Unity async/await and IO operations with Firestore (Firebase) - firebase

I've developed a Unity App that uses Firebase as a BaaS and Firestore as a Database.
Firebase has a Client SDK to make calls that are usually called from client to server by an URL endpoint.
My concern is how my methods should be implemented to correctly work on client without blocking the user experience, cause if I made a heavy request, my Unity App is blocked, and no interaction is allowed to the user.
This is the code of my client DatabaseManager with the methods to retrieve a User from Firestore:
public class DatabaseManager
public DatabaseManager(FirebaseFirestore db)
this.db = db;
public async Task<User> GetUserByUIDAsync(string uid)
string documentID = uid;
return await AsyncGetDocumentFromCollection<User, User_FirestoreData>(COL_ID_USERS, documentID);
public async Task<PlainData> AsyncGetDocumentFromCollection<PlainData, FirestoreData>(string collectionID, string documentID) where PlainData : IConvertToFirestore<FirestoreData> where FirestoreData : IConvertToPlainData<PlainData>
DocumentReference docRef = db.Collection(collectionID).Document(documentID);
DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot = await docRef.GetSnapshotAsync();
if (documentSnapshot.Exists)
Debug.Log("Get Document data for document:" + documentSnapshot.Id);
FirestoreData firestoreData = documentSnapshot.ConvertTo<FirestoreData>();
return firestoreData.ToPlainData();
Debug.Log($"Document {documentSnapshot.Id} does not exist!");
catch (Exception e)
return default(PlainData);
This is a simple call and when it's called from any MonoBehaviouryou couldn't notice the load difference when you call it like:
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class MyMono : MonoBehaviour
private void DatabaseManager db;
[SerializedField] private Button button = null;
private void Awake()
button.onClick.AddListener(async ()=> await CustomAwakeAsync(db));
private async Task CustomAwakeAsync(DatabaseManager db)
//if this Async method is heavier, this will block the main UI thread when the button is pressed
await db.GetUserByUIDAsync("xdfipñfajrfiñar");
But if instead of GetUserByUIDAsync I make a heavy call, or multiple recursive calls my application UI will freeze until it's finished...which is bad.
How should I build my code to avoid these case?
My easy way to test if it's blocking UI thread is having this class attached to a GameObject with Image component:
using UnityEngine;
public class InfiniteRotate : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 1;
// Update is called once per frame
private void Update()
this.gameObject.transform.Rotate(0, 0, 1 * Time.deltaTime * speed);
If the image stop spinning, means that async/await is blocking the UI thread.

Your code as shown:
private void CustomAwake(DatabaseManager db)
await db.GetUserByUIDAsync("xdfipñfajrfiñar");
...should be producing the following error:
error CS4033: The 'await' operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking this method with the 'async' modifier and changing its return type to 'Task'.
Even if somehow you managed to silence this error the method signature private void CustomAwake(DatabaseManager db) clearly indicates that this method is synchronous to the caller.
But if instead of GetUserByUIDAsync I make a heavy call, my application UI will freeze until it's finished...which is bad.
So if you are calling this from the same thread as Update, FixedUpdate etc (which by the looks of it you are) then you are going to block Unity and thus slow down your game.
If you are going to use async/await then you need to do so all the way back to the original caller.
Make it asynchronous
Change the method to:
private async Task<User> CustomAwake(DatabaseManager db) // Note the async Task
return await db.GetUserByUIDAsync("xdfipñfajrfiñar");
...and ensure that whatever calls it uses await in order to get the User.


