I am running a Montecarlo simulation of a multinomial logit. Therefore I have a function that generates the data and estimates the model. Additionally, I want to generate different datasets over a grid of values. In particular, changing both the number of individuals (n.indiv) and the number of answers by each individual (n.choices).
So far, I have managed to solve it, but at some point, I incurred into a nested for-loop structure over a grid search of the possible values for the number of individuals (n.indiv_list) and the number of answers by each individual(n.choices_list). Finally, I am quite worried about the efficiency of the usage of my last bit of code with the double for-loop structure running on the combinations of the possible values. Probably there is a vectorized way to do it that I am missing (or maybe not?).
Finally, and this is mostly a matter of style, I managed to arrive a multiples objects that contain the models from the combinations of the grid search with informative names, but also would be great if I could collapse all of them in a list but with the current structure, I am not sure how to do it. Thank you in advance!
1) Function that generates data and estimates the model.
#function that generates the data and estimates the model.
mlogit_sim_data <- function(...){
# generating number of (n.alter) X (n.choices)
df <- data.frame(id= rep(seq(1,n.choices ),n.alter ))
# id per individual
df <- df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(altern = sequence(n()))%>%
#Repeated scheme for each individual + id_ind
df <- cbind(df[rep(1:nrow(df), n.indiv), ], id_ind = rep(1:n.indiv, each = nrow(df)))
## creating attributes
df<- df %>%
group_by(altern) %>%
id_choice = sequence(n()))%>%
group_by(id_ind) %>%
z1 = rpois(1,lambda = 25),
z2 = rlnorm(1,meanlog = 5, sdlog = 0.5),
z3 = ifelse(runif(1, min = 0 , max = 1) > 0.5 , 1 , 0)
# Observed utility
df$V1 <- with(df, b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 )
#### Generate Response Variable ####
fn_choice_generator <- function(V){
U <- V + rgumbel(length(V), 0, 1)
1L * (U == max(U))
# Using fn_choice_generator to generate 'choice' columns
df <- df %>%
group_by(id_choice) %>%
fn_choice_generator, .names = "choice_{.col}")) %>% # generating choice(s)
select(-starts_with("V")) %>% ##drop V variables.
model_result <- mlogit(choice_V1 ~ 0 + x1 + x2 |1 ,
data = df,
idx = c("id_choice", "altern"))
error = function(e){
2) Grid search over possible combinations of the data
#List with the values that varies in the simulation
#number of individuals
n.indiv_list <- c(1, 15, 100, 500 )
#number of choice situations
n.choices_list <- c(1, 2, 4, 8, 10)
# Values that remains constant across simulations
#set number of alternatives
n.alter <- 3
## Real parameters
b1 <- 1
b2 <- 2
#Number of reps
nreps <- 10
#Set seed
#iteration over different values in the simulation
for(i in n.indiv_list) {
for(j in n.choices_list) {
n.indiv <- i
n.choices <- j
assign(paste0("m_ind_", i, "_choices_", j), lapply(X = 1:nreps, FUN = mlogit_sim_data))
You can vectorize using the map2 function of the purrr package:
n.indiv_list <- c(1, 15, 100, 500 )
#number of choice situations
n.choices_list <- c(1, 2, 4, 8, 10)
l1 <- length(n.indiv_list)
l2 <- length(n.choices_list)
v1 <- rep(n.indiv_list, each = l2)
v2 <- rep(n.choices_list, l1) #v1, v2 generate all pairs
> v1
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 15 15 15 15 15 100 100 100 100 100 500 500 500 500 500
> v2
[1] 1 2 4 8 10 1 2 4 8 10 1 2 4 8 10 1 2 4 8 10
result <- map2(v1, v2, function(v1, v2) assign(paste0("m_ind_", v1, "_choices_", v2), lapply(X = 1:nreps, FUN = mlogit_sim_data)))
result will be a list of your function outputs.
I have data where rows are points and columns are coordinates x,y,z.
I'd like to calculate euclidean distance between points in couple, as 3-4, 11-12, 18-19 and so on... for example, I dont' need distance between 3 and 11, 12, 18
The problem is that I have to analize 1074 tables with 1000 rows or more, so I'm searching a way to do it automatically, maybe considering tha fact that I want to calculate distance between an odd number and the even following one. I don't care too much about the output format, but pls consider that after I have to select only distances <3.2, so a dataframe format will be great.
