I have 100,000 individuals
Using a combination of upper case letters, lower case letters and numbers, I want to create
a five-character ID for each individual. I should not have any duplicates.
How can I do this? I have tried the code below but I have 4 duplicates.
What is the number of possible unique combinations to create a 5 character ID with "letters", "LETTERS" and "0:9"?
Poids=rnorm(n=10^5,mean = 65,sd=5)
for (i in 1:nrow(mydata)){
paste(sample(c(0:9,LETTERS,letters),replace = F,size = 1),
sample(c(0:9,LETTERS,letters),replace = F,size = 1),
sample(c(0:9,LETTERS,letters),replace = F,size = 1),
sample(c(0:9,LETTERS,letters),replace = F,size = 1),
sample(c(0:9,LETTERS,letters),replace = F,size = 1),sep = "")
99996 4
(length(letters) + length(LETTERS) + length(0:9))^5 is 91,6132,832, so there is plenty of space to avoid clashes.
In fact, we can use this number to help generate our sample. We draw 100,000 integers out of 91,6132,832 without replacement and interpret each number as its unique string of characters using a bit of modular math and indexing. This can all be done in a single pass:
space <- c(LETTERS, letters, 0:9)
samps <- sample(length(space)^5, 10^5)
m <- matrix("", nrow = 10^5, ncol = 5)
for(i in seq(ncol(m))) {
m[,i] <- space[(samps %% length(space)) + 1]
samps <- samps %/% length(space)
ID <- apply(m, 1, paste, collapse = "")
We can see this fulfils our requirements:
#> [1] "vpdnq" "rK0ej" "ofE9t" "PqLIr" "6G6tu" "Vhc7R"
#> [1] 100000
#> [1] 100000
The whole thing takes less than a second on my modest machine:
user system elapsed
0.72 0.00 0.74
It occurs to me that it is possible to give 100,000 people a unique ID using only 16 characters, i.e. 0-9 and a-f, with code that is much quicker and simpler than above:
ID <- as.hexmode(sample(16^5, 10^5))
#> [1] "d43f9" "392a7" "033a2" "cf1d7" "aa10e" "134bb"
#> [1] 100000
Which takes less than 10 milliseconds.
Created on 2022-05-15 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
You can try the code below (given N <- 1e5 and k <- 5):
n <- ceiling(N^(1 / k))
S <- sample(c(LETTERS, letters, 0:9), n)
ID <- head(do.call(paste0, expand.grid(rep(list(S), k))),N)
n gives a subset of the whole space that supports all unique combinations up to given number N, e.g., N <- 100000
S denotes a sub-space from which we draw the alphabets or digits
expand.grid gives all combinations
If you don't need randomness, the highly performant arrangements package can help by iterating over the permutations in order, not generating any more than are needed:
x = c(letters, LETTERS, 0:9)
ix = ipermutations(x = x, k = 5)
ind = ix$getnext(d = nrow(mydata))
mydata$ID = apply(ind, MAR = 1, FUN = \(i) paste(x[i], collapse = ""))
rbind(head(mydata), tail(mydata))
# ID Poids
# 1 abcde 64.46278
# 2 abcdf 62.00053
# 3 abcdg 75.71787
# 4 abcdh 67.73765
# 5 abcdi 66.45402
# 6 abcdj 66.85561
# 99995 abFpe 56.20545
# 99996 abFpf 64.14443
# 99997 abFpg 70.70191
# 99998 abFph 66.83226
# 99999 abFpi 65.22835
# 100000 abFpj 56.28880
This is quite fast:
user system elapsed
0.194 0.001 0.203
Is it possible to alter signif() to always round down?
The following are some examples of the expected output using a custom function that rounds down to the specified number of significant digits, as well as the output of signif():
down_signif(117, digits = 2)
# 110
signif(117, digits = 2)
# 120
down_signif(3599, digits = 2)
# 3500
signif(3599, digits = 2)
# 3600
down_signif(7890349, digits = 2)
# 7800000
signif(7890349, digits = 2)
# 7900000
An alternative to signif() is to use the DescTools package, if you want to be able to round down and select the digit (i.e., multiple) to round to. Using your examples above:
DescTools::RoundTo(117, multiple = 10, FUN = floor)
# 110
DescTools::RoundTo(3599, multiple = 100, FUN = floor)
# 3500
DescTools::RoundTo(7890349, multiple = 100000, FUN = floor)
# 7800000
Here's a custom function to do it
down_signif <- function(x, digits = 0) {
m <- 10^(ceiling(log(x, 10)) - digits)
(x %/% m)*m
down_signif(3599, digits = 2)
#> [1] 3500
down_signif(7890349, digits = 2)
#> [1] 7800000
Here is another approach.
down_signif <- function(x, digits = 6) {
n <- nchar(x)
as.numeric(substr(x, 1, digits)) * (10^(n - digits))
x <- 67897
down_signif(x, 3)
# [1] 67800
signif(x, 3)
# [1] 67900
I have a matrix of 1s and 0s where the rows are individuals and the columns are events. A 1 indicates that an event happened to an individual and a 0 that it did not.
