I'm new to R, and trying to calculate the product between a fixed matrix to a 2-way frequency table for any combinations of columns in a dataframe or matrix and divide it by the sequence length (aka number of rows which is 15), the problem is that the running time increases dramatically when performing it on 1K sequences (1K columns). the goal is to use it with as much as possible sequences (more than 10 minutes, for 10K could be more than 1hr)
mat1 <- matrix(sample(LETTERS),ncol = 100,nrow = 15)
mat2 <- matrix(sample(abs(rnorm(26,0,3))),ncol=26,nrow=26)
rownames(mat2) <- LETTERS
colnames(mat2) <- LETTERS
diag(mat2) <- 0
test_vec <- c()
for (i in seq(ncol(mat1)-1)){
for(j in seq(i+1,ncol(mat1))){
s2 <- table(mat1[,i],mat1[,j]) # create 2-way frequency table
mat2_1 <- mat2
mat2_1 <- mat2_1[rownames(mat2_1) %in% rownames(s2),
colnames(mat2_1) %in% colnames(s2)]
calc <- ((1/nrow(mat1))*sum(mat2_1*s2))
test_vec <- append(test_vec,calc)
Thanks for the help.
Here is an approach that converts mat1 to a data.table, and converts all the columns to factors, and uses table(..., exclude=NULL)
m=as.data.table(mat1)[,lapply(.SD, factor, levels=LETTERS)]
g = combn(colnames(m),2, simplify = F)
result = sapply(g, function(x) sum(table(m[[x[1]]], m[[x[2]]], exclude=NULL)*mat2)/nrow(m))
Check equality:
[1] 0
Here there are 4950 combinations (100*99/2), but the number of combinations will increase quickly as nrow(mat1) increases (as you point out). You might find in that case that a parallelized version works well.
m=as.data.table(mat1)[,lapply(.SD, factor, levels=LETTERS)]
g = combn(colnames(m),2, simplify = F)
result = foreach(i=1:length(g), .combine=c) %dopar%
sum(table(m[[g[[i]][1]]], m[[g[[i]][2]]], exclude=NULL)*mat2)
result = result/nrow(m)
I would like some suggestions on speeding up the code below. The flow of the code is fairly straight forward:
create a vector of unique combinations (m=3, 4, or 5) from df variable names
transform the vector of combinations into a list of formulas
break up the list of formulas to process into chunks to get around memory limitations
iterate through each chunk performing the formula operation and subset the df to the user specified number of rows (topn)
The full reprex is below including the different attempts using purrr::map and base lapply. I also attempted to use:= from data.table following the link below but I was unable to figure out how to transform the list of formulas into formulas that could be fed to qoute(:=(...)):
Apply a list of formulas to R data.table
It appears to me that one of the bottlenecks in my code is in variable operation step. A previous bottleneck was in the ordering step that I've managed to speed up quite a bit using the library kit and the link below but any suggestions that could speed up the entire flow is appreciated. The example I'm posting here uses combn of 4 as that is typically what I use in my workflow but I would also like to be able to go up to combn of 5 if the speed is reasonable.
Fastest way to find second (third...) highest/lowest value in vector or column
df <- data.frame(matrix(data = rnorm(80000*90,200,500), nrow = 80000, ncol = 90))
df$value <- rnorm(80000,200,500)
cols <- names(df)
cols <- cols[!grepl("value", cols)]
combination <- 4
## create unique combinations of column names
ops_vec <- combn(cols, combination, FUN = paste, collapse = "*")
## transform ops vector into list of formulas
ops_vec_l <- purrr::map(ops_vec, .f = function(x) str_split(x, "\\*", simplify = T))
## break up the list of formulas into chunks otherwise memory error
chunks_run <- split(1:length(ops_vec_l), ceiling(seq_along(ops_vec_l)/10000))
## store results of each chunk into one final list
chunks_list <- vector("list", length = length(chunks_run))
ptm <- Sys.time()
chunks_idx <- 1
for (chunks_idx in seq_along(chunks_run))
## using purrr::map
# p <- Sys.time()
ele_length <- length(chunks_run[[chunks_idx]])
ops_list_temp <- vector("list", length = ele_length)
ops_list_temp <- purrr::map(
ops_vec_l[ chunks_run[[chunks_idx]] ], .f = function(x) df[,x[,1]]*df[,x[,2]]*df[,x[,3]]*df[,x[,4]]
