Explicit Register Variables in Ada - ada

C allows you to create explicit register variables which force the compiler to store the variable in a specific register (not just any General Purpose Register):
register int *p2 asm ("r1") = t1;
Is there an equivalent in Ada?

This can be done with machine code insertions as described in section 13.8 of the Ada Language Reference Manual.


STM32F4 UART half word addressing

Trying to roll my own code for STM32F4 UART.
A peculiarity of this chip is that if you use byte addressing as the GNAT compiler does when setting a single bit, the corresponding bit in the other byte of the half word is set. The data sheet says use half word addressing. Is there a way to tell the compiler to do this? I tried
for CR1_register'Size use 16;
but this had no effect. Writing the whole 16 bit word works, but you lose the ability to set named bits.
The GNAT way to do this, as used in the AdaCore Ada Drivers Library, is to use the GNAT-only aspect Volatile_Full_Access, about which the GNAT Reference Manual says
This is similar in effect to pragma Volatile, except that any reference to the object is guaranteed to be done only with instructions that read or write all the bits of the object. Furthermore, if the object is of a composite type, then any reference to a subcomponent of the object is guaranteed to read and/or write all the bits of the object.
The intention is that this be suitable for use with memory-mapped I/O devices on some machines. Note that there are two important respects in which this is different from pragma Atomic. First a reference to a Volatile_Full_Access object is not a sequential action in the RM 9.10 sense and, therefore, does not create a synchronization point. Second, in the case of pragma Atomic, there is no guarantee that all the bits will be accessed if the reference is not to the whole object; the compiler is allowed (and generally will) access only part of the object in this case.
Their code is
-- Control register 1
type CR1_Register is record
-- Send break
SBK : Boolean := False;
end record
with Volatile_Full_Access, Size => 32,
Bit_Order => System.Low_Order_First;
for CR1_Register use record
SBK at 0 range 0 .. 0;
end record;
Portable way is to do this explicitly: read whole record, modify, then write it back. As long as it is declared Volatile a compiler will not optimize reads and writes out.
-- excerpt from my working code --
R : Control_Register_1 := Module.CR1;
R.UE := True;
Module.CR1 := R;
This is very verbose, but it does its work.

In Crystal FFI, how do I access a type in the C library?

The task I'm working on is to add support for the create_function interface to Crystal's SQLite binding: https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal-sqlite3/issues/61
To access the parameters for a user-defined function, I need to access a C-style array (that is, a pointer to contiguous instances) of the sqlite3_value type, which if I'm not mistaken requires knowing the size of the type. But as far as I have found, there is no way to declare a Crystal type as an alias for a type defined in the C library.
Because it's a pointer, no, you don't necessarily need to know its layout. For opaque pointers this pattern is common in Crystal:
type Sqlite3Context = Void*
type Sqlite3Value = Void*
fun sqlite3_create_function(
xFunc : (Sqlite3Context, Int, Sqlite3Value*) ->,

