Hello everyone I hope you guys are having a good one,
I have the following date frame:
I would like to be able to extract the longest string for each value under the column ID TX knowing that each cell may have different strings or maybe just one but in some instances they may be separated by punctuation such as "," "--", "," "--" ect or even a space " ".
I have thought of the following I need to first replace punctuation by a white space " " then.. separate or split each cell by " " after that I will calculate the length of each string perhaps with nchart() or str_length() and select the index of the string the the longest value, but I have not been able yet to do so as I cant mannage to select the index (word) that I need after splitting the values since I dont know in what index the longest string may be.. my desired output would be:
sidenote: no worries there will not be ties.
Thank you so much guys for your help I will be very alert to award you for your response!
# Your data
dat <- structure(list(ID_TX = c("HUDJDUDOOD--BANNK2--OLDODOLD985555545UIJF",
"UJDID YUH23498 IDX09", "854 UIJSAZXC"), GROUP = 1:3), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
# Splitting strings in the data
spl <- strsplit(dat$ID_TX, "--|\\s")
# Identify the position of the longest string in each row
idx <- spl|> lapply(nchar) |> lapply(which.max) |> unlist()
# Select the longest string and bind them to a data.frame
mapply(function(x,y) spl[[x]][y], seq_along(idx),idx) |>
as.data.frame() |>
# The result
#1 OLDODOLD985555545UIJF
#2 YUH23498
I have some text as follows:
inputString<- “Patient Name:MRS Comfor Atest Date of Birth:23/02/1981 Hospital Number:000000 Date of Procedure:01/01/2010 Endoscopist:Dr. Sebastian Zeki: Nurses:Anthony Nurse , Medications:Medication A 50 mcg, Another drug 2.5 mg Instrument:D111 Extent of Exam:second part of duodenum Visualization:Good Tolerance: Good Complications: None Co-morbidity:None INDICATIONS FOR EXAMINATION Illness Stomach pain. PROCEDURE PERFORMED Gastroscopy (OGD) FINDINGS Things found and biopsied DIAGNOSIS Biopsy of various RECOMMENDATIONS Chase for histology. FOLLOW UP Return Home"
I want to extract parts of the test in to their own columns according to some text boundaries I have set:
myWords<-c("Patient Name","Date of Birth","Hospital Number","Date of Procedure","Endoscopist","Second Endoscopist","Trainee","Referring Physician","Nurses"."Medications")
Not all of the delimiter words are in the text (but they are always in the same order).
I have a function that should separate them out (with the column title as the start of the word boundary:
inputStringdf <- data.frame(inputString,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
inputStringdf <- inputStringdf %>%
tidyr::separate(inputString, into = c("added_name",delim),
sep = paste(delim, collapse = "|"),
extra = "drop", fill = "right")
However, when there is no finding between two delimiters, or if the delimiters do not exist, rather than place NA in the column, it just fills it with the next text found between two delimiters. How can I make sure that the correct columns are filled with the correct text as defined by the delimiters?
Using the input shown in the Note at the end transform it into DCF format and then read it in using read.dcf which converts the input lines into a character matrix m. See ?read.dcf for more info. No packages are used.
pat <- sprintf("(%s)", paste(myWords, collapse = "|"))
g <- gsub(pat, "\n\\1", paste0(Lines, "\n"))
m <- read.dcf(textConnection(g))
Here are the first three columns:
m[, 1:3]
## Patient Name Date of Birth Hospital Number
## [1,] "MRS Comfor Atest" "23/02/1981" "000000"
## [2,] "MRS Comfor Atest" NA "000000"
The input is assumed to have one record per patient like this example which has two records. We have just repeated the first patient for simplicity in synthesizing an input data set except we have omitted the Date of Birth in the second record.
Lines <- c(inputString, sub("Date of Birth:23/02/1981 ", "", inputString))
I have a large dataframe of 22641 obs. and 12 variables.
The first column "year" includes extracted values from satellite images in the format below.
From this format, I only want to keep the date which in this case is 19870517 and format it as date (so two different things). Usually, I use the regex to extract the words that I want, but here the date is different for each cell and I have no idea how to replace the above text with only the date. Maybe the way to do this is to search by position within the sentence but I do not know how.
Any ideas?
It's not clear what the "date is different in each cell" means but if it means that the value of the date is different and it is always the 7th field then either of (1) or (2) will work. If it either means that it consists of 8 consecutive digits anywhere in the text or 8 consecutive digits surrounded by _ anywhere in the text then see (3).