# (p <- Sys.time()-p) #Time difference of ~ 3.6 secs to complete chunk of 10,000 operations
# ## using base lapply
# p <- Sys.time()
# ele_length <- length( ops_vec_l[ chunks_run[[chunks_idx]] ])
# ops_list_temp <- vector("list", length = ele_length)
# ops_list_temp <- lapply(
# ops_vec_l[ chunks_run[[chunks_idx]] ], function(x) df[,x[,1]]*df[,x[,2]]*df[,x[,3]]*df[,x[,4]]
# )
# (p <- Sys.time()-p) #Time difference of ~3.7 secs to complete a chunk of 10,000 operations
## number of rows I want to subset from df
topn <- 250
## list to store indices of topn values for each list element
indices_list <- vector("list", length = length(ops_list_temp))
## list to store value of the topn indices for each list element
values_list <- vector("list", length = length(ops_list_temp))
## for each variable combination in "ops_list_temp" list, find the index (indices) of the topn values in decreasing order
## each element in this list should be the length of topn
indices_list <- purrr::map(ops_list_temp, .f = function(x) kit::topn(vec = x, n = topn, decreasing = T, hasna = F))
## after finding the indices of the topn values for a given variable combination, find the value(s) corresponding to index (indices) and store in the list
## each element in this list, should be the length of topn
values_list <- purrr::map(indices_list, .f = function(x) df[x,"value"])
## save completed chunk to final list
chunks_list[[chunks_idx]] <- values_list
(ptm <- Sys.time()-ptm) # Time difference of 41.1 mins
I have the following code:
n <- 1e6
no_clm <- rpois(n,30)
hold <- data.frame("x" = double(n))
c = 1
for (i in no_clm){
ctl <- sum(rgamma(i,30000)-2000)
hold[c,1] <- ctl
#hold <- rbind(hold,df)
c = c +1
Unfortunately the speed of this code is quite slow. I've narrowed down the speed to hold[c,1] <- ctl. If I remove this then the code runs near instantly.
How can I make this efficient? I need to store the results to some sort of dataframe or list in a fast fashion. In reality the actual code is more complex than this but the slowing point is the assigning.
Note that the above is just an example, in reality I have multiple calculations on the rgamma samples and each of these calculations are then stored in a large dataframe.
Try this
It looks like you can just use one call to rgamma, as you are iterating over the number of observations parameter.
So if you do one call and the split the vector to the lengths required (no_clm) you can then just iterate over that list and sum
n <- 1e6
no_clm <- rpois(n, 30)
hold <- data.frame("x" = double(n))
# total observations to use for rgamma
total_clm <- sum(no_clm)
# get values
gammas <- rgamma(total_clm, 30000) - 2000
# split into list of lengths dictated by no_clm
hold$x <- sapply(split(gammas, cumsum(sequence(no_clm) == 1)), sum)
This took 5.919892 seconds
Move into sapply() loop instead of a for loop and then realise 2000 * no_clm can be moved outside the loop (to minimise number of function calls).
n <- 1e6
no_clm <- rpois(n, 30)
hold <- data.frame(x = sapply(no_clm, function(i) sum(rgamma(i, 30000))) - 2000 * no_clm)
You may observe a speed pickup using data.table:
dt = data.table(no_clm)
dt[, hold := sapply(no_clm, function(x) sum(rgamma(x, 30000)-2000))]
For the base R matrix class we have the rowsum function, which is very fast for computing column sums across groups of rows.
Is there an equivalent function or approach implemented in the Matrix-package?
I'm particularly interested in a fast alternative to rowsum for large dgCMatrix-objects (i.e. millions of rows, but roughly 95% sparse).
I know this is an old question, but Matrix::rowSums might be the function you are looking for.
The DelayedArray BioConductor package now has a rowsum function that accepts sparse matrices that has been very fast when I tried it.
Here is an approach using matrix multiplication, based on an example in https://slowkow.com/notes/sparse-matrix/. First, let's create a sparse matrix to play with,
m <- sparseMatrix(
i = sample(x = 1e4, size = 1e4),
j = sample(x = 1e4, size = 1e4),
x = rnorm(n = 1e4)
colnames(m) <- str_c("col", seq(ncol(m)))
rownames(m) <- str_c("row", seq(nrow(m)))
and a grouping vector defining which rows to sum,
group <- sample(1:10, nrow(m), replace = TRUE) %>%
paste0("new_row", .) %>%
Whether group is a factor and its level order will affect the final row order in the merged matrix. I made group a factor with levels ordered by first appearance in group to make the row order resemble that from the rowsum() operation with reorder = FALSE.
