Difference between Axon Framework and Axon server [closed] - axon

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Closed 10 months ago.
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what is the difference between Axon Framework and Axon Server

Axon Server is a zero-configuration message router and an event store. It serves two purposes
it routes messages (commands, queries, and events) between distributed components (microservices) in a location transparent way.
it stores events allowing distributed (often event sourced) applications to have a single source of truth.
Axon Framework is an open-source Java framework for building event-driven applications (monolith, modulith or microservices). It makes it easy for developers to implement architectural principles, such as Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Command-Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS), and Event Sourcing (ES)
You could use Axon Framework without Axon Server if you don't have a distributed architecture or when you want to build the communication between components yourself.
You could theoretically use Axon Server without Axon Framework but you'd have to communicate with it through a relatively low-level API.
From everything said above, it should be clear that Axon Framework and Axon Server are designed to complement each other and be used together (at least in a mission-critical application).


A synchronous http client for rust? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for a low overhead HTTP client in Rust to create a custom runtime for AWS lambda. All the implementations that I find (including the official runtime from AWS) are based on hyper/tokio and I don't want the overhead nor the added binary weight.
Do you know one ? Is there a reason all frameworks are based on tokio ?
Is there a reason all frameworks are based on tokio ?
Tokio crate is contributed by many people and maintained by them as well. Since it is developed and maintained well, It is a wise idea to put new crates on top of this base.
This is why many libraries are depending Tokio and it's variant/relevant crates.
Since Tokio is based on minimal sub crates like tokio-tcp, tokio-codec , tokio-io, tokio-executor etc. these crates can be imported seperately so your release size will be considerably small.
If you insist on not using any tokio dependency, there are still some options but they will be developed and maintained by relatively less contributor.
Here are some HTTP Client options which are not using Tokio:
easy-http-request (You can try to build http client on top of that)
There are plenty options apart from these alternatives, but in my opinion I import the minimal tokio relevant crates and implement my application on top of them.

Integeration of Spring MVC and Drools? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am new to Drools and due to some specific generalization requirement, I have to implement JBoss Drools with Spring MVC project.I am totally unaware of how to get ahead with it. I would appreciate any tutorials as well as documentation to know about the integration and getting started process. Thanks
From my own experience, the drools-spring library didn't provide much benefit, and there were issues such as dependencies on specific versions of Spring.
In truth, there's very little integration involved in getting up and running with Drools in a Spring application. My approach is to just create a Spring bean to wrap a Drools knowledge base.
public class MyKnowledgeService {
private KnowledgeBase knowledgeBase;
private StatefulKnowledgeSession knowledgeSession;
The constructor can initialise the knowledge base and session (if you're using a stateful session). This way, you have a single Spring-managed instance of your knowledge base. Beyond that you just need to put a few methods on your service to enable interactions. These might just delegate to Drools operations. i.e. insert(Object) and fireAllRules().

Eclipse RCP/RAP: Can anyone recommend a data-binding framework? [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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I have been given the task of porting an Access application to Eclipse RCP/RAP. The databases will remain unchanged, just the front-end will be redeveloped.
Having spent some away from eclipse development, I'm wondering what kind of support is available for data-binding to databases. What about controls such as DataGrid (edit/insert/delete rows), multi-line list items and so on?
What frameworks are there? Which ones are still being actively developed?
I'm not aware of any possibility to bind widgets directly to a database. You'll need to build a Java representation of your database models. Depending on the size of your project, Hibernate or EclipseLink will be preferable to JDBC.
JFace provides data binding that is easy to include into an RCP application. And with Grid and NatTable, there are two SWT implementations of advanced tables available, but I don't know how well they are supported by JFace data binding. Check the nebula project for other advanced widgets.
Eclipse Riena also provides advanced data binding (by conveniently wrapping JFace), but this is only one of many features. There is an experimental implementation that allows to run Riena applications on RAP.

Book to know more about XML Web Services in ASP.NET [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am involved in a project with UI comprising mainly of Action Script.
My role as an ASP.NET programmer is to pull data from DB using Web Services and
supply it as XML to the Action Script.
It would help me immensely if I could learn more about XML Web Services in ASP.NET.
I searched for a new book in this topic but couldn't find any book completely dedicated to the topic.
I have found many books published at around 2002 or so.
I would like to know whether there is a good new book that would be handy for my project.
It would be better if they use 3.5 technologies like Linq to XML and all.
Thank you.
If you're only just starting to do web services in ASP.NET, I would strongly recommend you go and check out WCF. It's the current and future standard for communications between machines - web services and a lot more. The "old-style" ASMX web services are on their way out.
The book I always recommend to get up and running in WCF quickly is Learning WCF by Michele Leroux Bustamante. She covers all the necessary topics, and in a very understandable and approachable way. This will teach you everything - basics, intermediate topics, security, transaction control and so forth - that you need to know to write high quality, useful WCF services.
alt text http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41wYa%2BNiPML._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg
Also, I'd strongly recommend the Pluralsight series of WCF screen casts. I love books and they are great to read up on stuff - but sometimes, I find it easier to actually see someone show how to really code the thing and see it work and run. Highly recommended, 10-20 minute for each video, very informative and useful indeed!

What embedded HTTP server library options should I look at? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking to write a small proxy server for kicks and giggles.
Apart from the options in libWWW, can anyone recommend any opensource options for the HTTP server and client code? Thinking of a library of some kind similar to libWWW.
Chosen language is C/C++ but open to Java, C#, Python... etc. :-)
If you choose the Java way, take a look at Jetty. It's full featured HTTP server which is very easy to embed and pretty lightweight.
Jetty is great indeed. However, if you want a proxy server, take a look at RabbIT proxy. It is well designed and amenable to modifications. e.g. We implemented a filter that serialized certain XML text in requests to Java objects, and similarly deserialized responses.
There's a wide array of choices depending on what you want to do. For example, to handle NTLM authentication, you have cNTLM (C) or NTLMAPS (Python) or jCIFS library (Java).
If you're considering to make your proxy server in Asynchronous way in C/C++.
Here's some of open source projects you might want to check out:
libevent provides one - good choice for light use. but recursion on large data is not provided..
mongoose - nice API, good abstraction, but it uses select() and realloc() based i/o buffer, Also dual license for commercial use.
libevhtp - developed as a replacement of libevent's http module.
GNU's libmicrohttpd - good feature set.
libasyncd - I'm the author. It features general asynchronous framework and comes with HTTP handler.
I'm only able to make 2 links on my answer, but you can easily find the project homes by googling them.
