Atom editor end of line shortcut (without end button) - atom-editor

In my laptop keyboard I can move cursor to end of line by pressing FN + right arrow buttons.
Now I am coding on a desktop and this keyboard doesn't have that combination.
I can move cursor to end of line by pressing "END" button but I don't want to use END button I just want to add this functionality to a similar combination what I had in my other keyboard.
So I am looking a way to create shotcut to press ALT + Right Arrow to make same functionality as END button. Is there any way to do that ?

After reading all documentation and making some tries I found out how to move cursor end of the line.
First go to File -> Keymap this will open keymap.cson file on here just add codes under 'atom-text-editor'. It will look like as below.
'alt-right': 'editor:move-to-end-of-line'
'alt-left': 'editor:move-to-beginning-of-line'
So now you can move your cursor end of line by pressing ALT + Right or visa versa.


Execute from cursor to beginning of code block in RStudio

Say the cursor is placed just after (cyl)in RStudio (as in top screenshot). Is there a way to run from the beginning of the code block to the cursor (as in bottom screenshot)?
Try Ctrl+Alt+B
This runs your code from document beginning to current cursor line.
Source: RStudio
My workflow in this situation:
Shift (keep holding)
push Arrow up (release button)
push Pos1
Release all
Ctrl + Enter

How do I rearrange menu bar options in Qt Designer 5?

I have been unable to figure out how to easily rearrange the menu bar selections that I have created in Qt Designer. Older documentation indicates that I can press the left click mouse button on a selection and then drag and drop it into a new location but this feature does not seem to work in this version.
I am trying to move "Load Database" above the "Exit" option. I would imagine I could just delete the "Exit" menu selection and add it again but I was hoping there would be an easier option in case this happens again.
To do so you need to go in the ui editor.
Then click on File. Press and hold on the item you want to move. Move it.
Below you can see the exact same thing done in QT 4.12.3 and Window 10.
Press file
Press and hold on the desired item
Drag the selected item where you want
Now the 'Save as' is above 'Save'
Select your action in Designer
Press Ctrl + Up/Down
Ctrl + Up/Down is working for me (Qt desinger 5.15.0)

Is there a keyboard shortcut to close inline cell output in Atom in Hydrogen?

Now it seems that that the only option is to click the close button.
The following worked for me: put cursor at the end of line preceding the output and just hit Enter.

How to change cursor from horizontal to vertical in R Studio? [duplicate]

I am using R-studio 3.3.3 on a 64 bit windows 10 Acer laptop. I am new to programming in R and I just discovered that my cursor sometimes changes from a vertical line to an underscore in R-studio. Could someone help tell me why?
Press the Insert button on your keyboard.
This is a very common operation in different software and platforms. The underscore means that you are in Overwrite mode, meaning that anything you type will overwrite the text at the cursor position.
The "normal" cursor indicates that you are in insert mode and all text you type will force the rest of the line to move further.
Switching between these modes happens by pressing the Insert key on your keyboard (usually there are two of them, one somewhere above of the arrow keys and another on the Num Pad).
press ins button or fn+ins to solve this problem underscore cursor means you are on overwrite mode
Right click and select Reload.
This can happen when trying to press the Delete key - the Insert key is to left side of Delete.
Press Insert again to correct this.
shift + insert at a same time from keyboard
For those using HP laptops: the only solution will be to turn on your numeric key num which is below the home key at the top right corner of your keypad/keyboard; on the same key, you'll see the inscription "lock". Then hit alt key on the left of the long spacebar on your keypad/keyboard. Then hold it together with the 0 key on the bottom right side of the keypad/keyboard with the inscription ins which is the same as the insert key. You should be able to get back the vertical cursor line. Hope this works for someone.

Shortcut key for changing code cell to markdown cell in jupyter notebook

Kind of silly, but is there a shortcut key to change a code cell to markdown cell?
To place a markdown cell, I have to insert a cell, then go to the toolbar menu (below the main menu bar), and then select "Markdown" instead of "Code".
Press M whilst in command mode (highlight around the selected cell should be blue, not green), use Esc to switch to command mode and Enter to switch back to edit mode.
So, if you're editing a cell, the key presses to change the cell to a markdown cell are Esc, M, Enter.
You can look up all the Jupyter notebook keyboard commands by pressing the keyboard icon in the toolbar. You can also edit your keyboard shortcuts by going to Help > Edit Keyboard Shortcuts
check help on the menu, there is keyboard shortcuts
select the code cell, press "esc + m ",and it will be a markdown cell.
moreover, from markdown cell to code cell, press " esc + y ".
Navigate to the required cell and press the Esc key on your keyboard followed by the M key
If you're using vim-bindings, the shortcut changes to Ctrl+2, also in command mode as in #Louise Davies answer.