Blazor WebAssembly SignalR HubConnection causing javascript error on reload

I have a SignalR HubConnection within my Blazor WebAssembly application and whilst it works most of the time, if I reload the page (via the browser reload) then I often am getting the following error in the console and the connection is not made:
Uncaught Error: The delegate target that is being invoked is no longer available. Please check if it has been prematurely GC'd.
at Object.invoke_delegate (dotnet.5.0.4.js:1)
at WebSocket. (dotnet.5.0.4.js:1)
Here's a rough, simplified view of the code where I create the HubConnection (and dispose it).
#inherits LayoutBase
#attribute [Authorize]
public class LayoutBase : LayoutComponentBase, IAsyncDisposable
[Inject] public IAccessTokenProvider AccessTokenProvider { get; set; }
private readonly HubConnection _hubConnection;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
_hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
.AddNewtonsoftJsonProtocol(c =>
.WithUrl(notificationHubUrl, option => option.AccessTokenProvider = GetAccessToken)
_hubConnection.Closed += HubConnectionOnClosed;
_hubConnection.Reconnected += HubConnectionOnReconnected;
_hubConnection.Reconnecting += HubConnectionOnReconnecting;
await _hubConnection.StartAsync()
await base.OnInitializedAsync();
private async Task<string> GetAccessToken()
var tokenResult = await AccessTokenProvider.RequestAccessToken(...)
// etc...
// .. Event Handlers
public ValueTask DisposeAsync()
_logger.LogInformation($"Disposing Hub: {_hubConnection.ConnectionId}");
_hubConnection.Closed -= HubConnectionOnClosed;
_hubConnection.Reconnected -= HubConnectionOnReconnected;
_hubConnection.Reconnecting -= HubConnectionOnReconnecting;
return _hubConnection.DisposeAsync();
Previously I had it as an injected service but I eventually simplified it to this structure but it continues to get this error on reload. It's not every time I reload but most times.
I have tried changing the dispose pattern without success. I can't find any information on the error anywhere else.
Any ideas?
I don't have a definitive answer as to the underlying reason but I suspect that this is a bug somewhere in the SignalR/dotnet framework resulting in the GCing of a delegate because something drops a reference to it.
One way I've managed to provoke this error reasonably consistently is to have a handler returning just a Task, e.g.
_hubConnection.On<TEvent>(eventType.Name, OnEvent);
where OnEvent looks like this:
private async Task OnEvent<TEvent>(TEvent e)
A workaround which appears to have fixed it for me is to make the handler actually return something. This seems to make something deeper in the framework hold a reference for longer so that it doesn't get GC'ed. E.g.
// WORKS ON MY MACHINE - Note the return type of Task<object>
private async Task<object> OnEvent<TEvent>(TEvent e)
// ... Do stuff
return null;

How to create SignalR groups from Blazor app

I have a (serverside) blazor app and I want to let users fill in a small form and press a button to create SignalR groups that they can then send messages to.
I have a Hub class that looks like this:
public class RoomHub : Hub
public async Task JoinRoomAsync(string groupName)
await Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);
public async Task LeaveRoomAsync(string groupName)
await Groups.RemoveFromGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);
public async Task BroadcastToRoomAsync(string groupName, string message)
await Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync("OnMessage", message);
and a Service class that gets called from my blazor component, which looks like this:
public class RoomService : IRoomService
private ICosmosDbService _dbService;
private RoomHub _roomHub;
public RoomService(ICosmosDbService dbService, RoomHub roomHub)
this._dbService = dbService;
this._roomHub = roomHub;
public async Task<Room> CreateRoom(string name)
Room r = new Room();
r.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
r.Name = name;
await _dbService.AddItemAsync(r);
await _roomHub.JoinRoomAsync(r.Name);
return r;
public async Task SendToRoom(Room r, string message)
await _roomHub.BroadcastToRoomAsync(r.Name, message);
When I add the RoomHub class to my services in Startup.cs and run my application, when I press the button to create a Group it tells me the Hub's Context variable is null and fails.
I've tried looking around for other ways to do this, and arrived at the conclusion that it has something to do with injecting an IHubContext<RoomHub> object instead, but the object this provides does not seem related at all to my Hub class and I can't use it to create groups directly because I don't have access to the ConnectionId I need to do so.
I feel like there's a gap between the Hub and HubContext that I do not understand. What is the correct way to create a SignalR Group, starting from a button press on a Blazor component?
Before you can access your Hub, you need to build and start your Hub connection using HubConnection and HubConnectionBuilder. This needs to include the url for your Hub and the handler methods for the data received from the Hub.
Start by adding a HubConnection field in your Service class.
private HubConnection _hubConnection;
Depending on your Service lifetime and other considerations, you can build your connection in the Service class constructor or it's own method. For an example, we'll add a StartConnectionAsync task.
public async Task StartConnectionAsync()
// Create the connection
_hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
.WithUrl(_hubUrl) // _hubUrl is your base Url + Hub Url
// Add Handler for when a client receives a broadcast message
_hubConnection.On<string>("OnMessage", this.SomeEventHandler);
// Then you start the connection
await _hubConnection.StartAsync();
Without using a typed Hub, you'll call your Hub methods using magic strings. e.g.
await _hubConnection.SendAsync("JoinRoomAsync", groupName);
This should get you started. Based on what you posted above, I think this github repo is similar to what you're intending to do.