I want to find which set of (in the example) 5 columns/events that cover the most rows/individuals.
Test Data
#Make test data
d <- sapply(1:300, function(x) sample(c(0,1), 30, T, c(0.9,0.1)))
colnames(d) <- 1:300
rownames(d) <- 1:30
My attempt
My initial attempt was just based on combining the set of 5 columns with the highest colMeans:
#Get top 5 columns with highest row coverage
col_set <- head(sort(colMeans(d), decreasing = T), 5)
#Have a look the set
197 199 59 80 76
0.2666667 0.2666667 0.2333333 0.2333333 0.2000000
#Check row coverage of the column set
sum(apply(d[,colnames(d) %in% names(col_set)], 1, sum) > 0) / 30 #top 5
[1] 0.7
However this set does not cover the most rows. I tested this by pseudo-random sampling 10.000 different sets of 5 columns, and then finding the set with the highest coverage:
#Get 5 random columns using colMeans as prob in sample
##Random sample 10.000 times
result <- lapply(1:10000, function(x){
col_set2 <- sample(colMeans(d), 5, F, colMeans(d))
cover <- sum(apply(d[,colnames(d) %in% names(col_set2)], 1, sum) > 0) / 30 #random 5
list(set = col_set2, cover = cover)
##Have a look at the best set
result[which.max(sapply(result, function(x) x[["cover"]]))]
59 169 262 68 197
0.23333333 0.10000000 0.06666667 0.16666667 0.26666667
[1] 0.7666667
The reason for supplying the colMeans to sample is that the columns with the highest coverages are the ones I am most interested in.
So, using pseudo-random sampling I can collect a set of columns with higher coverage than when just using the top 5 columns. However, since my actual data sets are larger than the example I am looking for a more efficient and rational way of finding the set of columns with the highest coverage.
For the interested, I decided to microbenchmark the 3 solutions provided:
#Defining G. Grothendieck's coverage funciton outside his solutions
coverage <- function(ix) sum(rowSums(d[, ix]) > 0) / 30
#G. Grothendieck top solution
solution1 <- function(d){
cols <- tail(as.numeric(names(sort(colSums(d)))), 20)
co <- combn(cols, 5)
itop <- which.max(apply(co, 2, coverage))
co[, itop]
#G. Grothendieck "Older solution"
solution2 <- function(d){
ones <- rep(1, 300)
res <- lp("max", colSums(d), t(ones), "<=", 5, all.bin = TRUE, num.bin.solns = 10)
m <- matrix(res$solution[1:3000] == 1, 300)
cols <- which(rowSums(m) > 0)
co <- combn(cols, 5)
itop <- which.max(apply(co, 2, coverage))
co[, itop]
#user2554330 solution
bestCols <- function(d, n = 5) {
result <- numeric(n)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
result[i] <- which.max(colMeans(d))
d <- d[d[,result[i]] != 1,, drop = FALSE]
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(solution1 = solution1(d),
solution2 = solution2(d),
solution3 = bestCols(d), times = 10)
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
solution1 390811.850 497155.887 549314.385 578686.3475 607291.286 651093.16 10
solution2 55252.890 71492.781 84613.301 84811.7210 93916.544 117451.35 10
solution3 425.922 517.843 3087.758 589.3145 641.551 25742.11 10
This looks like a relatively hard optimization problem, because of the ways columns interact. An approximate strategy would be to pick the column with the highest mean; then delete the rows with ones in that column, and repeat. You won't necessarily find the best solution this way, but you should get a fairly good one.
For example,
d <- sapply(1:300, function(x) sample(c(0,1), 30, T, c(0.9,0.1)))
colnames(d) <- 1:300
rownames(d) <- 1:30
bestCols <- function(d, n = 5) {
result <- numeric(n)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
result[i] <- which.max(colMeans(d))
d <- d[d[,result[i]] != 1,, drop = FALSE]
cat("final dim is ", dim(d))
col_set <- bestCols(d)
sum(apply(d[,colnames(d) %in% col_set], 1, sum) > 0) / 30 #top 5
This gives 90% coverage.
