Quanteda dfm_weight() results in relative frequency > 1 - r

I'm using Quanteda and trying to compute the relative frequencies of specific words in a corpus which is organized by date and party. However, after converting the corpus to a dfm and using dfm_weight(dfmat, scheme = "prop") followed by textstat_frequency, I get scores of bigger than 1.
Here is my code (I also stem and clean my tokens, not here in the code):
corp <- corpus(title_df, text_field = "text", meta = list(title_df[,-4]))
toks <- tokens(corp)
dfmat <- dfm(toks, verbose=TRUE)
dfm_rel_freq <- dfm_weight(dfmat, scheme = "prop")
rel_freq_all <- quanteda.textstats::textstat_frequency(dfm_rel_freq, groups = year)
# arrange by max frequency:
rel_freq_all %>% arrange(frequency) %>% tail()
81093 pension 5.802529 1 117 2004
40971 pension 6.117154 1 97 1998
148372 peopl 6.430454 1 220 2014
65747 pension 6.721089 1 138 2002
53303 pension 7.871011 1 153 2000
74391 pension 8.153381 1 156 2003
6 rows

This is the expected behaviour: quanteda.textstats::textstat_frequency(x, groups = year) will sum the dfm within the year groups. So your proportions from the dfm are being summed, and these can exceed 1.0.
If you wanted a different operation on the groups, for instance mean, then you should not use a groups argument, and then use some dplyr operations such as
quanteda.textstats::textstat_frequency(dfm_rel_freq) %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarize(mean_rel_freq = mean(frequency))


Generating repeated measures dataset

I'm looking to generate a dataset in R for a repeated measures model and I'm not sure where to start.
The outcome of interest is continuous between 0-100. This is for a two arm trial (say groups "a" and "b"), with 309 participants in each arm. Each participant is assessed at baseline, then fortnightly for one year (27 total assessments). There will be loss to followup and withdrawals over the year (~30% after one year), and participants may miss individual assessments at random.
For now, I am assuming the standard deviation is the same at each timepoint, and for both arms (11). The mean will change over time. I'm working on the assumption each participant's score is correlated with their baseline measurement.
How can I generate this dataset? I'm intending to compare repeated measures regression methods.
I think the following fulfils your requirements. It works by taking the cumulative sum of samples from a normal distribution over 27 weeks and converting these into a logistic scale between 0 and 100 (so that the maximum / minimum scores are never breached). It uses replicate to do this for 309 participants. It then simulates 30% drop outs by choosing random participants and a random week, following which their measurements are all NA. It also adds in some random missing weeks for the rest of the participants. The result is pivoted into long format to allow for easier analysis.
# Generate correlated scores for 309 people over 27 visits
df <- setNames(cbind(data.frame(ID = 1:309, t(replicate(309, {
x <- cumsum(rnorm(27, 0.05, 0.1))
round(100 * exp(x)/(1 + exp(x)))
})))), c('ID', paste0('Visit_', 1:27)))
# Model dropouts at 30% rate
dropout <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 309, TRUE, prob = c(0.7, 0.3))
df[cbind(which(!dropout), sample(2:28, sum(!dropout), TRUE))] <- NA
df <- as.data.frame(t(apply(df, 1, function(x) ifelse(is.na(cumsum(x)), NA,x))))
# Add random missing visits
df[cbind(sample(309, 100, TRUE), sample(2:28, 100, TRUE))] <- NA
df <- pivot_longer(df, -ID, names_to = 'Week', values_to = 'Score') %>%
mutate(Week = 2 * (as.numeric(gsub('\\D+', '', Week)) - 1))
Our data frame now looks like this:
#> # A tibble: 6 x 3
#> ID Week Score
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 0 50
#> 2 1 2 51
#> 3 1 4 51
#> 4 1 6 56
#> 5 1 8 58
#> 6 1 10 57
And we can see the scores drift upward over time (since we set a small positive mu on our rnorm when creating the scores.
lm(Score ~ Week, data = df)
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = Score ~ Week, data = df)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept) Week
#> 52.2392 0.5102
We can plot and see the overall shape of the scores and their spread:
ggplot(df, aes(Week, Score, group = ID)) + geom_line(alpha = 0.1)
Created on 2023-01-31 with reprex v2.0.2

