Nginx redirect being ignored - nginx

I'm trying to create a redirect for all URLs on a domain that contains /comfy/ to another domain, but keeping the rest of the request.
For example
In nginx in the server block for I have
location ~ ^/comfy/(.*) {
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;
but i'm still getting a 404, with the original domain, ie it's still accessing
I have also tried
rewrite ^(/comfy/)(.*)$$2 permanent;
rewrite ^/comfy/(.*)$1 break;
but these are failing too. What am I missing?

Ok, turns out I needed to do
location ~ ^/system/comfy/cms/(.*) {
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;


Nginx 301 redirect with wildcard

Need to create a nginx 301 redirect.
From: /blog/some-article
To: /blog/article/some-article
Current nginx configuration:
location /blog/(.*)$ {
rewrite ^/blog/(.*)$ ^/blog/article$1 redirect;
Current configuration result:
This URL with multiple 301 redirects
How to configure this redirect properly?
Any help will be appreciated, thanks.
You can use a negative lookahead assertion in the regular expression to avoid the redirection loop.
This needs to be done at the location level.
You can avoid using two regular expressions by using a return statement instead or the rewrite. rewrite...redirect is implemented as return 302, whereas a rewrite...permanent would be implemented as return 301.
For example:
location ~ ^(/blog/)((?!article/).+)$ {
return 301 $1article/$2;

Nginx Redirects

I'm struggling with a nginx redirect that I've set up.
Basically, I want to redirect /case-study/ to /case-studies/ but don't want to redirect any url past /case-study/*.
I have this setup already:
location = /case-study/ {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /case-studies/ permanent;
Which works for /case-study/ but also redirects any url after /case-study/test-url-redirect
Cany anyone help me out on this one.
The simplest way is to make it a regex location like so:
location ~ /case-study(/?)$ {
return 301 /case-studies/;
Should match /case-study and /case-study/ and redirect to /case-studies/ but not redirect anything that is under case-study

Nginx URL rewrite

I have a website that has laravel setup to run under
So, most Laravel pages have URLs of type OR etc.
Nginx is the underlying server and it has the following configuration to handle these requests:
location /lara/ {
try_files $uri $uri/ /lara/index.php?$query_string;
Everything works ok.
Now, I need to setup a special page with the URL which actually is handled by
To get this working I added the following rewrite right below location /lara/, that is:
rewrite ^/mystuff/(.*)$ /lara/category/29/$1 last;
Unfortunately, I get a page not found error. Any insights?
Further investigation & research:
location /mystuff/ {
return 301 /lara/index.php/category/29;
worked although that's not (browser address bar changes to) what I actually want.
2) Looks like Laravel is not seeing the updated REQUEST_URI.
Try this
server {
rewrite ^/lara/(.*)\..*$ $1/mystuff last;
return 403;

nginx 301 rewrite root domain works but files are not being redirected

I'm trying to redirect a domain to another url in nginx and it works partially.
It looks like this:
location / {
rewrite ^/(.*) http://www.some_domain.tld/some_dir/some_file.php permanent;
It redirects fine the root domain, however if I try to load http://www.my_old_domain.tld/some_file.php it won't do the same. It'll load the page.
Thoughts ?
Try using this
location /
return 301;

How to redirect any request to a specific page if the visitor was using a certain name?

How can I get visitors redirected to a specific html page if the name used to resolve the server address was a specific one? I tried
if ($http_host ~ /forbiddenname/)
rewrite ^(.*)$ /updateyourlinks.html break;
inside the Server section, but doesn't work...
After some research I found that I should use instead of an if a virtual host... what I've added to nginx configuration is another server
server {
listen 80;
server_name *;
rewrite ^;
and this apparently works