The following provides a heuristic to find an approximate solution. Find the N=20 columns, say, with the most ones, cols, and then use brute force to find every subset of 5 columns out of those 20. The subset having the highest coverage is shown below and its coverage is 93.3%.
coverage <- function(ix) sum(rowSums(d[, ix]) > 0) / 30
N <- 20
cols <- tail(as.numeric(names(sort(colSums(d)))), N)
co <- combn(cols, 5)
itop <- which.max(apply(co, 2, coverage))
co[, itop]
## [1] 90 123 197 199 286
coverage(co[, itop])
## [1] 0.9333333
Repeating this for N=5, 10, 15 and 20 we get coverages of 83.3%, 86.7%, 90% and 93.3%. The higher the N the better the coverage but the lower the N the less the run time.
Older solution
We can approximate the problem with a knapsack problem that chooses the 5 columns with largest numbers of ones using integer linear programming.
We get the 10 best solutions to this approximate problem, get all columns which are in at least one of the 10 solutions. There are 14 such columns and we then use brute force to find which subset of 5 of the 14 columns has highest coverage.
ones <- rep(1, 300)
res <- lp("max", colSums(d), t(ones), "<=", 5, all.bin = TRUE, num.bin.solns = 10)
coverage <- function(ix) sum(rowSums(d[, ix]) > 0) / 30
# each column of m is logical 300-vector defining possible soln
m <- matrix(res$solution[1:3000] == 1, 300)
# cols is the set of columns which are in any of the 10 solutions
cols <- which(rowSums(m) > 0)
## [1] 14
# use brute force to find the 5 best columns among cols
co <- combn(cols, 5)
itop <- which.max(apply(co, 2, coverage))
co[, itop]
## [1] 90 123 197 199 286
coverage(co[, itop])
## [1] 0.9333333
You can try to test if there is a better column and exchange this with the one currently in the selection.
n <- 5 #Number of columns / events
i <- rep(1, n)
for(k in 1:10) { #How many times itterate
tt <- i
for(j in seq_along(i)) {
x <- +(rowSums(d[,i[-j]]) > 0)
i[j] <- which.max(colSums(x == 0 & d == 1))
if(identical(tt, i)) break
#[1] 90 123 197 199 286
mean(rowSums(d[,i]) > 0)
#[1] 0.9333333
Taking into account, that the initial condition influences the result you can take random starts.
n <- 5 #Number of columns / events
x <- apply(d, 2, function(x) colSums(x == 0 & d == 1))
diag(x) <- -1
idx <- which(!apply(x==0, 1, any))
x <- apply(d, 2, function(x) colSums(x != d))
diag(x) <- -1
x[upper.tri(x)] <- -1
idx <- unname(c(idx, which(apply(x==0, 1, any))))
res <- sample(idx, n)
for(l in 1:100) {
i <- sample(idx, n)
for(k in 1:10) { #How many times itterate
tt <- i
for(j in seq_along(i)) {
x <- +(rowSums(d[,i[-j]]) > 0)
i[j] <- which.max(colSums(x == 0 & d == 1))
if(identical(tt, i)) break
if(sum(rowSums(d[,i]) > 0) > sum(rowSums(d[,res]) > 0)) res <- i
#[1] 90 123 197 199 286
mean(rowSums(d[,res]) > 0)
#[1] 0.9333333
I am trying to calculate the combinations of elements of a matrix but each element should appear only once.
The (real) matrix is symmetric, and can have more then 5 elements (up to ~2000):
o <- matrix(runif(25), ncol = 5, nrow = 5)
dimnames(o) <- list(LETTERS[1:5], LETTERS[1:5])
# A B C D E
# A 0.4400317 0.1715681 0.7319108946 0.3994685 0.4466997
# B 0.5190471 0.1666164 0.3430245044 0.3837903 0.9322599
# C 0.3249180 0.6122229 0.6312876740 0.8017402 0.0141673
# D 0.1641411 0.1581701 0.0001703419 0.7379847 0.8347536
# E 0.4853255 0.5865909 0.6096330935 0.8749807 0.7230507
I desire to calculate the product of all the combinations of pairs (If possible it should appear all elements:AB, CD, EF if the matrix is of 6 elements), where for each pair one letter is the column, the other one is the row. Here are some combinations:
Where the value of the single element is just 1.
