Precise specification of function environments - r

I would like to have the option of specifying very precisely (exactly, if possible) the behavior of functions. For example,
foo <- function() {}
Env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
environment(foo) <- Env
# Error in { : could not find function "{"
Env$`{` <- base::`{`
environment(foo) <- Env
I know I need to set the environment of foo, and that whatever foo depends upon is defined in that environment (or that environment's parent, or the parent's parent, etc.). But
what all must be specified, and
what can't be specified (i.e., in what cases am I stuck with default behavior)?
For example, in the following, why is there no error when the call to bar is attempted, when I leave " undefined (what kind of a thing is ", anyway? Or is it ""?).
bar <- function() {""}
Env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
Env$`{` <- base::`{`
environment(bar) <- Env
# [1] ""
My larger exercise is exploring ways to build very large systems with lots of dependencies, but no circular dependencies. I think I will need precise control over function environments in order to guarantee that there are no cycles. I am aiming for a ball of mud of sorts, where I can, given certain discipline, put all the R code I ever write into a single structure (which might not all be in memory, or even on local storage)—and, whenever I write new code, have the option of depending on some code I wrote in the past, provided that I have access to that ealier code.
Related posts include:
[distinct], [specify], and [environments-enclosures-frames].


My defined R function does not 'save' the changes made to a matrix [duplicate]

I'm just getting my feet wet in R and was surprised to see that a function doesn't modify an object, at least it seems that's the default. For example, I wrote a function just to stick an asterisk on one label in a table; it works inside the function but the table itself is not changed. (I'm coming mainly from Ruby)
So, what is the normal, accepted way to use functions to change objects in R? How would I add an asterisk to the table title?
Replace the whole object: myTable = title.asterisk(myTable)
Use a work-around to call by reference (as described, for example, in Call by reference in R by TszKin Julian?
Use some structure other than a function? An object method?
The reason you're having trouble is the fact that you are passing the object into the local namespace of the function. This is one of the great / terrible things about R: it allows implicit variable declarations and then implements supercedence as the namespaces become deeper.
This is affecting you because a function creates a new namespace within the current namespace. The object 'myTable' was, I assume, originally created in the global namespace, but when it is passed into the function 'title.asterisk' a new function-local namespace now has an object with the same properties. This works like so:
title.asterisk <- function(myTable){ do some stuff to 'myTable' }
In this case, the function 'title.asterisk' does not make any changes to the global object 'myTable'. Instead, a local object is created with the same name, so the local object supercedes the global object. If we call the function title.asterisk(myTable) in this way, the function makes changes only to the local variable.
There are two direct ways to modify the global object (and many indirect ways).
Option 1: The first, as you mention, is to have the function return the object and overwrite the global object, like so:
title.asterisk <- function(myTable){
do some stuff to 'myTable'
myTable <- title.asterisk(myTable)
This is okay, but you are still making your code a little difficult to understand, since there are really two different 'myTable' objects, one global and one local to the function. A lot of coders clear this up by adding a period '.' in front of variable arguments, like so:
title.asterisk <- function(.myTable){
do some stuff to '.myTable'
myTable <- title.asterisk(myTable)
