Openstack: alter status of floating ip via cli - openstack

I'd like to put the status of a floating ip to "DOWN" using the Openstack cli.
I may fetch the floating ip that have ACTIVE or DOWN status easily via
openstack floating ip list --status=ACTIVE|DOWN
But the 'floating ip set' command does not seem to have any "--status" command line option
openstack floating ip set
usage: openstack floating ip set [-h] [--port <port>]
[--fixed-ip-address <ip-address>]
[--qos-policy <qos-policy> | --no-qos-policy]
[--tag <tag>] [--no-tag]
openstack floating ip set: error: too few arguments
How may I change the status of a floating ip to DOWN ?


Neutron - Invalid input for operation: physical_network 'physnet_em1' unknown for VLAN provider network

I installed Openstack using Devstack on a VirtualBox VM running Ubuntu 18.04. I am trying to create a provider network with the following command:
neutron net-create mgmt --provider:network_type=vlan --provider:physical_network=physnet_em1 --provider:segmentation_id=500 --shared
This command returns the following error:
neutronclient.common.exceptions.BadRequest: Invalid input for operation:
physical_network 'physnet_em1' unknown for VLAN provider network.
Neutron server returns request_ids: ['req-7a0bfe13-b4c3-4408-bc60-8d36e8bc3f9a']
I would like to know how to proceed.
You should use the openstack-client commands like openstack network create ..., because the client-commands of the single libraries, like your neutron net-create, are deprecated. There are some really special cases, which are only possible with the client-library of the single components, but the most is covered by the openstack-client. Unfortunately there are often used the old commands in documentations, because many documents are not up-to-date.
To avoid the error you had, you only need to remove the --provider:physical_network=physnet_em1 and --provider:segmentation_id=500 from your command. The physical network and vlan-range should be defined within the ml2_conf.ini of the neutron-server, like this for example:
type_drivers = flat,vlan,vxlan
network_vlan_ranges = physnet_em1:171:280
So with neutron net-create mgmt --provider:network_type=vlan --shared it works in my test-deployment (at least there in no error in the terminal, not tested the network-connectioin now). The openstack-command for this task would be openstack network create --provider-network-type vlan mgmt --share --external.
Normally, as far as I know, for the provider network a flat network-type is used instead of vlan, because the provider-network should normally not directly connected to any VM. The other non-provider networks can be vlan or vxlan and then connected with a neutron-router to the provider-network. An openstack-command for this could be: openstack network create --provider-network-type flat --provider-physical-network physnet_em1 mgmt --share --external. For flat-networks you have the possibility to define a provider-physical-network via command-line.
In some documentations like this: they also use a flat-network as provider-network-type.

multiple neutron nodes with only one node attached to external network

I have 3 network nodes running neutron-server ..
Only one of these nodes is attached to the external network
I use ml2 with openvswitch
in the bridge mapping of the node connected to the external network - VIA FLOATING IPS - , i have external_net mapped to the correct bridge ..
On the other nodes i do not have this mapping defined and i do not have interfaces
The issue i have is the following
When i try to start a virtual machine that is connected to the external network , i have this error in the logs :
neutron-server: 2016-09-07 12:33:00.975 57352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.managers [req-def18170-5e45-4fef-9653-e008faa39913 -
- - - -] Failed to bind port 035a58e1-f18f-428b-b78e-e8c0aaba7d14 on host node002 for vnic_type normal using segments [{'segmentation_id': None, 'phy
sical_network': u'external_net', 'id': u'0d4590e5-0c48-4316-8b78-1636d3f44d43', 'network_type': u'flat'}]
neutron-server: 2016-09-07 12:33:00.975 57352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.managers [req-def18170-5e45-4fef-9653-e008faa39913 -
- - - -] Failed to bind port 035a58e1-f18f-428b-b78e-e8c0aaba7d14 on host node003 for vnic_type normal using segments [{'segmentation_id': None, 'phy
sical_network': u'external_net', 'id': u'0d4590e5-0c48-4316-8b78-1636d3f44d43', 'network_type': u'flat'}]
on both nodes( node002 and node003 ) , because they DO NOT have this network defined ! so is this a bug or such a setup is not valid ?
Thank you
In a typical OpenStack deployment you do not bind Nova instances directly to the external network. As you have already surmised, this won't work because that network isn't provisioned on the compute hosts.
Instead, you attach your instances to an internal network, and then you assign floating ip addresses from the external network using,e.g., nova floating-ip-create and nova floating-ip-associate.
An alternative solution is to use "provider external networks", an arrangement in which your nova instances are attached directly to L2 networks with external connectivity, rather than relying on the floating-ip NAT solution described in the previous paragraphs.
the reason behind the error was bad configuration on nodes that DOES NOT host a provider network
mainly the ml2 core file ml2_conf.ini
parameter :
flat_network should be set to the appropriate value on each node
like on the node which is connected to all flat networks ( including the internal network ) it should be set to
flat_networks = *
and on the node that does not host all flat networks ( the provider network for instance )
flat_networks = physical_internal
I believe it won't work. You need to have binded ports to all your 3 network nodes.
A quick test would be to stop neutron-server, neutron-dhcp-agent, neutron-l3-agent and neutron-metadata-agent services from the 2 network nodes that are not bined to external ports... and test again.