Combinations not desired:
AB, BC: Element B appears twice
AB, AC: Element A appears twice
Things I tried:
I thought about removing the unwanted part of the matrix:
out <- which(upper.tri(o), arr.ind = TRUE)
out <- cbind.data.frame(out, value = o[upper.tri(o)])
out[, 1] <- colnames(o)[out[, 1]]
out[, 2] <- colnames(o)[out[, 2]]
# row col value
# 1 A B 0.1715681
# 2 A C 0.7319109
# 3 B C 0.3430245
# 4 A D 0.3994685
# 5 B D 0.3837903
# 6 C D 0.8017402
# 7 A E 0.4466997
# 8 B E 0.9322599
# 9 C E 0.0141673
# 10 D E 0.8347536
My attempt involves the following process:
Make a copy of the matrix (out)
Store first value of the first row.
Remove all the pairs that involve any of the pair.
Select the next pair of the resulting matrix
Repeat until all rows are removed of the matrix
Repeat 2:5 starting from a different row
However, this method has one big problem, it doesn't guarantee that all the combinations are stored, and it could store several times the same combination.
My expected output is a vector, where each element is the product of the values in the cell selected by the combination:
AB, CD: 0.137553
How can I extract all those combinations efficiently?
This might work. I tested this on N elements = 5 and 6.
Note that this is not optimised, and hopefully can provide a framework for you to work from. With a much larger array, I can see steps involving apply and combn being a bottleneck.
The idea here is to generate a collection of unique sets first before calculating the product of the sets from another data.frame that stores values of sets.
Unique sets are identified by counting the number of unique elements in all combination pairs. For example, if N elements = 6, we expect length(unlist(combination)) == 6. The same is true if N elements = 7 (there will only be 3 pairs plus a remainder element). In cases where N elements is odd, we can ignore the remaining, unpaired element since it is constrained by the other elements.
## some functions
unique_by_n <- function(inlist, N){
## select unique combinations by count
## if unique, expect n = 6 if n elements = 6)
if(N %% 2) N <- N - 1 ## for odd numbers
return(length(unique(unlist(inlist))) == N)
get_combs <- function(x,xall){
## format and catches remainder if matrix of odd elements
xu <- unlist(x)
remainder <- setdiff(xall,xu) ## catch remainder if any
xset <- unlist(lapply(x, paste0, collapse=''))
finalset <- c(xset, remainder)
## make dataset
set.seed(0) ## set reproducible example
#o <- matrix(runif(25), ncol = 5, nrow = 5) ## uncomment to test 5
#dimnames(o) <- list(LETTERS[1:5], LETTERS[1:5])
o <- matrix(runif(36), ncol = 6, nrow = 6)
dimnames(o) <- list(LETTERS[1:6], LETTERS[1:6])
o[lower.tri(o)] <- t(o)[lower.tri(o)] ## make matrix symmetric
n_elements = nrow(o)
#### get matrix
dat <- melt(o, varnames = c('Rw', 'Cl'), as.is = TRUE)
dat$Set <- apply(dat, 1, function(x) paste0(sort(unique(x[1:2])), collapse = ''))
## get unique sets (since your matrix is symmetric)
dat <- subset(dat, !duplicated(Set))
#### get sets
elements <- rownames(o)
allpairs <- expand.grid(Rw = elements, Cl = elements) %>%
filter(Rw != Cl) ## get all pairs
uniqpairsgrid <- unique(t(apply(allpairs,1,sort)))
uniqpairs <- split(uniqpairsgrid, seq(nrow(uniqpairsgrid))) ## get unique pairs
allpaircombs <- combn(uniqpairs,floor(n_elements/2)) ## get combinations of pairs
uniqcombs <- allpaircombs[,apply(allpaircombs, 2, unique_by_n, N = n_elements)] ## remove pairs with repeats
finalcombs <- apply(uniqcombs, 2, get_combs, xall=elements)
#### calculate results
res <- apply(finalcombs, 2, function(x) prod(subset(dat, Set %in% x)$value)) ## calculate product
names(res) <- apply(finalcombs, 2, paste0, collapse=',') ## add names
resdf <- data.frame(Sets = names(res), Products = res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
#> Sets Products
#> 1 AB,CD,EF 0.130063454
#> 2 AB,CE,DF 0.171200062
#> 3 AB,CF,DE 0.007212619
#> 4 AC,BD,EF 0.012494787
#> 5 AC,BE,DF 0.023285088
#> 6 AC,BF,DE 0.001139712
#> 7 AD,BC,EF 0.126900247
#> 8 AD,BE,CF 0.158919605
#> 9 AD,BF,CE 0.184631344
#> 10 AE,BC,DF 0.042572488
#> 11 AE,BD,CF 0.028608495
#> 12 AE,BF,CD 0.047056905
#> 13 AF,BC,DE 0.003131029
#> 14 AF,BD,CE 0.049941770
#> 15 AF,BE,CD 0.070707311
Created on 2018-07-23 by the [reprex package](http://reprex.tidyverse.org) (v0.2.0.9000).
