Symbolicate command not found when fully symbolicate the crash report in Xamarin iOS - xamarin.forms

I get this error when I submit App to AppStore:
I searched the net and found this article:
I tried to follow the step-by-step instructions as follows:
I downloaded the crashlog.txt files and changed the extension to .crash, moved it to the folder CrashTop
I found the .app file by changing MyApp.ipa to and extracting it. It's in the folder PayLoad. I copied the file MyApp.iOS to the folder CrashTop
In Xcode/Window/Organizer. Archives Show in Finder opens showing the package contents. I found the dSYMs folder and copied the .dSYM file to the folder CrashTop
Next i Open Terminal and run this command:
alias symbolicate="/Applications/ -v"
export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"
Run Symbolicate
Open Terminal again and cd to the directory folder CrashTop and run the command
symbolicate -o "symbolicatedCrash.txt" "crashlog-DCE8F822-47EB-42F9-A737-5D137FD827FE.crash" ""
But what I get back is: command not found: symbolicate
It's been 10 days. I've tried searching all over the internet. But it doesn't solve the problem. I also used Microsoft.AppCenter.Crashes to catch the error. However, it shows no errors. On xcode (13.3.1) simulator it works fine.
Please solution to solve this problem.
Ask for any help from everyone.
Copy all files to CrashTop folder.
Run command:
export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"
./symbolicatecrash -v crashlog-DCE8F822-47EB-42F9-A737-5D137FD827FE.crash
-> I get the error: zsh: no such file or directory: ./symbolicatecrash

Do not set alias .
You can copy symbolicatecrash file and paste it to the CrashTop folder .
and run the command
./symbolicatecrash -v MyApp-Crash-log.crash MyApp.dSYM


How to fix "warning: could not open directory" after "git add ." command on Mac OS X Maverick

I'm new to R and RStudio and am currently taking online classes to learn more about data science. In one of my lectures, I'm being asked to create a project in RStudio prior to creating a repository in github and linking the project with git. In order to make a pre-existing project interact with git, the instructions in my lecture are telling me to navigate to the directory containing my project file by using the "cd" command followed by the location of the file and file name. My project file is currently located on my desktop so I typed in "cd ~ /Desktop/temporary_no_version_control" however, the directory doesn't seem to change and remains set on the original location of the file which was in Users/savannahkeiffer. Just so I could complete the assignment, I re-located the file to my user file and tried to follow the rest of the instructions which told me to type "git init" followed by "git add ." which is where I run into the "warning: could not open directory" warning.
I have a macbook which runs on OS X Maverick. I went into my system preferences > security and privacy and selected Full Disk Access where I manually allowed terminal to have access to all the files on my laptop. However, after closing and re-opening RStudio and attempting the commands again, I got the same error.
This is what I entered when I tried to change the directory
Savannahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ savannahkeiffer$ cd ~
Savannahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ savannahkeiffer$ git init
Reinitialized existing Git repository in
And what I got when I changed the location of the project on my laptop in order to complete the assignment (after already giving access to terminal)
Savannahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ savannahkeiffer$ cd ~
/Users/savannahkeiffer/first project/temporary_no_version_control
Savannahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ savannahkeiffer$ git init
Reinitialized existing Git repository in
Savannahs-MacBook-Air-2:~ savannahkeiffer$ git add .
warning: could not open directory 'Pictures/Photos
Library.photoslibrary/': Operation not permitted
warning: could not open directory 'Library/Application
Support/MobileSync/': Operation not permitted
warning: could not open directory 'Library/Application
Support/CallHistoryTransactions/': Operation not permitted
warning: could not open directory 'Library/Application
Support/': Operation not permitted
warning: could not open directory 'Library/Application
Support/AddressBook/': Operation not permitted
And so on.. Is this a directory problem or a "git add ." command problem?
It looks like what happened is that when you typed the cd command, you left a space in between the tilde and the rest of the path, so you changed back into your home directory (represented by the tilde). Then, when you tried to do a git init, you tried to initialize your home directory as a Git repository, and then ran into the fact that macOS restricts some programs (in your case, not Terminal, but maybe still Git) from accessing certain directories.
In the shell, the tilde is just a fancy way of spelling the environment variable $HOME, which points to your home directory (in this case, /Users/savannahkeiffer), so it should immediately precede the rest of the path without a space in between.
The best thing to do in this case is switch into your project directory and then initialize a repository there:
cd ~/Desktop/temporary_no_version_control # note the lack of space after the tilde
git init
If you didn't intend for your home directory to be a repository (i.e., you're not storing your dotfiles in a repository there), then you will probably also want to remove the .git directory from your home directory by running rm -fr ~/.git. Be careful when typing this, as rm removes data without prompting and an unfortunate space could result in all your data being deleted.
Hello this was an issue I had also but in Windows. It was a simple fix, user error. I hadn't used gitbash for awhile so I forgot the process with working in gitbash. First mistake I made was after opening gitbash I directly executed the git status command. That's when I got the "warning: could not open the directory" message. You need to using the cd (change directory) command and the dir (directory) command to navigate to the folder that has the files you want to "git add ." and "git commit -m". Once you get to that folder you will be able to use the "git status" command to see your changes then proceed as normal. I had to post this because it took me hours before I realized what I was doing wrong. No other stack post pointed this obvious user mistake. Hope it helps you.

