Net Core 6: Session ID Changes After Redirect to AuthenticationHandler.AuthenticateAsync() - .net-core

:: Using A Custom DistributedCache (Redis Implementation) ::
On all Redirect(url) calls, the session changes. I know the official MS Docs says that IAuthenticationHandler "Created per request to handle authentication for a particular scheme". Meaning even redirects cause a new session
public async Task<AuthenticateResult> AuthenticateAsync() { }
The issue I am having is that during the new session ALL CONTEXT is lost. Everything I saved in the Context (including the ClaimsPrincipal of the user) gets lost. I cannot even fetch transients or singletons attached to my service through:
var SessionProvider = Context.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(ISessionProvider)) as SessionProvider;
Because there is no context. Here is the implementation I followed::
ASP.NET Core 2.0 authentication middleware
Please guide me on any assistance on how to persist Session during AuthenticationAysnc() calls.
Edit :: Here is my service code
service.AddAuthentication(options => {
options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = "CoreAuthScheme";
options.DefaultChallengeScheme = "CoreAuthScheme";
options.DefaultScheme = "CoreAuthScheme";
}).AddCustomAuth(o => {})
And With Web App
//Register Session Security (Goes before Routing)
Thank you

Solution ::
Proper Implementation of these two library srcs are needed if you are using a custom IDistributedCache. Obviously The IDistributedCache here is Redis Implementation, but the same goes for SQL, and other DB caching (get the proper src implementation of IDistributedCache)
Session Management
IDistributedCache (Redis)
The reason why I was losing session is because the default implementation of DistributedSession uses Offsets and special encodings to process values returned from the IDistributedCache Redis I implemented. See below:
var expectedEntries = DeserializeNumFrom3Bytes(content);
_sessionIdBytes = ReadBytes(content, IdByteCount);
for (var i = 0; i < expectedEntries; i++)
var keyLength = DeserializeNumFrom2Bytes(content);
var key = new EncodedKey(ReadBytes(content, keyLength));
var dataLength = DeserializeNumFrom4Bytes(content);
_store.SetValue(key, ReadBytes(content, dataLength));
Once you have those two libraries properly sourced and implemented. Session Management Works :). AuthenticateAsync calls the Distributed Session which calls DistributedCache and data is properly serialized and deserialized
----------------------------------------------------------- alimaslax


NServiceBus Router events published on Amazon SQS transport are not handled by an Azure Service Bus transport endpoint

