How to make Create/Join group with Firebase in Flutter - firebase

I want to make a Create/Join group feature in the app where anyone can Create the group
and share group ID and let others people to join(By using firebase as backend). How can I achieve something like that. I need some explanation. What do I need to do or to implement?
Just to keep in mind I don’t want to create chat group. This is more like a group that let users do things together like puzzle. Or like quizzes in Kahoot.
I haven’t start to write yet so there won't be any code

Something i'm actually doing myself though my scenario is a little different as it's more focused on financial groups.
I can point you to a resource that's working for me though i'm still figuring it out myself,maybe it'll be of some help to you too(Note:it only shows how to create and join but doesn't go into how to make invites,but i think its a good start)
Source: this video


Recommended Firebase data structure for my react native app

I'm creating a medical booking app in react native I almost done my UI and now I stuck in data structure in firebase. so the way app works is simple: user register/sign in select the doctor or the therapist and that therapist has some dates and times which user should choose from to set an appointment.
so the way I consider to structure my data is the following:
but I need a simpler approach so I can get all my dates as an array and feed my calendar with it (so user could see the available dates)
and also get all the timings for specific day so when a user select a time other users can't select that too.
how can I structure this data in firebase? sorry I'm new to this concepts if you feel this question is dumb and I'm thankful for any help.
if you need any extra information just let me know in comment section.
You might want to consider extractimg meetings to its own collection and using the dates as the id of each document.. So whenever someone wants to book a meeting, you check if there is a document with the ID of the date, and if not, create the meeting

Firebase - Determine rank of specific user by score

In order to give you some context, first take a look at my database structure in firebase:
user-list {
user {
name: "xy",
score: "xy"
mooare users...
Now, currently, I have my DB in Firestore Beta, but I don't care if I have to migrate back to the Real Time Database to make this work, since both models work for my application.
The problem
If the user has played through the game (which can happen quite often), his rank will be displayed to him. My current approach is to somehow query/assign the users rank based on his score. For that i just order the whole database (1M+ records) aaaaand thats the point where I don't know any further.
The thing is, how on earth am I going to do that? I have read countless stackoverflow posts and searched countless websites and no "solution" helped me yet. The thing is, I have the following requirements to fullfill: Do a query which...
is cost effective a.k.a doesn't force me to live under a bridge for the rest of my live
is quite fast on the client side
is real time
Furthermore my score is variable. Meaning, that it can range from 1 to infinity, which doesn't really remove complexity either.
The most promising approach is this post that I found on one of my hopeless hunts for answers. Tough it is only vaguely descriped so that doesn't really help.
I know that's quite a lot to ask, with quite a lot of requirements, but is anyone able to help me with this mountain of a problem?

How to only display traffic from particular sources in a Google Analytics dashboard widget

I can't believe this is as difficult as I'm finding it to be, so I must be missing something obvious!
I want to track data from two particular ads, one on and one in the mountain view voice email newsletter. I've gotten as far as identifying these two sources in a table:
I want to only display those two sources, so I thought a filter would be the way to do that, set up like so:
But that results in this sad, sad empty table:
Please tell me what I am doing wrong! Does "containing" not mean what I think it does? Help!
You're right - it is something simple!
Your filter contains an AND statement, so it will only show data where the source contains BOTH and
Your filter should look like:
Only show Source Matching RegEx:
Here's a great intro to Regular Expressions from Robbin Steif's guide, they'll be incredibly useful for any analysis.

Multiple Google Calendars, script to change calendars based on event name

I am trying to create a work around for Google not allowing anyone to add to a global calendar, so I started doing research and found eventbot, which allows me to add a meeting based on an email that I send.
Here is what I imagine, but I don't know how to work it.
I have two different global calendars
Using a QR Code and that email address eventbot gave me, the code is scanned, the type in the needed subject line, and the event is created on my personal calendar.
Here comes where I am in need of advice:
Each event will have a phrase (Sisters/Brothers), if my calendar sees the word "Sisters", it will change the default calendar from my personal to the "Sisters" Calendar, or "Brothers" same thing.
It seems like a simple enough task, I am just not familiar enough with Google to know where to start, or to put my script in my google account. I also don't know if there is an API I could use.
Has anyone else thought of this? Any ideas on where to begin?
I found something that works better for me and is a better approch, but doesn't answer my original question:

Scrape all google search result for a specific name

I think the question has been answered here before,but i could not find the desired topic.I am a newbie in web scraping.I have to develop a script that will take all the google search result for a specific name.Then it will grab the related data against that name and if there is found more than one,the data will be grouped according to their names.
All I know is that,google has some kind of restriction on scraping.They provide a custom search api.I still did not use that api,but hoping to get all the resulted links corresponding to a query from that api. But, could not understand what will be the ideal process to do the scraping of the information from that links.Any tutorial link or suggestion is very much appreciated.
You should have provided a bit more what you have been doing, it does not sound like you even tried to solve it yourself.
Anyway, if you are still on it:
You can scrape Google through two ways, one is allowed one is not allowed.
a) Use their API, you can get around 2k results a day.
You can up it to around 3k a day for 2000 USD/year. You can up it more by getting in contact with them directly.
You will not be able to get accurate ranking positions from this method, if you only need a lower number of requests and are mainly interested in getting some websites according to a keyword that's the choice.
Starting point would be here:
b) You can scrape the real search results
That's the only way to get the true ranking positions, for SEO purposes or to track website positions. Also it allows to get a large amount of results, if done right.
You can Google for code, the most advanced free (PHP) code I know is at
However, there are other projects and code snippets.
You can start off at 300-500 requests per day and this can be multiplied by multiple IPs. Look at the linked article if you want to go that route, it explains it in more details and is quite accurate.
That said, if you choose route b) you break Googles terms, so either do not accept them or make sure you are not detected. If Google detects you, your script will be banned by IP/captcha. Not getting detected should be a priority.
