Marker change based on text/address input using HERE map - here-api

I'm using HERE map plugin and I need to change marker position based on address/text input. I was looking for an examples in internet, but nothing was found.
Is it even possible to do such thing, using this plugin? May be someone can point out, where do I have to look, or may be someone have working example? Any help appreciated.
Something similar is used in "Google Maps"

You can refer to the documentation for "Search for a Location based on an Address" can be found at
The working example is available at - request a location using a free-form text input and display a marker on the map.
function geocode(platform) {
var geocoder = platform.getSearchService(),
geocodingParameters = {
q: '200 S Mathilda Sunnyvale CA'
function onSuccess(result) {
var locations = result.items;
function onError(error) {
alert('Can\'t reach the remote server');
var platform = new H.service.Platform({
apikey: window.apikey
var defaultLayers = platform.createDefaultLayers();
var map = new H.Map(document.getElementById('map'),,{
center: {lat:37.376, lng:-122.034},
zoom: 15,
pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || 1
window.addEventListener('resize', () => map.getViewPort().resize());
var locationsContainer = document.getElementById('panel');
var behavior = new H.mapevents.Behavior(new H.mapevents.MapEvents(map));
var ui = H.ui.UI.createDefault(map, defaultLayers);
var bubble;
function openBubble(position, text){
bubble = new H.ui.InfoBubble(
{content: text});
} else {
function addLocationsToPanel(locations){
var nodeOL = document.createElement('ul'),
i; = 'small'; ='5%'; ='5%';
for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i += 1) {
let location = locations[i];
var li = document.createElement('li'),
divLabel = document.createElement('div'),
address = location.address,
content = '<strong style="font-size: large;">' + address.label + '</strong></br>';
position = location.position;
content += '<strong>houseNumber:</strong> ' + address.houseNumber + '<br/>';
content += '<strong>street:</strong> ' + address.street + '<br/>';
content += '<strong>district:</strong> ' + address.district + '<br/>';
content += '<strong>city:</strong> ' + + '<br/>';
content += '<strong>postalCode:</strong> ' + address.postalCode + '<br/>';
content += '<strong>county:</strong> ' + address.county + '<br/>';
content += '<strong>country:</strong> ' + address.countryName + '<br/>';
content += '<strong>position:</strong> ' +
Math.abs( + (( > 0) ? 'N' : 'S') +
' ' + Math.abs(position.lng.toFixed(4)) + ((position.lng > 0) ? 'E' : 'W') + '<br/>';
divLabel.innerHTML = content;
for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i += 1) {
let location = locations[i];
marker = new;
marker.label = location.address.label;
group.addEventListener('tap', function (evt) {
}, false);


needs to generate and update missing DocumentID and instanceID of the links of .indd Indesign files through extend script