Obtaining Percentage for Date Observations

I am very new to R and am struggling with this concept. I have a data frame that looks like this:
enter image description here
I have used summary(FoodFacilityInspections$DateRecent) to get the observations for each "date" listed. I have 3932 observations, though, and wanted to get a summary of:
Dates with the most observations and the percentage for that
Percentage of observations for the Date Recent category
I have tried:
> count(FoodFacilityInspections$DateRecent) Error in UseMethod("count")
> : no applicable method for 'count' applied to an object of class
> "factor"
Using built in data as you did not provide example data
dtcars <- data.table(mtcars, keep.rownames = TRUE)
dtcars[, .("count"=.N, "percent"=.N/dtcars[, .N]*100),
You can use the table function to find out which date occurs the most. Then you can loop through each item in the table (date in your case) and divide it by the total number of rows like this (also using the mtcars dataset):
percent <- c()
for (i in 1:length(table(mtcars$cyl))){
percent[i] <- table(mtcars$cyl)[i]/nrow(mtcars) * 100
output <- cbind(table(mtcars$cyl), percent)
4 11 34.375
6 7 21.875
8 14 43.750
A one-liner using table and proportions in within.
within(as.data.frame.table(with(mtcars, table(cyl))), Pc <- proportions(Freq)*100)
# cyl Freq Pc
# 1 4 11 34.375
# 2 6 7 21.875
# 3 8 14 43.750
An updated solution with total, percent and cumulative percent table based on your data.
"DateRecent"=c("7/23/2021", "7/8/2021","5/25/2021","5/19/2021","5/20/2021","5/13/2021","5/17/2021","5/18/2021","5/18/2021"),
"Facility_Type_Description"=c("Retail Food Stores", "Retail Food Stores","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment","Food Service Establishment"),
"Opening_Date"=c("6/27/1988","6/29/1988","10/20/2009","2/28/1989","10/20/2009","10/20/2009","10/20/2009","10/20/2009", "10/20/2009"))
tab <- function(dataset, var){
dataset %>%
group_by({{var}}) %>%
summarise(n=n()) %>%
mutate(total = cumsum(n),
percent = n / sum(n) * 100,
cumulativepercent = cumsum(n / sum(n) * 100))
tab(data, Facility_Type_Description)
Facility_Type_Description n total percent cumulativepercent
<chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Food Service Establishment 7 7 77.8 77.8
2 Retail Food Stores 2 9 22.2 100

Hos can I add a column porcentaje based on other column in my data frame?

I would like to create a column in my data frame that gives the percentage of each category. The total (100%) would be the summary of the column Score.
My data looks like
Client Score
<chr> <int>
1 RP 125
2 DM 30
Client Score %
<chr> <int>
1 RP 125 80.6
2 DM 30 19.3
Note special character in column names is not good.
df %>%
mutate(`%` = round(Score/sum(Score, na.rm = TRUE)*100, 1))
Client Score %
1 RP 125 80.6
2 DM 30 19.4
Probably the best way is to use dplyr. I recreated your data below and used the mutate function to create a new column on the dataframe.
#Creation of data
Client <- c("RP","DM")
Score <- c(125,30)
DF <- data.frame(Client,Score)
#install.packages("dplyr") #Remove first # and install if library doesn't load
library(dplyr) #If this doesn't run, install library using code above.
#Shows new column
DF %>%
mutate("%" = round((Score/sum(Score))*100,1))
#Overwrites dataframe with new column added
DF %>%
mutate("%" = round((Score/sum(Score))*100,1)) -> DF
Using base R functions the same goal can be achieved.
X <- round((DF$Score/sum(DF$Score))*100,1) #Creation of percentage
DF$"%" <- X #Storage of X as % to dataframe
DF #Check to see it exists
In base R, may use proportions
df[["%"]] <- round(proportions(df$Score) * 100, 1)
> df
Client Score %
1 RP 125 80.6
2 DM 30 19.4