I've been trying to get NServiceBus.Router working to allow endpoints using the AmazonSQS transport and the AzureServiceBus transport to communicate with each other. So far, I am able to get a command sent from the ASB endpoint through the router and handled by the SQS endpoint. However, when I publish an event from the SQS endpoint, it is not handled by the ASB endpoint even though I have registered the SQS endpoint as a publisher. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but looking at every example I can find from from the docs, it seems like it should work.
I have already tried adding another forwarding route in the reverse of what is below (SQS to ASB), but that did not solve the issue.
The endpoints and router are each running in .net 5 worker services.
I've made a sample project that reproduces the issue here, but here are some quick at-a-glance snippets that show the relevant setup:
Router Setup
var routerConfig = new RouterConfiguration("ASBToSQS.Router");
var azureInterface = routerConfig.AddInterface<AzureServiceBusTransport>("ASB", t =>
t.SubscriptionRuleNamingConvention((entityType) =>
var entityPathOrName = entityType.Name;
if (entityPathOrName.Length >= 50)
return entityPathOrName.Split('.').Last();
return entityPathOrName;
var sqsInterface = routerConfig.AddInterface<SqsTransport>("SQS", t =>
var settings = t.GetSettings();
// Avoids a missing setting error
bool isMessageType(Type t) => true;
var ctor = typeof(MessageMetadataRegistry).GetConstructor(
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null,
new[] {typeof(Func<Type, bool>)}, null);
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
settings.Set<MessageMetadataRegistry>(ctor.Invoke(new object[] {(Func<Type, bool>) isMessageType}));
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
var staticRouting = routerConfig.UseStaticRoutingProtocol();
staticRouting.AddForwardRoute("ASB", "SQS");
ASB Endpoint Setup
var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("ASBToSQSRouter.ASBEndpoint");
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<AzureServiceBusTransport>();
transport.SubscriptionRuleNamingConvention((entityType) =>
var entityPathOrName = entityType.Name;
if (entityPathOrName.Length >= 50)
return entityPathOrName.Split('.').Last();
return entityPathOrName;
var bridge = transport.Routing().ConnectToRouter("ASBToSQS.Router");
bridge.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(ASBToSQSCommand), "ASBToSQSRouter.SQSEndpoint");
bridge.RegisterPublisher(typeof(ASBToSQSEvent), "ASBToSQSRouter.SQSEndpoint");
SQS Endpoint Setup (nothing special because it doesn't need to know about the router)
var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("ASBToSQSRouter.SQSEndpoint");
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<SqsTransport>();
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Unfortunately one of the recent SQS transport releases contains a change that makes the subscription work only by default in the context of a full NServiceBus endpoint. This feature is subscription batching.
In order for the Router to work correctly (Router does not run a full endpoint, just NServiceBus transport), you need to add this magic line to the SQS interface configuration:
settings.Set("NServiceBus.AmazonSQS.DisableSubscribeBatchingOnStart", true);
This is an undocumented flag that disables the subscription batching and allows router to complete the subscribe operations normally.
I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Asp.Net Core - Prevent Session cookie conflict between same domain applications

I'm using ASP.Net Core 2.2.
By default, session cookie is stored in a cookie named .AspNetCore.Session on a specific domain (e.g:
In my case I have multiple .net core applications under the domain.,, etc...
With this scenario, all the applications share the same cookie for their session. The consequence is that an application try to read the session of the other and generate a warning in the logs:
Error unprotecting the session cookie.
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The key {...} was not found in the key ring.
Although It's just a warning and session seems to working fine on each application, I wanted to know the proper way to handle this situation.
A solution that I've found is to change the session cookie name for each application:
In Startup / Configure() :
app.UseSession(new SessionOptions() { Cookie = new CookieBuilder() {
Name = ".AspNetCore.Session.MyApp1"}});
When you have .AddAuthentication defined in Startup / ConfigureServices(), to fix this add cookie options this way. Worked for my case.
services.AddAuthentication(CookieScheme) // Sets the default scheme to cookies
.AddCookie(CookieScheme, options =>
options.LogoutPath = "/logout";
options.LoginPath = "/login";
options.Cookie = new CookieBuilder()
IsEssential = true,
SameSite = SameSiteMode.Lax,
SecurePolicy = CookieSecurePolicy.SameAsRequest,
Name = ".AspNetCore.Session.yourAppName"

How to validate AWS Cognito JWT in .NET Core Web API using .AddJwtBearer()

