GA view filter on server-side tracking not working - google-analytics

I use server-side GA tracking with universal analytics measurement protocol parameters:
Transaction and product items (with enhanced e-commerce parameters) are shown in GA. I have multiple views and wanted to set a filter for individual view, but no data showed up even though I waited several hours in case there was a delay for data filtering. I only created one filter in my GA account. Say I filtered on Application Name. Here is filter settings:
Filter setting
I am sure parameters were sent to GA. As you can see from post request parameters (hide tid), an=ustest was sent.
POST request parameters:
product data in this transaction:
I tried to create a filter on other parameters as well, but none of them worked.
Did anyone run into similar issue before? Thanks for helping.


iOS: Issues with switching from Google Analytics to Firebase Analytics

I am using Google Analytics for years for my iOS apps and was truly satisfied with it. For my regret Google is sunsetting Google Analytics later this year so I am switching to Firebase API so I can keep tracking my apps. I already done most of the integration work and can see the events appearing in Firebase console. However, I can't see custom parameter values but only event count.
For example, sending event named add_book and adding parameter named isbn with value of 1234, I will be able to see in the console only the number of times that add_book arrived and also that it contains an isbn parameter. However, it seems there is no way to view the value (i.e. 1234) of the isbn parameter. I registered the isbn parameter for the add_book event as required. Am I missing something?
Does having the full functionality of the sunsetting Google Analytics (including advanced filtering + regex filters, etc.), means I should use both Firebase Analytics and BigQuery together?
By the way, I linked Firebase Analytics with BigQuery and exported the data as suggested by Firebase Analytics, but I can't see any Analytics tables yet in BigQuery. Do I need to allow several hours before I can view the exported data?
As of March 2019, Firebase Analytics is not so easy to use or test when setting it up (in comparison to Google Analytics). The main steps for setting up event parameters are:
Send your events with their event parameters. Send at least 80-90 events of one type, otherwise the parameters will appear as zero or "not set", until you reach 80 individual events.
The events will not display in the website until after one day. So wait for 24 hours.
When the events appear on the website, you must register their event parameters, with the '3 dots' menu -> "Edit Parameter Reporting" - Like this:
(Image credit: Firebase Analytics custom events params and Firebase Analytics. Can not add custom parameter to event )
After registering the event parameters, you must wait another 24 hours to see the parameters displayed on the website.
More info:
In your event overview from Firebase Console you can enable parameter reporting for individual events. The option is found in the 3 dot overflow menu.
You can do that for up to 10 unique text parameters and 40 unique numeric parameters.
Beyond those limits or for more control BigQuery is the way to go. And yes you need to wait for your first data in BigQuery. They populate a new table with one days data every day once.

Retrieve firebase analytics full detail of events

We have a project with analytics enabled which tracks custom events.
Recently we needed to report on a specific parameter on these events but found the parameter was not included in the parameter reporting options, we have enabled this but the previous events over the past couple of months do not include this parameter now.
Is there any way to get the full data of events tracked to retrieve the data of this specific parameter before it was included in the parameter reporting options?
It is not possible, custom parameter reports are populated after you add them on your Firebase console.
When you register custom parameters, a data card for each parameter is added to the related event-detail report. However, it may take up to 24 hours for the data card to appear.

Multiple custom metric hits issue with GTM/GA transaction

I track eCommerce transactions with GA and GTM, and trying to create a custom metric which will count how many people are involved in each transaction.
So I created a hit-scoped custom metric and try to pass its value along with the transaction tag in GTM:
Please see screenshot here:
As we know, a transaction in GA is a series of hits: one "transaction" hit and one or more "item" hits. The problem is that GTM sends the custom metric value with ALL of the hits, not just with one. So when I use my hit-scoped metric to measure something, it's measured more than once.
For ex., in a transaction where 2 people are involved, this value (2) is send twice (once with "transaction" hit, once with "item" hit) and in the GA reports I see figure 4 (instead of 2) associated with this transaction.
I didn't find a way to ask GTM to send the custom metric just once.
Am I missing something here? Any suggestions?
You can use a separate tag with the custom metric information, which is triggered on the same event as the transactions. This will create another request to GA, which isn't the best solution in terms of performance.
Maybe you can combine this information with a tag, which is already triggered on the same page? An "all pages" Universal Analytics tag is maybe present and has the information {{QuantityOfInsured}} available at the time the "all pages analytics tag" is triggered.

Submitting eCommerce analytics to Google Analytics prior to completing transaction

We're using Google Analytics to track transactions, products, browser data, etc on our shopping cart. I am interested in pushing some data to GA prior to completing the transaction. Normally I push data to GA on the success/order confirmation page.
My Question: If I push custom variables to Google Analytics prior to completing an order, will GA be able to associate that session with my completed transaction - allowing me to cross reference my custom variables with the transaction IDs?
Background: We use an address validation service and sometimes the address that the validation service submits to us isn't correct. It can "over correct" and completely strip vital details from certain addresses. Happens less than 1% of the time but when that is multiplied against 1000 - 2000 orders a day it can really become a problem for our fulfillment department. Yes, we have reported this to the address validation service and they tell us they are investigating it. I plan to use jQuery to grab the form data in the billing and shipping fields and when the user fills out all necessary fields, do a push to GA.
Yeah, you should be able to set a session-level custom variable (a unique id or any other value that isn't PII) prior to the transaction, and then create a custom report in GA that looks at that custom variable against the transaction Id. Because it's a session-level variable, it will associate anything that happens for that session.
More info on session-level variables here - Custom Variables - Web Tracking (ga.js)

How can I report custom events by visitor in Google Analytics

We use custom event tracking in our web application with Google Analytics to report user's behavior (for example - user clicks on key actions, client side errors, time measurements, etc.)
Each time the Google Analytics code is run on the client, we set a custom variable at the Visitor session to set the actual username of the user.
How do you use Google Analytics to report a table of all the custom events by visitor?
Our goal is to be able to have a storyline for each user, with all the events produced by the application correlated to its username.
There are no standard reporting views in Google Analytics that will give you this full view by default.
The best way to do this is with Custom Reports: Create a flat table custom report that has the custom variable value as a dimension, and the custom event dimension you're interested as another dimension. Then, set the metrics you want (total or unique event hits, presumably), and set the filter to filter down to the specific event category or action you want to view against.
Below I have an API recommendations (from a previous version of this answer) for how to pull this, but it would be roughly the same for creating a custom report.
Depending on your exact needs, the API call would be structured something like:
Metrics: ga:totalEvents
Dimensions: ga:customVarValue1,ga:eventCategory,ga:eventAction,ga:eventLabel
Filters: gaEventCategory==Foo