Pointer to a register on a 16 bit controller

How do you declare a pointer on a 16 bit Renesas RL78 microcontroller using IAR's EWB RL78 compiler to a register which has a 20 bit address?
static int *ptr = (int *)0xF1000;
The above does not work because pointers are 16 bit addresses.
If the register in question is an on-chip peripheral, then it is likely that your toolchain already includes a processor header with all registers declared, in which case you should use that. If for some reason you cannot or do not wish to do that, then you could at least look at that to see how it declares such registers.
In any event you should at least declare the address volatile since it is not a regular memory location and may change beyond the control and knowledge of your code as part of the normal peripheral behaviour. Moreover you should use explicit sized data types and it is unlikely that this register is signed.
#include <stdint.h>
static volatile uint16_t* ptr = (uint16_t*)0xF1000u ;
Added following clarification of target architecture:
The IAR RL78 compiler supports two data models - near and far. From the IAR compiler manual:
● The Near data model can access data in the highest 64 Kbytes of data
● The Far data model can address data in the entire 1 Mbytes of
data memory.
The near model is the default. The far model may be set using the compiler option: --data_model=far; this will globally change the pointer type to allow 20 bit addressing (pointers are 3 bytes long in this case).
Even without specifying the data model globally it is possible to override the default pointer type by explicitly specifying the pointer type using the keywords __near and __far. So in the example in the question the correct declaration would be:
static volatile uint16_t __far* ptr = (uint16_t*)0xF1000u ;
Note the position of the __far keyword is critical. Its position can be used to declare a pointer to far memory, or a pointer in far memory (or you can even declare both to and in far memory).
On an RL78, 0xF1000 in fact refers to the start of data flash rather then a register as stated in the question. Typically a pointer to a register would not be subject to alteration (which would mean it referred to a different register), so might reasonably be declared const:
static volatile uint16_t __far* const ptr = (uint16_t*)0xF1000u ;
Similarly to __far the position of const is critical to the semantics. The above prevents ptr from being modified but allows what ptr refers to to be modified. Being flash memory, this may not always be desirable or possible, so it is possible that it could reasonably be declared a const pointer to a const value.
Note that for RL78 Special Function Registers (SFR) the IAR compiler has a keyword __sfr specifically for addressing registers in the area 0xFFF00-0xFFFFF:
#pragma location=0xFFF20
__no_init volatile uint8_t __sfr PORT1; // PORT1 is located at address 0xFFF20
Alternative syntax using IAR specfic compiler extension:
__no_init volatile uint8_t __sfr PORT1 # 0xFFF20 ;

Ada Function Parameter as Access Type or Not

I am refactoring some code originally written using access types, but not yet tested. I found access types to be troublesome in Ada because they can only refer to dynamically allocated items, and referring to items defined at compile time is apparently not allowed. (This is Ada83.)
But now I come to a function like this one:
function Get_Next(stateInfo : State_Info_Access_Type) return integer;
I know that I can easily pass parameter "contents" of an access type rather than the access pointer itself, so I am considering writing this as
function Get_Next(stateInfoPtr : State_Info_Type) return integer;
where State_Info_Type is the type that State_Info_Access_Type refers to.
With this refactor, for all intents and purposes I think I'm still really passing what amounts to an implicit pointer back to the contents (using the .all) syntax).
I want to refactor and test starting with the lowest level functions, working my way up the call chains. My goal is to push the access types out of the code as I go.
Am I understanding this correctly or am I missing something?
I think original author(s), and possibly OP are missing a point, that is, how Ada parameter modes work.
To quote #T.E.D
Every Ada compiler I know of under the hood passes objects larger than fit in a machine register by reference. It is the compiler, not the details of your parameter passing mechanisim, that enforces not writing data back out of the routine.
Ada does this automatically, and leaves the parameter modes as a way of describing the flow of information (Its NOT the C style reference / value conundrum). See the useful wikibook.
What worries me is that the code you have inherited looks like the author has used the explicit access parameter type as a way of getting functions to have side effects (usually considered a bad thing in Ada - World).
My recommendation is to change your functions to:
function Get_Next(State_Info : in State_Info_Type) return Integer;
and see if the compiler tells you if you are trying to modify State_Info. If so, you may need to change your functions to procedures like this:
procedure Get_Next(State_Info : in out State_Info_Type;
Result : out Integer);
This explicitly shows the flow of information without needing to know the register size or the size of State_Info_Type.
As an aside Ada 2012 Will allow you to have functions that have in out parameters.
To quote #T.E.D,
Every Ada compiler I know of under the hood passes objects larger than fit in a machine register by reference. It is the compiler, not the details of your parameter passing mechanisim, that enforces not writing data back out of the routine.
Since this code hasn’t yet been tested, I think you are completely right to rework what looks like code written with a C mindset. But, you oughtn’t to mention pointers at all; you suggested
function Get_Next(stateInfoPtr : State_Info_Type) return integer;
but this would be better as
function Get_Next(stateInfo : State_Info_Type) return integer;
or even (IMO) as
function Get_Next(State_Info : State_Info_Type) return Integer;
to use more standard Ada styling! My editor (Emacs, but GPS can do this too) will change state_info into State_Info on the fly.
As an afterthought, you might be able to get rid of State_Info_Type_Pointer altogether. You mention .all, so I guess you’ve got
SITP : State_Info_Type_Pointer := new State_Info_Type;
... set up components
Next := Get_Next (SITP.all);
but what about
SIT : State_Info_Type;
... set up components
Next := Get_Next (SIT);
I wouldn't recommend this, but you can get pointers to variables in Ada 83 by using 'Address.
You can then use overlays (again this is all Ada83 stuff) to achieve access...
function something(int_address : Address) return integer
x : integer;
for x'address use int_address;
-- play with x as you will.