I was having some trouble figuring out how to go about validating a JWT given to the client by AWS Cognito inside my .NET Core Web API.
Not only could I not figure out what the variables for Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.TokenValidationParameters were supposed to be, but once I finally did, I didn't know how to retrieve the JWT key set from https://cognito-idp.{region}{pool ID}/.well-known/jwks.json
Finally, though a lot of random Googling and trial and error, I found a (seemingly-not-very-efficient solution) solution. However, I spent way too much time doing it. Citing that, plus the fact that AWS documentation on the subject is severely lacking, I decided to post this Q&A to help others find this solution more easily in the future.
If there's a better way to do this, somebody please tell me because I have yet to find a way to do this besides my answer listed below.
The answer lies primarily in correctly defining the TokenValidationParameters.IssuerSigningKeyResolver (parameters, etc. seen here:
This is what tells .NET Core what to verify the JWT sent against. One must also tell it where to find the list of keys. One cannot necessarily hard-code the key set, as it is often rotated by AWS.
One way to do it would be to fetch and serialize the list from the URL inside the IssuerSigningKeyResolver method. The whole .AddJwtBearer() might look something like this:
Startup.cs ConfigureServices() method:
.AddJwtBearer(options =>
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
IssuerSigningKeyResolver = (s, securityToken, identifier, parameters) =>
// get JsonWebKeySet from AWS
var json = new WebClient().DownloadString(parameters.ValidIssuer + "/.well-known/jwks.json");
// serialize the result
var keys = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonWebKeySet>(json).Keys;
// cast the result to be the type expected by IssuerSigningKeyResolver
return (IEnumerable<SecurityKey>)keys;
ValidIssuer = "https://cognito-idp.{region}{pool ID}",
ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
ValidateIssuer = true,
ValidateLifetime = true,
ValidAudience = "{Cognito AppClientID}",
ValidateAudience = true
If you use a JS library such as AWS Amplify, you can see parameters such as the ValidIssuer and ValidAudience in your browser's console by observing the result of Auth.currentSession()
A REST fetch request from a JS client to a .NET Core Web API utilizing the JWT Authentication achieved above as well as using the [Authorize] tag on your controller might look something like this:
JS Client using #aws-amplify/auth node package:
// get the current logged in user's info
Auth.currentSession().then((user) => {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
// get the user's JWT token given to it by AWS cognito
'Authorization': `Bearer ${user.signInUserSession.accessToken.jwtToken}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
).then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(e => console.error(e))
This has been easily the most difficult bit of code I've had to work with in the last year. "Authenticating JWT tokens from AWS Cognito in a .NET Web API app". AWS documentation still leaves much to be desired.
Here's what I used for a new .NET 6 Web API solution (so Startup.cs is now contained within Program.cs. Adjust to fit your version of .NET if needed. Main difference vs .NET 5 and earlier is the Services object is accessed via a variable called builder, so anytime you see code like services.SomeMethod..., you can likely replace it with builder.Services.SomeMethod... to make it .NET 6-compatible):
.AddJwtBearer(options =>
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidIssuer = "https://cognito-idp.{aws region here}{Cognito UserPoolId here}",
ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
ValidateIssuer = true,
ValidateLifetime = true,
ValidAudience = "{Cognito AppClientId here}",
ValidateAudience = false
options.MetadataAddress = "https://cognito-idp.{aws region here}{Cognito UserPoolId here}/.well-known/openid-configuration";
Note that I have ValidateAudience set to false. I was getting 401 Unauthorized responses from the .NET app otherwise. Someone else on SO has said they had to do this to get OAuth's Authentication/Authentication Code grant type to work. Evidently ValidateAudience = true will work just fine for implicit grant, however implicit grant is regarded as deprecated by most and you should try to avoid it if possible.
Also note that I am setting options.MetadataAddress. Per another SO user, this apparently allows for behind the scenes caching of the signing keys from AWS that they rotate from time to time.
I was led astray by some official AWS documentation (boo) that had me using builder.Services.AddCognitoIdentity(); (services.AddCognitoIdentity(); for .NET 5 and earlier). Apparently this is for "ASP.NET" apps where the backend serves up the frontend (e.g. Razor/Blazor). Or maybe it's deprecated, who knows. It is on AWS's website so it could very well be deprecated...
As for the Controllers, a simple [Authorize] attribute at the class level sufficed. No need to specify "Bearer" as the AuthenticationScheme in the [Authorize] attribute, or create middleware.
If you want to skip having to add another using to every controller as well as the [Authorize] attribute, and you want every endpoint in every controller to require a JWT, you can put this in Startup/Program.cs:
builder.Services.AddControllers(opt =>
var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder().RequireAuthenticatedUser().Build();
opt.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(policy));
Make sure that in Program.cs (Startup.cs for .NET 5 and earlier) app.UseAuthentication comes before app.UseAuthorization().
Here are the usings in Program.cs/Startup.cs:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Authorization;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens;
The provided answer here is only required if you need more fine grained control over validation.
Otherwise the following code is sufficient to validate jwt.
.AddJwtBearer(options =>
options.Authority = "{yourAuthorizationServerAddress}";
options.Audience = "{yourAudience}";
Okta have a good article on this.
When the JwtBearer middleware handles a request for the first time, it
tries to retrieve some metadata from the authorization server (also
called an authority or issuer). This metadata, or discovery document
in OpenID Connect terminology, contains the public keys and other
details needed to validate tokens. (Curious what the metadata looks like? Here’s an example discovery document.)
If the JwtBearer middleware finds this metadata document, it
configures itself automatically. Pretty nifty!