How about something like this:
First, I'll make some fake data
df <- data.frame(
x = runif(1000, -1, 1),
y = runif(1000, -1, 1),
z = runif(1000, -1,1)
Make a sequence of values from 1 to the number of rows of your dataset by 2s.
s <- seq(1, nrow(df), by=2)
Use sapply() to make the distance between each pair of points.
out <- sapply(s, function(i){
sqrt(sum((df[i,] - df[(i+1), ])^2))
Organize the distances into a data frame
res <- data.frame(
pair = paste(rownames(df)[s], rownames(df)[(s+1)], sep="-"),
# pair dist
# 1 1-2 1.379992
# 2 3-4 1.303511
# 3 5-6 1.242302
# 4 7-8 1.257228
# 5 9-10 1.107484
# 6 11-12 1.392247
Here is a function that can be applied to a data.frame or matrix holding the data.
DistEucl <- function(X){
i <- cumsum(seq_len(nrow(X)) %% 2 == 1)
sapply(split(X, i), function(Y){
sqrt(sum((Y[1, ] - Y[2, ])^2))
# 1 2 3 4
#1.229293 1.234273 1.245567 1.195319
With the data in DaveArmstrong's answer, the results are the same except for a names attribute in the above function's return value.
out2 <- DistEucl(df)
all.equal(out, out2)
#[1] "names for current but not for target"
identical(out, unname(out2))
#[1] TRUE
Data in the question
x <- c(13.457, 13.723, 15.319, 15.713, 18.446, 19.488, 19.762, 19.743)
y <- c(28.513, 29.656, 28.510, 27.342, 28.827, 28.24, 29.841, 30.942)
z <- c(40.513, 40.147, 43.281, 43.218, 43.095, 43.443, 40.094, 40.559)
df1 <- data.frame(x, y, z)
I have a matrix of 1s and 0s where the rows are individuals and the columns are events. A 1 indicates that an event happened to an individual and a 0 that it did not.
I want to find which set of (in the example) 5 columns/events that cover the most rows/individuals.
Test Data
#Make test data
d <- sapply(1:300, function(x) sample(c(0,1), 30, T, c(0.9,0.1)))
colnames(d) <- 1:300
rownames(d) <- 1:30
My attempt
My initial attempt was just based on combining the set of 5 columns with the highest colMeans:
#Get top 5 columns with highest row coverage
col_set <- head(sort(colMeans(d), decreasing = T), 5)
#Have a look the set
197 199 59 80 76
0.2666667 0.2666667 0.2333333 0.2333333 0.2000000
#Check row coverage of the column set
sum(apply(d[,colnames(d) %in% names(col_set)], 1, sum) > 0) / 30 #top 5
[1] 0.7
However this set does not cover the most rows. I tested this by pseudo-random sampling 10.000 different sets of 5 columns, and then finding the set with the highest coverage:
#Get 5 random columns using colMeans as prob in sample
##Random sample 10.000 times
result <- lapply(1:10000, function(x){
col_set2 <- sample(colMeans(d), 5, F, colMeans(d))
cover <- sum(apply(d[,colnames(d) %in% names(col_set2)], 1, sum) > 0) / 30 #random 5
list(set = col_set2, cover = cover)
##Have a look at the best set
result[which.max(sapply(result, function(x) x[["cover"]]))]
59 169 262 68 197
0.23333333 0.10000000 0.06666667 0.16666667 0.26666667
[1] 0.7666667
The reason for supplying the colMeans to sample is that the columns with the highest coverages are the ones I am most interested in.
So, using pseudo-random sampling I can collect a set of columns with higher coverage than when just using the top 5 columns. However, since my actual data sets are larger than the example I am looking for a more efficient and rational way of finding the set of columns with the highest coverage.
