pdf_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = F)
```{r test}
df <- data.frame(x = 1:10)
names(df)[1] <- 'maxCpep (ng/mL) †'
df %>% kbl()
I have tried several ways to get the dagger symbol to print, but with each effort, the outcome is that the code for the dagger symbol is simply printed as text or raises an error (with the backslash). I have tried using bquote, \dagger, \dagger, etc. I also tried to use a superscript "a" as an alternative. Again, kbl just prints the literal code text without substituting the required symbol. There must be a straight-forward way to insert special characters or math strings into a kable header, but I have been unable to find it.
Thanks in advance for any help with this issue.
Larry Hunsicker
You can directly add a Unicode escape:
df <- data.frame(x = 1:10)
names(df)[1] <- 'maxCpep (ng/mL) \u2020'
df %>% kbl()
Use intToUtf8 to get the special character.
names(df)[1] <- paste('maxCpep (ng/mL)', intToUtf8(8224))
This works in a usual code chunk in R markdown:
m1_aov <- anova(m1)
m1_aov$`Sum Sq`[2] %>% round(3)
Unfortunately, using the latter in inline code breaks the knitr parser down
`r m1_aov$`Sum Sq`[2] %>% round(3)`
Indeed, it also breaks Stackoverflow.
I looked at this related question but could not infer a working solution to my problem. Any hint?
Expanding the comment with a working example:
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown
a <- tibble::tibble(`a column` = 1:10) # using tibble to get a column name with a white space
m <- mean(a$`a column`)
Mean is `r m`
To me this looks like a neat trick because it avoids to include unecessary long code inside the text, and do not create the problem you are facing at the (small) cost of creating new objects.
The output:
I'm trying to generate a summary table which is quite long in a pdf format.
But the table is breaking down at the end of the page (See the image below). I guess it is something to do with page margin.
I have checked the online documentation. It has argument page.margin.bottom in tab_options() to work with a RTF format. Is there any workaround for pdf format.
The following example closely mimics my problem. But table is not breaking at the end. However, it is very close to the page margin.
d = iris %>% gt()
gtsave(d, filename = "long_table.pdf", zoom = 0.7)
I have a solution using RMarkdown that converts it into a PDF. Knit (Cntrl+Shift+K) the Rmd file in RStudio to create the pdf file in your working directory.
Normally, RMarkdown uses 3 backticks (e.g. ```{r codechunk}) to create and end a code chunk. Since stackoverflow also uses 3 backticks to create a codeblock, I will swap out the Rmd codechunk 3 backticks for *** instead.
Output screenshot: https://prnt.sc/vhO5Px59mWYQ
title: "test_pdf"
output: pdf_document
***{r setup, include=FALSE}
tinytex::install_tinytex() #install this if you have not already
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
***{r iris2, echo=F}
dfA <- iris
dfB <- iris
df <- bind_rows(dfA, dfB)
d <- df %>% gt()
The table prints nicely in markdown but is not present in the knitted html file. I noticed that it is classified as a list but don't know how to change it to an acceptable file type. The knitted output is not formatted as a table. I appreciate the help.
library("crosstable") #important package crosstable() function
tbl1 = crosstable(mtcars2, c(1), by = 2) %>%
According to ?print.flextable
Note also that a print method is used when flextable are used within R markdown documents. See knit_print.flextable().
Therefore, if we want to print in Rmarkdown, either use knitr::knit_print or remove the print as the ?knit_print.flextable documentation shows
You should not call this method directly. This function is used by the knitr package to automatically display a flextable in an "R Markdown" document from a chunk.
title: "Testing"
author: "akrun"
date: "09/12/2021"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
```{r, echo = FALSE}
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("crosstable")) #important package crosstable() function
tbl1 = crosstable(mtcars2, c(1), by = 2) %>%
# either use knit_print or remove the print wrapper
My data frame has ugly column names, but when displaying the table in my report, I want to their "real" names including special characters '(', new lines, greek letters, repeated names, etc.
Is there an easy way of replacing the names in knitr to allow such formatting?
Proposed solution
What I have tried to do is suppress the printing of the data frame names and use add_header_above for better names and names that span several columns. Some advice I've seen says to use:
x <- kable(df)
gsub("<thead>.*</thead>", "", x)
to remove the column names. That's fine, but the issue is that when I subsequently add_header_above, the original column names come back. If I use col.names=rep('',times=ncol(d.df)) in kable(...) the names are gone but the row remains, leaving a gap between my new column names and the table body. Here's a code chunk to illustrate:
```{r functions,echo=T}
drawTable <- function(d.df,caption='Given',hdr.above){
hdr.2 <- rep(c('Value','Rank'),times=ncol(d.df)/2)
x <- knitr::kable(d.df,format='latex',align='c',
col.names=rep('',times=ncol(d.df))) %>%
font_size = 9,full_width=F)
x %>% add_header_above(hdr.2) %>%
df <- data.frame(A=c(1,2),B=c(4,2),C=c(3,4),D=c(8,7))
hdr.above <- c('A2','B2','C2','D2')
drawTable(df,hdr.above = hdr.above)
I am not sure where you got the advice to replace rownames, but it seems excessively complex. It is much easier just to use the built-in col.names argument within kable. This solution works for both HTML and LaTeX outputs:
pdf_document: default
html_document: default
```{r functions,echo=T}
df <- data.frame(A=c(1,2),B=c(4,2),C=c(3,4),D=c(8,7))
col.names = c("Space in name",
"(Special Characters)",
"Space in name"))
PDF output:
HTML output:
If you're targeting HTML, then Δ is an option too.
I couldn't get the accepted answer to work on HTML, so used the above.
Does anyone know how to place a formula, a (weird) character, or words in italic within a sentence of a footnote of a table?
I'm creating a pdf file with Rmarkdown and kableExtra. But stuff like $Y_{t-1}$ or $p < .001$ (since I want the p to be italic) does not work. Or should I really learn xtable?
The trick is 1. to escape latex code and special characters four times, e.g. \\\\frac, 2. to set option escape=FALSE in footnote().
title: "Untitled"
output: pdf_document
```{r tab}
df <- data.frame(v1=rnorm(6), v2=runif(6), v3=rbinom(6, 1, .33),
kable(df, "latex", align="c", booktabs=TRUE) %>%
"1,000 \\\\$;", "100\\\\%."),
number=c("Hello\ there! \\\\textit{Hello\ there!}"),