Okay, now we have a visual cue that the two variables are different. This is good, because we don't want to rely on invisible things like namespace supercedence when we're trying to debug our code later. It just makes things harder than they have to be.
Option 2: You could just modify the object from within the function. This is the better option when you want to do destructive edits to an object and don't want memory inflation. If you are doing destructive edits, you don't need to save an original copy. Also, if your object is suitably large, you don't want to be copying it when you don't have to. To make edits to a global namespace object, simply don't pass it into or declare it from within the function.
title.asterisk <- function(){ do some stuff to 'myTable' }
Now we are making direct edits to the object 'myTable' from within the function. The fact that we aren't passing the object makes our function look to higher levels of namespace to try and resolve the variable name. Lo, and behold, it finds a 'myTable' object higher up! The code in the function makes the changes to the object.
A note to consider: I hate debugging. I mean I really hate debugging. This means a few things for me in R:
I wrap almost everything in a function. As I write my code, as soon as I get a piece working, I wrap it in a function and set it aside. I make heavy use of the '.' prefix for all my function arguments and use no prefix for anything that is native to the namespace it exists in.
I try not to modify global objects from within functions. I don't like where this leads. If an object needs to be modified, I modify it from within the function that declared it. This often means I have layers of functions calling functions, but it makes my work both modular and easy to understand.
I comment all of my code, explaining what each line or block is intended to do. It may seem a bit unrelated, but I find that these three things go together for me. Once you start wrapping coding in functions, you will find yourself wanting to reuse more of your old code. That's where good commenting comes in. For me, it's a necessary piece.
The two paradigms are replacing the whole object, as you indicate, or writing 'replacement' functions such as
`updt<-` <- function(x, ..., value) {
## x is the object to be manipulated, value the object to be assigned
x$lbl <- paste0(x$lbl, value)
> d <- data.frame(x=1:5, lbl=letters[1:5])
> d
x lbl
1 1 a
2 2 b
3 3 c
> updt(d) <- "*"
> d
x lbl
1 1 a*
2 2 b*
3 3 c*
This is the behavior of, for instance, $<- -- in-place update the element accessed by $. Here is a related question. One could think of replacement functions as syntactic sugar for
updt1 <- function(x, ..., value) {
x$lbl <- paste0(x$lbl, value)
d <- updt1(d, value="*")
but the label 'syntactic sugar' doesn't really do justice, in my mind, to the central paradigm that is involved. It is enabling convenient in-place updates, which is different from the copy-on-change illusion that R usually maintains, and it is really the 'R' way of updating objects (rather than using ?ReferenceClasses, for instance, which have more of the feel of other languages but will surprise R users expecting copy-on-change semantics).
For anybody in the future looking for a simple way (do not know if it is the more appropriate one) to get this solved:
Inside the function create the object to temporally save the modified version of the one you want to change. Use deparse(substitute()) to get the name of the variable that has been passed to the function argument and then use assign() to overwrite your object. You will need to use envir = parent.frame() inside assign() to let your object be defined in the environment outside the function.
(MyTable <- 1:10)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
title.asterisk <- function(table) {
tmp.table <- paste0(table, "*")
name <- deparse(substitute(table))
assign(name, tmp.table, envir = parent.frame())
[1] "1*" "2*" "3*" "4*" "5*" "6*" "7*" "8*" "9*" "10*"
Using parentheses when defining an object is a little more efficient (and to me, better looking) than defining then printing.

