Using quantifiers in look-arounds (R/stringr) - r

I'd like to extract the name John Doe from the following string:
str <- 'Name: | |John Doe |'
I can do:
str_extract(str,'(?<=Name: \\| \\|).*(?= \\|)')
[1] "John Doe"
But that involves typing a lot of spaces, and it doesn't work well when the number of spaces is not fixed. But when I try to use a quantifier (+), I get an error:
str_extract(str,'(?<=Name: \\| +\\|).*(?= +\\|)')
Error in stri_extract_first_regex(string, pattern, opts_regex = opts(pattern)) :
Look-Behind pattern matches must have a bounded maximum length. (U_REGEX_LOOK_BEHIND_LIMIT, context=`(?<=Name: \| +\|).*(?= +\|)`)
The same goes for other variants:
str_extract(str,'(?<=Name: \\|\\s+\\|).*(?=\\s+\\|)')
str_extract(str,'(?<=Name: \\|\\s{1,}\\|).*(?=\\s{1,}\\|)')
Is there a solution to this?

How about:
First we remove Name
Then we replace all special characters with space
and finally str_squish it
str_squish(str_replace_all( str_remove(str, "Name"), "[^[:alnum:]]", " "))
[1] "John Doe"

Another solution using base R:
sub("Name: \\|\\s+\\|(.*\\S)\\s+\\|", "\\1", str)
# [1] "John Doe"

You might also use the \K to keep what is matched so far out of the regex match.
Name: \|\h+\|\K.*?(?=\h+\|)
Name: \| match Name: |
\h+\| Match 1+ spaces and |
\K Forget what is matched so far
.*? Match as least as possible chars
(?=\h+\|) Positive lookahead, assert 1+ more spaces to the right followed by |
See a regex demo and a R demo.
str <- 'Name: | |John Doe |'
regmatches(str, regexpr("Name: \\|\\h+\\|\\K.*?(?=\\h+\\|)", str, perl=T))
[1] "John Doe"


grep in R, literal and pattern match

I have seen in manuals how to use grep to match either a pattern or an exact string. However, I cannot figure out how to do both at the same time. I have a latex file where I want to find the following pattern:
\caption[SOME WORDS]
and replace it with:
\caption[\textit{SOME WORDS}]
I have tried with:
texfile <- sub('\\caption[','\\caption[\\textit ', texfile, fixed=TRUE)
but I do not know how to tell grep that there should be some text after the square bracket, and then a closed square bracket.
You can use
texfile <- "\\caption[SOME WORDS]" ## -> \caption[\textit{SOME WORDS}]
texfile <-gsub('(\\\\caption\\[)([^][]*)]','\\1\\\\textit{\\2}]', texfile)
## -> \caption[\textit{SOME WORDS}]
See the R demo online.
(\\caption\[) - Group 1 (\1 in the replacement pattern): a \caption[ string
([^][]*) - Group 2 (\2 in the replacement pattern): any zero or more chars other than [ and ]
] - a ] char.
Another solution based on a PCRE regex:
gsub('\\Q\\caption[\\E\\K([^][]*)]','\\\\textit{\\1}]', texfile, perl=TRUE)
See this R demo online. Details:
\Q - start "quoting", i.e. treating the patterns to the right as literal text
\caption[ - a literal fixed string
\E - stop quoting the pattern
\K - omit text matched so far
([^][]*) - Group 1 (\1): any zero or more non-bracket chars
] - a ] char.

Splitting a comma- and semicolon-delimited string in R

I'm trying to split a string containing two entries and each entry has a specific format:
Category (e.g. active site/region) which is followed by a :
Term (e.g. His, Glu/nucleotide-binding motif A) which is followed by a ,
Here's the string that I want to split:
string <- "active site: His, Glu,region: nucleotide-binding motif A,"
This is what I have tried so far. Except for the two empty substrings, it produces the desired output.
unlist(str_extract_all(string, ".*?(?=,(?:\\w+|$))"))
[1] "active site: His, Glu" "" "region: nucleotide-binding motif A"
[4] ""
How do I get rid of the empty substrings?
You get the empty strings because .*? can also match an empty string where this assertion (?=,(?:\\w+|$)) is true
You can exclude matching a colon or comma using a negated character class before matching :
[^:,\n]+ Match 1+ chars other than : , or a newline
: Match the colon
.*? Match any char as least as possbiel
(?= Positive lookahead, assert that what is directly to the right from the current position:
, Match literally
(?:\w|$) Match either a single word char, or assert the end of the string
) Close the lookahead
Regex demo | R demo
string <- "active site: His, Glu,region: nucleotide-binding motif A,"
unlist(str_extract_all(string, "[^:,\\n]+:.*?(?=,(?:\\w|$))"))
[1] "active site: His, Glu" "region: nucleotide-binding motif A"
Much longer and not as elegant as #The fourth bird +1,
but it works:
string2 <- strsplit(string, "([^,]+,[^,]+),", perl = TRUE)[[1]][2]
string1 <- str_replace(string, string2, "")
string <- str_replace_all(c(string1, string2), '\\,$', '')
> string
[1] "active site: His, Glu"
[2] "region: nucleotide-binding motif A"

