Link to some action of a different CRUD controller - symfony

Is there any workaround to link a new action, in a CRUD controller made with EasyAdmin 4.x , to an action in another CRUD controller with which it has a OneToMany relation ?
class FirstEntityCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
public function configureActions(Actions $actions): Actions
return $actions
->add(Crud::PAGE_INDEX, Action::new('add-second-entity','Add a second entity')
->linkToCrudAction(Action::NEW ???)
The docs say that I can use:
linkToCrudAction(): to execute some method of the current CRUD controller;
But there seems to be no indication on how to "execute some method of a different CRUD controller".
There is a sneaky way around it but it doesn't seem healthy :
->linkToUrl('the url to the desired action')
PHP 8.1
Symfony 5.4
EasyAdmin 4.x

Following #Ruban's comment, and as EasyAdminBundle's docs mention, we can generate a URL for the desired action using the AdminUrlGenerator class as follow:
class FirstEntityCrudController extends AbstractCrudController
private $adminUrlGenerator;
public function __construct(AdminUrlGenerator $adminUrlGenerator)
$this->adminUrlGenerator = $adminUrlGenerator;
public function configureActions(Actions $actions): Actions
//The magic happens here 👇
$url = $this->adminUrlGenerator
return $actions
Action::new('add-second-entity', 'Add second entity')
This worked for me.


Getter method for services in Symfony controller

Is it a good practice to have a service getter for frequently used services in a controller? For example I mean:
class SomeController Extends Contorller {
private function getSomethingManager()
return $this->get('myvendorname.something.manager');
Your example is a bit confusing because you can use the Doctrine service directly with your controller. You can inject it in your Action if you use the Autowire function.
public function test(EntityManagerInterface $em) {
Then you have the entity manager injected or you can load it over the controller with:
So this is not a real good example. When you use autowire all classes are registered as service and you can use it.
For database queries you have to use entities and repositories.
If you are above Symfony 3.3 you can use a Service Locater. You list all common services in Service Locator class. When you need to fetch a specific service from anywhere (from example, Controller, Command, Service so on), all you have to do is, inject ServiceLocator class and fetch required service via ServiceLocator:locate.
It is pretty simple and useful. It helps you to reduce dependency injection as well. Have a look at the full example in the link above.
class ServiceLocator implements ServiceLocatorInterface, ServiceSubscriberInterface
private $locator;
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $locator)
$this->locator = $locator;
public static function getSubscribedServices()
return [
public function get(string $id)
if (!$this->locator->has($id)) {
throw new ServiceLocatorException(sprintf(
'The entry for the given "%s" identifier was not found.',
try {
return $this->locator->get($id);
} catch (ContainerExceptionInterface $e) {
throw new ServiceLocatorException(sprintf(
'Failed to fetch the entry for the given "%s" identifier.',
And this is how you use it: ServiceLocator->locate(AnotherClass::class);

