ASP .NET Web forms and Certificate Authentication -

I've been searching the web like crazy for answers on how to use client certificates with an old asp .NET web form. We are building an Azure Key Vault and I can build an ASP .NET Core app and use client certificates no problem to access the key vault. But we also have some legacy websites here at my job and we don't have time to re-write these all so to start I can turn them into web applications because the only way to currently open them in Visual Studio is by opening VS going to File->Open->Web Site. I did a POC with one and while it took some time since I had to basically create a new web application then I copied the pages/code over to this web application. But I used ClientId/SecretID to access Azure Key Vault and this worked fine.
But we want to use client certificates and I'm at a loss as to how to do this with a webform. Everything I find on the web when I search is for ASP .NET Core or MVC, not .NET Framework 4.8 with aspx webforms.
These applications use global.asax and you can't use routing filters.
Is it even possible to use client certificates in webforms?


Can I use ASP.NET Core SignalR Javascript file in my .NET Framework Web appplication?

I have a Web application that uses the .NET Framework. I created a separate ASP.NET Core web application to use as a SignalR server.
In the .NET Framework web app, I followed the Microsoft tutorial on adding the Javascript client libraries (#microsoft/signalr#latest).
The chat application is working, but then I saw this statement "ASP.NET Core SignalR isn't compatible with clients or servers for ASP.NET SignalR." Link
I get that there is no backwards compatibility, but is this also saying that if your application is using the .NET Framework, you must use ASP.NET SignalR for both client and server?
I found this SO answer which seems to indicate that it is okay, but I'm not sure what he means by "normal System.Web" pipeline.

How can I share a simple string value (config) between two web applications and core in IIS?

How can I share a simple string value (config) between two web applications and core in IIS?
I don't want to use cookies
In my opinion, we could achieve this in the following ways,
Web service, such as WCF.
One application is used to create and host WCF service. Another application is used to consume the service.
Create and host the service in a web application by using the default WCF project template in Visual Studio or directly adding an SVC file to the current web project.
Consume the service.
Shared sessions stored in the same database.
Passing session data between ASP.NET web applications
Sharing sessions across applications using the ASP.NET Session State Service
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Sharepoint Provider Hosted Add In using .Net Core application

I am currently attempting to take an application that I have already created as a .Net CORE Application and connect it to Sharepoint Online in the form of a Provider Hosted Sharepoint Add In.
It seems that Sharepoint add ins can only recognise .Net Framework web applications which would result in having to port the .Net CORE application to a .Net Application.
I am seeking the easiest and cleanest way to proceed with this.
Is there a way that I can create a Provider Hosted app using .Net core or should I port the .NET Core application to a .Net Framework web application?
If so, how would you go about doing this?
Even we were trying to achieve the same thing. But we ended up in .net framework. To be on the safer side, you can create a provider hosted app using visual studio, which gives better connectivity to the Sharepoint App.
.Net core to .Net framework conversion would be so simple, since the framework holds most of the libraries and functionalities when compared to .Net core. You can just copy paste the code from core and you can do modifications to fit in the framework.
Otherwise, you can use oauth tokens by using SharePoint Rest API's. If you have already built the provider hosted app and installed it in your site collection, you can just use the existing client id, client secret to get the access token like this. So that you can perform everything using your existing .Net core app.

.Net dual authentication methods in a web application

First off, I'm completely new to Shibboleth and SAML. We have a web application which uses the .net membership provider functionality for forms authentication. We need to keep the .net mode of authenticating. However, we've now been asked to add the ability to authenticate a user coming from another web application which uses Shibboleth.
My question is, and I apologize if it sounds stupid, but can a .net web application implement both the 'default' asp membership and shibboleth authentication, or does it have to be one or the other?
Our web app is a .net 4.5 written in and hosted on Windows server. The other is a web app written in PHP (if I'm not mistaken) uses Shibboleth and is on a Linux server.

ASP.NET Core Web API living inside a ASP.NET 4 IIS Web Site

I am tasked to to build a Web API application. The app will be hosted inside an existing web site - a pre-ASP.NET 5 web application with a WCF web service.
I wonder - can I build the web-api application using ASP.NET Core 1 in a way that it can happily exists as a sub application inside the already existing site in IIS?
Yes, this is possible, I'm doing the opposite of this scenario but conceptually its the same thing. You need to create your subsite as a separate application in IIS with its own app pool. That app pool needs to be configured No Managed Code per the instructions on the Docs site
The only other thing you need to watch out for is that the web.config in the subsite will inherit some settings from the root web.config, so you need to remove or clear things sometimes like handlers, modules, etc.
If I understand you correctly it is not possible what you want. Please refer to the following documentation about hosting ASP.NET Core on IIS:
If you specifically look at the .NET CLR version in the application pool it should be "No Managed Code" while your current website is set to a .NET framework version I assume. This is because ASP.NET Core is now cross plaform and completely web server agnostic. It even needs a little 'trick' (the ASP.NET Core Module) to work on IIS. See: "The module creates the reverse-proxy between IIS and the Kestrel server."
But if you follow the link provided above I think you'll manage to work it out.