Flutter and external JAR Library: android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException

Im trying to use olingo with Flutter on Android. I set up my channel and I can call the library but I keep getting this message:
E/AndroidRuntime(28391): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime(28391): Process: com.example.odata, PID: 28391
E/AndroidRuntime(28391): org.apache.olingo.client.api.http.HttpClientException: android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException
E/AndroidRuntime(28391): at org.apache.olingo.client.core.communication.request.AbstractODataRequest.doExecute(AbstractODataRequest.java:312)
So it looks like it is running on the main thread - which is a no go as this would block. I tried the looper to ask Java to run on the UI Thread:
public void onMethodCall(MethodCall call, Result result) {
// Note: this method is invoked on the main thread.
Log.i("test", "using " + call.method);
String serviceUrl = "http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svc/";
new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (call.method.equals("getMetaData")) {
String metadata;
final Edm edm = ODataClientFactory.getClient().getRetrieveRequestFactory().getMetadataRequest(serviceUrl).execute().getBody();
metadata = edm.toString();
if (metadata != "") {
} else {
result.error("UNAVAILABLE", "Metadata cannot read.", null);
} else {
But Im still getting the same error.
So how exactly can I deal with external JAR Library which are doing blocking operations ? To my understanding an external call is a Future anyway so it will not block my Flutter thread anyway - but Android Java does not think so ...
This is my method call in flutter
Future<void> _getMetaData() async {
String metadata;
try {
final String result = await platform.invokeMethod('getMetaData');
metadata = result;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
metadata = e.message;
setState(() {
_metadata = metadata;
Thanks for the answer, this is the solution for anyone that may be interested:
public void onMethodCall(MethodCall call, Result result) {
if (call.method.equals("getMetaData")) {
class MetadataLoader extends AsyncTask<String , Integer, String> {
protected String doInBackground(String... urls) {
// call your Java library method here, including blocking methods
return your_return_value;
protected void onPostExecute(String _result) {
// your_return_value is now passed in _result
new MetadataLoader().execute(); // Start the Async
On the flutter side,
Future<void> _getMetaData() async {
String metadata;
try {
final String result = await platform.invokeMethod('getMetaData');
// do something with the result
// the Flutter thread will stop at the await and resume when the Java
// will call result.success
You will need to create a new Java thread or Worker. (Note that the "main" thread and the "UI" thread are the same thing - so by posting to the main looper you've ended up in the same place - trying to do network i/o on the main thread.)
Yes, the Flutter engine is running in different threads, but you still need to leave the main native thread unblocked as it is responsible for detecting user input, etc.
Also note that when your blocking activity completes - on its non-main thread - it will likely want to deliver the response to Dart. To do this it will need to use part of your code above - to post the results back to the main thread, which can then invoke method channel operations.
You'll probably want to use your method channel bi-directionally. From flutter to native to request an operation (returning, say, a sequence number), and from native to flutter to deliver the results (quoting the sequence number so that the result can be tied back to the request).

