Error: Syntax: Missing comma or ) in argument list - julia

I am trying to run the below code and getting the below error -
Error: Syntax: Missing comma or ) in argument list
Below is the complete code, I watned to create.
function tournamentWinner(competetions, results)
teams = Dict()
for i in range(1, length(results))
if (results[i] == 1) && (competetions[i][0] not in teams)
teams[competetions[i][0]] = 1
elseif (results[i] == 1) && (competetions[i][0] in teams)
teams[competetions[i][0]] += 1
elseif (results[i] == 0) && (competetions[i][1] not in teams)
teams[competetions[i][1]] = 1
elseif (results[i] == 0) && (competetions[i][1] in teams)
teams[competetions[i][1]] += 1
return findmax(teams)[2]
competetions = [["HTML", "Java"],["Java", "Python"], ["Python", "HTML"],["C#", "Python"],["Java", "C#"],["C#", "HTML"]]
results = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]
tournamentWinner(competetions, results)

The below code worked for me, replaced 'in', 'not in' with 'haskey', '!haskey' for dictionary
function tournamentWinner(competetions, results)
teams = Dict()
for i in range(1, length(results))
if (results[i] == 1) && !haskey(teams, competetions[i][1])
teams[competetions[i][1]] = 1
elseif (results[i] == 1) && haskey(teams, competetions[i][1])
teams[competetions[i][1]] += 1
elseif (results[i] == 0) && !haskey(teams, competetions[i][2])
teams[competetions[i][2]] = 1
elseif (results[i] == 0) && haskey(teams, competetions[i][2])
teams[competetions[i][2]] += 1
return findmax(teams)[2]
competetions = [["HTML", "Java"],["Java", "Python"], ["Python", "HTML"],["C#", "Python"],["Java", "C#"],["C#", "HTML"]]
results = [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]
tournamentWinner(competetions, results)


ASP.NET MVC Entity Framework 5 get true,false or both result

I have a table that I am filtering on. There is a four filters status, project, department, KPI
KPI is a boolean value. This filter has three value. True, False or both.
So, when the filter is true, it should return 'true' data, when the filter is 'false', return 'false' data; and when 'all' return both true and false data.
My code attached below, how can I enhance this code ? Can I write this with out if else conditions
var result = new List<TaskMaster>();
bool kpidata;
if (request.IsKPI == 1) { kpidata = true; } else { kpidata = false; }
//For KPI Tasks
if (request.IsKPI == 1 || request.IsKPI == 0)
result = await _context.TaskMaster.Where(c => c.IsActive && (c.Status == request.Status || request.Status == "All") && (c.ProjectId == request.ProjectId || request.ProjectId == 0) && (c.IsKPI == kpidata) && (c.AssignedTo.DepartmentId == request.DepartmentId || request.DepartmentId == 0)).Include(y => y.TaskActionLogs)
.Include(y => y.AssignedTo)
.Include(y => y.AssignedBy)
.Include(y => y.Project)
//For Non-KPI Tasks
else {
result = await _context.TaskMaster.Where(c => c.IsActive && (c.Status == request.Status || request.Status == "All") && (c.ProjectId == request.ProjectId || request.ProjectId == 0) && (c.AssignedTo.DepartmentId == request.DepartmentId || request.DepartmentId == 0)).Include(y => y.TaskActionLogs)
.Include(y => y.AssignedTo)
.Include(y => y.AssignedBy)
.Include(y => y.Project)
Revise the code, both queries are almost identical except c.IsKPI == kpidata part.
Few ways to remove the redundant:
Write the IQueryable query and append the .Where() if the condition meets. You are fine to append/extend the query before the query is materialized (via .ToList(), .First() etc.).
var result = new List<TaskMaster>();
bool kpidata;
if (request.IsKPI == 1) { kpidata = true; } else { kpidata = false; }
IQueryable<TaskMaster> query = _context.TaskMaster
.Where(c => c.IsActive
&& (c.Status == request.Status || request.Status == "All")
&& (c.ProjectId == request.ProjectId || request.ProjectId == 0)
&& (c.AssignedTo.DepartmentId == request.DepartmentId || request.DepartmentId == 0));
//For KPI Tasks
if (request.IsKPI == 1 || request.IsKPI == 0)
query = query.Where(c => c.IsKPI == kpidata);
result = await query.Include(y => y.TaskActionLogs)
.Include(y => y.AssignedTo)
.Include(y => y.AssignedBy)
.Include(y => y.Project)
You can also migrate the if logic to the query too.
&& (!(request.IsKPI == 1 || request.IsKPI == 0) || c.IsKPI == kpidata)
If !(request.IsKPI == 1 || request.IsKPI == 0) returns true, the c.IsKPI == kpidata part will be omitted.
result = await _context.TaskMaster
.Where(c => c.IsActive
&& (c.Status == request.Status || request.Status == "All")
&& (c.ProjectId == request.ProjectId || request.ProjectId == 0)
&& (c.AssignedTo.DepartmentId == request.DepartmentId || request.DepartmentId == 0)
&& (!(request.IsKPI == 1 || request.IsKPI == 0) || c.IsKPI == kpidata))
.Include(y => y.TaskActionLogs)
.Include(y => y.AssignedTo)
.Include(y => y.AssignedBy)
.Include(y => y.Project)
(request.IsKPI == 1 || request.IsKPI == 0)
can also be revised to:
(new List<int> { 0, 1 }).Contains(request.IsKPI)