I am using Mac with InDesign CC 219, and in my .indd file, some of the links are missing DocumentID and InstanceID, the below is the code I am using to get those details. If for any of the links, DocumentID and InstanceID are missing then I need to generate random DocumentID and InstanceID, and update the relevant links meta data. Is it possible through scripting, any directions please...
var doc = app.activeDocument;
for (var i = 0, len = doc.links.length; i < len; i++) {
var linkFilepath = File(doc.links[i].filePath).fsName;
var linkFileName = doc.links[i].name;
var xmpFile = new XMPFile(linkFilepath, XMPConst.FILE_INDESIGN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_READ);
var allXMP = xmpFile.getXMP();
// Retrieve values from external links XMP.
var documentID = allXMP.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP_MM, 'DocumentID', XMPConst.STRING);
var instanceID = allXMP.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP_MM, 'InstanceID', XMPConst.STRING);
// Warn if there are no documents open.
if (!app.documents.length) {
alert('Open a document and try again.', 'Missing Document', false);
var doc = app.activeDocument;
// load XMP Library
function loadXMPLibrary() {
if (!ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript) {
try {
ExternalObject.AdobeXMPScript = new ExternalObject('lib:AdobeXMPScript');
} catch (e) {
alert('Failed loading AdobeXMPScript library\n' + e.message, 'Error', true);
return false;
return true;
// Check all link statuses are be ok.
function linksStatusCheck(doc) {
for (var i = 0, len = doc.links.length; i < len; i++) {
if (doc.links[i].status !== LinkStatus.NORMAL) {
alert('The status of all links must be OK \nPlease update link status ' +
'via the Links panel and try again', 'Link Status', true);
return true;
function randomString(length, chars) {
var randomGenStr = '';
for (var i = length; i > 0; --i) {
randomGenStr += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
return randomGenStr;
function randomString(length) {
var text = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
for(var k = 0; k < length; k++) {
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
function checkLinksXMP(doc) {
for (var i = 0, len = doc.links.length; i < len; i++) {
var linkFilepath = File(doc.links[i].filePath).fsName;
var linkFileName = doc.links[i].name;
var xmpFile = new XMPFile(linkFilepath, XMPConst.FILE_INDESIGN, XMPConst.OPEN_FOR_UPDATE);
var allXMP = xmpFile.getXMP();
// Retrieve values from external links XMP.
var documentID = allXMP.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP_MM, 'DocumentID', XMPConst.STRING);
var instanceID = allXMP.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP_MM, 'InstanceID', XMPConst.STRING);
// Useful for testing purposes....
// Log properties for each link to the console.
// Notify user when XMP is missing...
var docMissingCnt = 0;
var insMissingCnt = 0;
if (!documentID && !instanceID) {
alert('Link missing DocumentID and InstanceID\n' +
'Name: ' + linkFileName + '\n\n' +
'Path: ' + linkFilepath, 'Missing XMP', true);
} else if (!documentID) {
alert('Link missing DocumentID\n' +
'Name: ' + linkFileName + '\n\n' +
'Path: ' + linkFilepath, 'Missing XMP', true);
} else if (!instanceID) {
alert('Link missing InstanceID\n' +
'Name: ' + linkFileName + '\n\n' +
'Path: ' + linkFilepath, 'Missing XMP', true);
if(docMissingCnt > 0) {
documentID = randomString(32);
allXMP.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP_MM, 'DocumentID', documentID);
var documentIDNew = allXMP.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP_MM, 'DocumentID', XMPConst.STRING);
$.writeln('DocumentID - New : ' + documentIDNew);
docMissingCnt = 0;
if(insMissingCnt > 0) {
instanceID = randomString(32);
allXMP.setProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP_MM, 'InstanceID', instanceID);
var instanceIDNew = allXMP.getProperty(XMPConst.NS_XMP_MM, 'InstanceID', XMPConst.STRING);
$.writeln('InstanceID - New : ' + instanceIDNew);
insMissingCnt = 0;
if (loadXMPLibrary() && linksStatusCheck(doc)) {

I need to receive fetch post from my wordpress to phonegap using wordpress rest api & json

please i need help concerning phonegap and wordpress rest api.. I am a bit new to phonegap. i want to be able to receive my latest posts using GET etc and likely post from my mobile and also possibly perform other CRUD operation. thanks
I got it done already thanks much. I am posting my code here to help some out there and these community:
// Device Event Listener
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
var portfolioPostsContainer = document.getElementById("portfolio-posts-container");
var portfolioPostsContainer2 = document.getElementById("portfolio-posts-container2");
function onDeviceReady(){
var ourRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'http://mydomain/wp-json/wp/v2/posts?_embed');
ourRequest.onload = function() {
if (ourRequest.status >= 200 && ourRequest.status < 400) {
var data = JSON.parse(ourRequest.responseText);
// portfolioPostsBtn.remove();
} else {
console.log("We connected to the server, but it returned an error.");
ourRequest.onerror = function() {
console.log("Connection error");
function createHTML(postsData) {
var ourHTMLString = '';
var postid ='';
for (i = 0; i < postsData.length; i++) {
var posturl = postsData[i].link;
ourHTMLString +='<tr>';
ourHTMLString += '<td>' + '' + postsData[i].title.rendered + postsData[i].id+''+'</td>';
ourHTMLString += '<td>' + '<img width="100%" src ="' + postsData[i]._embedded['wp:featuredmedia']['0'].source_url + '" />' + ''+'</td>';
ourHTMLString += '<td>' + postsData[i].excerpt.rendered + '</td>';
ourHTMLString+= '</tr>';
portfolioPostsContainer.innerHTML = ourHTMLString;

Resposive Google Maps javascript api turns out grey (sometimes)