Next, we create a (sparse) matrix that we can left-multiply by m to get a version of m whose rows have been summed based on group,
group_mat <- sparse.model.matrix(~ 0 + group) %>% t
# Adjust row names to get the correct final row names
rownames(group_mat) <- rownames(group_mat) %>% str_extract("(?<=^group).+")
msum <- group_mat %*% m
The result matches base::rowsum() on the dense version of the matrix,
d <- as.matrix(m)
dsum <- rowsum(d, group, reorder = FALSE)
all.equal(as.matrix(msum), dsum)
#> [1] TRUE
but the sparse-matrix multiplication method is much faster,
bench::mark( msum <- group_mat %*% m )$median
#> [1] 344µs
bench::mark( dsum <- rowsum(d, group) )$median
#> [1] 146ms
EDIT: I found out that the Matrix package does everything I need. Super fast and flexible. Specifically, the related functions are
Data <- sparseMatrix(i=Data[,1], j=Data[,2], x=Data[,3])
or simply
Data <- Matrix(data=Data,sparse=T)
Once you have your matrix in this Matrix class, everything should work smoothly like a regular matrix (for the most part, anyway).
I have a dataset in "Long format" right now, meaning that it has 3 columns: row name, column name, and value. All of the "missing" row-column pairs are equal to zero.
I need to come up with an efficient way to calculate the cosine similarity (or even just the regular dot product) between all possible pairs of rows. The full data matrix is 19000 x 62000, which is why I need to work with the Long format instead.
I came up with the following method, but it's WAY too slow. Any tips on maximizing efficiency, or any suggestions of a better method overall, would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!
Data <- matrix(c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,1,2,3,1,2,4,1,4,5,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,3,1),
ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE)
Data <- data.frame(Data)
cosine.sparse <- function(data) {
a <- Sys.time()
colnames(data) <- c('V1', 'V2', 'V3')
nvars <- length(unique(data[,2]))
nrows <- length(unique(data[,1]))
sim <- matrix(nrow=nrows, ncol=nrows)
for (i in 1:nrows) {
data.i <- data[data$V1==i,]
length.i.sq <- sum(data.i$V3^2)
for (j in i:nrows) {
data.j <- data[data$V1==j,]
length.j.sq <- sum(data.j$V3^2)
common.vars <- intersect(data.i$V2, data.j$V2)
row1 <- data.i[data.i$V2 %in% common.vars,3]
row2 <- data.j[data.j$V2 %in% common.vars,3]
cos.sim <- sum(row1*row2)/sqrt(length.i.sq*length.j.sq)
sim[i,j] <- sim[j,i] <- cos.sim
if (i %% 500 == 0) {cat(i, " rows have been calculated.")}
b <- Sys.time()
time.elapsed <- b - a
I have a dataset where a subset of measurements for each entry are randomly missing:
dat <- matrix(runif(100), nrow=10)
rownames(dat) <- letters[1:10]
colnames(dat) <- paste("time", 1:10)
dat[sample(100, 25)] <- NA
I am interested in calculating correlations between each row in this dataset (i.e., a-a, a-b, a-c, a-d, ...). However, I would like to exclude correlations where there are fewer than 5 pairwise non-NA observations by setting their value to NA in the resulting correlation matrix.
Currently I am doing this as follows:
cor <- cor(t(dat), use = 'pairwise.complete.obs')
names <- rownames(dat)
filter <- sapply(names, function(x1) sapply(names, function(x2)
sum(!is.na(dat[x1,]) & !is.na(dat[x2,])) < 5))
cor[filter] <- NA
However, this operation is very slow as the actual dataset contains >1,000 entries.
Is there way to filter cells based on the number of non-NA pairwise observations in a vectorized manner, instead of within nested loops?
You can count the number of non-NA pairwise observations using matrix approach.
Let's use this data generation code. I made data larger and added more NAs.
nr = 1000;
nc = 900;
dat = matrix(runif(nr*nc), nrow=nr)
rownames(dat) = paste(1:nr)
colnames(dat) = paste("time", 1:nc)
dat[sample(nr*nc, nr*nc*0.9)] = NA
Then you filter code is taking 85 seconds
tic = proc.time()
names = rownames(dat)
filter = sapply(names, function(x1) sapply(names, function(x2)
sum(!is.na(dat[x1,]) & !is.na(dat[x2,])) < 5));
toc = proc.time();
# 85.50 seconds
My version creates a matrix with values 1 for non-NAs in the original data. Then using matrix multiplication I calculate number of pairwise non-NAs. It ran in a fraction of a second.
tic = proc.time()
NAmat = matrix(0, nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
NAmat[ !is.na(dat) ] = 1;
filter2 = (tcrossprod(NAmat) < 5)
toc = proc.time();
# 0.09 seconds
Simple check shows the results are the same:
all(filter == filter2)