Apache HTTP client 4.3 credentials per request

I have been having a look to a digest authentication example at:
In my scenario the there are several threads issuing HTTP requests and each of them has to be authenticated with their own set of credentials. Additionally, please consider this question is probably very specific for the Apache HTTP client 4.3 onwards, 4.2 handles authentication probably in a different way, although I didn't check it myself. That said, there goes the actual question.
I want to use just one client instance (static member of the class, that is threadsafe) and give it a connection manager to support several concurrent requests. The point is that each request will provide different credentials and I am not seeing the way to assign credentials per request as the credentials provider is set when building the http client. From the link above:
HttpHost targetHost = new HttpHost("localhost", 80, "http");
CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
new AuthScope(targetHost.getHostName(), targetHost.getPort()),
new UsernamePasswordCredentials("username", "password"));
CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.custom()
The code sample in point 4.4 (seek 4.4. HTTP authentication and execution context), seems to say that the HttpClientContext is given the auth cache and the credentials provider and then is passed to the HTTP request. Next to it the request is executed and it seems that the client will get credentials filtering by the host in the HTTP request. In other words: if the context (or the cache) has valid credentials for the target host of the current HTTP request, he will use them. The problem for me is that different threads will perform different requests to the same host.
Is there any way to provide custom credentials per HTTP request?
Thanks in advance for your time! :)
The problem for me is that different threads will perform different requests to the same host.
Why should this be a problem? As long as you use a different HttpContext instance per thread, execution contexts of those threads are going to be completely indepenent
CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials("user:pass"));
HttpClientContext localContext = HttpClientContext.create();
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet("http://localhost/");
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget, localContext);
try {
} finally {
I have a similar issue.
I must call n-times a service with a single system user, authenticated with NTLM. I want to do this using multiple threads.
What I came up with is creating a single HTTPClient with no default credential provider. When a request needs to be performed I use an injected CredentialProviderFactory into the method performing the request (in a specific thread). Using this I get a brand new CredentialsProvider and I put this into a Context (created in the thread).
Then I call the execute method on the client using the overload execute(method, context).
class MilestoneBarClient implements IMilestoneBarClient {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MilestoneBarClient.class);
private MilestoneBarBuilder builder;
private CloseableHttpClient httpclient;
private MilestoneBarUriBuilder uriBuilder;
private ICredentialsProviderFactory credsProviderFactory;
MilestoneBarClient(CloseableHttpClient client, ICredentialsProviderFactory credsProviderFactory, MilestoneBarUriBuilder uriBuilder) {
this(client, credsProviderFactory, uriBuilder, new MilestoneBarBuilder());
MilestoneBarClient(CloseableHttpClient client, ICredentialsProviderFactory credsProviderFactory, MilestoneBarUriBuilder uriBuilder, MilestoneBarBuilder milestoneBarBuilder) {
this.credsProviderFactory = credsProviderFactory;
this.uriBuilder = uriBuilder;
this.builder = milestoneBarBuilder;
this.httpclient = client;
// This method is called by multiple threads
public MilestoneBar get(String npdNumber) {
log.debug("Asking milestone bar info for {}", npdNumber);
try {
String url = uriBuilder.getPathFor(npdNumber);
log.debug("Building request for URL {}", url);
HttpClientContext localContext = HttpClientContext.create();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try(CloseableHttpResponse resp = httpclient.execute(httpGet, localContext)){
For some reasons I sometimes get an error, but I guess it's an NTLMCredentials issue (not being thread-safe...).
In your case, you could probably pass the factory to the get methods instead of passing in creation.