R language: changes to the value of an attribute of an object inside a function is lost after function exits [duplicate]

I'm just getting my feet wet in R and was surprised to see that a function doesn't modify an object, at least it seems that's the default. For example, I wrote a function just to stick an asterisk on one label in a table; it works inside the function but the table itself is not changed. (I'm coming mainly from Ruby)
So, what is the normal, accepted way to use functions to change objects in R? How would I add an asterisk to the table title?
Replace the whole object: myTable = title.asterisk(myTable)
Use a work-around to call by reference (as described, for example, in Call by reference in R by TszKin Julian?
Use some structure other than a function? An object method?
The reason you're having trouble is the fact that you are passing the object into the local namespace of the function. This is one of the great / terrible things about R: it allows implicit variable declarations and then implements supercedence as the namespaces become deeper.
This is affecting you because a function creates a new namespace within the current namespace. The object 'myTable' was, I assume, originally created in the global namespace, but when it is passed into the function 'title.asterisk' a new function-local namespace now has an object with the same properties. This works like so:
title.asterisk <- function(myTable){ do some stuff to 'myTable' }
In this case, the function 'title.asterisk' does not make any changes to the global object 'myTable'. Instead, a local object is created with the same name, so the local object supercedes the global object. If we call the function title.asterisk(myTable) in this way, the function makes changes only to the local variable.
There are two direct ways to modify the global object (and many indirect ways).
Option 1: The first, as you mention, is to have the function return the object and overwrite the global object, like so:
title.asterisk <- function(myTable){
do some stuff to 'myTable'
myTable <- title.asterisk(myTable)
This is okay, but you are still making your code a little difficult to understand, since there are really two different 'myTable' objects, one global and one local to the function. A lot of coders clear this up by adding a period '.' in front of variable arguments, like so:
title.asterisk <- function(.myTable){
do some stuff to '.myTable'
myTable <- title.asterisk(myTable)
Okay, now we have a visual cue that the two variables are different. This is good, because we don't want to rely on invisible things like namespace supercedence when we're trying to debug our code later. It just makes things harder than they have to be.
Option 2: You could just modify the object from within the function. This is the better option when you want to do destructive edits to an object and don't want memory inflation. If you are doing destructive edits, you don't need to save an original copy. Also, if your object is suitably large, you don't want to be copying it when you don't have to. To make edits to a global namespace object, simply don't pass it into or declare it from within the function.
title.asterisk <- function(){ do some stuff to 'myTable' }
Now we are making direct edits to the object 'myTable' from within the function. The fact that we aren't passing the object makes our function look to higher levels of namespace to try and resolve the variable name. Lo, and behold, it finds a 'myTable' object higher up! The code in the function makes the changes to the object.
A note to consider: I hate debugging. I mean I really hate debugging. This means a few things for me in R:
I wrap almost everything in a function. As I write my code, as soon as I get a piece working, I wrap it in a function and set it aside. I make heavy use of the '.' prefix for all my function arguments and use no prefix for anything that is native to the namespace it exists in.
I try not to modify global objects from within functions. I don't like where this leads. If an object needs to be modified, I modify it from within the function that declared it. This often means I have layers of functions calling functions, but it makes my work both modular and easy to understand.
I comment all of my code, explaining what each line or block is intended to do. It may seem a bit unrelated, but I find that these three things go together for me. Once you start wrapping coding in functions, you will find yourself wanting to reuse more of your old code. That's where good commenting comes in. For me, it's a necessary piece.
The two paradigms are replacing the whole object, as you indicate, or writing 'replacement' functions such as
`updt<-` <- function(x, ..., value) {
## x is the object to be manipulated, value the object to be assigned
x$lbl <- paste0(x$lbl, value)
> d <- data.frame(x=1:5, lbl=letters[1:5])
> d
x lbl
1 1 a
2 2 b
3 3 c
> updt(d) <- "*"
> d
x lbl
1 1 a*
2 2 b*
3 3 c*
This is the behavior of, for instance, $<- -- in-place update the element accessed by $. Here is a related question. One could think of replacement functions as syntactic sugar for
updt1 <- function(x, ..., value) {
x$lbl <- paste0(x$lbl, value)
d <- updt1(d, value="*")
but the label 'syntactic sugar' doesn't really do justice, in my mind, to the central paradigm that is involved. It is enabling convenient in-place updates, which is different from the copy-on-change illusion that R usually maintains, and it is really the 'R' way of updating objects (rather than using ?ReferenceClasses, for instance, which have more of the feel of other languages but will surprise R users expecting copy-on-change semantics).
For anybody in the future looking for a simple way (do not know if it is the more appropriate one) to get this solved:
Inside the function create the object to temporally save the modified version of the one you want to change. Use deparse(substitute()) to get the name of the variable that has been passed to the function argument and then use assign() to overwrite your object. You will need to use envir = parent.frame() inside assign() to let your object be defined in the environment outside the function.
(MyTable <- 1:10)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
title.asterisk <- function(table) {
tmp.table <- paste0(table, "*")
name <- deparse(substitute(table))
assign(name, tmp.table, envir = parent.frame())
[1] "1*" "2*" "3*" "4*" "5*" "6*" "7*" "8*" "9*" "10*"
Using parentheses when defining an object is a little more efficient (and to me, better looking) than defining then printing.