Maybe the following does what you want.
Note that I was more interested in being right than in performance.
Also, I have set the RNG seed, to have reproducible results.
set.seed(9840) # Make reproducible results
o <- matrix(runif(25), ncol = 5, nrow = 5)
dimnames(o) <- list(LETTERS[1:5], LETTERS[1:5])
cmb <- combn(LETTERS[1:5], 2)
n <- ncol(cmb)
res <- NULL
nms <- NULL
for(i in seq_len(n)){
for(j in seq_len(n)[-seq_len(i)]){
x <- unique(c(cmb[, i], cmb[, j]))
if(length(x) == 4){
res <- c(res, o[cmb[1, i], cmb[2, i]] * o[cmb[1, j], cmb[2, j]])
nms <- c(nms, paste0(cmb[1, i], cmb[2, i], '*', cmb[1, j], cmb[2, j]))
names(res) <- nms
I'm working with the popbio package on a population model. It looks something like this:
babies <- 0.3
kids <- 0.5
teens <- 0.75
adults <- 0.98
A <- c(0,0,0,0,teens*0.5,adults*0.8,
A <- matrix ((A), ncol=6, byrow = TRUE)
N<-matrix (N, ncol=1)
model <- pop.projection(A,N,iterations=10)
I'd like to know how I can randomise the input so that at each iteration, which represents years this case, I'd get a different input for the matrix elements. So, for instance, my model runs for 10 years, and I'd like to have the baby survival rate change for each year. babies <- rnorm(1,0.3,0.1)doesn't do it because that still leaves me with a single value, just randomly selected.
Update: This is distinct from running 10 separate models with different initial, random values. I'd like the update to occur within a single model run, which itself has 10 iteration in the pop.projection function.
Hope you can help.
I know this answer is very late, but here's one approach using expressions. First, use an expression to create the matrix.
vr <- list( babies=0.3, kids=0.5, teens=0.75, adults=0.98 )
Ax <- expression( matrix(c(
0,0,0,0,teens,adults), ncol=6, byrow = TRUE ))
A1 <- eval(Ax, vr)
[1] 1.011821
Next, use an expression to create vital rates with nrorm or other functions.
vr2 <- expression( list( babies=rnorm(1,0.3,0.1), kids=0.5, teens=0.75, adults=0.98 ))
A2 <- eval(Ax, eval( vr2))
[1] 1.014586
Apply the expression to 100 matrices.
x <- sapply(1:100, function(x) lambda(eval(Ax, eval(vr2))))
quantile(x, c(.05,.95))
5% 95%
0.996523 1.025900
Finally, make two small changes to pop.projection by adding the vr option and a line to evaluate A at each time step.
