Form Assembly Formulas - formula

I'm simply wondering if there is a way to separate data by a comma only when more than one option is selected?
For example, instead of ABC it would look like A, B, and C. I've worked with support but they haven't provided much information. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.


How can I extract all the data from the Cancer Types Summary Page on CBioPortal at once?

I would really like to take the data that would normally be seen by hovering over each column at once. The graph is an interactive one so its hard to extract all the data at once. I would really like it.
I suggest that you pick a programming language that you know fairly well.
Then load the web pages, use a selector to select the desired elements, and output the data in the format you like.
Please begin writing the code, and update your question when you have something working at least partially, so you can ask precisely where you need help

Best component to show three columns

I am struggling myself thinking about which component to use in my new app.
The first screen I am using Collection View with big images. Once the user touches one cell, it goes to the second screen ... and here is the problem.
I have three columns, similar to a dictionary with first language, second and third. The user will be able to choose which column he wants to search, and according to his criteria it will show the result that matches. I am not sure how to implement this, which component gives the best experience to the user. Any idea is more than welcome. Thank you in advance. Alex
If your data is several rows each with 3 columns, I would recommend customizing a UITableView. I followed this tutorial when I was trying to set up something similar.
The Table View will also give you efficiency if you have a lot of data, and you can build the custom table cells in the interface builder so that makes life a little easier.

Blackberry data binding?

I think I already know the answer, but does BB (5.0 or earlier) have any support data binding to fields?
For example, if I have a vector of items, could I bind that to a list (or some field) that will get auto-updated when new data is placed into the vector?
I'm thinking that is something I'd have to write with the ListFieldCallback or it's equivalent in other fields.
You could implement this using a homemade observer. ( You could use a custom vector which was aware of the observer if you wanted to. I've done this before and it works.
Unfortunatelly such funcionality is not available right out of the box.
As a starting point to ListField implementaion on BB, take a look at Simple ListField example by peter_strange.

Good way to allow people to select a lot of things?

I'm using jQuery, ASP.NET, SQL Server, and the other usual suspects to design a company CRM. After they put in contact info, notes, dates, places and so forth they have to be able to select many different people to be "CC'ed." A group of people will be required to be one either "CC'ed" or "ToDo." The rest of the people can be nothing or "CC" or "ToDo." Currently we have it set up as a huge databind to templates with radio buttons for each option. Looks like shit. Anyone have any suggestions? I'd like to use a template with a datasource and have a good way to retrieve their answers and use them.
I'm leaning jQuery direction but like I said I'll need there to be up to 3 possible options for the people. This is going to be all opinion so I'm just looking for options.
Just to re-clarify, this concept is similar to email but I don't want them to have to type anything in as it is a set group of names that they're allowed to select from.
Looking for quick simple and pretty. somewhere in the range of 120 names.
If you intend to look down the jQuery route, I suggest that this widget could possibly help you out (even if only for inspiration sakes).
I'm struggling to "visualize" your form for terms of "real-estate expendature" etc.
Not directly what you are looking for, but this plugin may help
Typing with intellisense. Sorry - any graphical thing will look overloaded.
Or: A table with filter options on top (again, typing). THere simply is no other way.
What I would most likely do to achieve this is implement the auto filter pattern that you type in a text box a few letters of the name and then it would filter down all of the overall results to those containing that pattern. Then have a select all button that will let you check all of them, and then the user can manually uncheck a few instead of having to check all.
The other thing to do would be to offer some type of categorization of the data so that they could filter by category that would put people in probable groups that would want all them all together. Like IT, HR, Executive or something similar.

How do I make a tag cloud in ASP.NET?

I'm venturing into web programming for the first time and would like a nice way to display a frequency indicator of some data, in the form of a tag cloud.
For example, pretend I have some simple data of three types of pets: Dog, Cat, Monkey.
There are 5 Dogs, 27 Cats and 101 Monkeys.
Given this data, what's the best way to make a tag cloud to visually indicate that I have way too many monkeys, not as many cats, and that I definitely need obtain a few more dogs?
Update: It would be great if the solution was actually discussed and answered on stackoverflow. Linking externally is good to help support the answer, but leaving the links as an answer is not necessarily what stackoverflow is about. Anyone can google to find what has been linked. The hope is that stackoverflow will be the place to find the answer. This is just a request to help make stackoverflow better. :)
I don't believe this is the answer you're looking for, but there is a Cloud Control for ASP.NET available at CodeProject:
It's looks fairly easy to use.
Edit: I should probably credit my source. The link above was found on the following web page:
This page contains some additional general information related to building a Tag Cloud. Best of luck!
You need to first decide your metric (i.e. what you want to measure, in this case number of pets per type), and second how you map that metric onto a set of classes. These classes are equivalent to the styles you attach to the tags.
A quite simple mapping would be x[i] / sum(x) giving a ratio between 0 and 1. Define subranges on the range [0, 1], for example 4 ranges from 0..0.25, 0.25..0.50 and so on. Find the index of the subrange (0,1,2,3) and assign the tag a CSS class "tagX".
There are many approaches and techniques...
Clustering Algorithms for Tag Clouds
Design Tips for Building Tag Clouds
I hope this would help.