Why does rm inside a function not delete objects?

rel.mem <- function(nm) {
I defined the above function rel.mem -- takes a single argument and passes it to rm
> ls()
[1] "rel.mem"
> x<-1:10
> ls()
[1] "rel.mem" "x"
> rel.mem(x)
> ls()
[1] "rel.mem" "x"
Now you can see what I call rel.mem x is not deleted -- I know this is due to the incorrect environment on which rm is being attempted.
What is a good fix for this?
Criteria for a good fix:
The caller should not have to pass the environment
The callee (rel.mem) should be able to determine the environment by using an R language facility (call stack inspection, aspects, etc.)
The interface of the function rel.mem should be kept simple -- idiot proof: call rel.mem -- then rel.mem takes it from there -- no need to pass environments.
As many commenters have pointed out that one easy fix is to pass the environment.
What I meant by a good fix [and I should have clarified it] is that the callee function (in this case rel.mem) is able to calculate/find out the environment when the caller was referring to and then remove the object from the right environment.
The type of reasoning in "2" can be done in other languages by inspecting the call stack -- for example in Java I would throw a dummy exception -- catch it and then parse the call stack. In other languages still I could use Aspect Oriented techniques. The question is can something like that be done in R?
As one commenter has suggested that there may be multiple objects with the same name and thus the "right" environment is meaningless -- as I've stated above that in other languages it is possible (sometimes with some creative trickery) to interpret the call-stack -- this may not be possible in R
As one commenter has suggested that rm(list=nm, envir = parent.frame()) will remove this from the parent environment. This is correct -- however I'm looking for something that will work for an arbitrary call depth.
The quick answer is that you're in a different environment - essentially picture the variables in a box: you have a box for the function and one for the Global Environment. You just need to tell rm where to find that box.
rel_mem <- function(nm) {
# State the environment
rm(list=nm, envir = .GlobalEnv )
x = 10
Alternatively, you can use the pos argument, e.g.
rel_mem <- function(nm) {
rm(list=nm, pos=1 )
If you type search() you will see a vector of environments, the global is number 1.
Another two options are
envir = parent.frame() if you want to go one level up the call stack
Use inherits = TRUE to go up the call stack until you find something
In the above code, notice that I'm passing the object as a character - I'm passing the "x" not x. We can be clever and avoid this using the substitute function
rel_mem <- function(nm) {
rm(list = as.character(substitute(nm)), envir = .GlobalEnv )
To finish I'll just add that deleting things in the .GlobalEnv from a function is generally a bad idea.
Further resources:
Substitute function:
If you are using another function to find the global objects within your function such as ls(), you must state the environment in it explicitly too:
rel_mem <- function(nm) {
# State the environment in both functions
rm(list = ls(envir = .GlobalEnv) %>% .[startsWith(., "plot_")], envir = .GlobalEnv)

Assign to an environment by reference id (i.e. without passing env. to child functions)

Programmers often uses multiple small functions inside of larger functions. Along the way we may want to collect things in an environment for later reference. We could create an environment with new.env(hash=FALSE) and pass that along to the smaller functions and assign with assign. Well and dandy. I was wondering if we could use the reference id of the environment and not pass it along to the child functions but still assign to the environment by reference the environment id.
So here I make
myenv <- new.env(hash=FALSE)
## <environment: 0x00000000588cc918>
And as typical could assign like this if I passed along to the child functions the environment.
assign("elem1", 35, myenv)
# 35
What I want is to make the environment in the parent function and pass the reference id along instead so I want to do something like:
assign("elem2", 123, "0x00000000588cc918")
But predictably results in:
## Error in as.environment(pos) :
## no item called "0x00000000588cc918" on the search list
Is it possible to pass along just the environment id and use that instead? This seems cleaner than passing the environment from function to function and returning as a list and then operating on the environment in that list...and maybe more memory efficient too.
I would want to also access this environment by reference as well.
Environments are not like lists. Passing an environment to a function does not copy its contents even if the contents of the environment are modified within the function so you don't have to worry about inefficiency. Also, when an environment is passed to a function which modifies its contents the contents are preserved even after the function completes so unlike the situation with lists there is no need to pass the environment back.
For example, the code below passes environment e to function f and f modifies the contents of it but does not pass it back. After f completes the caller sees the change.
f <- function(x, env) {
env$X <- x
e <- new.env()
f(1, e)
## [1] TRUE
## [1] 1
More about enviorments in Hadely's book:

How does local() differ from other approaches to closure in R?