Start Service Bus Client from BackgroundService

I have a ServiceBusClient class that creates a QueueClient which is used to listen for messages on a bus. I have looked at the following articles to set this up:
Background tasks (Microsoft)
Hosted services (Microsoft)
Async and Await
My ServiceBusClient class that handles the QueueClient looks like this:
public class ServiceBusClient : IServiceBusClient
public ServiceBusClient(IEventService eventService, ServiceBusClientOptions options)
queueClient = new QueueClient(options.ConnectionString, options.QueueName);
public void Run()
private void RegisterOnMessageHandler()
queueClient.RegisterMessageHandler(ProcessMessagesAsync, messageHandlerOptions);
private async Task ProcessMessagesAsync(Message message, CancellationToken token)
var eventMessage = EventMessage.FromMessage(message);
await eventService.Write(eventMessage);
if (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
await queueClient.CompleteAsync(message.SystemProperties.LockToken);
private Task ExceptionReceivedHandler(ExceptionReceivedEventArgs exceptionReceivedEventArgs)
// log errors
return Task.CompletedTask;
I was hoping to launch from an IHostedService or even by extending the BackgroundService. In the examples I find, work is constantly being executed in a while loop which does not fit my scenario since I am only trying to run a single command.
So I created a super simple implementation like this:
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
// empty loop to keep running for lifetime of pod
If removing the async I obviously need to return something. I tried Task.CompletedTask but that required me to change the return type to Task<Task>.
If I have the async in place, I will need to await something, but I am not sure what.
This does not feel right. I would assume I would need to change something in the ServiceBusClient, but I am unsure what, since the ProcessMessagesAsync is async and does the heavy lifting in the background from my understanding.
All I want is for my web app to start listening for messages until it dies. How can I do that?
I gave up on using BackgroundService and implemented IHostedService instead.
public class MessageListenerService : IHostedService
private readonly IServiceBusClient client;
private readonly ITelemetryClient applicationInsights;
public MessageListenerService(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
client = serviceProvider.GetService<IServiceBusClient>();
applicationInsights = serviceProvider.GetService<ITelemetryClient>();
public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
applicationInsights.TrackTrace(new TraceTelemetry("MessageListenerService is starting"));
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
applicationInsights.TrackTrace(new TraceTelemetry("MessageListenerService is stopping"));
return client.Stop();
If you find issues with this code please let me know in the comments and I'll update as appropriate.
In the end we created a console app for it anyway.

WinRT ViewModel DataBind to async method

I am deserializing a list of objects from an XML file, and would like to bind to the actual content of those objects in my View, passing over a ViewModel. The problem is that file operations are async and this bubbles all the way up to the ViewModel, where Property getters cannot be marked as such...
I deserialize all XML files in a folder to Profile objects and store them in a List<Profile>. This method (has to be) marked async.
public static async Task<List<Profile>> GetAllProfiles()
DataContractSerializer ser = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Profile));
StorageFolder folder = await ApplicationData.Current.RoamingFolder.CreateFolderAsync("Profiles", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
List<Profile> profiles = new List<Profile>();
foreach (var f in await folder.GetFilesAsync())
var fs = await f.OpenStreamForReadAsync();
return profiles;
Ideal solution 1
The binding property in my ViewModel would then ideally call that static method like this
public async Task<ObservableCollection<string>> Lists
return new ObservableCollection<string>(GetAllProfiles().Select(p => p.Name));
BUT Properties cannot be marked async
Ideal solution 2
public ObservableCollection<string> Lists
return new ObservableCollection<string>((GetAllProfiles().Result).Select(p => p.Name));
BUT this never executes (it blocks in the await folder.GetFilesAsync() call for some reason)
Current solution
Calls an async Initialize() method that loads the result of the GetProfiles() function in a variable, and then makes a NotifyPropertyChanged("Lists") call:
public ViewModel()
public async void Initialize()
_profiles = await Profile.GetAllProfiles();
private List<Profile> _profiles;
public ObservableCollection<string> Lists
if (_profiles != null)
return new ObservableCollection<string>(_profiles.Select(p => p.Name));
return null;
Is there a better way?
Is there a pattern/method that I haven't yet discovered?
The root of the problem appears when doing non-UI code, and you cannot rely on the NotifyPropertyChanged to do some thread-synchronization stuff. -- The method Initialize has to be awaited and ctors cannot be async, so essentialy this is pattern is useless.
public MyClass()
public async void Initialize()
_profiles = await Profile.GetAllProfiles();
private ObservableCollection<Profile> _profiles;
public ObservableCollection<string> Lists
return _profiles; // this will always be null
Properties can't be async so this solution will not work as you mentioned. Task.Result waits for the task to complete, but this is blocking your UI thread where the I/O operation's async callback returns, so you are deadlocking your application, since the callback is never called. Your solution really is the best way. It could be improved though.
You should make the _profiles field an ObservableCollection, so you would not need to convert the List to the OC every time the list is accessed.
Since you are performing an I/O operation that can take arbitrary amount of time - you should enable some sort of a progress indicator while it is in progress.
In some cases you might want the Lists property to be lazier and only call the Init method the first time it is accessed.