Lua timer script producing all-numeric value instead of proper time

My timer script writes this into the file when it saves the value.
Example Time in file: 1638185640
Example of time displayed in game:
name = "Timer"
description = "Just a normal Timer."
positionX = 0
positionY = 0
sizeX = 24
sizeY = 10
scale = 1
START_STOP_KEY = 0x55 --or 'U'
RESET_KEY = 0x4A --or 'J'
Timer Module Script by SebyGHG original script by Onix64(Stopwatch)
if you wish to change the key you can take the key code from here
]] -------------script-code-------------
state = 1
stopTime = 0
startTime = 0
f = io.input("timesave.txt")
result = f :read()
f :close()
stopTime = result
state = 2
function keyboard(key, isDown)
if (isDown == true) then
if (key == RESET_KEY) then
state = 0
elseif (key == START_STOP_KEY) then
if (state == 0) then
state = 1
startTime = os.time()
elseif (state == 1) then
state = 2
timesave= ("timesave.txt","w"))
stopTime = os.time() -stopTime
elseif (state == 2) then
state = 1
startTime =startTime + os.time() - stopTime
TimerText = "00:00"
TextColor = {r = 30, g = 255, b = 30, a = 255}
function doubleDigit(number)
if (number < 10) then
return "0" .. math.floor(number)
return math.floor(number)
function timeText(time)
local result = ""
local days = 0
while (time > 86399) do
days = days + 1
time = time - 86400
local hours = 0
while (time > 3599) do
hours = hours + 1
time = time - 3600
local minutes = 0
while (time > 59) do
minutes = minutes + 1
time = time - 60
if (days == 0) then
if (hours == 0) then
return doubleDigit(minutes) .. ":" .. doubleDigit(time)
return math.floor(hours) .. " : " .. doubleDigit(minutes) .. ":" .. doubleDigit(time)
return math.floor(days) ..
" : " .. doubleDigit(hours) .. " : " .. doubleDigit(minutes) .. ":" .. doubleDigit(time)
function update()
if (state == 0) then
TextColor = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 255}
TimerText = "00:00"
elseif (state == 1) then
TimerText = timeText(os.time() - startTime)
TextColor = {r = 0, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255}
elseif (state == 2) then
TimerText = timeText(stopTime - startTime)
TextColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 0, a = 255}
function render()
local font = gui.font()
local tw = font.width(TimerText)
gfx.color(0, 0, 0, 0)
gfx.rect(0, 0, tw + 4, 10)
gfx.color(TextColor.r, TextColor.g, TextColor.b, TextColor.a)
gfx.text(2, 1, TimerText)
It looks like you are saving the Unix Timestamp to your file, you can try and make it human readable using an online time converter (
Besides this, take some time to read the os.time() implementation details on this lua page:
The time function, when called without arguments, returns the current date and time, coded as a number. (In most systems, that number is the number of seconds since some epoch.)
If you want the time in between certain action, save the initial timestamp and diff it at the end of the action. This is natively supported in lua using os.difftime(). (

Post wall facebook Autoit

I'm learning Autoit and have searched for a UDF as below, expecting people to help
Func FB_Post($Handle, $Content, $Pri = 0, $UID = False)
Local $Post_pri[3] = ["300645083384735", "291667064279714", "286958161406148"], $data, $UserID = ($UID ? $UID : $Handle[1]), $Post_body, $Get_id
If not IsArray($Handle) then Return SetError(1, 0, False)
If $Pri < 0 Or $Pri > 2 or (not IsNumber($Pri)) Then $Pri = 0
$data = "privacyx=" & ($UID ? "" : $Post_pri[$Pri]) & "&xhpc_targetid=" & $UserID &"&xhpc_message=" & _URIEncode($Content) & "&fb_dtsg=" & $Handle[2]
$Post_body = _HttpRequest(2, "",$data, $Handle[0], "" & ($UID ? $UID :$Handle[1]))
$Get_id = StringRegExp($Post_body, "top_level_post_id":"(.*?)"",3)
If #error then Return SetError(2, 0, True)
Return $Get_id[0]
Click Full Source

winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1 with progress bar

It is possible, in AU3, use WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 with a progress bar? Actually what I need is to know how many MB have already been downloaded.
I need to use "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1" because I have to use the parameter "Referer" in the header.
Of course it is
#include "WinHttp.au3"
; Download some gif
; Initialize and get session handle
$hOpen = _WinHttpOpen()
; Get connection handle
$hConnect = _WinHttpConnect($hOpen, "")
; Specify the reguest
$hRequest = _WinHttpOpenRequest($hConnect, Default, "dd3ffab90cc338666f192fd86f6a4f8f/tumblr_n0pefhIpss1swyb6ao1_500.gif")
; Send request
; Wait for the response
;~ ConsoleWrite(_WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest) & #CRLF)
ProgressOn("Downloading", "In Progress...")
Progress(_WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest, $WINHTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH))
Local $sData
; Check if there is data available...
If _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable($hRequest) Then
While 1
$sChunk = _WinHttpReadData_Ex($hRequest, Default, Default, Default, Progress)
If #error Then ExitLoop
$sData &= $sChunk
MsgBox(48, "Error", "Site is experiencing problems (or you).")
; Close handles
; Do whatever with data, write to some file or whatnot. I'll just print it to console here:
ConsoleWrite($sData & #CRLF)
Local $hFile = FileOpen(#DesktopDir & "\test.gif", 26)
FileWrite($hFile, $sData)
Func Progress($iSizeAll, $iSizeChunk = 0)
Local Static $iMax, $iCurrentSize
If $iSizeAll Then $iMax = $iSizeAll
$iCurrentSize += $iSizeChunk
Local $iPercent = Round($iCurrentSize / $iMax * 100, 0)
ProgressSet($iPercent, $iPercent & " %")
Func _WinHttpReadData_Ex($hRequest, $iMode = Default, $iNumberOfBytesToRead = Default, $pBuffer = Default, $vFunc = Default)
__WinHttpDefault($iMode, 0)
__WinHttpDefault($iNumberOfBytesToRead, 8192)
__WinHttpDefault($vFunc, 0)
Local $tBuffer, $vOutOnError = ""
If $iMode = 2 Then $vOutOnError = Binary($vOutOnError)
Switch $iMode
Case 1, 2
If $pBuffer And $pBuffer <> Default Then
$tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iNumberOfBytesToRead & "]", $pBuffer)
$tBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $iNumberOfBytesToRead & "]")
Case Else
$iMode = 0
If $pBuffer And $pBuffer <> Default Then
$tBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[" & $iNumberOfBytesToRead & "]", $pBuffer)
$tBuffer = DllStructCreate("char[" & $iNumberOfBytesToRead & "]")
Local $sReadType = "dword*"
Local $aCall = DllCall($hWINHTTPDLL__WINHTTP, "bool", "WinHttpReadData", _
"handle", $hRequest, _
"struct*", $tBuffer, _
"dword", $iNumberOfBytesToRead, _
$sReadType, 0)
If #error Or Not $aCall[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, "")
If Not $aCall[4] Then Return SetError(-1, 0, $vOutOnError)
If IsFunc($vFunc) Then $vFunc(0, $aCall[4])
If $aCall[4] < $iNumberOfBytesToRead Then
Switch $iMode
Case 0
Return SetExtended($aCall[4], StringLeft(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1), $aCall[4]))
Case 1
Return SetExtended($aCall[4], BinaryToString(BinaryMid(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1), 1, $aCall[4]), 4))
Case 2
Return SetExtended($aCall[4], BinaryMid(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1), 1, $aCall[4]))
Switch $iMode
Case 0, 2
Return SetExtended($aCall[4], DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1))
Case 1
Return SetExtended($aCall[4], BinaryToString(DllStructGetData($tBuffer, 1), 4))
You here find the WinHTTP.au3 here:
It is my favorite UDF!
I have comments all around the code to explain you the process.

Cant filter dynamic query

Hi i got question for the entity query. Please see my code
var list = from table in db.USER_BETTINGS
where table.UserID == UserId
&& table.UserID !="admin"
//&& table.WinningAfterRebate != 0m
&& table.BettingTransactionTime >= fromDate &&
table.BettingTransactionTime <= toDAte
//&& table.WinningAfterRebate !=0m
// orderby table.BettingTransactionNumber descending//table.BettingNumber descending//, table.BettingTransactionTime descending//
select table;
if (loteryNumber != 0)
list= list.Where(x => x.LotteryNumber == loteryNumber);
if (gameNum != 0)
list= list.Where(x => x.GameNumber == gameNum);
if (periodDate != "")
list= list.Where(x => x.PeriodDate == periodDate);
if (close.Equals("Y"))
list= list.Where(w => w.WinningAfterRebate != 0m);
list= list.Where(x => x.WinningAfterRebate == 0);
But the list not filtering , It return all record? Anyone got face this problem before?
You need some makeover in this code. You have unnecessarily used so many if condition, we need to get rid of that first. Change your query with the following.
var list =( from table in db.USER_BETTINGS
where table.UserID == UserId
&& table.UserID !="admin"
&& table.BettingTransactionTime >= fromDate
&& table.BettingTransactionTime <= toDAte
&& table.LotteryNumber == (loteryNumber != 0 ? loteryNumber : table.LotteryNumber)
&& table.GameNumber == (gameNum != 0 ? gameNum : table.GameNumber)
&& table.PeriodDate == (periodDate != string.Empty ? periodDate : table.PeriodDate )
&& (close.Equals("Y") ? table.WinningAfterRebate != 0 : table.WinningAfterRebate == 0)