For the interested, I decided to microbenchmark the 3 solutions provided:
#Defining G. Grothendieck's coverage funciton outside his solutions
coverage <- function(ix) sum(rowSums(d[, ix]) > 0) / 30
#G. Grothendieck top solution
solution1 <- function(d){
cols <- tail(as.numeric(names(sort(colSums(d)))), 20)
co <- combn(cols, 5)
itop <- which.max(apply(co, 2, coverage))
co[, itop]
#G. Grothendieck "Older solution"
solution2 <- function(d){
ones <- rep(1, 300)
res <- lp("max", colSums(d), t(ones), "<=", 5, all.bin = TRUE, num.bin.solns = 10)
m <- matrix(res$solution[1:3000] == 1, 300)
cols <- which(rowSums(m) > 0)
co <- combn(cols, 5)
itop <- which.max(apply(co, 2, coverage))
co[, itop]
#user2554330 solution
bestCols <- function(d, n = 5) {
result <- numeric(n)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
result[i] <- which.max(colMeans(d))
d <- d[d[,result[i]] != 1,, drop = FALSE]
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(solution1 = solution1(d),
solution2 = solution2(d),
solution3 = bestCols(d), times = 10)
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
solution1 390811.850 497155.887 549314.385 578686.3475 607291.286 651093.16 10
solution2 55252.890 71492.781 84613.301 84811.7210 93916.544 117451.35 10
solution3 425.922 517.843 3087.758 589.3145 641.551 25742.11 10
This looks like a relatively hard optimization problem, because of the ways columns interact. An approximate strategy would be to pick the column with the highest mean; then delete the rows with ones in that column, and repeat. You won't necessarily find the best solution this way, but you should get a fairly good one.
For example,
d <- sapply(1:300, function(x) sample(c(0,1), 30, T, c(0.9,0.1)))
colnames(d) <- 1:300
rownames(d) <- 1:30
bestCols <- function(d, n = 5) {
result <- numeric(n)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
result[i] <- which.max(colMeans(d))
d <- d[d[,result[i]] != 1,, drop = FALSE]
cat("final dim is ", dim(d))
col_set <- bestCols(d)
sum(apply(d[,colnames(d) %in% col_set], 1, sum) > 0) / 30 #top 5
This gives 90% coverage.
The following provides a heuristic to find an approximate solution. Find the N=20 columns, say, with the most ones, cols, and then use brute force to find every subset of 5 columns out of those 20. The subset having the highest coverage is shown below and its coverage is 93.3%.
coverage <- function(ix) sum(rowSums(d[, ix]) > 0) / 30
N <- 20
cols <- tail(as.numeric(names(sort(colSums(d)))), N)
co <- combn(cols, 5)
itop <- which.max(apply(co, 2, coverage))
co[, itop]
## [1] 90 123 197 199 286
coverage(co[, itop])
## [1] 0.9333333
Repeating this for N=5, 10, 15 and 20 we get coverages of 83.3%, 86.7%, 90% and 93.3%. The higher the N the better the coverage but the lower the N the less the run time.
Older solution
We can approximate the problem with a knapsack problem that chooses the 5 columns with largest numbers of ones using integer linear programming.
We get the 10 best solutions to this approximate problem, get all columns which are in at least one of the 10 solutions. There are 14 such columns and we then use brute force to find which subset of 5 of the 14 columns has highest coverage.
ones <- rep(1, 300)
res <- lp("max", colSums(d), t(ones), "<=", 5, all.bin = TRUE, num.bin.solns = 10)
coverage <- function(ix) sum(rowSums(d[, ix]) > 0) / 30
# each column of m is logical 300-vector defining possible soln
m <- matrix(res$solution[1:3000] == 1, 300)
# cols is the set of columns which are in any of the 10 solutions
cols <- which(rowSums(m) > 0)
## [1] 14
# use brute force to find the 5 best columns among cols
co <- combn(cols, 5)
itop <- which.max(apply(co, 2, coverage))
co[, itop]
## [1] 90 123 197 199 286
coverage(co[, itop])
## [1] 0.9333333
You can try to test if there is a better column and exchange this with the one currently in the selection.
n <- 5 #Number of columns / events
i <- rep(1, n)
for(k in 1:10) { #How many times itterate
tt <- i
for(j in seq_along(i)) {
x <- +(rowSums(d[,i[-j]]) > 0)
i[j] <- which.max(colSums(x == 0 & d == 1))
if(identical(tt, i)) break
#[1] 90 123 197 199 286
mean(rowSums(d[,i]) > 0)
#[1] 0.9333333
Taking into account, that the initial condition influences the result you can take random starts.