1) Assuming the input DF shown in reproducible form in the Note at the end use read.table to read year, pick out the 7th field and then convert it to Date class. No packages are used.
transform(read.table(text = DF$year, sep = "_")[7],
year = as.Date(as.character(V7), "%Y%m%d"), V7 = NULL)
## year
## 1 1987-05-17
2) Another alternative is separate in tidyr. 0.8.2 or later is needed.
DF %>%
separate(year, c(rep(NA, 6), "year"), extra = "drop") %>%
mutate(year = as.Date(as.character(year), "%Y%m%d"))
## year
## 1 1987-05-17
3) This assumes that the date is the only sequence of 8 digits in the year field use this or if we know it is surrounded by _ delimiters then the regular expression "_(\\d{8})_" can be used instead.
year = do.call("c", strapply(DF$year, "\\d{8}", ~ as.Date(x, "%Y%m%d"))))
## year
## 1 1987-05-17
DF <- data.frame(year = "1_1_1_1_LT05_127024_19870517_00005ff8aac6b6bf60bc",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Not sure if this will generalize to your whole data but maybe:
perl = TRUE
## [1] "19870517"
This uses group capturing and throws away anything but bounded 8 digit strings.
You can use sub to extract the data string and as.Date to convert it into R's date format:
as.Date(sub(".+?([0-9]+)_[^_]+$", "\\1", txt), "%Y%m%d")
# [1] "1987-05-17"
where txt <- "1_1_1_1_LT05_127024_19870517_00005ff8aac6b6bf60bc"
I think I might have some issues with understanding the regular expressions in R.
I need to extract phone numbers and names from a sample vector and create a data-frame with corresponding columns for names and numbers using stringr package functionality.
The following is my sample vector.
phones <- c("Ann 077-789663", "Johnathan 99656565",
"Maria2 099-65-6569 office")
The code that I came up with to extract those is as follows
numbers <- str_remove_all(phones, pattern = "[^0-9]")
numbers <- str_remove_all(numbers, pattern = "[a-zA-Z]")
numbers <- trimws(numbers)
names <- str_remove_all(phones, pattern = "[A-Za-z]+", simplify = T)
phones_data <- data.frame("Name" = names, "Phone" = numbers)
It doesn't work, as it takes the digit in the name and joins with the phone number. (not optimal code as well)
I would appreciate some help in explaining the simplest way for accomplishing this task.
Not a regex expert, however with stringr package we can extract a number pattern with optional "-" in it and replace the "-" with empty string to extract numbers without any "-". For names, we extract the first word at the beginning of the string.
data.frame(Name = str_extract(phones, "^[A-Za-z]+"),
Number = gsub("-","",str_extract(phones, "[0-9]+[-]?[0-9]+[-]?[0-9]+")))
# Name Number
#1 Ann 077789663
#2 Johnathan 99656565
#3 Maria 099656569
If you want to stick completely with stringr we can use str_replace_all instead of gsub
data.frame(Name = str_extract(phones, "[A-Za-z]+"),
Number=str_replace_all(str_extract(phones, "[0-9]+[-]?[0-9]+[-]?[0-9]+"), "-",""))
# Name Number
#1 Ann 077789663
#2 Johnathan 99656565
#3 Maria 099656569
I think Ronak's answer is good for the name part, I don't really have a good alternative to offer there.
For numbers, I would go with "numbers and hyphens, with a word boundary at either end", i.e.
numbers = str_extract(phones, "\\b[-0-9]+\\b") %>%
# Can also specify that you need at least 5 numbers/hyphens
# in a row to match
numbers2 = str_extract(phones, "\\b[-0-9]{5,}\\b") %>%
That way, you're not locked into a fixed format for the number of hyphens that appear in the number (my suggested regex allows for any number).
If you (like me) prefer to use base-R and want to keep the regex as simple as possible you could do something like this:
phone_split <- lapply(
strsplit(phones, " "),
function(x) {
name_part <- grepl("[^-0-9]", x)
name = paste(x[name_part], collapse = " "),
phone = x[!name_part]
name phone
"Ann" "077-789663"
name phone
"Johnathan" "99656565"
name phone
"Maria2 office" "099-65-6569"
do.call(rbind, phone_split)
name phone
[1,] "Ann" "077-789663"
[2,] "Johnathan" "99656565"
[3,] "Maria2 office" "099-65-6569"
I have a string in R as
x <- "The length of the word is going to be of nice use to me"
I want the first 10 words of the above specified string.