pop.projection2 <- function (Ax, vr, n, iterations = 20)
x <- length(n)
t <- iterations
stage <- matrix(numeric(x * t), nrow = x)
pop <- numeric(t)
change <- numeric(t - 1)
for (i in 1:t) {
stage[, i] <- n
pop[i] <- sum(n)
if (i > 1) {
change[i - 1] <- pop[i]/pop[i - 1]
## evaluate Ax
A <- eval(Ax, eval(vr))
n <- A %*% n
colnames(stage) <- 0:(t - 1)
w <- stage[, t]
pop.proj <- list(lambda = pop[t]/pop[t - 1], stable.stage = w/sum(w),
stage.vectors = stage, pop.sizes = pop, pop.changes = change)
n <-c(10,10,10,10,10,10)
pop.projection2(Ax, vr2, n, 10)
[1] 0.9874586
[1] 0.33673579 0.11242588 0.08552367 0.02189786 0.02086656 0.42255023
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[1,] 10 11.590000 16.375700 19.108186 20.2560223 20.5559445 20.5506251 20.5898222 20.7603581 20.713271
[2,] 10 4.147274 3.332772 4.443311 5.6693931 1.9018887 6.8455597 5.3879202 10.5214540 6.915534
[3,] 10 5.000000 2.073637 1.666386 2.2216556 2.8346965 0.9509443 3.4227799 2.6939601 5.260727
[4,] 10 5.000000 2.500000 1.036819 0.8331931 1.1108278 1.4173483 0.4754722 1.7113899 1.346980
[5,] 10 7.500000 3.750000 1.875000 0.7776139 0.6248948 0.8331209 1.0630112 0.3566041 1.283542
[6,] 10 17.300000 22.579000 24.939920 25.8473716 25.9136346 25.8640330 25.9715930 26.2494195 25.991884
[1] 60.00000 50.53727 50.61111 53.06962 55.60525 52.94189 56.46163 56.91060 62.29319 61.51194
[1] 0.8422879 1.0014610 1.0485765 1.0477793 0.9521023 1.0664832 1.0079517 1.0945797 0.9874586
Lets assume the integer x. I want to split this quantity in n mostly equal chunks and save the values in a vector. E.g. if x = 10 and n = 4 then the resulting vector would be:
and if n = 3:
Note: The order of the resulting vector does not matter
While this will create a (probably unnecessary) large object when x is large, it is still pretty quick:
x <- 10
n <- 4
tabulate(cut(1:x, n))
#[1] 3 2 2 3
On a decent modern machine dividing 10M records into 100K groups, it takes only 5 seconds:
x <- 1e7
n <- 1e5
system.time(tabulate(cut(1:x, n)))
# user system elapsed
# 5.07 0.06 5.13
Here are some solutions.
1) lpSolve Solve this integer linear program. It should be fast even for large x (but not if n is also large). I also tried it for x = 10,000 and n = 3 and it returned the solution immediately.
For example, for n = 4 and x = 10 it corresponds to
min x4 - x1 such that 0 <= x1 <= x2 <= x3 <= x4 and
x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 10 and
x1, x2, x3, x4 are all integer
The R code is:
x <- 10
n <- 4
D <- diag(n)
mat <- (col(D) - row(D) == 1) - D
mat[n, ] <- 1
obj <- replace(numeric(n), c(1, n), c(-1, 1))
dir <- replace(rep(">=", n), n, "=")
rhs <- replace(numeric(n), n, x)
result <- lp("min", obj, mat, dir, rhs, all.int = TRUE)
## [1] 2 2 3 3
and if we repeat the above with n = 3 we get:
## [1] 3 3 4
2) lpSolveAPI The lpSolveAPI package's interface to lpSolve supports a sparse matrix specification which may reduce storage if n is large although it may still be slow if n is sufficiently large. Rewriting (1) using this package we have:
x <- 10
n <- 4
mod <- make.lp(n, n)
set.type(mod, 1:n, "integer")
set.objfn(mod, c(-1, 1), c(1, n))
for(i in 2:n) add.constraint(mod, c(-1, 1), ">=", 0, c(i-1, i))
add.constraint(mod, rep(1, n), "=", x)
## [1] 2 2 3 3
3) Greedy Heuristic This alternative uses no packages. It starts with a candidate solution having n-1 values of x/n rounded down and one remaining value. On each iteration it tries to improve the current solution by subtracting one from the largest values and adding 1 to the same number of smallest values. It stops when it can make no further improvement in the objective, diff(range(soln)).
Note that for x <- 1e7 and n <- 1e5 it is quite an easy to solve since n divides evenly into x. In particular system.time(tabulate(cut(...))) reports 18 sec on my machine and for the same problem the code below takes 0.06 seconds as it gets the answer after 1 iteration.
For x <- 1e7 and n <- 1e5-1 system.time(tabulate(cut(...))) reports 16 seconds on my machine and for the same problem the code below takes 4 seconds finishing after 100 iterations.
In the example below, taken from the question, 10/4 rounded down is 2 so it starts out with c(2, 2, 2, 4). On the first iteration it gets c(2, 2, 3, 3). On the second iteration it cannot get any improvement and so returns the answer.
x <- 10
n <- 4
a <- x %/% n
soln <- replace(rep(a, n), n, x - (n-1)*a)
obj <- diff(range(soln))
iter <- 0
while(TRUE) {
iter <- iter + 1
soln_new <- soln
mx <- which(soln == max(soln))
ix <- seq_along(mx)
soln_new[ix] <- soln_new[ix] + 1
soln_new[mx] <- soln_new[mx] - 1
soln_new <- sort(soln_new)
obj_new <- diff(range(soln_new))
if (obj_new >= obj) break
soln <- soln_new
obj <- obj_new
## [1] 2
## [1] 2 2 3 3