WCF Client Proxies, Client/Channel Caching in ASP.Net - Code Review

long time ASP.Net interface developer being asked to learn WCF, looking for some education on more architecture related fronts - as its not my strong suit but I'm having to deal.
In our current ASMX world we adopted a model of creating ServiceManager static classes for our interaction with web services. We're starting to migrate to WCF, attempting to follow the same model. At first I was dealing with performance problems, but I've tweaked a bit and we're running smoothly now, but I'm questioning my tactics. Here's a simplified version (removed error handling, caching, object manipulation, etc.) of what we're doing:
public static class ContentManager
private static StoryManagerClient _clientProxy = null;
const string _contentServiceResourceCode = "StorySvc";
const int _getStoriesTTL = 300;
private static Dictionary<string, GetStoriesCacheItem> _getStoriesCache = new Dictionary<string, GetStoriesCacheItem>();
private static ReaderWriterLockSlim _cacheLockStories = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
public static Story[] GetStories(string categoryGuid)
// OMITTED - if category is cached and not expired, return from cache
// get endpoint address from FinderClient (ResourceManagement SVC)
UrlResource ur = FinderClient.GetUrlResource(_contentServiceResourceCode);
// Get proxy
StoryManagerClient svc = GetStoryServiceClient(ur.Url);
// create request params
GetStoriesRequest request = new GetStoriesRequest{}; // SIMPLIFIED
Manifest manifest = new Manifest{}; // SIMPLIFIED
// execute GetStories at WCF service
GetStoriesResponse response = svc.GetStories(manifest, request);
catch (Exception)
if (svc.State == CommunicationState.Faulted)
// OMITTED - do stuff with response, cache if needed
// return....
internal static StoryManagerClient GetStoryServiceClient(string endpointAddress)
if (_clientProxy == null)
_clientProxy = new StoryManagerClient(GetServiceBinding(_contentServiceResourceCode), new EndpointAddress(endpointAddress));
return _clientProxy;
public static Binding GetServiceBinding(string bindingSettingName)
// uses Finder service to load a binding object - our alternative to definition in web.config
public static void PreloadContentServiceClient()
// get finder location
UrlResource ur = FinderClient.GetUrlResource(_contentServiceResourceCode);
// preload proxy
We're running smoothly now with round-trip calls completing in the 100ms range. Creating the PreloadContentServiceClient() method and adding to our global.asax got that "first call" performance down to that same level. And you might want to know we're using the DataContractSerializer, and the "Add Service Reference" method.
I've done a lot of reading on static classes, singletons, shared data contract assemblies, how to use the ChannelFactory pattern and a whole bunch of other things that I could do to our usage model...admittedly, some of its gone over my head. And, like I said, we seem to be running smoothly. I know I'm not seeing the big picture, though. Can someone tell me what I've ended up here with regards to channel pooling, proxy failures, etc. and why I should head down the ChannelFactory path? My gut says to just do it, but my head can't comprehend why...
ChannelFactory is typically used when you aren't using Add Service Reference - you have the contract via a shared assembly not generated via a WSDL. Add Service Reference uses ClientBase which is essentially creating the WCF channel for you behind the scenes.
When you are dealing with REST-ful services, WebChannelFactory provides a service-client like interface based off the shared assembly contract. You can't use Add Service Reference if your service only supports a REST-ful endpoint binding.
The only difference to you is preference - do you need full access the channel for custom behaviors, bindings, etc. or does Add Service Reference + SOAP supply you with enough of an interface for your needs.