n <- 5 #Number of columns / events
x <- apply(d, 2, function(x) colSums(x == 0 & d == 1))
diag(x) <- -1
idx <- which(!apply(x==0, 1, any))
x <- apply(d, 2, function(x) colSums(x != d))
diag(x) <- -1
x[upper.tri(x)] <- -1
idx <- unname(c(idx, which(apply(x==0, 1, any))))
res <- sample(idx, n)
for(l in 1:100) {
i <- sample(idx, n)
for(k in 1:10) { #How many times itterate
tt <- i
for(j in seq_along(i)) {
x <- +(rowSums(d[,i[-j]]) > 0)
i[j] <- which.max(colSums(x == 0 & d == 1))
if(identical(tt, i)) break
if(sum(rowSums(d[,i]) > 0) > sum(rowSums(d[,res]) > 0)) res <- i
#[1] 90 123 197 199 286
mean(rowSums(d[,res]) > 0)
#[1] 0.9333333
first define some function to bind list rowwise and column wise
# a function to append vectors row wise
rbindlist <- function(list) {
n <- length(list)
res <- NULL
for (i in seq(n)) res <- rbind(res, list[[i]])
cbindlist <- function(list) {
n <- length(list)
res <- NULL
for (i in seq(n)) res <- cbind(res, list[[i]])
# generate sample data
sample.dat <- list()
for(i in 1:365){
vec1 <- sample(c(0,1), replace=TRUE, size=5)
sample.dat[[i]] <- vec1
dat <- rbindlist(sample.dat)
dat has five columns. Each column is a location and has 365 days of the year (365 rows) with values 1 or 0.
I have another dataframe (see below) which has certain days of the year for each column (location) in dat.
# generate second sample data
sample.dat1 <- list()
for(i in 1:5){
vec1 <- sort(sample(c(258:365), replace=TRUE, size=4), decreasing = F)
sample.dat1[[i]] <- vec1
dat1 <- cbindlist(sample.dat1)
I need to use dat1 to subset days in dat to do a calculation. An example below:
1) For location 1 (first column in both dat1 and dat):
In column 1 of dat, select the days from 289 till 302 (using dat1), find the longest consecutive occurrence of 1.
Repeat it and this time select the days from 303 (302 + 1) till 343 from dat, find the longest consecutive occurrence of 1.
Repeat it for 343 till 353: select the days from 344 (343 + 1) till 353, find the longest consecutive occurrence of 1.
2) Do this for all the columns
If I want to do sum of 1s, I can do this:
dat <- as.tibble(dat)
dat1 <- as.tibble(dat1)
pmap(list(dat,dat1), ~ {
range1 <- ..2[1]
range2 <- ..2[2]
range3 <- ..2[3]
range4 <- ..2[4]
sum.range1 <- sum(..1[range1:range2]) # this will generate sum between range 1 and range 2
sum.range2 <- sum(..1[range2:range3]) # this will generate sum between range 2 and range 3
sum.range3 <- sum(..1[range3:range4]) # this will generate sum between range 3 and range 4
For longest consequtive occurrence of 1 between each range, I thought of using the rle function. Example below:
pmap(list(dat,dat1), ~ {
range1 <- ..2[1]
range2 <- ..2[2]
range3 <- ..2[3]
range4 <- ..2[4]
spell.range1 <- rle(..1[range1:range2]) # sort the data, this shows the longest run of ANY type (0 OR 1)
spell.1.range1 <- tapply(spell.range1$lengths, spell.range1$values, max)[2] # this should select the maximum consequtive run of 1
spell.range2 <- rle(..1[range2:range3]) # sort the data, this shows the longest run of ANY type (0 OR 1)
spell.1.range2 <- tapply(spell.range2$lengths, spell.range2$values, max)[2] # this should select the maximum consequtive run of 1
spell.range3 <- rle(..1[range3:range4]) # sort the data, this shows the longest run of ANY type (0 OR 1)
spell.1.range3 <- tapply(spell.range3$lengths, spell.range3$values, max)[2] # this should select the maximum consequtive run of 1
c(spell.1.range1 = spell.1.range1, spell.1.range2 = spell.1.range2, spell.1.range3 = spell.1.range3)
I get an error which I think is because I am not using the rle function properly here. I would really like to keep the code as above since
my others code are in the same pattern and format of the outputs is suited for my need, so I would appreciate if someone can suggest how to fix it.
