How to open wordpress post in new tab - wordpress

I'm using Hoot Business Theme, i can't find where I can insert target_blank" there is no loop.php in this theme. Is there any other way to open wordpress post in new tab?

The simplest way to achieve this without messing about in your template files is with jQuery:

You need to add target="_blank" in anchor tag HTML like :
<a href="#" target="_blank" > Label Name </a>


adding a custom link to a wordpress site

I have a wordpress menu plugin that comes with a theme, unfortunately the theme was limited in that, it did only provide on menu, I wanted to add another menu to it. I have found where I wanted to add my link in the theme. I found that one menu provided by the theme
</i> <?php _e('gallery', 'thematic'); ?>
And duplicated that twice, but the problem if the link takes me to a page
Is there anyway I can modify this link so it takes me to a page found ?
Can you change the href attribute of the link?
<i class="icon-suitcase5"></i> <?php _e('gallery', 'thematic'); ?>

Target="_blank" not working

Im develope website with wordpress, Im use plugin Magge Short code
I want to create a "link" with shortcode Magee. Here is my current code
[ms_social icon_size="25px" title="Instagrame" target="_blank" icon="fa-instagram" iconcolor="" effect_3d="yes" backgroundcolor="" iconboxedradius="normal" iconlink="" class="" id=""][/ms_social]
Everything works except _blank attribute, even putting "_blank". Can anyone help me fix my code to the link opens in a new tab?
Try this one
plugin :magee-shortcodes/shortcodes/class-social.php
line number: 71 or find this below code and add
$html=sprintf(' %s ',

How to add a custom button in Silverstripe editor?

I want to be able to let the user add a styled button in the content editor in silverstripe. They need to be able to edit the text inside the button and also need to be able to link it to another page or website. I believe you can do this using shortcodes or possibly having a button on the tiny_mce editor would be better?
<a href="">
<div class="ribbon">
<strong class="ribbon-content"><h1>Need to be editable</h1></strong>
JSFIDDLE - HTML & CSS for button
For a start that HTML isn't semantic - you've got inline elements around block elements, and unless this button is going to kick off a new section you shouldn't be using an H1 tag.
Ideally you can simplify your link markup to something like this:
<a href="" class="ribbon">
Editable text
Then you can easily apply the 'ribbon' class to the link in the editor, and the link can reside in a P, H1, H2 or whatever is appropriate for the context. Check out this module for some tips on taming the editor if you choose this approach.
If you need the markup to be more complex and include multiple elements then a shortcode is probably a better option. Shortcodable is a handy module for improving the editing experience for shortcodes in the CMS.

Wordpress RSS2 href attribute in <a> tags inside feed

I'm new to wordpress, in my feed (rss2) i've noticed that links are displayed like this:
<a title="myTitle" href="" target="_blank">my text</a>
As you can see the href attribute is empty because the rss2 function
get_the_content_feed with the filter "rss2" probably cut off href attribute.
Is it possible to retrieve href attribute?
Example of what I want
<a title="myTitle" href="" target="_blank">my text</a>
Thank you
I post this in case someone needs, I solved this problem, it was a plugin called RSS Image Feed ( that conflicted with ancor tags.
Disable it and it works again.

Wordpress: get link title

I want to use the jGrowl plugin with my custom wordpress theme.
my case: you click on a link and a growl-like message box opens. My message should be the link's title text.
But how can I echo/display this title? where can I get it from? I already did some research but couldn't find any solution.
(I really don't mean "the_title()" .. more like this one <a href="" title="">
just google it: "php get title from url".
You'll find some php classes.
You can use them to get Title of page from given url and use it in jGrowl.