Quanteda changing rel freq of a term over time

I have a corpus of news articles with date and time of publication as 'docvars'.
readtext object consisting of 6 documents and 8 docvars.
# Description: df[,10] [6 × 10]
doc_id text year month day hour minute second title source
* <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <chr>
1 2014_01_01_10_51_00… "\"新华网伦敦1… 2014 1 1 10 51 0 docid报告称若不减… RMWenv
2 2014_01_01_11_06_00… "\"新华网北京1… 2014 1 1 11 6 0 docid盘点2013… RMWenv
3 2014_01_02_08_08_00… "\"原标题:报告… 2014 1 2 8 8 0 docid报告称若不减… RMWenv
4 2014_01_03_08_42_00… "\"地球可能毁灭… 2014 1 3 8 42 0 docid地球可能毁灭… RMWenv
5 2014_01_03_08_44_00… "\"北美鼠兔看起… 2014 1 3 8 44 0 docid北美鼠兔为应… RMWenv
6 2014_01_06_10_30_00… "\"欣克力C点核… 2014 1 6 10 30 0 docid英国欲建50… RMWenv
I would like to measure the changing relative frequency that a particular term - e.g 'development' - occurs in these articles (either as a proportion of the total terms in the article / or as a proportion of the total terms in all the articles published in a particular day / month). I know that I can count the number of times the term occurs in all the articles in a month, using:
dfm(corp, select = "term", groups = "month")
and that I can get the relative frequency of the word to the total words in the document using:
dfm_weight(dfm, scheme = "prop")
But how do I combine these together to get the frequency of a specific term relative to the total number of words on a particular day or in a particular month?
What I would like to be able to do is measure the change in the amount of times a term is used over time, but accounting for the fact that the total number of words used is also changing. Thanks for any help!
#DaveArmstrong gives a good answer here and I upvoted it, but can add a bit of efficiency using some of the newest quanteda syntax, which is a bit simpler.
The key here is preserving the date format created by zoo::yearmon(), since the dfm grouping coerce that to a character. So we pack it into a docvar, which is preserved by the grouping, and then retrieve it in the ggplot() call.
## Package version: 2.1.1
## create corpus and dfm
corp <- corpus(m, text_field = "body_text")
corp$date <- m$first_publication_date %>%
D <- dfm(corp, remove = stopwords("english")) %>%
dfm_group(groups = "date") %>%
dfm_weight(scheme = "prop")
convert(D[, "wonderfully"], to = "data.frame") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = D$date, y = wonderfully, group = 1)) +
geom_line() +
labs(x = "Date", y = "Wonderfully/Total # Words")
I suspect someone will come up with a better solution within quanteda, but in the event they don't, you could always extract the word from the dfm and put it in a dataset along with the date and then make the graph. In the code below, I'm using some music reviews I scraped from the Guardian's website. I've commented out the functions that read in the data from an .rda file from Dropbox. You're welcomed to use it if you like - it's clean, but I don't want to inadvertently have someone download a file from the web they're not aware of.
# f <- file("https://www.dropbox.com/s/kl2cnd63s32wsxs/music.rda?raw=1")
# load(f)
## create corpus and dfm
corp <- corpus(as.character(m$body_text))
docvars(corp, "date") <- m$first_publication_date
D <- dfm(corp, remove=stopwords("english"))
## take word frequencies "wonderfully" in the dfm
## along with the date
tmp <- tibble(
word = as.matrix(D)[,"wonderfully"],
date = docvars(corp)$date,
## calculate the total number of words in each document
total = rowSums(D)
tmp <- tmp %>%
## turn date into year-month
mutate(yearmon =zoo::as.yearmon(date)) %>%
## group by year-month
group_by(yearmon) %>%
## calculate the sum of the instances of "wonderfully"
## divided by the sum of the total words across all
## documents in the month
summarise(prop = sum(word)/sum(total))
## make a plot.
ggplot(tmp, aes(x=yearmon, y=prop)) +
geom_line() +
labs(x= "Date", y="Wonderfully/Total # Words")

programatically create new variables which are sums of nested series of other variables