Extract exact matches from array

Assume I have text and I want to extract exact matches. How can I do this efficiently:
test_text <- c("[]", "[1234]", "[1234a]", "[v1256a] ghjk kjh",
"[othername1256b] kjhgfd hgj",
"[v1256] ghjk kjh", "[v1256] kjhgfd hgj",
" text here [name1991] and here",
"[name1990] this is an explanation",
"[name1991] this is another explanation",
expected <- c("[v1256a]", "[othername1256b]", "[v1256]", "[v1256]", "[name1991]",
"[name1990]", "[name1991]", "[mäölk1234]")
# This works:
regmatches(text, regexpr("\\[.*[0-9]{4}.*\\]", text))
But I guess something like "\\[.*[0-9]{4}(?[a-z])]\\]" would be better but it throws an error
Error in regexpr("\[.[0-9]{4}(?[a-z])]\]", text) : invalid
regular expression '[.[0-9]{4}(?[a-z])]]', reason 'Invalid regexp'
Only ONE letter should follow the year, but there can be none, see example. Sorry, I rarly use regexpr...
Updated question solution
It seems you want to extract all occurrences of 1+ letters followed with 4 digits and then an optional letter inside square brackets.
test_text <- c("[]", "[1234]", "[1234a]", "[v1256a] ghjk kjh",
"[othername1256b] kjhgfd hgj",
"[v1256] ghjk kjh", "[v1256] kjhgfd hgj",
" text here [name1991] and here",
"[name1990] this is an explanation",
"[name1991] this is another explanation",
regmatches(test_text, regexpr("\\[\\p{L}+[0-9]{4}\\p{L}?]", test_text, perl=TRUE))
# => c("[v1256a]", "[othername1256b]", "[v1256]", "[v1256]", "[name1991]",
# "[name1990]", "[name1991]", "[mäölk1234]")
See the R demo online. NOTE that you need to use a PCRE regex for this to work, perl=TRUE is crucial here.
\[ - a [ char
\p{L}+ - 1+ any Unicode letters
[0-9]{4} - four ASCII digits
\\p{L}? - an optional any Unicode letter
] - a ] char.
Original answer
regmatches(test_text, regexpr("\\[[^][]*[0-9]{4}[[:alpha:]]?]", test_text))
regmatches(test_text, regexpr("\\[[^][]*[0-9]{4}[a-zA-Z]?]", test_text))
See the regex demo and a Regulex graph:
\[ - a [ char
[^][]* - 0 or more chars other than [ and ] (HINT: if you only expect letters here replace with [[:alpha:]]* or [a-zA-Z]*)
[0-9]{4} - four digits
[[:alpha:]]? - an optional letter (or [a-zA-Z]? will match any ASCII optional letter)
] - a ] char
R test:
regmatches(test_text, regexpr("\\[[^][]*[0-9]{4}[[:alpha:]]?]", test_text))
## => [1] "[v1256a]" "[othername1256b]" "[v1256]" "[v1256]" "[name1991]" "[name1990]" "[name1991]"

How to completely remove head and tail white spaces or punctuation characters?

I have string_a, such that
string_a <- " ,A thing, something, . ."
Using regex, how can I just retain "A thing, something"?
I have tried the following and got such output:
sub("[[:punct:]]$|^[[:punct:]]","", trimws(string_a))
[1] "A thing, something, . ."
We can use gsub to match one or more punctuation characters including spaces ([[:punct:] ] +) from the start (^) or | those characters until the end ($) of the string and replace it with blank ("")
gsub("^[[:punct:] ]+|[[:punct:] ]+$", "", string_a)
#[1] "A thing, something"
Note: sub will replace only a single instance
Or as #Cath mentioned [[:punct:] ] can be replaced with \\W

How to strsplit using '|' character, it behaves unexpectedly?

I would like to split a string of character at pattern "|"
unlist(strsplit("I am | very smart", " | "))
[1] "I" "am" "|" "very" "smart"
gsub(pattern="|", replacement="*", x="I am | very smart")
[1] "*I* *a*m* *|* *v*e*r*y* *s*m*a*r*t*"
The problem is that by default strsplit interprets " | " as a regular expression, in which | has special meaning (as "or").
Use fixed argument:
unlist(strsplit("I am | very smart", " | ", fixed=TRUE))
# [1] "I am" "very smart"
Side effect is faster computation.
stringr alternative:
unlist(stringr::str_split("I am | very smart", fixed(" | ")))
| is a metacharacter. You need to escape it (using \\ before it).
> unlist(strsplit("I am | very smart", " \\| "))
[1] "I am" "very smart"
> sub(pattern="\\|", replacement="*", x="I am | very smart")
[1] "I am * very smart"
Edit: The reason you need two backslashes is that the single backslash prefix is reserved for special symbols such as \n (newline) and \t (tab). For more information look in the help page ?regex. The other metacharacters are . \ | ( ) [ { ^ $ * + ?
If you are parsing a table than calling read.table might be a better option. Tiny example:
> txt <- textConnection("I am | very smart")
> read.table(txt, sep='|')
V1 V2
1 I am very smart
So I would suggest to fetch the wiki page with Rcurl, grab the interesting part of the page with XML (which has a really neat function to parse HTML tables also) and if HTML format is not available call read.table with specified sep. Good luck!
Pipe '|' is a metacharacter, used as an 'OR' operator in regular expression.
unlist(strsplit("I am | very smart", "\s+\|\s+"))