Also for example I have a CSV file where the format looks like this :-
Keyword,City(Column Header)
The length of the string should not be more than 10,New York
The Keyword should be of specific length,Los Angeles
This is an experimental basis program string,Seattle
Please help me with getting only the first ten words,Boston
I want to get only the first 10 words from the column 'Keyword' for each row and write it onto a CSV file.
Please help me in this regards.
Regular expression (regex) answer using \w (word character) and its negation \W:
^ Beginning of the token (zero-width)
((\\w+\\W+){9}\\w+) Ten words separated by not-words.
(\\w+\\W+){9} A word followed by not-a-word, 9 times
\\w+ One or more word characters (i.e. a word)
\\W+ One or more non-word characters (i.e. a space)
{9} Nine repetitions
\\w+ The tenth word
.* Anything else, including other following words
$ End of the token (zero-width)
\\1 when this token found, replace it with the first captured group (the 10 words)
How about using the word function from Hadley Wickham's stringr package?
word(string = x, start = 1, end = 10, sep = fixed(" "))
Here is an small function that unlist the strings, subsets the first ten words and then pastes it back together.
string_fun <- function(x) {
ul = unlist(strsplit(x, split = "\\s+"))[1:10]
paste(ul,collapse=" ")
df <- read.table(text = "Keyword,City(Column Header)
The length of the string should not be more than 10 is or are in,New York
The Keyword should be of specific length is or are in,Los Angeles
This is an experimental basis program string is or are in,Seattle
Please help me with getting only the first ten words is or are in,Boston", sep = ",", header = TRUE)
df <- as.data.frame(df)
Using apply (the function isn't doing anything in the second column)
df$Keyword <- apply(df[,1:2], 1, string_fun)
Probably this is a more general way to use the function.
df[,1] <- as.character(df[,1])
df$Keyword <- unlist(lapply(df[,1], string_fun))
# Keyword City.Column.Header.
# 1 The length of the string should not be more than New York
# 2 The Keyword should be of specific length is or are Los Angeles
# 3 This is an experimental basis program string is or Seattle
# 4 Please help me with getting only the first ten Boston
x <- "The length of the word is going to be of nice use to me"
head(strsplit(x, split = "\ "), 10)
I have a string in R as
x <- "The length of the word is going to be of nice use to me"
I want the first 10 words of the above specified string.
Also for example I have a CSV file where the format looks like this :-
Keyword,City(Column Header)
The length of the string should not be more than 10,New York
The Keyword should be of specific length,Los Angeles
This is an experimental basis program string,Seattle
Please help me with getting only the first ten words,Boston
I want to get only the first 10 words from the column 'Keyword' for each row and write it onto a CSV file.
Please help me in this regards.
Regular expression (regex) answer using \w (word character) and its negation \W:
^ Beginning of the token (zero-width)
((\\w+\\W+){9}\\w+) Ten words separated by not-words.
(\\w+\\W+){9} A word followed by not-a-word, 9 times
\\w+ One or more word characters (i.e. a word)
\\W+ One or more non-word characters (i.e. a space)
{9} Nine repetitions
\\w+ The tenth word
.* Anything else, including other following words
$ End of the token (zero-width)
\\1 when this token found, replace it with the first captured group (the 10 words)
How about using the word function from Hadley Wickham's stringr package?
word(string = x, start = 1, end = 10, sep = fixed(" "))
Here is an small function that unlist the strings, subsets the first ten words and then pastes it back together.
string_fun <- function(x) {
ul = unlist(strsplit(x, split = "\\s+"))[1:10]
paste(ul,collapse=" ")
df <- read.table(text = "Keyword,City(Column Header)
The length of the string should not be more than 10 is or are in,New York
The Keyword should be of specific length is or are in,Los Angeles
This is an experimental basis program string is or are in,Seattle
Please help me with getting only the first ten words is or are in,Boston", sep = ",", header = TRUE)
df <- as.data.frame(df)
Using apply (the function isn't doing anything in the second column)
df$Keyword <- apply(df[,1:2], 1, string_fun)
Probably this is a more general way to use the function.
df[,1] <- as.character(df[,1])
df$Keyword <- unlist(lapply(df[,1], string_fun))
# Keyword City.Column.Header.
# 1 The length of the string should not be more than New York
# 2 The Keyword should be of specific length is or are Los Angeles
# 3 This is an experimental basis program string is or Seattle
# 4 Please help me with getting only the first ten Boston
x <- "The length of the word is going to be of nice use to me"
head(strsplit(x, split = "\ "), 10)