Specification of a mixed model using glmmLasso package - r

I have a dataset containing repeated measures and quite a lot of variables per observation. Therefore, I need to find a way to select explanatory variables in a smart way. Regularized Regression methods sound good to me to address this problem.
Upon looking for a solution, I found out about the glmmLasso package quite recently. However, I have difficulties defining a model. I found a demo file online, but since I'm a beginner with R, I had a hard time understanding it.
(demo: https://rdrr.io/cran/glmmLasso/src/demo/glmmLasso-soccer.r)
Since I cannot share the original data, I would suggest you use the soccer dataset (the same dataset used in glmmLasso demo file). The variable team is repeated in observations and should be taken as a random effect.
# sample data
I would appreciate if you can explain the parameters lambda and family, and how to tune them.


How to run Longitudinal Ordinal Logistic Regression in R

I'm working with a large data set with repeated patients over multiple months with ordered outcomes on a severity scale from 1 to 5. I was able to analyze the first set of patients using the polr function to run a basic ordinal logistic regression model, but now want to analyze association across all the time points using a longitudinal ordinal logistic model. I can't seem to find any clear documentation online or on this site so far explaining which package to use and how to use it. I am also an R novice so any simple explanations would be incredibly useful. Based on some initial searching it seems like the mixor function might be what I need though I am not sure how it works. I found it on this site
Would appreciate a simple explanation of how to use this function if this is the right one, or would happily take any alternate suggestions with an explanation.
Thank you in advance for your help!

Most straightforward R package for setting subject as random effect in mixed logit model

I have a dataset in which individuals, each belonging to a particular group, repeatedly chose between multiple discrete outcomes.
subID group choice
1 Big A
1 Big B
2 Small B
2 Small B
2 Small C
3 Big A
3 Big B
. . .
. . .
I want to test how group membership influences choice, and want to account for non-independence of observations due to repeated choices being made by the same individuals. In turn, I planned to implement a mixed multinomial regression treating group as a fixed effect and subID as a random effect. It seems that there are a few options for multinomial logits in R, and I'm hoping for some guidance on which may be most easily implemented for this mixed model:
1) multinom - GLM, via nnet, allows the usage of the multinom function. This appears to be a nice, clear, straightforward option... for fixed effect models. However is there a manner to implement random effects with multinom? A previous CV post suggests that multinom is able to handle mixed-effects GLM with poisson distribution and a log link. However, I don't understand (a) why this is the case or (b) the required syntax. Can anyone clarify?
2) mlogit - A fantastic package, with incredibly helpful vignettes. However, the "mixed logit" documentation refers to models that have random effects related to alternative specific covariates (implemented via the rpar argument). My model has no alternative specific variables; I simply want to account for the random intercepts of the participants. Is this possible with mlogit? Is that variance automatically accounted for by setting subID as the id.var when shaping the data to long form with mlogit.data? EDIT: I just found an example of "tricking" mlogit to provide random coefficients for variables that vary across individuals (very bottom here), but I don't quite understand the syntax involved.
3) MCMCglmm is evidently another option. However, as a relative novice with R and someone completely unfamiliar with Bayesian stats, I'm not personally comfortable parsing example syntax of mixed logits with this package, or, even following the syntax, making guesses at priors or other needed arguments.
Any guidance toward the most straightforward approach and its syntax implementation would be thoroughly appreciated. I'm also wondering if the random effect of subID needs to be nested within group (as individuals are members of groups), but that may be a question for CV instead. In any case, many thanks for any insights.
I would recommend the Apollo package by Hess & Palma. It comes with a great documentation and a quite helpful user group.