I have two websites which attempt to display a map of bushfires in an area, using the Google Maps javascript api and a GeoJson from the NSW RFS. Both are resposive sites.
The maps seem very twitchy about displaying the actual map background, and in one case I always get a grey background (though markers etc are properly displayed).
This seems to be related to the way the map canvas is sized; if a fixed width and height are set then all is well, but if % are used grey is displayed. In the one case setting width and height in vw (% of viewport width) works, but in the other it does not.
The site that works is
the one that does not is - if you zoon out to a larger area ytou will see that markers appear in both maps.
The major difference is that one is Wordpress, with the javascript enqueued with the footer, while the other is imbedded in the html.
I have tried setting the size (width and height) of the map-canvas in js (or that of an enclosing division) using the following code either in the initilize routine or just before the addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
var mw = document.getElementById('map-canvasout').offsetWidth;
var mw = document.documentElement.clientWidth * .5;
var mh = mw * .75;
var mhx = mh + "px";
var mapara = document.getElementById('map-canvasout'); mhx;
I would be very grateful for any ideas, as I am out of them. code for the wordpress scripts encode and js follows:-
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ulmh_googlemaps', 105);
function ulmh_googlemaps(){
if (is_page('32') || is_page('233')) {
wp_register_script( 'gmap', '',true);
wp_register_script( 'ulmh_gmap', plugins_url( 'firemap.js', __FILE__ ),true);
function initialize() {
var lat = -31.71 ;
var lng = 152.47;
var zom = 12;
var nam = "Upper Lansdowne";
var mapOptions = {
center: { lat: lat, lng: lng},
zoom: zom
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas'), mapOptions);''); {
var IconBase = '';
var image = {
url: IconBase + 'watch-and-act.png',
size: new google.maps.Size(27, 27),
origin: new google.maps.Point(0,0),
anchor: new google.maps.Point(14, 13)
var ctg = feature.getProperty('category');
switch (ctg) {
case "Emergency Warning": image.url = IconBase + 'emergency-warning.png'; break;
case "Watch and Act": image.url = IconBase + 'watch-and-act.png'; break;
case "Advice": image.url = IconBase + 'advice.png'; break;
default: image.url = IconBase + 'not-applicable.png';
return {
icon: image
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();'click', function(event) {
var ef = event.feature;
var myHTML = '<b>'+ef.getProperty("title") + '</b></br>' + ef.getProperty("description");
infowindow.setContent("<div style='width:250px;'>"+myHTML+"</div>");
infowindow.setOptions({pixelOffset: new google.maps.Size(0,0)});;
nam = 'Fire Map of the ' + nam + ' Area';
lat = Math.round(lat*10000)/10000;
lng = Math.round(lng*10000)/10000;
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'idle', function() { // 'bounds_changed'
google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize');
var mapbnd = map.getBounds();
var nbrfre = 0; {
var geo = feature.getGeometry();
if (geo.getType() == 'Point') {
var LatLng = geo.get();
if (mapbnd.contains(LatLng)) {
nbrfre = nbrfre +1;
} else if (geo.getType() == 'GeometryCollection') {
var LatLng = geo.getAt(0).get();
if (mapbnd.contains(LatLng)) {
nbrfre = nbrfre +1;
var fretxt = ' (No Fires)';
if (nbrfre == 1) {
fretxt = ' (1 Fire)';
} else if (nbrfre > 1) {
fretxt = ' (' + nbrfre + ' Fires)';
var ctr = map.getCenter();
clt = Math.round(*10000)/10000;
cln = Math.round(ctr.lng()*10000)/10000;
if ((clt != lat) || (cln != lng) ||(zom != map.getZoom())) {
nn = 'General Fire Map';
} else {
nn = nam;
var pstttl = document.getElementsByClassName("posttitle");
pstttl[0].innerHTML = nn + fretxt;
if (nbrfre != 0) {
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
Well it seems my unconscious is better at this than the rest of me, as I woke up this morning with a partial answer. One site was using the experimental version of Google Maps (by default) while the other specified v=3 and therefore got the release version.
Of course that raises the question of what is happening at Googles end, but I’ll chase that up with them.
Thanks to anyone who looked at the question.

