How to protect excel file name when exported from R - r

I use openxlsx package with different functions (i.e., protectsheet, protectworkbook, etc) in R. I need to protect the exported excel file names from editing. How can I prevent users from changing the excel file names? Thanks in advance.


Writing new data to an existing excel file that has an XML map attached, without losing the XML data in R

I am trying to write to an excel file that needs to be uploaded somewhere. The target software creates an excel file which has an XML map attached to it. I recreated the entire file structure in R using code, but any time I try to write to that excel file, i think R actually deletes the old file and creates a new one instead, because the XML map is gone the moment I start writing any data to it. Loading up the workbook also doesn't seem to bring in the xml map, only the workbook data and sheets.
Is there a way to write data to this existing file within R (or python) without losing the XML map? Now i need to generate a file and manually copy paste the data into the other excel file.
I've been trying with xlsx, readxl, xml2 packages.
In the past Ive deal with a similar problem. To my knowledge, almost all the R packages that interact with excel replace the entire file with a new one. Except the openxlsx package. You can replace specific sheets, and range of cells, whitout touching the rest (data, styling , etc..). One last comment is that I dont know much about XLM maps, but maybe you are lucky.
Here is the vignette:
Hope it helps

Exporting dataframe to an existing excel without using xlsx package R

I need to export multiple dataframes to an existing excel file. I'm working in AWS and as stated in this post Can't upload xlsx library in Amazon Web Service, I can't use write.xlsx from the xlsx package.
Similar functions such as write_xlsx do not have the append function that allows me to export the dataframes in the existing file without overwriting it. Which function could be a substitute for write.xlsx? Thanks in advance! (Sorry for not providing any reproducible example, I didn't come up with any for this particular problem)

Getting embedded nul string while reading an excel csv

I'm trying to open an Excel CSV file within R Studio but I get this error:
Error Is this a valid CSV file? embedded nul in the string: 'C\0a\0m\0p\0a\0g\0n\0e\0_\0N\0o\0C\0a\0r\0a\0v\0a\0g\0g\0i\0o\0_\0C\0o\0s\0t\0o\0>\00'
the file is generated automatically by the Google Ads platform as Excel csv and it works normally with Excel but in order to open it on R Studio I have to convert it as .xlsx
is there a way to bypass this or to convert the file without opening it?
otherwise the script which is based upon this file needs a manual passage to convert the source file
What function are you using to open it? Check your file and see if you have other commas within a column value; this may confuse the function. Also, it is worth trying to use the "Import dataset" option in the environment window within Rstudio. Try to use the readr option and adjust your import options until you have it correct. Check the package RAdwords maybe you can extract your Google Ads information without the CSV exporting step.

Read sheet names from a xlsb file

I've been trying to read xlsb files into R.
I've tried using and readxlsb packages and they do work for reading the file but i also need to read the sheet names.
For a normal xlsx i would go gor GetSheets but it does not work for XLSB.
Any suggestion?

Importing .xls file that is saved as *.htm, *.html as it is saved on the backend

I have a requirement where I have to import an .xls file which is saved as .*htm, .*html.
How do we load this inside R in a data frame. The data is present in Sheet1 starting from Row Number 5. I have been struggling with this by trying to load it using xlsx package and readxl package. But neither of them worked, because the native format of the file is different.
I can't edit and re-save the file manually as .xlsx, as it cannot be automated.
Also to note, saved it as a .xlsx file and it works fine. But that's not what I need.
Kindly help me with this.
Try the openxlsx package and its function read.xlsx. If that doesn't work, you could programmatically rename the file as described for example here, and then open it using one of these excel packages.
Your file could be in xls format instead of xlsx, have you tried read_xls() function from readxl? Or it could also be in text format, in this case read.table() or fread() from data.tableshould work. The fact that it works after saving the file in xlsx strongly suggests that it is not formatted as an xlsx to begin with.
Hope this helps.