Multivariate Classification Trees in R

I'm looking for advice on creating classification trees where each split is based on multiple variables. A bit of background: I'm helping design a vegetation classification system, and we're hoping to use a classification and regression tree algorithm to both classify new veg data and create (or at least help to create) visual keys which can be used in publications. The data I'm using is laid out as community data, with tree species as columns, and observations as rows, and the first column is a factor with classes. I'll also add that I'm very new to this type of analysis, and while I've tried to read about it as much as possible, it's quite likely that I've missed some simple but important aspects. My apologies.
Now the problem: R has excellent packages and great documentation for classification with univariate splits (e.g. rpart, partykit, C5.0). However, I would ideally like to be able to create classification trees where each split was based on multiple criteria - so instead of each split having one decision (e.g. "Percent cover of Species A > 6.67"), it would have multiple (Percent cover of Species A > 6.67 AND Percent cover of Species B < 4.2). I've had a lot of trouble finding packages that are capable of doing multivariate splits and creating trees. This answer: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/4356/does-rpart-use-multivariate-splits-by-default has been very useful, and I've tried all the packages suggested there for multivariate splitting. Prim does do multivariate splits, but doesn't seem to make trees; the partDSA package seems to be somewhat what I'm looking for, but it also only creates trees with one criteria per split; the optpart package also doesn't seem to be able to make classification trees. If anyone has advice on how I could go about making a classification tree based on a multivariate partitioning method, that would be super appreciated.
Also, this is my first question, and I am very open to suggestions about how to ask questions. I didn't feel that providing an example would be helpful in this case, but if necessary I easily can.
Many Thanks!

How to use the `vcconv` command in lme4 for serial correlation?

I'm working with a large longitudinal dataset of firm-year observations. For some time now I have been using lme4to implement crossed (non-nested) effects for year and firm-ID groups.
My goal is now to correct for the serial correlation in the firm-group dimension. Based on chl's and fabians' answers to this question (as well as Ben Bolker's comment on the latter), I've assumed this is impossible with lmer(), but is feasible with nlme::lme().
I have been able to implement crossed effects in nlme based on the discussion in Pinheiro & Bates (2000, sec. 4.2.2, pp. 163-6). In principle then, I believe I can use the correlation = AR1() speficiation in lme() to control for autocorrelation.
My strong preference, however, would be to implement such a correlation specification in lmer() because:
lme4 is much, much (much) faster
nlme requires crossed effects to be nested in some higher group -- without such a higher level grouping I'm forced to create an arbitrary dummy for groupedData to which all observations belong (e.g., here). This creates issues interpreting the relative levels of variation between the two crossed groups and the residual variance because some of the variation appears to be captured by the higher-level dummy group.
I got excited when I found the feature request #224 on GitHub, but alas it doesn't seem like there's much movement on the flexLambda front (please let me know if I'm wrong!).
lme4 v1.1-10
I've just noticed that the latest (Oct. 2015) version of lme4 contains a vcconv command that can
Convert between representation of (co-)variance structures (EXPERIMENTAL.)
Based on the source code, it seems that maybe the sdcor2cov option could allow one to specify a correlation structure such as AR(1).
So my questions are:
Is this interpretation of the vcconv function correct?
If so, does the user supply the correlation (e.g., AR(1)) parameters or are they determined internally in lmer()?
How does one implement this function properly?

Setting Contrasts for ANOVA in R

I've been attempting to perform an ANOVA in R recently on the attached data frame.
My question revolves around the setting of contrasts.
My design is a 3x5 within-subjects design.
There are 3 visual conditions under 'Circle1' and 5 audio under 'Beep1'.
Does anyone have any idea how I should set the contrasts? This is something I'm unfamiliar with as I'm making the transition from point and click stats in SPSS to coded in R.
Thanks for your time
Data file:
Reiterating my answer from another stackoverflow question that was flagged as similar, since you didn't provide any code, you might start by having a look at the contrast package in R. As they note in the document:
"The purpose of the contrast package is to provide a standardized interface for testing linear combinations of parameters from common regression models. The syntax mimics the contrast. Design function from the Design library. The contrast class has been extended in this package to linear models produced using the functions lm, glm, gls, lme and geese."
There is also a nice little tutorial here by Dr. William King who talks about factorial between subjects ANOVA and also includes an abundance of R code. This is wider scoped than you question but would be a great place to start (just to get context).
Finally, here is another resource that you can refer to which talks about setting up orthogonal contrasts in R.