MVC 4 - 500 error on JSON call

I have started using VS2012 (Yes about time). I have a MVC 4 app.
Im making a JSON call to get data from DB to render in html.
But Im getting a 500 Internal Server error I can see in Fiddler.
Im not sure how to debug this because I cant find where to
see the C# exception if that is what the issue is.
So Im calling getRecipe in javascript.
public JsonResult GetRecipe(int rid)
var recipe = _rep.GetRecipe(rid);
return Json(recipe, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
My script is
var dataService = new function () {
var serviceBase = '/Recipes/'
getRecipesList = function (callback) {
$.getJSON(serviceBase + 'GetRecipesList', {}, function (data) {
getRecipe = function (rid, callback) {
$.getJSON(serviceBase + 'GetRecipe', {rid:rid}, function (data) {
return {
getRecipesList: getRecipesList,
getRecipe: getRecipe
} ();
var renderer = new function () {
renderList = function () {
renderListDiv = function (recipes) {
var listDiv = $('#listdiv');
$(recipes).each(function (index) {
var table = '<table>';
table += ('<tr><td><a class="recipeLink" href="#recipeList-' + this.RecipeID + '">' + this.RecipeTitle + '</a></td></tr>');
table += '</table>';
selectedRecipe = function (anchor) {
var href = $(this).attr("href");
var rid = href.split("-")[1];
dataService.getRecipe(rid, renderRecipe);
renderRecipe = function (recipe) {
var recipeDiv = $('#recipediv');
var html = '<h1>' + recipe.RecipeTitle + ' (' + recipe.RecipeID + ')</h1>';
html += '<h4>Preparation Time: ' + getTimeString(recipe.PrepTime) + '</h4>';
html += '<h4>Cooking Time: ' + getTimeString(recipe.CookTime) + '</h4>';
var count = recipe.Ings.length;
var colmax = Math.ceil(count / 2);
var colleft = 0;
var colright = colmax;
html += '</br><table id="ingredientstable">';
for (colleft = 0; colleft < colmax; colleft++) {
html += '<tr>';
html += '<td>' + recipe.Ingredients[colleft].Units + ' ' + recipe.Ingredients[colleft].Measure + ' ' + recipe.Ingredients[colleft].IngredientName + '</td>';
if(colright < count)
html += '<td>' + recipe.Ingredients[colright].Units + ' ' + recipe.Ingredients[colright].Measure + ' ' + recipe.Ingredients[colright].IngredientName + '</td>';
colright += 1;
html += '</tr>';
html += '</table>';
html += '<h4>Method</h4>';
html += '<p>' + recipe.Method + '</p>';
numingredients = 0;
clearRecipe = function () {
getTimeString = function (time) {
if (time < 60)
return time + ' min';
return time / 60 + ' hours'
changeFont = function () {
$('body').css("font-family", "Comic Sans MS");
return {
renderList: renderList,
selectedRecipe: selectedRecipe,
changeFont: changeFont,
clearRecipe: clearRecipe,
The browser's developer tools might be a good place to get some additional information. In Chrome you can press F12 to bring up the dev tools window. Click on the network tab and then fire off your ajax call. You will see the failed request highlighted in red. If you click on it you will see the error that has been returned from mvc.
I have provided a screenshot in this question: Ajax call with a 'failed to load resource : the server responded with a status of 500'

google maps directions: function is not correctly defined

i'm having a problem translating the already working directions script in v2 to v3.
the error is the tohere/fromhere function which is not correctly executed.
the marker is displayed correctly, after the first click the infowindow opens.
when i'm then clicking "tohere" or "fromhere" it throws error "tohere is not defined"...
any hints what i'm doing wrong?
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
if (jQuery('#map_canvas').length) {
function initialize(lat, long,html) {
var latid = lat;
var longit = long;
var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(latid, longit);
//var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(51.512098,-0.137692);
var myOptions = {
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
var styles = [
{ saturation:-100 }
var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(latid, longit);
var marker = createMarker(map,myLatLng,html);
function initActive() {
var flat = jQuery('#map_canvas').data('coord-lat');
var flong = jQuery('#map_canvas').data('coord-lon');
var title = jQuery('#map_canvas').data('content');
initialize(flat, flong,title);
function createMarker(map, latlng,html) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: latlng,
map: map
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ size: new google.maps.Size(150,50)});
var gmarkers = [];
var to_htmls = [];
var from_htmls = [];
var htmls = [];
var i = gmarkers.length;
// The info window version with the "to here" form open
to_htmls[i] = html + '<br>Directions: <b>To here<\/b> - <a href="javascript:fromhere(' + i + ')">From here<\/a>' +
'<br>Start address:<form action="" method="get" target="_blank">' +
'<input type="text" SIZE=40 MAXLENGTH=40 name="saddr" id="saddr" value="" /><br>' +
'<INPUT value="Get Directions" TYPE="SUBMIT">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="daddr" value="' + + ',' + latlng.lng() +
// "(" + name + ")" +
// The info window version with the "to here" form open
from_htmls[i] = html + '<br>Directions: <a href="javascript:tohere(' + i + ')">To here<\/a> - <b>From here<\/b>' +
'<br>End address:<form action="" method="get"" target="_blank">' +
'<input type="text" SIZE=40 MAXLENGTH=40 name="daddr" id="daddr" value="" /><br>' +
'<INPUT value="Get Directions" TYPE="SUBMIT">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="saddr" value="' + + ',' + latlng.lng() +
// "(" + name + ")" +
// The inactive version of the direction info
html = html + '<br>Directions: <a href="javascript:tohere('+i+')">To here<\/a> - <a href="javascript:fromhere('+i+')">From here<\/a>';
var contentString = html;
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
htmls[i] = html;
// functions that open the directions forms
function tohere(i) {
function fromhere(i) {
}); //documentready close
All your code is local to the jQuery(document).ready function, so is not available in the global context where HTML click handlers run. Move the function declarations outside of that function.
Looks like your v2 code came from Mike Williams' v2 tutorial. This example of his "Getting Directions" map which I ported to v3, may help you.