OP's code does work for me. So, without a specific error message it is impossible to understand why the code is not working for the OP.
However, the sample datasets created by the OP are matrices (before they were coerced to tibble) and I felt challenged to find a way to solve the task in base R without using purrr:
To find the number of consecutive occurences of a particular value val in a vector x we can use the following function:
max_rle <- function(x, val) {
y <- rle(x)
len <- y$lengths[y$value == val]
if (length(len) > 0) max(len) else NA
max_rle(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1), 1)
[1] 4
max_rle(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1), 0)
[1] 2
# find consecutive occurrences in column batches
lapply(seq_len(ncol(dat1)), function(col_num) {
start <- head(dat1[, col_num], -1L)
end <- tail(dat1[, col_num], -1L) - 1
sapply(seq_along(start), function(range_num) {
max_rle(dat[start[range_num]:end[range_num], col_num], 1)
[1] 8 4 5
[1] 4 5 2
[1] NA 3 4
[1] 5 5 4
[1] 3 2 3
The first lapply() loops over the columns of dat and dat1, resp. The second sapply() loops over the row ranges stored in dat1 and subsets dat accordingly.
I have a matrix temp1 (dimensions Nx16) (generally, NxM)
I would like to sum every k columns in each row to one value.
Here is what I got to so far:
cbind(rowSums(temp1[,c(1:4)]), rowSums(temp1[,c(5:8)]), rowSums(temp1[,c(9:12)]), rowSums(temp1[,c(13:16)]))
There must be a more elegant (and generalized) method to do it.
I have noticed similar question here:
sum specific columns among rows
couldn't make it work with Ananda's solution;
Got following error:
sapply(split.default(temp1, 0:(length(temp1)-1) %/% 4), rowSums)
Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions
Please advise.
You can use by:, by(t(temp1), (seq(ncol(temp1)) - 1) %/% 4, FUN = colSums))
If the dimensions are equal for the sub matrices, you could change the dimensions to an array and then do the rowSums
m1 <- as.matrix(temp1)
n <- 4
dim(m1) <- c(nrow(m1), ncol(m1)/n, n)
res <- matrix(rowSums(apply(m1, 2, I)), ncol=n)
#[1] TRUE
Or if the dimensions are unequal
t(sapply(seq(1,ncol(temp2), by=4), function(i) {
indx <- i:(i+3)
rowSums(temp2[indx[indx <= ncol(temp2)]])}))
temp1 <-, 16*4, replace=TRUE), ncol=16))
temp2 <-, 17*4, replace=TRUE), ncol=17))
Another possibility:
## check
x0<-cbind(rowSums(temp1[,c(1:4)]), rowSums(temp1[,c(5:8)]), rowSums(temp1[,c(9:12)]), rowSums(temp1[,c(13:16)]))
Here's another approach. Convert the matrix to an array and then use apply with sum.
n <- 4
apply(array(temp1, dim=c(dim(temp1)/c(1,n), n)), MARGIN=c(1,3), FUN=sum)
Using #akrun's data
temp1 <- matrix(sample(1:20, 16*4, replace=TRUE), ncol=16)
a function which sums matrix columns with each group of size n columns
mat <- matrix(rnorm(24 * 16), 24, 16)
f <- function(mat, n = 4) {
if (ncol(mat) %% n != 0)
cols <- split(colSums(mat), rep(1:(ncol(mat) / n), each = n))
## or use this to have n mean the number of groups you want
# cols <- split(colSums(mat), rep(1:n, each = ncol(mat) / n))
sapply(cols, sum)
f(mat, 4)
# 1 2 3 4
# -17.287137 -1.732936 -5.762159 -4.371258
c(sum(mat[,1:4]), sum(mat[,5:8]), sum(mat[,9:12]), sum(mat[,13:16]))
# [1] -17.287137 -1.732936 -5.762159 -4.371258
More examples:
## first 8 and last 8 cols
f(mat, 8)
# 1 2
# -19.02007 -10.13342
## each group is 16 cols, ie, the entire matrix
f(mat, 16)
# 1
# -29.15349
# [1] -29.15349