When to use spawn.with_shell and when spawn is only needed? - awesome-wm

I'm confused when i should use awful.spawn and when to use awful.spawn.with_shell. To me these look and work the same.
The only difference I see is that in awful.spawn you can set client rules and make a callback.
I would appreciate any examples or rules on when to use each one.

awful.spawn.with_shell really does not do more than spawning the given command with a shell: https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/blob/c539e0e4350a42f813952fc28dd8490f42d934b3/lib/awful/spawn.lua#L370-L371
function spawn.with_shell(cmd)
if cmd and cmd ~= "" then
cmd = { util.shell, "-c", cmd }
return capi.awesome.spawn(cmd, false)
So, why would one want that? Some things are done by shells. For example, output redirections (echo hi > some_file), command sequences (echo 1; echo 2) or pipes (echo hello | grep ell) are all done by a shell. None of these work when starting a process correctly.
Why would one not want a shell? For example, argument escaping is way more complicated when a shell is involved. When you e.g. want to start print a pipe symbol (no idea why one would need that), then awful.spawn({"echo", "|"}) just works, while with a shell you need to escape the pipe symbol the appropriate number of times. I guess that awful.spawn.with_shell("echo \\\|") would work, but I am not sure and this is the point.
Also, a shell that does nothing is an extra process and is a tiny bit slower than without a shell, but this difference is really unimportant.


How to use the following command from R: echo "${pipestatus[1]}"?

I need to check the exit status of a piped command from R on Debian, like here, but cannot make run echo "${pipestatus[1]}" successfully from R using system2/system function. The command works properly when I use command line.
The command I am trying to use in R can look like this (the shell I use is zsh):
system2("false", args = "|true;echo '${pipestatus[1]}'")
After some testing I can see that the exit status checking command cannot be quoted properly but I cannot figure out the correct way to do so.
Am I right that quoting this command properly is the issue? How to run this (echo "${pipestatus[1]}") command from R? Are there any alternatives to using the command in question to check exit status?
You can’t use zsh features here, since system2 doesn’t invoke a shell.
Instead, you’ll either need to use a raw system call or, better, explicitly invoke the shell in system2. You’ll also need to use double quotes instead of single quotes around ${pipestatus[1]} to allow expansion — otherwise zsh will interpret it as a literal string.
system2('zsh', c('-c', shQuote('false|true; echo "${pipestatus[1]}"')))

shell command # can't be carry out when it not used for comments on colab

I'm confused about this code! Why # cant't play a role that takes the length of a string?
!echo ${#string}
In fact, the code behind # has become commented and cannot be executed!
Any advice?
This works correctly, but you cannot mix python and bash variables in this way. Try this instead:
!string="abcd" && echo ${#string}
The two statements have to be on the same line because in IPython, each ! statement opens a temporary subshell and variables are not persisted between shells. If you want to use multiline bash programs, you can use the %%bash cell magic instead:
echo ${#string}

Parsing variable in loop incorrectly [duplicate]

I want to run certain actions on a group of lexicographically named files (01-09 before 10). I have to use a rather old version of FreeBSD (7.3), so I can't use yummies like echo {01..30} or seq -w 1 30.
The only working solution I found is printf "%02d " {1..30}. However, I can't figure out why can't I use $1 and $2 instead of 1 and 30. When I run my script (bash ~/myscript.sh 1 30) printf says {1..30}: invalid number
AFAIK, variables in bash are typeless, so how can't printf accept an integer argument as an integer?
Bash supports C-style for loops:
for i in ((i=s; i<e; i++)); do printf "%02d " "$i"; done
The syntax you attempted doesn't work because brace expansion happens before parameter expansion, so when the shell tries to expand {$1..$2}, it's still literally {$1..$2}, not {1..30}.
The answer given by #Kent works because eval goes back to the beginning of the parsing process. I tend to suggest avoiding making habitual use of it, as eval can introduce hard-to-recognize bugs -- if your command were whitelisted to be run by sudo and $1 were, say, '$(rm -rf /; echo 1)', the C-style-for-loop example would safely fail, and the eval example... not so much.
Granted, 95% of the scripts you write may not be accessible to folks executing privilege escalation attacks, but the remaining 5% can really ruin one's day; following good practices 100% of the time avoids being in sloppy habits.
Thus, if one really wants to pass a range of numbers to a single command, the safe thing is to collect them in an array:
a=( )
for i in ((i=s; i<e; i++)); do a+=( "$i" ); done
printf "%02d " "${a[#]}"
I guess you are looking for this trick:
printf "%02d " $(eval echo {$s..$e})
Ok, I finally got it!
#BSD-only iteration method
#for day in `jot $1 $2`
for ((day=$1; day<$2; day++))
echo $(printf %02d $day)
I initially wanted to use the cycle iterator as a "day" in file names, but now I see that in my exact case it's easier to iterate through normal numbers (1,2,3 etc.) and process them into lexicographical ones inside the loop. While using jot, remember that $1 is the numbers amount, and the $2 is the starting point.

is there a way to put comments in a unix command line?

I'm writing a program (in python) that calls a separate program (via subprocess). I'm finding that in some cases the sub program is getting stuck running. I can see the sub-program by running top, and if i press "c", I can see the full command line.
What I want, is to be able to stick debugging data (like current thread id, etc) in the command line when i'm calling the sub program, so I can futher debug my problem.
Is there a way to put comments in command line arguments such that they show up in top?
I can't think of a direct way but you could write a little shell script to which you pass the actual command to run plus argument and debugging information. It would show up in the top/ps output.
Instead of making them comments, put them in the environment. For example, if you have a /proc file system, you could do:
FOO=value cmd
When top shows the pid of the command, do:
tr '\000' '\012' < /proc/pid/environ | grep FOO
to see the value of FOO in the environment of the cmd. If the values contain newlines, you will need to be more careful about the display, something like:
perl -n0E 'say if /FOO/' /proc/pid/environ

cron syntax for date

The following statement work at command prompt. But does not work in a cron.
myvar=`date +'%d%m'`; echo $myvar >> append.txt
The cron log shows that only a part of the date statement is run.
How do I use it in a cron?
Escape the percent signs with a backslash (\%).
My general rule of thumb is "do not write scripts in the crontab file". That means I don't place anything other than a simple script name (with absolute path) and possibly some control arguments in the crontab file. In particular, I do not place I/O redirection or variable evaluations in the crontab file; such things go in a (shell) script run by the cron job.
This avoids the trouble - and works across a wide variety of variants of cron, both ancient and modern.
from man 5 crontab:
The sixth field (the rest of the
line) specifies the command to be run.
The entire command portion of the line, up to a newline or % character, will be
executed by /bin/sh or by
the shell specified in the SHELL variable of the cronfile.
Percent-signs (%) in the command, unless escaped with backslash (), will be changed into
newline characters, and all
data after the first % will be sent to the command as standard input.
Your %s are being changed to newlines, and the latter part of your command is being fed to the command as stdin. As Ignacio says, you need to escape the %s with a \
