how to flutterfire web site (document)? - firebase

sorry i'dont no english (i'm use google translation)
a month ago
i'm use site page
but now go to page
The site has changed.
I want flutter Firebase example code.
but, it is not found on the changed site.
plase after web site and flutter firebase example code document.

Try this: Federated identity and social auth
Here's the screenshot from the page: left side all auth methods, right side all contents in the page. In the form of a menu list, both. In the pages you can find all the code examples.
Are they other examples you need that were on the previous version?


Google Signin with Firebase Auth on Android Cordova not working

I spent hours trying to make Google Signin work on Android with Cordova (it was working on iOS / Web). I have followed these instructions:
I was trying to use a custom Dynamic Link ("") and it was not working: after authenticating, the user was redirected to the website INSIDE the popup, instead of closing it and authenticate in the app.
So I decided to create a simple "", but it was not working neither.
Finally, I simply deleted my custom Dynamic Link, and voila, it works!
So you can use a custom domain for the AUTH_DOMAIN, but not for the DYNAMIC_LINK_DOMAIN. Important: if you use a custom AUTH_DOMAIN, you will have to change manually the authDomain attribute in the firebase config of your app.
#Firebase team: I think it could be useful to update the doc to precise that:
you cannot use custom Dynamic Link
you cannot have several Dynamic Link active
And ideally, it would be ideal to explain how the Dynamic Link is used by Firebase Auth: I followed the explanation, thought that any dynamic link would do the trick, but since you do not explain how it works, it's extremely hard to guess that it is not the case, and that having several dynamic links can be an issue.

Google+ deep linking

The docs here seem to be hopelessly out of date, as I cannot find any of the mentioned (like "Edit settings").
Can somebody provide some guidance on how to make a deep link to my app work from within a Google+ post?
e.g., I would expect a link such as "appname://?id=12345678" to be a clickable thing that directs the user either to install the app or opens the installed app and takes the user directly to the content specified by the id. Instead, this link is posted as plain text...
Moreover, will I need to fight with every social network to get deep links to work properly? Does anybody have any experience making this sort of thing work on Twitter, Facebook, etc?
We are developing with Meteor, and using the Cordova cordova-plugin-x-socialsharingplugin
You may want to try using App Invites, which either will let the app receive data from the invitation if the app is already installed (e.g. a coupon) or will install the app.

Google identity toolkit widget code

I am trying to integrate google identity toolkit in my localhost website.
According to the guide i should find a personalised Widget code in my developers console.
This code as mentioned in googles documentation exists in "Google identity toolkit" option in the left bar when we are on the settings page of this API.
But i have no such option showing.
I know this might seem to be a silly question as i probably unable to find the code but can someone please help me on this one.
Thanks in advance !
From the developers console for your Gitkit project, make sure to follow this path: APIs > Enabled APIs > Identity Toolkit API > Settings. Once on the settings page, you should see the URL configuration fields up top, and the providers down below. Scroll down past the providers and you should see the sample widget code.
The example about halfway down the page can be used as well if you replace the config options with your site's appropriate settings.

Facebook SDK for .NET - not working

I need a Facebook login button for an ASP.NET 4.5 site (not MVC).
I have followed this tutorial for the Facebook SDK:
But it skips over several points, doesn't provide any downloads and just doesn't work.
How can I do this - ideally using built in methods that require little work to implement - and allow you to retrieve email from Facebook. If that isn't possible a NuGet package (ideally one that is widely used) would be fine.
The Facebook SDK for .NET looks promising but I can't get it working and can't find other examples of its use online.
I need the user to press login, be authenticated, then give me their email (from fb?), enter a password.
I need to know all this and manipulate it all from C# code behind.
If they are already logged into FB - and already signed up for my site - I need them to be auto logged in (I will be using custom authentication on the side).
If you need the Facebook login or singup button then you do not need Facebook .Net SDK. You need to use Facebook Javascript SDK. Then you can use the <fb:login-button> XFBML tag.
If the user is already logged in to Facebook, the plugin can show the user's profile picture, if configured to.
Please refer here:
Eventually I followed this tutorial:
This was excellent and does exactly what I need.

FacebookConnect integration with ASP.NET

I'm working on a site with a Facebook Connect integration on blog posts. I want a Facebook .NET SDK that will allow me to:
Authenticate that a user is logged into FB. The actual login will be done via the typical FBML login button and simple JS with the XD Receiver.
Be able to push data from my WebForm to the user's FB profile, such as a status update.
I do not need to:
Create an actual FB application that goes on your profile, like "Cheer for the Red Sox" app or whatever. I do completely understand that I need to create an app using the Developer application but I'm not indenting to create a real full app.
Do any special stuff other than know the user's basics and push data to the profile.
Now are there any good starting points or SDKs I should look at. I've tried Facebook.NET and also peeked into FBConnectAuth. It seems like the former is too much and the latter is too little of what I need. However, that was a quick glance so are there any people with good experiences that did simple things?
Help is much appreciated!
Have you tried this example?
Post status to Facebook profile without Facebook modal window using ASP.NET
If you have any feature requests for FBConnectAuth, please let me know.
For me, Raya's integration of Facebook Connect is the best example out there. The author also has a good blog post where he describes how he integrated it with his existing web application..