Serial communication between QEMU host and guest

I'm trying to set up a pair of serial ports between my QEMU host (Debian Jessie x86_64) and guest (also Debian Jessie, but on ARM). Everything except the serial port part works.
I'm really new to QEMU so there might be a better way but I've tested the following flags when running QEMU:
-chardev tty,id=mytty,path=/dev/pts/2 (/dev/pts/2 & 3 are up with socat)
-chardev pty,id=mypty QEMU opens a PTY but when I try to read or write from host get permission denied.
In either case I can't find the ports in my guest. /dev/pts is empty and in /dev there are only tty and ttyAMA3. So, my problem is setting up communication in general and I'm especially curious on where the ports are on my guest.
I found a solution to my own question. First the device tree was incomplete so I needed to add 3 additional uart ports. That's the reason I could not find my ports in the guest.
Second, I needed to tell QEMU to use on of the ports as stdio: -append ... console=ttyAMA3 and -serial mon:stdio. Then I'm able to, with -serial pty, link QEMUs ttyAMA* to pts/* on the host.

Cannot connect to beaglebone.local

I need to know how to connect to a beaglebone (or beagleboard) with SSH when I plug it into a new network with an ethernet cable like this:
$ ssh root#beaglebone.local
So far I've only been able to access it like this, if I know the IP address:
$ ssh root#<ip_address>
But I don't always know the IP address of the board on new networks so I'm hoping to access it with with a name like: beaglebone.local.
Right now when I try to do this I get this error:
"ssh: Could not resolve hostname beaglebone.local: nodename nor servname provided, or not known"
I checked the hostname and hosts files, and added " beaglebone" to the hosts on the beaglebone, but not sure what else I can do?
# cat /etc/hostname
# cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost beaglebone
I had a similar issue running my beaglebone on Angstrom-Cloud9-IDE-GNOME-eglibc-ipk-v2012.05-beaglebone-2012.04.22.img.xz. In this distribution, "beaglebone.local" should appear on the network after the system boots.
About 50% of the time after reboot, "beaglebone.local" would not appear on the network (although the bone would be available by IP address). When this happened, "systemctl status avahi-daemon.service" showed that the avahi-daemon failed with "exit code 255". Interestingly, a subsequent "systemctl start avaihi-daemon.service" would always be successful and "beaglebone.local" would appear on the network.
Also "journalctl | grep avahi" returned a single message stating something like "Daemon already runnin gon PID NNN".
So, I "fixed" the problem by adding the line "ExecStartPre=/bin/rm -f /var/run/avahi-daemon/pid" to the [Service] section of /lib/systemd/system/avahi-daemon.service. With this addition, "beaglebone.local" now appears on the network 100% of reboots.
I say "fixed" (i.e., in quotes) because I have not been able to track down the root cause that is leaving around the stray avahi pid file(s) and thus don't have a true fix.
-- Frank
For 'beaglebone.local' to work, your host machine must recognize Zeroconf. The BeagleBone uses Avahi to tell other systems on the LAN that it is there and serving up applications and that it should be called a 'beaglebone'. If there are more than one, the second one is generally called 'beaglebone-2.local'.
I hate answering my own questions. The following hack will work until a better way emerges:
This shell script (where is the first three numbers in your computer's IP) will find your beaglebone or beagleboard (that is plugged-into ethernet on a new network with DHCP) by looping through all the ip address on the subnet and attempting to login to each as root. If it finds one then try your password. If it doesn't work just hit enter until the loop starts again. If it doesn't find the board then something else is probably wrong.
for ip in $(seq 1 254); do ssh$ip -o ConnectTimeout=5; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "$ip UP" || : ; done
Today I plugged-in the beaglebone and saw Bonjour recognize that it joined the network. So I tried it and it worked. No idea why it decided to all of the sudden but it did. Strange, but true.
I had this issue quite often with Mac OS X 10.7. But unlike Frank Halasz "systemctl status avahi-daemon.service" shown no failure. And in fact the problem was on the Mac side. Restarting Bonjour with the following commands fixed the issue.
$ sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
$ sudo launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Cannot bind to IPv6 address

I am facing a strange problem on my Ubuntu Karmic system.
When I call getaddrinfo() with AI_PASSIVE and AF_UNSPEC, for an empty host and the UDP 12000 port to get a bindable address, I only get back one IPv4 result ( for instance).
If I change my call and specify AF_INET6 instead of AF_UNSPEC, then getaddrinfo() returns "Name or service not known".
Shouldn't I get [::]:12000 as a result ?
The same thing happens if I set the host to ::1.
When I call getaddrinfo() without AI_PASSIVE (to get a "connectable" address) for the host "localhost" and the UDP 12000 port, I first get [::1]:12000 then
So apparently, my system is IPv6 ready (I can ping to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, as well as DNS resolution). But how is it that I can't get an IPv6 address to bind to with getaddrinfo() ?
Do you guys have any idea about what could be wrong ?
My OS is Ubuntu Karmic, fresh install without any networking tweaking.
Thank you.
P.S: If you have no idea but still want to help me, you can get this sample program or type:
And give me the result of:
$ ./gai -ap null 12000
My result is:
$ ./gai -ap null 12000
getaddrinfo(NULL, "12000", {.family=AF_UNSPEC, .hints=0|AI_ADDRCONFIG|AI_PASSIVE}) = 0:
family= 2, proto= 6 inet4: addr=, port=12000
There you can see that I only have one IPv4 result.
This happens on new systems that use eglibc: debian-glibc.
Apparently, there is a bug that requires you to set at least one valid IPv6 address to one of your network interfaces (the loopback doesn't count).
After I did this:
$ sudo ip -6 addr add 2001:660:4701:1001::1 dev eth0
I have:
$ ./gai -ap null 12000
getaddrinfo(NULL, "12000", {.family=AF_UNSPEC, .hints=0|AI_ADDRCONFIG|AI_PASSIVE}) = 0:
family= 2, proto= 6 inet4: addr=, port=12000
family=10, proto= 6 inet6: addr=::, port=12000, flowinfo=0
I hope this can help someone.