When, where and why use namespace when registering custom types for Qt

Similar questions have been raised multiple times, but I'm focussing on the namespace and pointer issues.
namespace foo {
class MyClass {
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const MyClass & myObj);
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, MyClass &myObj);
} // namespace foo
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(foo::MyClass) // #1
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(foo::MyClass*) // #2
fooMyClass.cpp (so many permutations):
qRegisterMetaType<MyClass>("MyClass"); // #3
qRegisterMetaType<MyClass*>("MyClass*"); // #4
qRegisterMetaType<MyClass>("foo::MyClass"); // #5
qRegisterMetaType<MyClass*>("foo::MyClass*"); // #6
qRegisterMetaType<foo::MyClass>("foo::MyClass"); // #7
qRegisterMetaType<foo::MyClass*>("foo::MyClass*"); // #8
qRegisterMetaType<MyClass>(); // #9
qRegisterMetaType<MyClass*>(); // #10
qRegisterMetaType<foo::MyClass>(); // #11
qRegisterMetaType<foo::MyClass*>(); // #12
// same for qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<T>();
So my question is, when and why is it required to provide the namespace and/or the pointer variant if I intend to use the custom objects for signals and slots (potentially as reference and pointer) inside as well as outside the namespace. Do I always have to fully qualify the namespace?
I'm referring to Qt5 in this answer. Qt4 doesn't go well with this use case.
Data stream operators
Data stream operators are not required for your type if you only intend to use it in signals and slots. They are required if you want to do some serialization.
Pointers, references and values
Qt considers MyClass and MyClass* two different unrelated types. You should declare, register and use them separately. Using const MyClass & argument type is compatible with MyClass in Qt meta-object system. Note that using MyClass and MyClass* meta types simultaneously in one program is unusual and can cause mistakes and confusion. You should choose one of the options and use it throughout the program. Also passing pointers to slots is not recommended because it causes unsolvable ownership problem. So I recommend to use passing by const reference (which sometimes will be converted to passing by value internally in Qt signal-slot system). If MyClass objects contain massive data, you should implement implicit data sharing using QSharedDataPointer.
Declaring a meta type
First of all, you always need to declare your meta type:
It works at compile time, so there are no limitations on how you refer to your class. The following code will work as well:
using namespace foo;
Registering a meta type
Now you need to register your classes. Theoretically, you need to specify all strings that you want to use to refer to your type, i.e.:
It doesn't matter how you refer to MyClass in the template argument. The following code will work similarly:
using namespace foo;
For example, the "MyClass" and "foo::MyClass" strings are used to identify argument types when you refer to your signals and slots like SIGNAL(signal1(MyClass)).
New signal and slot syntax
If you using new signal slot syntax with pointers to member functions, you need to do only one registration with arbitrary string argument. It seems that it is intended to make it work even without any registrations. This part of the docs instructs to only add Q_DECLARE_METATYPE, in opposite to this that requires qRegisterMetaType(). Unfortunately, now in my Qt installation it works only with direct connections. Queued connections still require at least one registration call.
Implicit registration of class without namespace
I was experimenting with some variants of registration in Qt 5.1 and found out that Qt automatically registers aliases without namespace. So if you write
, Qt will additionally automatically register "MyClass" alias. So, after executing this statement you will be able to refer to your type as MyClass and foo::MyClass. There is no information in the documentation about how Qt handles namespaces. We could assume that this behavior is intended and will not be removed in next versions but I wouldn't rely on that. The following code makes implicit registration obvious:
Qt 5.1 says:
QMetaType::registerTypedef: Binary compatibility break -- Type name 'MyClass' previously registered as typedef of 'MyClass' [1030], now registering as typedef of 'bar::MyClass' [1032].
Qt 4.8 works without error (it seems that this behavior is not yet introduced in this version).
