WooCommerce Option has disappeared - wordpress

Having a little bit of trouble with one of our Wordpress Multisites that uses WooCommerce. This issue has only just started occurring after the latest upgrade to Latest WP and latest version of WooCommerce
Woo Version = 6.4.0
Wordpress Version = 5.9.3
Note that this is not a permissions issue as we can actually add things like
to the end of the admin URL and gain access to order pages etc. So it's 100% not a user-level problem.
I have also done a bunch of suggestions which include turning off plugins to check conflicts. Still nothing. I have also deleted and reinstalled woo manually several times and still nothing.
Does anyone know if I could potentially write a piece of code that would force this to work? I know with functions.php we can hide specific menu items from the left-hand side but is there a way we could potentially force to show the woocommerce option?
Screen attached to explain where it is missing.

There is a change in the latest woocommerce version.
For the current fix, You can change menu core file 55 to '55.5' on line number: 64


WordPress doesnt work, preview view show me nothing

Unistall XAMPP
Unistall MySQL
ipconfig/flushdns, etc
This may be a plugin or theme conflict. Please attempt to disable all plugins. If the problem goes away, enable them one by one to identify the source of your troubles.
If you can install plugins, install “Health Check”. On the troubleshooting tab in Health Check, you can click the button to disable all plugins and change the theme for JUST you, while you’re still logged in, without affecting normal visitors to your site. You can then use its admin bar menu to turn on/off plugins and themes one at a time. See the wordpress handbook for troubleshooting or this article by Rank Math for more information.
I hope this helped, if not let me know and we can look into it together.

How to Prevent Cart from clearing on registration in Woocommerce?

If a user adds a product to card, then goes to account page and registers a new account, the product(s) in the cart are automatically removed. How to prevent this behavior?
Try following these debugging steps:
Fix 1. Make sure there is no “red alert” under WooCommerce / System Status
Fix 2. Click the following buttons under WooCommerce / System Status / Tools
Fix 3. Check your Theme, WooCommerce & WordPress are using updated, compatible versions
Some premium themes won’t notify you if there is an update available. You have to make sure you’re using the latest, Woo-compatible version. Check with your theme vendor, plugin developers and see if anything has been reported.
For example, you might have updated WooCommerce too soon – sometimes premium plugins/themes require a few days/weeks before they can adapt to the new changes (if major) and become 100% compatible.
Fix 4. Save (flush) your permalinks
Go to WordPress/Settings/Permalinks and click on “save”. This should flush the permalinks and give you a chance to test the cart again.
Fix 5. Check you have no spaces in your checkout end-points
Go to WooCommerce/Settings/Checkout and make sure you have no spaces in your end-points. This happened to a client a while ago and it too me ages to find out (who would think the permalinks had been changed?):
WooCommerce Checkout Endpoints
Fix 6. Properly set up your WordPress cache plugin
Cart and Checkout pages should not be cached – if your WordPress cache plugin is for some reason caching WooCommerce pages, your cart will probably show as empty. Make sure to select a WooCommerce-compatible cache plugin 🙂
Also: ask your hosting to disable or properly set up server cache
Some hosts have their own cache system and this is sometimes applied to your website by default. Create a ticket or give them a quick call to find out if they have anything like that and if they can disable that as soon as possible.
For example: WPEngine uses its own cache. This might affect your WooCommerce Cart. Please contact support so they can create a caching exception list for WooCommerce and/or ajax files
Fix 7. Disable all plugins but WooCommerce
This is a typical troubleshooting operation. Disable all plugins and see if the Cart is back functioning. If YES, reactivate one plugin at a time and test the Cart again. As soon as you find the “guilty” plugin – yay! – time to substitute that plugin or see if there is an update available!
Fix 8. Try switching to a default WordPress Theme (e.g. TwentySixteen)
This is to prove the error is not theme-related. You won’t lose any content if you switch between themes, so don’t worry. If the error goes away, then check with your theme developers and report the bug 🙂

Wordpress' Page editor changed to "Block" format, and lost theme components

Today I logged into my WordPress admin and was prompted to "Update the database," no options were given so I did. After that, my pages showed a "new" visual composer based in blocks that showed none of my theme's components, but only a text block with a series of shortcodes.
It changed the usual backend vs frontend editor that the visual composer shows and allows me to manipulate my page through rows and columns.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling plugins, the theme itself, etc. But no success so far.
Is there a way to revert to the last editor (no backups), or debug why I'm only getting shortcodes?
So as I was posting this question I logged into another one of my sites and saw an alert warning me of the automatic inclusion of "Gutenberg" (a new page editor) after version 5.0.1 of Wordpress. That was it.
According to their suggestion, I downloaded this plugin which solved my problem: https://wordpress.org/plugins/classic-editor/
Hope this helps someone!

Woocommerce - Billing / shipping address doesn't update in My Account

I'm facing a little weird problem: when I change the billing or shipping address inside My Account screen, the address seems to have changed, however after refresh the page, the old address remains there and I look at the admin and check that anything was changed.
Have you ever seen that issue before? My theme still uses Woocommerce 1.6.4 because we're working on a new theme development and we can't update WC yet.
Any helps?
This has happened to me before. The problem was the WP Super Cache Plugin. The document below on the Woocommerce website explains why this happens. The cart, my account, and checkout page need to stay dynamic since they display information specific to the current customer.
If you aren't using a caching plugin, try clearing out your browser cache. If that doesn't fix the issue, I would revert back to the basics. Updating Woocommerce would be highly recommended, but in your case, I would disable any new plugins you have added. Since you are using an old version of Woocommerce, any new plugins added could be creating a conflict. I hope that helps!

Woocommerce page numbering

I have a problem with woocommerce. I am browsing through products, which are in store, but I don't see any page numbers, there are about 400 products and no pages.
Maybe somebody has faced with similar problem? Or this is a problem with theme?
Woocommerce version: 2.1.12
Wordpress version: 3.9.1
There is likely a conflict here with your theme or another plugin. It was mentioned earlier that you've tried switching to a default theme. You might have a conflicting plugin at this point. I also highly recommend updating WooCommerce and WordPress to the latest version and try testing again. There's been a number of security fixes from both of them.