I have data giving me the percentage of people in some groups who have various levels of educational attainment:
df <- data_frame(group = c("A", "B"),
no.highschool = c(20, 10),
high.school = c(70,40),
college = c(10, 40),
graduate = c(0,10))
# A tibble: 2 x 5
group no.highschool high.school college graduate
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 A 20. 70. 10. 0.
2 B 10. 40. 40. 10.
E.g., in group A 70% of people have a high school education.
I want to generate 4 variables that give me the proportion of people in each group with less than each of the 4 levels of education (e.g., lessthan_no.highschool, lessthan_high.school, etc.).
desired df would be:
desired.df <- data.frame(group = c("A", "B"),
no.highschool = c(20, 10),
high.school = c(70,40),
college = c(10, 40),
graduate = c(0,10),
lessthan_no.highschool = c(0,0),
lessthan_high.school = c(20, 10),
lessthan_college = c(90, 50),
lessthan_graduate = c(100, 90))
In my actual data I have many groups and a lot more levels of education. Of course I could do this one variable at a time, but how could I do this programatically (and elegantly) using tidyverse tools?
I would start by doing something like a mutate_at() inside of a map(), but where I get tripped up is that the list of variables being summed is different for each of the new variables. You could pass in the list of new variables and their corresponding variables to be summed as two lists to a pmap(), but it's not obvious how to generate that second list concisely. Wondering if there's some kind of nesting solution...
Here is a base R solution. Though the question asks for a tidyverse one, considering the dialog in the comments to the question I have decided to post it.
It uses apply and cumsum to do the hard work. Then there are some cosmetic concerns before cbinding into the final result.
tmp <- apply(df[-1], 1, function(x){
s <- cumsum(x)
100*c(0, s[-length(s)])/sum(x)
rownames(tmp) <- paste("lessthan", names(df)[-1], sep = "_")
desired.df <- cbind(df, t(tmp))
# group no.highschool high.school college graduate lessthan_no.highschool
#1 A 20 70 10 0 0
#2 B 10 40 40 10 0
# lessthan_high.school lessthan_college lessthan_graduate
#1 20 90 100
#2 10 50 90
how could I do this programatically (and elegantly) using tidyverse tools?
Definitely the first step is to tidy your data. Encoding information (like edu level) in column names is not tidy. When you convert education to a factor, make sure the levels are in the correct order - I used the order in which they appeared in the original data column names.
tidy_result = df %>% gather(key = "education", value = "n", -group) %>%
mutate(education = factor(education, levels = names(df)[-1])) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(lessthan_x = lag(cumsum(n), default = 0) / sum(n) * 100) %>%
arrange(group, education)
# # A tibble: 8 x 4
# # Groups: group [2]
# group education n lessthan_x
# <chr> <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 A no.highschool 20 0
# 2 A high.school 70 20
# 3 A college 10 90
# 4 A graduate 0 100
# 5 B no.highschool 10 0
# 6 B high.school 40 10
# 7 B college 40 50
# 8 B graduate 10 90
This gives us a nice, tidy result. If you want to spread/cast this data into your un-tidy desired.df format, I would recommend using data.table::dcast, as (to my knowledge) the tidyverse does not offer a nice way to spread multiple columns. See Spreading multiple columns with tidyr or How can I spread repeated measures of multiple variables into wide format? for the data.table solution or an inelegant tidyr/dplyr version. Before spreading, you could create a key less_than_x_key = paste("lessthan", education, sep = "_").