Zend Framework 3 Redirect from factory

My Controller has a Factory that gives it a Form
$formManager = $container->get('FormElementManager');
return new MyController(
My Form has also a Factory that gives it an AuthenticationService
return new MyForm(
That way I can check in the form if the user has identity.
But how can i redirect him from the form?
Just like in a Controller?
if(!$authService->hasIdentity()) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('myRoute);
Or how can i redirect from a (Controller and/or Form) Factory?
A possible solution for your issue could be the possibilty of using the build method with the factory call.
You haven 't shown your factories, so I will use some standard examples, which explain the solution.
The first approach is not injecting the whole form to the controller. Instead just inject the form element manager. So you can use the build method of the factory inside your controller.
The controller factory
namespace Application\Controller\Factory;
use Application\Controller\YourController;
use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\Factory\FactoryInterface;
class YourControllerFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName, array $options = null)
$formElementManager = $container->get('FormElementManager');
return new YourController($formElementManager);
This differs from your original factory. Only the form element manager is injected to the controller. This holds a few advantages for you. One of this is the build method of the manager.
The Controller
namespace Application\Controller;
class YourController extends AbstractActionController
protected $formElementManager;
public function __construct($formElementManager)
$this->formElementManager = $formElementManager;
public function indexAction()
$user = $this->currentUser();
if ($user === null) {
// here 's the magic!
$form = $this->formElementManager->build(YourForm::class, [
'userID' => $user->getUserId(),
// some form stuff follows here
As the form was not injected directly to your controller but the form element manager, you can use the form element manager instead inside the controller. This offers you the opportunity to use the build function. With this function you can add some options to your form factory. In this case I 'm using the user id for the form factory.
If there 's no valid user, no form will be created because an exception is thrown before.
The Form Factory
The form factory creates a new instance of your form. All needed dependencies should be created in the factory. How the build function works here, I 'll explain later in the answer.
namespace Application\Form\Factory;
use Application\Form\YourForm;
use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\Factory\FactoryInterface;
class YourFormFactory implements FactoryInterface
public function __invoke(ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName, array $options = null)
$selectOptions = [];
if ($options !== null) {
if (isset($options['userID])) {
$tablegateway = $container->get(YourTableGateway::class);
$selectOptions = $tablegateway->findOptionsByUserId($options['userID]);
$form = $container->get(YourForm::class);
if (count($selectOptions))
return $form;
This factory does all you need. Via the build method you hand over the user id. If a user id is present a table gateway is created from wich you retrieve select options by the given user id. These options will be set to the form field. This logic is kept in the factory to keep the form class itself clean and simple.
With this solution you don 't need the auth service in your form. Your form is only generated when a valid user id is given. Your form instance will not crash, if there 's no user id given. The only conceivable case could be a form with default or no select options for the specific field.
Hope this helps a bit.

Calling member function of other controller in zend framework 3 for sending email?

Calling member function of other controller in zend framework3?
You should write a mailer class and inject it in to action and send mails on it. Probably you will need mailer class in few actions so an aware trait would be nice so you will not have to inject it on every action on __construct method. I think something like that can solve problem, so you can use your mailer service in anywhere you want. Just don't forget to inject it.
interface MailServiceInterface
public function send(string $to, string $from, string $subject, string $body, array $headers = []);
trait MailServiceAwareTrait
* #var \Infrastructure\Mailer\MailServiceInterface
protected $mailService;
public function setMailService(MailServiceInterface $mailService)
$this->mailService = $mailService;
public function getMailService(): MailServiceInterface
return $this->mailService;
class myAction extends AbstractActionControl
use MailServiceAwareTrait;
public function processAction()
$this->getMailService()->send($to, $from, $subject, $body);
"Sending emails" is a service, so typically it should be in a separate model file (aka service file), not in the controller. While you actually can put it in a controller as a function, but that will simply means you are completely misusing the MVC concept itself.
Anyway, I'll answer how to do it but I strongly do NOT recommend it. In your controller (for example, IndexController), this is what you can do:
namespace Application\Controller;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
class IndexController extends AbstractActionController {
public function indexAction() {
// This below line will call FooController's barAction()
$otherViewModel = $this->forward()->dispatch(\Application\Controller\FooController::class, ['action'=>'bar']);
$otherViewModel->setTemplate('application/foo/bar');// you must set which template does this view use
return $otherViewModel;

Symfony2 : Doctrine : PHPUnit : Set entity Id during flushing with mocked entity manager in unit tests