Yesterday I learned from Bill Venables how local() can help create static functions and variables, e.g.,
example <- local({
hidden.x <- "You can't see me!"
hidden.fn <- function(){
cat("You can see and call example()\n")
cat("but you can't see hidden.x\n")
cat("and you can't call ")
which behaves as follows from the command prompt:
> ls()
[1] "example"
> example()
You can see and call example()
but you can't see hidden.x
and you can't call "hidden.fn()"
> hidden.x
Error: object 'hidden.x' not found
> hidden.fn()
Error: could not find function "hidden.fn"
I've seen this kind of thing discussed in Static Variables in R where a different approach was employed.
What the pros and cons of these two methods?
The advantage of this style of programming is that the hidden objects won't likely be overwritten by anything else so you can be more confident that they contain what you think. They won't be used by mistake since they can't readily be accessed. In the linked-to post in the question there is a global variable, count, which could be accessed and overwritten from anywhere so if we are debugging code and looking at count and see its changed we cannnot really be sure what part of the code has changed it. In contrast, in the example code of the question we have greater assurance that no other part of the code is involved.
Note that we actually can access the hidden function although its not that easy:
# run hidden.fn
Object Oriented Programming
Also note that this is very close to object oriented programming where example and hidden.fn are methods and hidden.x is a property. We could do it like this to make it explicit:
p <- proto(x = "x",
fn = function(.) cat(' "fn()"\n '),
example = function(.) .$fn()
p$example() # prints "fn()"
proto does not hide x and fn but its not that easy to access them by mistake since you must use p$x and p$fn() to access them which is not really that different than being able to write e <- environment(example); e$hidden.fn()
The object oriented approach does add the possibility of inheritance, e.g. one could define a child of p which acts like p except that it overrides fn.
ch <- p$proto(fn = function(.) cat("Hello from ch\n")) # child
ch$example() # prints: Hello from ch
local() can implement a singleton pattern -- e.g., the snow package uses this to track the single Rmpi instance that the user might create.
getMPIcluster <- NULL
setMPIcluster <- NULL
cl <- NULL
getMPIcluster <<- function() cl
setMPIcluster <<- function(new) cl <<- new
local() might also be used to manage memory in a script, e.g., allocating large intermediate objects required to create a final object on the last line of the clause. The large intermediate objects are available for garbage collection when local returns.
Using a function to create a closure is a factory pattern -- the bank account example in the Introduction To R documentation, where each time open.account is invoked, a new account is created.
As #otsaw mentions, memoization might be implemented using local, e.g., to cache web sites in a crawler
crawler <- local({
seen <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.do_crawl <- function(url, base, pattern) {
if (!exists(url, seen)) {
xml <- htmlTreeParse(url, useInternal=TRUE)
hrefs <- unlist(getNodeSet(xml, "//a/#href"))
urls <-
sprintf("%s%s", base, grep(pattern, hrefs, value=TRUE))
seen[[url]] <- length(urls)
for (url in urls)
.do_crawl(url, base, pattern)
.do_report <- function(url) {
urls <- as.list(seen)
data.frame(Url=names(urls), Links=unlist(unname(urls)),
list(crawl=function(base, pattern="^/.*html$") {
.do_crawl(base, base, pattern)
}, report=.do_report)
(the usual example of memoization, Fibonacci numbers, is not satisfying -- the range of numbers that don't overflow R's numeric representation is small , so one would probably use a look-up table of efficiently pre-calculated values). Interesting how crawler here is a singleton; could as easily have followed a factory pattern, so one crawler per base URL.
