Woocommerce: How to customize Pay Page "order-pay endpoint" content - wordpress

I'm using a payment gateway that sends me to the checkout payment end point of woocommerce. But woocommerce presents its content in a very simplified way and I need to add some additional information like custom text, summary of ordered products.
I'm using Elementor Pro for the checkout page, but it only allows me to customize the "Order received (thanks)" endpoint!
I've searched a lot for a solution, but I can't find how to do it!
Can anyone help me please?
Thank you!


Woocommerce Order Details Shortcode

Iam trying to create a custom thank you page for my product. After payment it has to redirect and show the Thank you for payment text with the Order details (Order Number, Product etc). I tried to use this shortcode to get the order details. But its not working
Can anyone pls help me to get the right shortcode to show the order informations on the payment confirmation page. Thank you in advance.

woocommerce payment plugin adding tax detail on checkout page

I am trying to add payment plugin to woocommerce.I am very new on woocommerce.
I followed this plugin example : https://github.com/wp-plugins/woocommerce-payment-gateway/blob/b1d2a53ea1a71aaa6eb404af1efd2148afe2b257/gateway-inspire.php
When user write credit card first 6 number I want to show tax details on checkout page.I am calling service for taking taxes. Here is my related checkout page:
I am confusing about that how can I show tax details when first 6 digits is on input.
What is true way for showing tax? I didnot find any example like this.
I am sory for bad English.
Thanks in advance.

WooCommerce add delivery date as hidden product in checkout (Third party payment gateway)

Im developing an e-commerce site with wordpress and woocommerce 2.1. Im using a third party payment gateway (Klarna Checkout) which doesn't offer the customer to specify a delivery date/time. I need to make this feature available but the problem is that the gateway only sends the order-meta from their form, which doesn't offer a date field, when the order is completed. In other words, the standard checkout fields in woocommerce won't be passed to the final order.
My idea of solution is to add a hidden free product called Time, with variations for different time spans, on the checkout page and automatically add this product(with selected variation) to the cart when a customer selects a variation. The specified time would then show as a ordered product when viewing the order in wordpress. How could i do this?
If anyone has a better idea of how to solve this problem feel free to contribute :)
Try this free plugin that adds a delivery date on the checkout page: http://wordpress.org/plugins/order-delivery-date-for-woocommerce/

Wordpress Woocommerce option plugin

I make a e-commerce website with wordpress woocommerce. my client want subscription option like this page option a link.
is it already exist simlilar with this plugin?
There are plugins out there that can provide that functionality, Woocommerce Subscriptions is one of them
WC Subscriptions makes it easy to create and manage products with recurring payments. Create a subscription product just like any other WooCommerce product, and you’re ready to start selling subscriptions.
WooCommerce doesn't have this feature in its original WooCommerce plugin, however you do have two options. You can add a custom function in your child's theme to implement and organize subscriptions, or you can add WooCommerce Subscriptions (among many other plugins, but I would recommend using WooCommerce's own plugins as they work well together).
If you need any help with either of these feel free to ask and I can help.
I would also recommend using MailChimp along with MailChimp for WooCommerce
(By MailChimp). This allows you to add all your subscribed email addresses to a campaign and send a mass email to all your customers with a newsletter, advert, updates etc. With MailChimp you also get some Analytics showing you the amount of emails that were successfully sent, how many bounced, how many were opened, how many clicked a button in the emails to take a look at your site, and how many purchased directly from your email. Which allows you to keep track of your email success!
Hope this helps!
You can use this link to create woocommerce campaign without plugin
Woocommerce Campaign List

Wp e-commerce buy only once

Is there a way to do, that users in WP E-commerce can add only one piece of the product to the cart?
I don't know how to do this, but I need it very much.
i thought that you can achieve it by using maximum purchase plugin, so can set that maximum purchase to a user
for more details look at here : http://wordpress.org/plugins/maximum-purchase-for-wp-e-commerce/
use woo E-commerce plugin and your problem will solved. For more detail visit my blog (freewebtipsforum.blogspot) and shoot me an email.