Symfony 2.8.13 / Doctrine ORM 2.5.5 / PHPUnit 5.7.5
I want to test a method of a class that makes use of the doctrine entity manager. This public method calls a private one that instantiates a Bookmark entity, flushes it and returns this entity. Then later, in the tested method I need to access the entity Id. Everything is mocked excepted the Bookmark entity itself. The main problem is that there is no setId() method in my entity. Here is the code and my main idea to solve this issue but I don't know if it is correct ?
Tested class and method
class BookmarkManager
public function __construct(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage, ObjectManager $em, Session $session)
public function manage($bookmarkAction, $bookmarkId, $bookmarkEntity, $bookmarkEntityId)
$bookmark = $this->add($bookmarkEntity, $bookmarkEntityId);
$bookmarkId = $bookmark->getId();
private function add($entity, $entityId)
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
return $bookmark;
class BookmarkManagerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testThatRestaurantAdditionToBookmarksIsWellManaged()
->will($this->returnCallback(function ($bookmark) {
if ($bookmark instanceof Bookmark) {
$bookManager = new BookmarkManager($tokenStorageMock, $entityManagerMock, $sessionMock);
Solutions ?
1- Make usage of reflection class as proposed here :
->will($this->returnCallback(function ($bookmark) {
if ($bookmark instanceof Bookmark) {
$class = new \ReflectionClass($bookmark);
$property = $class->getProperty('id');
$property->setValue($bookmark, 1);
2- Create a test Boookmark entity that extends from the real one and add a setId() method. Then create a mock of this class and replace and customize the one got from the ReturnCallback method with this one ? It seems crappy...
Any thoughts ? Thanks for your help.
The reflection looks interesting but it decreases readability of tests (mixing with mocks makes the situation tough).
I would create a fake for entity manager and implements there setting id based on reflection:
class MyEntityManager implements ObjectManager
private $primaryIdForPersitingObject;
public function __construct($primaryIdForPersitingObject)
$this->primaryIdForPersitingObject = $primaryIdForPersitingObject;
public function persist($object)
$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(get_class($object));
$idProperty = $reflectionClass->getProperty('id');
$idProperty->setValue($object, $this->primaryIdForPersitingObject);
public function flush() { }
Once you implemented this, you can inject the instance of MyEntityManager and make your tests small and easier to maintain.
You test would look like
class BookmarkManagerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testThatRestaurantAdditionToBookmarksIsWellManaged()
// ...
$entityManager = MyEntityManager(1);
$bookManager = new BookmarkManager($tokenStorageMock, $entityManager, $sessionMock);
Of course, a situation may be harder if there is a need of setting different ids for many persisting objects. Then you can, for example, increase $primaryIdForPersitingObject on persist call
public function persist($object)
$reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(get_class($object));
$idProperty = $reflectionClass->getProperty('id');
$idProperty->setValue($object, $this->primaryIdForPersitingObject);
It may be extended even further to have separate primaryIdForPersitingObject each entity class, and your tests will be still clean.

How return an array from a symfony2 controller action?

in my symfony2 project i need call the same action in many controllers and this action should return a very simple php array that then will be passed to a twig template by these controllers. How can i do it?
A pratical example can explain my situation better.
1.shared controller
// Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/MetasController
class MetasController extends Controller {
public function metasAction() {
$myArray= array();
return $myAarray;
page render controller
// Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/PageController
class PageController extends Controller {
protected $property = "test";
public function indexAction() {
$metas= $this->forward('AcmeDemoBundle:Metas:metas');
return $this->render('AcmeDemoBundle:Page:index.html.twig', array('property'=>property, 'metas'=>$metas));
when i do this i get an error: the controller must be a response array given.
You should create a service
// Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/MetasController
class MetasController {
public function metasAction() {
$myArray= array();
return $myAarray;
declare as service in Acme\DemoBundle\Resources\config\services.yml
class: "Acme\DemoBundle\Controller\MetasController"
Then you can use it in any other controller
// Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/PageController
class PageController extends Controller {
protected $property = "test";
public function indexAction() {
$metas= $this->get('demo.metas')->metas();
return $this->render('AcmeDemoBundle:Page:index.html.twig', array('property'=>property, 'metas'=>$metas));
In your action controller :
$arrayExample = array();
return $this->render('ExampleBundle:ExampleFolder:exampleTemplate', array('myArray' => $arrayExample));
And in your twig template now you have access to your array using myArray
Example :
{% for data in myArray %}
{% endfor %}
Try this :
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
public function indexAction()
$content = $this->renderView(
array('property'=> $property,
'metas' => $metas
return new Response($content);
Yes, you can register your controller as a service as it said above but I would recommend to isolate this logic in a different place. It might be a service but not controller.
As I understand you need the same array in several places. So, it might be some class registered as service or some simple class with static method providing this array. In this case your code will be much cleaner.
If you need this array only in view you can define custom twig method which will return array you need. If this array might be different time to time (if it might depend on some data) you can pass entity manager to the service providing this array or to the twig extension.
(The best use of controllers is to be just a proxy between view and data layer. It's not a good idea to use it for such purposes as you described (in my opinion of course).)
