how do you add an attachement File in PeopleSoft? - peoplesoft

I am new on ERP PeopleSoft and I want to add a file attachment to my PeopleSoft page and I don't find solution, thanks

You first need somewhere to store it, so create a table and insert at least the subrecord FILE_ATTDET_SBR.
Now you just need some code to send the file over. You can start with
AddAttachment function.
&Result = AddAttachment("record://YOUR_NEW_REC", &sysFName,"", &userFName, &InMaxSize);
This link here helps a lot:


Cannot place custom items on client hotbar/toolbar

Whenever I make a custom item, I am unable to drag it onto a hotbar. When I try to pick it up the icon turns to a question mark and will not stick to a hotkey.
For example, I made an exact copy of the Murloc Costume (id 33079) at id 50017 (which was a free slot on my DB). The original I can put on a hotbar. The custom one I cannot.
Here's a gif of the issue
Answer: if it's not in the client side DBC's, it will not work properly.
From ReynoldsCahoon on the AC Discord:
I just modified a DBC recently. I had to use a tool (I used Ladik's MPQ Editor) to extract the specific DBC I wanted to modify, and then I used WDBX to open the DBC and manipulate it. In WDBX you can output it in a variety of formats (like CSV or SQL) so you can modify the values any way you like, and then reimport (via CSV or SQL) the values back in.
I loosely followed the guide here:
I exported a DBC containing all of the Character Titles in the game. Erased all of them, and then imported a bunch of new values of my own choosing. Instead of importing that back into the MPQ I got it from, I created a new MPQ called patch-4.mpq that I placed in my client WotLK/Data/ directory, and then on the server, I placed the DBC file into the worldserver/data/dbc/ directory, replacing the original DBC.
I think this can optionally be overwritten in the database, by using the associated _dbc table to override values from the dbc files (someone correct me if this part is wrong).

How to open a record on a subgrid using easyrepro?
Hi all,
I am using dynamics365 version 9.x
Using EasyRepro I can navigate into an account via the global search and then also use the xrmBrowser.Entity.ClickSubgridAddButton("foobar"); function to create a new record of that 'foobar' type. By doing this I know I am accessing the correct subgrid on the account record.
My question is....which function would I use to simply open up the record I have created. I have tried SelectSubgridLookup but I don't think that is the function I am looking for.
From the image you can see I have created the 'bonno bonno' contact but I cannot open the record using EasyRepro. any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
Hello #darthtang - sorry for the delayed reply to your post here. From reviewing, it appears this is a feature gap and needs to be enhanced.
While not ideal, if you wanted to open the record, you could try the following instead:
This should take you to the 'Associated View' via Related Navigation. From here, you could call:
At this point, you could then switch back to perform actions on the opened Contact entity record:
Please let me know if this set of steps help you with your scenario. I've added a feature enhancement to the backlog to allow opening of a record from a subgrid on a form.

How to create a link that downloads a new file instead of opening the source file (rmarkdown)

My rmarkdown code produces a html document. This document lists out the process that needs to be followed by front line staff at month end. The process flow requires users to open xl files, update a few fields (such as report month etc) and then run macros.
I have used hyperlink to the original XL files as follows
[click to opel xl file](path/and/file names)
The above link opens the original file and the user is able to
overwrite the original file, I don’t want this to happen.
I want the hyperlink to generate a new file that would be downloaded
so that nothing happens to the original file. How to do this?
Please could you kindly help me out.
Thanks in advance
After extensive research, this can't be done using conventional rmarkdown!

Goutte / Web Scraping - How to intercept and download a file

Firstly, thanks in advance for your help here, it's really appreciated!
I've successfully managed to get Goutte to authenticate, hit a URL, change a select field and click a submit button.
The page then reloads and as it finishes loading, it downloads a file to the client.
How do I intercept this file within Goutte? I've read as much doco as I can but can't seem to find an answer. I then want to basically hit this file, traverse it and save it locally.
Depending upon the file type, I want to traverse it, or save it locally.
Thanks :-)
It is not easy to achieve this. In my situation, I open the URL where the file is (after authentication) then the server gives the file (as an object of Page), afterwards you can get the content of the page.
// $url contains the path to the file.
$page = $session->getPage();
$saved = file_put_contents($targetFilePath, $page->getContent());
In my case, I am downloading zip file. In your case, probably save it in a temporary location, detect the type then move it to any desired directory.
Hope this helps.

How to add more information to first html page sent by meteor server

Is there anyway we can add data like in php echo "something" in the first html page. I want to know the server's timestamp to format a document created time like 2 hours ago, the document already has a property createdTime. When I use Meteor.Collection.find, I cannot add the server time by using transform.
I can use Meteor.method but I may have to format time before the result arrives.
Thank you.
Well, after digging around the code, here is the answer.
You can use the global variable __meteor_runtime_config__ to add more information to the first downloaded html file. In my case, in a server side javascript file, I add = new Date().getTime() and this value will be available on the client side
the __meteor_runtime_config__ approach is run-once; that is, only changes made at package load time (not Meteor.startup()) are taken into account, and then the __meteor_runtime_config__ snippet is frozen.
To pass run-time (per-page) metadata to the page, it looks like the only option is to set a custom tag on the <html> element using the (public, but undocumented) WebApp.addHtmlAttributeHook API.
