Angular primeng v11.x setting scroll height to p-tree not displaying scroll - angular11

i am using primeng v11.x and using p-tree to display hierarchy values. As the list is quite big, i want to fix a height. i am using following but the scroll bar not appearing in the p-tree.
<div class="tree-component">
disabled="disabled || readonly"


Node divs not showing default classes

Am using manage display to display nodes
The divs show no default classes as in the case below
<div content="25000">25,000</div>
How do I resolve this?
I have not tried anything yet.

How to animate an update of the flex container width based on the change of an angular component's variable

Consider a container, which contains an icon as well as a label next to the icon. The container has a flex-Layout, which means its width is adjusted to the width of its content. I am only displaying the label if a boolean variable "showLabel" is set in my ts-component. This is simply done by adding *ngIf="showLabel" to the label inside my HTML file:
<div class="container">
<i class="material-icons">{{ iconName }}<i>
<label *ngIf="showLabel">{{ label }}</label>
I can toggle the "showLabel" variable upon clicking a button. In this case, the width of the container shrinks, since the label disappears. I would like to animate this process, while at the same time not specifying any hard coded width. Is there a way to achieve this?

Button On Bootstrap Nav bar

I'm using React and gotten the above with
<Nav bsStyle="tabs">
<NavItem active>Nav Item 1</NavItem>
<NavItem>Nav Item 2</NavItem>
But this gives a warning about unknown props as Button is not meant to be nested inside Nav.
What's the proper way to do this? If i set Nav's css to float:left, the thin line will end at the last NavItem instead of the entire width, and other components apart from the button will move to the right of the Nav bar.

Angularjs configure md-tabs arrow (color, visibility)

I am using angularjs material tabs .
Firstly, how to set the color for the left and right arrows?
<md-toolbar >
<div class="md-toolbar-tools tb">
<md-tabs class="tab">
<md-tab ng-repeat = "item in toDoList track by $index" label="{{}}" >
For example, set the color of the arrows from white to other colors(like red) in the image and fiddle below
jsfiddle 1
Next, how to make the arrows always visible? In the image and jsfiddle below, if there is no tab overflow, the left and right arrows will not appear.
jsfiddle 2
Lastly, is there any formal/specific name for the left and right arrows, like pagination arrow? Because I can't find much related topic about the md-tabs arrow, maybe I used the incorrect keyword for the arrow.
For arrows color you can use this rule :
md-toolbar:not(.md-menu-toolbar) md-icon{
jsfiddle 1
But to make them always visible, I don't think it's possible unless you modify the Angular Material source code

Overflow on slides at React Slick render

I don't think that's the normal behavior or React Slick, but when initialize my page (via address bar), the carousel looks like that :
As you can see, there's a brown bar at right side of the screen.
But when I resize my browser window, it displays well.
Is there any way to prevent that when rendering the component?
I figured out what caused this behavior on my component, I was defining the height of the slide this way :
const heightCarousel = '80vh'
<Slider {...settings}>
<div style={{height:heightCarousel, background:'#F4CC67', padding:'15px 0', textAlign:'center'}}><h3>1</h3></div>
<div style={{height:heightCarousel, background:'#AA8326', padding:'15px 0', textAlign:'center'}}><h3>2</h3></div>
Instead of below, which lets React-slick defining the width automatically of each slide :
<Slider {...settings}>
<div style={{background:'#F4CC67', textAlign:'center'}}><div><h2>TEST</h2></div></div>
<div style={{background:'#AA8326', textAlign:'center'}}><h3>2</h3></div>
Note that you cannot define height inside a slide or you will get the same issue, but you still can play with padding to style your content inside.