missing .dependencies in user/ when bin/grav

I'm trying to install Grav on Heroku following the docs.
I've got the web app deployed successfully, however it tells me to bin/grav install.
I do that and it gives me the following output:
ERROR Missing .dependencies file in user/ folder
I do not know what to do at this point as it's happened everytime I've installed Grav.
Hope this will be solved.
Sadly this problem is all too common when copying files :(
hidden (dotted) files are not always copied.
using ls -l -a in the folder where you extracted the files originally Dowloads/grav I could see the files that were not copied to fix it
cp .dependencies .htaccss /var/www/grav/
When I install GRAV on my server each time, I always copy the Zip file to the server, unzip it in place, then remove the zip file - using this method I have never had a problem with the installing of GRAV
HTH Rich

Drush generates .make file on server but it is not in the working directory?

I am a Drupal newbie and trying to clone my site which is hosted on an Aegir server (using BOA). I ran 'Drupal generate-makefile' command in the working directory (the directory in which site is located) and the file did get generated - but it is not in the working directory. I also tried forcing a path using 'Drupal make-generate path/to/store/makefile/makefilename' but the command ran and ended with an error 'call to an undefined function drush_make_error()'. Any ideas where the file may be getting generated? Also, any tips on how I can force a path for .make file would be really helpful!
Maybe it depends on your Drush version, but with Drush 5.x the makefile is sent to stout.
This is how I use make-generate if I want my makefile written in /root/:
drush make-generate -r /path/of/my/drupal/installation > /root/drupal-org.make

jar file not found iexpress

I am using iexpress to make my .jar files into .exe files
for this I add the jar file(myjarfile.jar) and in run command box I type : java -jar myjarfile.jar
but after creating the .exe the cmd that is flashing says cannot find the jar file myjarfile.jar
can any body help me find what I am doing wrong
To test this, I built a simple HelloWorld.jar file (using these instructions) and tested it like so:
java -jar HelloWorld.jar
Then I made an IExpress package with it. The Install program was exactly the command I used above. This worked exactly as it should.
Two possible causes of the error:
In the IExpress wizard, there's a checkbox Store files using Long File Name inside Package. You should definitely select this option; ignore the warning that appears, as it applies to Windows 95/98. In the .sed file, this is:
Check that the .exe actually contains myjarfile.jar. 7-Zip will open the .exe and show you the archive contents. (IExpress .exe files are just a CAB file with a wrapper.) If the file is missing, then you'll need to check your .sed file to see what went wrong.

Clean Yeoman install results in a Grunt error

I am running grunt server after a clean install of Yeoman, using the Webapp generator and I get the following error:
Warning: Errno::ENOENT on line 441 of /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb: No such file or directory - /Users/nfento/Sites/test/app/bower_components
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace Use --force to continue.
Any idea what would be causing this? I have been able to reproduce the error on two machines. I'm completely new to using grunt, but have used it as a server with livereload previously.
Maybe is a bit late but:
check if you have a app/bower_components folder
if not check if there is a bower_components folder in the root
if it exists move it in the /app folder
create a file .bowerrcand paste this in:
{"directory": "app/bower_components"}
